Fearless [ON HOLD]

Oleh dead0aks

23.9K 233 46

[Being re-written, sorry >.<] [Some re-written parts may not be the same as the original~] Lebih Banyak

Phones and Such
Back to Nando's
Carrot Buddies and Pie
Nightmares and Irish Men
Acceptance, and POV wars
Soft beds, and SHOPPING
Confessions and Kevins
Frozen Carrots and PARTIES
DANCE BATTLES and Cuddling;D
1D Slumber Parties and Stores... What Could Go Wrong? O.O
Truth or Dare?
Cheesy :P
Adele and Beaches
Let's all go to Abella's house!
Pancakes and Hugs
Musical Jello
Wacky Walmart and Loopy Lifts
Into the FUTURE! O.O
Birthday Blues
Toys 'R Us and Tutus
'Innocent' Intruders
Helium Balloons and Radio Interviews
Under The Rock
The Date
Do You Recall?
Ice Cream!:D

Fearless (A 1D FanFic)

2.2K 24 7
Oleh dead0aks

"Abella... You might want to come down here" I could feel my stomach drop a bit, wh-

No, wait, if I start here I'd have to explain a lot later... I've never been good at telling stories...

Okay, so it's obvious I should just start from the beginning, so let's get this story started.


I think it was one year back? Yes, it was, so let's go back to that time, and all the confusion should be cleared up.

So, here goes nothing.

**Cliche time reversal**

I walked around my room singing loudly, my speakers blaring at a reasonable volume.

At midnight.

This is where the explanation comes in.

I love singing, and music. I'd love to share my love with other people but there was just one thing.

I had stage fright.

Horrible stage fright.

And I hated it. Like that person that thinks everyone loves, but you actually hate them.

And it scared the hell out of me when I was singing quietly to myself and someone said to me, "You sing pretty." or "You have a nice voice."

Honestly. It was horrible.

That's why I was singing, at midnight. To my liking: alone.

"We don't even care about the table breaking, we only wanna have a laugh."

I honestly didn't know the name of the song. I didn't even know who it was by, but I knew the artist's name had a 'One' somewhere in there. I just liked that one line because it seemed like the singer doesn't have a care in the word and was generally happy.


I think there's something missing somewhere in this story...

Oh wait, about me. Shoot.

Well as you can tell, my name is Abella

With my straight dark-brown hair usually falling in front of my boring brown eyes, I wasn't a pretty girl in the hallway. I mean, there were girls with honey-blond hair and highlighter-blue eyes.

No exaggeration intended.

I was just one of those girls that sunk to the bottom in the looks category. I was that girl with glasses, always looking at her shoes and stuttering.

But in the smarts category, I was a one of the ice cubes in a pool of rocks.

I stood out.

I was in top ten, nominated for the honors society, and in student council. I was nominated. Not inducted. I didn't have enough social activities.

My personality was a little, odd, I guess you could say. I was quiet and shy when you first met me, but when I get comfortable I will rant about anything and everything until you stop me.

Don't underestimate me.

Oh, age: Sixteen. Sadly. I act a little older and younger at times.

Well, enough about me.

I sat on the edge of my bed, sighing. I started to think.

I wasn't good enough to get onto X-Factor. I auditioned of X-Factor. Yes. You read right. I sucked up my shy-ness and stupidity and auditioned online. I was just waiting for my letter.

I cleared my head, I tend to over think anything and everything.

I climbed into bed and flipped off my light trying to stop thinking negatively.


I woke up the next morning and smiled at my calendar.

Four words:

Last day of school.

I jumped out of bed, literally, and ran to my drawers, picking out some clothes to go shower.

**epic shower montage**

I walked over to my closet and looking at my assortment of colorful clothing finally settling with my batman shirt and some jeans, I didn't dress up much. I slipped on my laced sneakers and saw that I look just a bit better if I found my leather bracelet. I looked around, seeing it and tying it around my wrist, and looked in the mirror.

Good enough.

I smiled and walked out my door, turning right back around.


