The Professor and I (Complete)

By Linneylovesyou

569K 13.5K 2.4K

Phoebe is a dedicated college student. She dreams of becoming a writer and showing the boy who broke her hear... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Six Years Later
The Day
A letter To My Readers

Chapter 8

27.5K 735 430
By Linneylovesyou

    It was Thursday and time for creative writing. A part of me really did not want to see Mr. Kevin's face at all and another part of me longed to see it. I walked in just as he started his lecture. Everyone else had already taken their seats and I sat in my seat next to Aaron. Kevin gave me a confused glance but I avoided his eyes. He continued on with his lecture. 

   As the lecture ended I packed up my things quickly and was the first person out of that classroom. I noticed as Mr. Kevin's eyes followed me. He was confused and he probably had every right to be. I just could not face him right now. 


    I avoided all of Aaron calls and texts. I just needed some Me time right now. I put my ear plugs in and listened to some Vitamin String Quartet. I closed my eyes and I hummed to the popular tuned turned into classical sounding pieces. My phone buzzed and I looked at it, expecting to see another text from Aaron. I was very wrong. 

Mr. Douche-bag: Are You Alright? 

I should probably respond 

I'm fine.  


Mr: Douche-bag: You did not seem fine. You can tell me. 

I rolled my eyes 

No, I really can't. 

He never replied back. I waited. Nothing. I changed his name in my phone from 'Mr. Douche-bag' to the less creatively titled 'Mr. Kevin'. I tossed my phone to the foot of the bed and laid down. Pure frustration running through my body. 


   It was Friday and I decided to skip Creative writing class today. I have never skipped a class...EVER. I just could not do it today. No one would notice, right? 

My phone went off. It was a text. 

Mr. Kevin: I noticed, Phoebe. You better come to the group tonight or I will come and FIND you! 

This is weird. 


   I was getting ready for the coffee shop when my phone went off. It was a group text and Pete started it 

Pete: Any idea why the coffee place is closed? 

Me: Whaaat? No way! 

Pete: I'm standing right in front of it and it says that it's closed. 

Mr. Kevin: Well this complicates things. 

Matt: Kevin where do you even live? 

Mr. Kevin: In your mom's chest hair. 

Me: Wow...I don't 

Cynthia: LOL 

Pete: Let's just meet at your house, Kevin." 

Kevin: Fine. 2226 Winwalk Ave. DON'T BE LATE. 

Cynthia: I have always wanted to see where a teacher lives. 

Matt: Mr. Kevin, how do you feel about being molested by Cynthia. 

Cynthia: HEY! 

Kevin: Eww. 

Cynthia: HEY!!!! 

Me: This is getting good. 

Kevin: If you want snacks bring them yourselves. 

Matt: Someone is in a pissy mood. 


I put my phone down and googled the address it was like a mile from here but if I started walking I could probably get there on time. 


   After walking for what felt like forever I finally made it. The house was small and has a small white fence around it and the house had blue trim. It was cute. I knocked on the door and Kevin answered "Hi, come in." 

I walked in "Why couldn't we have just met in the classroom?" 

"Every like second Second and Fourth Friday they clean the classrooms or something like that. They are not open tonight. Make yourself at home." 

I looked around and saw nothing. No pictures on the walls or trophies from childhood teams. Nothing. 

I gathered around with the others and we began talking about our game plan. We talked about a lot of different things regarding the project. The university was not going to let just any piece about them go out into the world. It had to be amazing and writing something amazing was not easy. We actually got a couple idea down and wrote a few sentences, but then our time was up. 

Everyone left their dirty dishes around Mr. Kevin's coffee table and I was just not raised this way. I picked up th cups and plates and took them to the kitchen. This little house had no dish washer so I poured some soap onto a sponge and went to work. Kevin came into the kitchen " don't have to." 

I looked at him and smiled "You opened your home to me, I don't mind." 

He started putting food away that the college kids had helped themselves to and we did our separate work in silence. 

*Growl* uh oh. My stomach growled. I did not eat his food without asking like the others so I was kind of hungry. Shhh. Please, please be quiet. 


Mr. Kevin laughed. "Are you hungry?" 

"Um, just a little." 

"You know I'm pretty hungry, too. How about we cook some dinner?" 

Dinner sounded so nice. Who was I kidding, I was starving! 

"That sounds wonderful." 

We scanned his pantry for something to make and we pulled out all the ingredients to make Spaghetti. We boiled the noodles and browned the meat and prepared some sauce. We mixed it together and it came together perfectly. It looked beautiful. He put two plates full of pasta down on the kitchen table and filled two glasses of wine and we sat and ate. 