I unplugged it an snapped on my case. I stuck it in my back pocket. Stopping myself again, knowing me I'd forget something, so I went through a check list.

I looked around out of habit and nodded. I climbed into my mum's car muttering "Let's get this over with"

**A boring school day later, sigh**

I collapsed on my bed, thinking about my day. I colored, all day long. Yes, I colored. Color or read, you really think I was going to read, even though I should've... I could've gotten through more of that book I've been clawing through for about a week or two.

My best friend, Amber, and I squealed when our teacher said we could color, earning us some looks from the jocks, even though we saw their eyes light up a bit.

Trying to act cool.

I took my phone out from my back pocket and checked the time, an hour until work. I pulled out my bed-drawers and took out my laptop. I typed in my password and thought for a moment, checking a few e-mails before logging onto Wattpad.




I responded to a few fans, fanned a few people back. Added some stories to my reading list, and moved some around.

That's how I spend my hour. Wattpad. Honestly this freaking website gets you hooked.

I looked at the time and saw I had about ten minutes, and it usually takes five minutes to drive there, better to be late than early. I walked out of my room and called out for my mum.

"You know" She started, "You should really get your license"

I sighed, we'd had this talk numerous times before, and we both knew why I hadn't attempted to get my license.

She stayed quiet as we walked to the car.

**A boring work day later**

(Wow my life is actually pretty boring... But don't worry, it picks up soon~)

"Mum, just drop me off at Nando's." I sighed, smoothing my hair down and looking out the window, "I'll walk home don't worry, I need some fresh air." My mum nodded and pulled over. I thanked her getting out and walking into the restaurant, where I spend way too much time. I breathe in deeply, food.

I walked over to the counter slowly, dragging my feet. I wasn't going to bother anyone, the resteraunt was empty.

I heard some growling.




I turned my head slowly, expecting something more obsurd than a blonde guy glaring at another guy, a growl sounding from his mouth..

I stopped walking, looking at the small group, all male.

Eventually everyone's head turns to me, even the boy looking at his phone.

All of them tensed when they looked at me.

I heard one of them whisper to another, "Why isn't she squealing? Or- oh what do they call it?"


"Yeah that"

My eyebrows raised and my eyes widened a bit, I hated attention. I waved stupidly, without thinking. I subconiously reached for my hair, its not messed up, or I don't think it is.

A boy smirked slightly, but then cleared his throat in-audibly and returned to his state of shock.

I slowly inched over to the counter, "J-Jeff?" I ask, my eyes still on them. I wasn't good with new people.

Jeff came out of the kitchen wiping his hands on a stained towel.

Once he was standing next to me I whispered "W-Why are they staring at me?" Jeff chuckled slightly, knowing about my problem and saying "You don't know who they are?" I shook my head, muttering "Never seen them"

"These people are One Direction"

The group of boys flinched slightly as I frowned slightly.

The name sounded slightly familiar, but I couldn't pinpoint it.

"I still don't know who they are..." I shook my head slightly, adding "And I need dinner..."

Jeff ignored my first remark and whispered back "Follow me" He walked into the kitchen and pulled a tray out of the oven. (no, it wasn't on) I smiled brightly and took the tray sighing, "Thank you, I've been waiting all day for this food. Seems like this day can have an upside"

I walked out of the kitchen and sat at my usual spot, a booth in the corner.

I couldn't eat.

They we're still looking at me.

...I could just move to the other side of the booth, up against the wall.

I stood, and thought for a second.

No. I don't have to move for them.

I walked to their table and slammed my hands down on the table.

I put on a fake smile.

"May I help you?" I asked sarcastically.

One boy with a light brown quiff cut off another with a curly quiff.

"Why aren't you fangirling?"

"Fangirling?" I repeated, looking around the table. They all noded in at the same time.

I made a mental note to pray for the special kind in our world.

"What am I suppossed to be doing? Specifics are requested in the intended answer." I asked, or stated I guess you could say, they all glanced at each other then directed their attention back to me.

Still needed to pray.