I took a bite "Mmm this is SO good." I ate as if I have not eaten in years. 

"Slow down." He laughed. 

His laugh was beautiful. 

I took a large sip of my wine and watched as he watched me. We both ate while our eyes were locked. It was both awkward and somehow really thrilling. I finished my wine. 

"More?" He held up the bottle. 

I handed him my glass "Please." 

He filled it and handed it back to me and I began to drink from it. 

We finished our plates and I looked at him as if asking what happens next. 

"Wanna watch a movie?" 

I nodded. I had not watched a movie in ages. Living in a dorm without a TV, I never got to. I picked up my wine and grabbed the wine bottle. I followed him to the living room where he had a while rack of DVD's. 

"Pick one." 

I scanned the rack and my eyes immediately stopped when they saw 'Die Hard'. I LOVED this movie. I picked it up and handed it to him "This one." 

He looked at it "Seriously?" 


He shook his head "No, I love this movie. I just did not expect you to pick it." 

He popped it in and we sat on the couch with our wine and watched the movie. 

By the end of the movie we had finished off 2 bottles of wine. I was feeling fuzzy and I stood up to but kind of tipped a little bit. Kevin wrapped his arm's around me to steady me "You can't walk home like this and I can't drive you, you will have to stay here. Come on." 

He led me to his room and helped me lay down on his bed "Go to sleep, Phoebe." He brushed the hair out of my face. 

"Why do you hate Aaron?" 

It just came out. I don't know why I asked it, but I was kind of glad I did. 


"Why do you hate Aaron?" I slurred. 

He touched my face gently "Because he has you." 

He got up and left the room closing the door behind him. I tried to keep my eyes open but I just couldn't. I fell asleep on Kevin's bed. 


   The next morning I woke up and my head was pounding. I looked around wondered where the hell I was. Kevin walked into the room "How are you feeling?" 

"Umm...I'm alright." It all came flooding back to me now. The dinner, the wine, the movie....and him telling me he hated Aaron because Aaron has me. No...I must have imaged that part in my drunken state. 

"I have some Advil in the bedside drawer and here's a water bottle." He handed me the bottle of cold water and I took it. I nodded my head in appreciation. I took the pills and drank half the bottle of water. 

He sat on the edge of the bed "I will take you home soon. You can have a shower and have some breakfast if you would like." 

"Thank You." 

He smiled "No problem." 

"Where did you sleep last night?" 

He paused "On the couch." 


"I knew you might not remember much from last night and I did not want you to roll over and think I took advantage of you. I would NEVER do that." 

"I know you would never do that." 

He nodded and got up, about to leave the room. 

"But I remember everything." 

He stopped in his tracks for a second. He was probably processing what I had just said. I remember him saying what he said to me last night. I want to believe it was a drunken dream but I know he said it and I both frightened and happy. He continued out the bedroom door and leaves me alone in his bed. 


   I am now showered and decide to skip breakfast. I tie my hair into a pony tail and grab my bag. I opened the front door and attempted to walk out.

"Hey." His voice stops me. 

I turn around and look at him. 

"I know you remember what I said to you last night and I want you to know that...." 

He trails off for a second and for that split second I think he is gonna blame it on the alcohol. 

"I meant it." 

He complete the sentence and I feel like...well..I don't even know. I stay quiet. I just look at him. 

"I hate him because he has you. You are so smart and passionate. You are beautiful in every sense of the word and he does not deserve a girl as absolutely amazing as you are. You challenge me and often drive me crazy but I think about you all the time. I think about your smile and the way you seem to strongly dislike it when I mention Nicholas Sparks in class." He laughs. "You are one hell of a women and I can't get you out of my head." 

I stay quiet. This is the moment. If I want to do it. I should do it now. I drop my bag down to the floor and I practically lunge at him. My lips attacking his. It takes no time at all for him to start kissing me back. My eyes are closed and my whole body is on fire. I want him in every way I could possibly want anyone. I feel his hands on my butt and I jump, wrapping my legs around him. He pushes me up against the wall and slams the door shut. I can feel that every word that he had said to me was true. The way he is kissing me right now was as if he had thought about it for a while. We pulled away from one another so we could breathe. We looked into one another's eyes and that was just that. We were both gone. Drowning in each others and I don't believe either of us wanted to come up for air. Then I knew exactly what I wanted "I want you." 

"Are you sure?" 

I nodded "I have never been more sure" 

He began walking us to his bedroom, with me still wrapped around him. I wanted this. I wanted him. 

Authors Note: Comment and tell me what you think and vote if you liked it <3

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