"Well, when you figure it out in those" I pulled at one boy's hair softly, "pretty little heads of yours" I stood straight and smoothed out my sweater, looking at each one in the eye (which was something I never did) for a split second each, "Come tell me"

I turned and sat back down at my table -in the corner on the opposite side as last time-, and started on my food. I heard them whispering loudly. I heard one of them eating loudly also.

Do they really think that since they can't see me I can't hear them?

"She thinks we're pretty?"

"C'mon, most people do..."


"Shut up"

"Niall, calm down you're gonna-"

Then I hear choking.

I looked over to their table and saw the blonde one choking.

Are you kidding me?

I shook my head to myself and stood, pushing my sweater sleeves up, "The idiots never learn, do they?" I muttered loudly enough for everyone to hear while I walked to the red-face boy.

"Stand up" I said, opening my arms, standing behind his chair.

He stood quickly and stood infront of me.

I did the hymlick-thing on him.


I let go of the blonde and glared at the rest of the group.

"Either your instincts suck, or none of you ever payed attention in health class."

They didn't say a word.

"I'm going with both" I mumbled.

"Damn rich people" I muttered loudly, pulling my sweater sleeves back down and straightening the fabric.

"Now, if I can enjoy my night in peace, I'm going back to my table."

I turned sharply on my heel, before I was hugged from behind. I looked at the arms wrapped around me, it was the choking guy.

Oh yeah, I forgot about him.

I awkwardly patted his hands, "First: Don't touch me. Second:-" I turned back to him and unwrapped his arms from me, and looking at his eyes.

"Are you okay?"

He nodded quickly, smiling brightly.

I nodded and smiled back slightly, fixing his shirt sleeve.

I turned back to my table, I just wanted to eat my food, damn, was that so much to ask for?

I sat down, waiting for more whispers to start up, but when I heard silence, I started on my food.

"Hey, girl in the corner!"

I sighed, throwing my napkin onto the table, "What the hell is it now? And I have a name", I pushed my plate to the other side of the table.

"That's what I was gonna ask for!"

I poked my head out and around the booth's seat, "Why do you need to know?"

"So we don't have to refer to you as 'that girl'"

I sat back and leaned against the wall, "Why would you need to refer to me period?"

"...Just tell me your name?"


The curly haired one walked to my booth silently and leaned against the side, "Will you tell me?"

I smirked at his stupid accusation, "No."

He gave me a soft glare, sliding into the booth with me and placing his hand oh my knee softly, "C'mon babe, just tell me your name?" He tried to pout.

I rolled my eyes and brushed his hand off my leg, standing on the booth's seat and jumping to the other.

I looked him in the eye, "No. And don't call me 'babe'. I'm not your 'babe' or anyone else's. Nor will I be."

I took my plate and walked to the kitchen, cleaning it off and placing it in the dirty dishes, "Hey Jeff?" I called out, "Do you want me to do the dishes?"

Jeff came out of the back room, "No, I'll do it later, go back to the guys, I like where this is going"

I rolled my eyes, "You're enjoying this aren't you? And are you sure? There's not that many dishes, and it's seven o'clock. I don't have a life. I don't mind."

He looked at the sink and into the back room, "...Will you? You won't have to pay for today and next time's half off...?"

I smirked, "I wasn't gonna pay anyway" I laughed a little, turning to walk back into the area with the tables (I don't know what it's called okay?) with the dish-tub-bucket-thing. (...Or that...)

"I need your dishes, who ever's done" I said, walking over to the table of dishes, but no boys. I looked up to my booth, seeing them all sitting.

I sighed.

I picked up all the plates and stacked them into the tub-bucket-thing. I walked over to my booth slowly and saw one of them pick up my backpack with wide eyes.

I walked quicker and snatched it out of his hands, "No."

I slid one strap over my shoulder quickly and walked back into the kitchen, dumping the dishes into the sink. "Jeff, you're gonna have to wait on your show, and what is wrong with them? They're creeping me out."

"Nothing is wrong with them, unless you consider being a world-known boy-band a bad thing."

I continued scrubbing a plate and looked at the closed door, "They're a band?"

Jeff came out of the back room wiping his hands on a towel, this time stained black, "Yeah, what? Did you think 'One Direction' was a gang name or something?"

I shrugged and noticed I was cleaning these dishes unhealthily fast, "It didn't click... C'mon you know these things don't work well in my head!"

Jeff chuckled quietly and nodded, "I know, I know, just saying"

I placed the last dish on the drying wrack and grabbed a towel from the hook, "Well then, Jeff, get your popcorn, I have a feeling this will be interesting." I threw the towel at him and walked out.

I fixed my backpack on my shoulders appropriatley, walking to my booth, stopping infront of it.

The group of boys stop talking and look at me, and I speak up, "Move."

One boy smiles, the one on the edge, scooting over, and patting the leather. "C'mon"

I sighed deeply and sat down, crossing my arms, "What do you want?"

I heard for 'Your name's and one 'Your number'. Everyone slapped the one with the curly hair, so I guessed it was him.

I rolled my eyes, "Why do you need my name at all?"

The one I was sitting next to (he had shorter hair than the rest, it was obvious he cut it and it was just growing back) smiled at me.

"I'm sorry for our persistance, if it makes you feel better, I'm Liam"

He pointed to the curly one, "He's Harry"

The curly-idiot winked. Not gonna happen dude.

He pointed to another boy with light brown hair, "He's Louis"

Louis waved smally, I think I might like this one.

I smiled at him, as Liam introduced the blonde, "He's Niall"

Niall was the hungry one. I liked him.

He pointed to the last one, "And he's Zayn"

I nodded, turning to Liam, "Thank you. I take you're the mature one in the group, and you're the cool one" I linked my arm in his, "I like you"

He smiled at me, "Now if you wouldn't mind, you're name please?"

I nodded, turning to the whole table, "Abella"

Niall almost jumped out of the booth, "I told you! I told you it was something with an 'A'!" He pointed at Harry.

Harry sighed, "You said 'Abigail'. Not 'something with an 'A''"

Niall sighed and pouted slightly, "Close enough"

I stood slowly, "I think I'll be leaving now"

Liam latched onto my arm, "No, wait"

I gave him an odd look, "Why? I need to go home and do nothing"

Harry spoke up, "You'd rather be home doing nothing? You don't like me

I looked him in the eye, "No" He gave me a look, narrowing his eyes.

I offered him a fake smile, walking back to the kitchen and waiting for a minute.

Why did I want to go back out there and keep talking to them?

I shrugged and walked back out to the booth, taking my spot saying, "I have no idea why I did that"

I leaned back and listened to their conversation, not particularly paying attention.

"What about you Abella?"

I looked up quickly at my name, "Huh?"

Liam smiled again, it seemed he was always smiling, "You ready to go?"

I shrugged, standing, "Why not, I'll just go home and cherish my wifi"

Someone laughed quietly, "Let's pay and then go home, I'm tired"

"No one listenes to the idiot 'til it happens" I muttered, walking to the register.

"I'll ring them up Jeff, just keep doing what you're doing" I said, taking Louis' money, "Is this for all of you guys together?"

Louis nodded quietly, looking at his hands. I looked up from sorting out the money, "Y'know, you seem like the person who's really out spoken. Not a quiet-keep-to-yourself kind of guy"

I closed the cash register, handing him his change and receipt, "What's wrong? Do I scare you?" I smiled at him.

Louis looked up and smiled at me, "No, just... I don't know how to explain"

I nodded and walked out from behind the counter, "Well, if I don't scare you now, you're in for a real suprise later"

I tapped his chest and walked over to Harry, who was facing Liam, who was facing me. (in other words, his back was to me)

I hugged him. (today was weird, I usually don't talk to people and hug them, or anything)

It was obvious I suprised him, he tensed, "I was kidding. I love you. But not like that."

I released him and walked away, walking into the back room to say good-bye to Jeff. I walked in, "I'm heading off, I'll probably be back tomorrow to bother you until you give me food"

Jeff sighed and laughed a bit, "Of course, and if you bother me I can just kick you out, I don't have to give you food"

I waved him off, "That's what they all say"

When I walked out to the entrance-area-thing I linked arms with Louis, making him flinch slightly.

I smiled at him, "Yep, I knew it. I scare you"

He shook his head.

Louis awkwardly cleared his throat, "D-Do you n-need a ride?" I smiled at him, "No thanks, it's fine, I don't live far"

He nodded, "Do you want o-one of us t-to walk you?"

I shook my head, "No, I'm a big girl. And I don't want to keep you guys anyway"

He shook his head, "Exactly, you're a girl. There are weird people in London."

"I know, I just met five of them"

"No, I'm walking you home, where do you live?"

"I'm a big girl Louis, I'll be fine"

"Nope, I'm walking you home"

"I don't need you to know where I live, I don't want a stalker yet"

"Nope" He tugged my arm closer, "I'm going to walk you home."

Harry suddenly came into the picture, "Would you rather come to my place babe?" He linked his arm in mine.

I sighed, he didn't understand did he? I looked over to him, "Again, do you not get the message? Don't call me 'babe' and, no, I wouldn't"

Louis came back into the conversation, "Well, those are your choices, I walk you home, or have Harry take you to our flat and harass you."

I sighed, "Or I can walk home myself, like I've been protesting for"

"Awe, cute, she thinks that's a choice" Harry cooed, tapping my nose softly. I shook my head, hitting his hand. "No."

"I'm walking home," I turned to Louis, "alone"

I did a small jump, unlinking my arms from theirs and running out as I turned the corner.

Louis ran after me, throwing me over his shoulder, "I told you I was walking you home" He said.

I sighed, "Okay, okay. Just put me down." He nodded, setting me down on my feet, but linking my arm in his tightly.

"Now where are we going?" He asked, looking straight ahead. I looked up at him, "Just follow me, you don't need a specific address. You'll give it to that 'Harry' lad"

He laughed quietly, "No I won't, and I'm sorry about him, I don't know what his priority was"

I nodded, "It's fine, I'll just hit him with a brick if he tries anything else" Louis laughed again, "I'll keep that in mind"

We turned the corner again, there was probably only one block until my street.

"If you call someone to come pick you up" I started, "Walk away from my house first, so they don't know where I live except you"

Louis nodded, "I'm not that mean, I'll probably call Liam, he's the nice one"

"I didn't say you were mean, and c'mon," I nudged him slightly, "you're nice too, you walked me home. Against my protests." I nudged him harder.

He pushed my elbow out of his rib-cage, "First: Ow. Second: I didn't want anything to happen, is it bad to be pre-cautious? and third: I could've been a bitch and left you to get raped in an alley. Be happy"

I rolled my eyes, "I would've been fine with the bitchy-Louis" I muttered.

Just as we turned another corner, I tripped on a rock and hit the pavement.

Instead of jumping back up and brushing it off, I blacked out.

Just my luck.


Gosh that's long >.>

And it's longer this time. <.<

I hated the way I wrote this the first time, and now that it's summer (I have no life >//>), I can re-write it. ^^

Oh, and this time things may be a little differently, but not major, so don't worry.

This time, things will be past tense, because I have an idea for the ending and make it an epic-twist but I'm still not sure. Either way it's past tense this time.

This time you'll get to see more of Abella's point of view and thoughts, hence the italics.

I know I used italics a lot, it adds emphasis, don't ask.

This time it will cuss, so if you don't like it leave before I find you and shove a cactus up your-

No I have to be nice.

Sab- Bitty: If you're reading this, I'm pretty sure you got the 'Do I scare you?' reference xD lol and the 'Damn rich people' x3

inside thing don't ask

I'm still weird ol' me ^-^ but this time I know more songs, so Abella won't be singing old songs, I have a library of two hundred songs, so I think I have a good variety xD


THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE DIFFERENT. And I'm excited to write it xD

So, yeah... I'm just gonna go start re-writing the next chapter now... >.>

Tell me what you think of the re-write ^^

I love you, bye now~

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