Aizawa x OC

By Shaylemae12

903K 22.8K 26.5K

This is all about Aizawa from My Hero Academia, I don't think there are nearly enough stories about him so he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter eight
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Ch 18 *lemon*
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Thanks for reading

Chapter six

35.4K 1K 738
By Shaylemae12

Yui Pov:

I felt a aching, pulsing pain throughout my body but I could tell instantly that drugs were in my system to keep the pain bearable. I let out a soft groan as I peaked my eye open only to see a familiar form at the end of my bed

"Finally your awake, you had me and your parents worried" Toshinori said and I smiled faintly

"Looks like we both failed to keep our promises from dinner" I said lightly and he narrowed his electric blue eyes at me

"Yui if you had been hit even a centimeter more to the right you would have been paralyzed. It's incredible that your spine wasn't seriously damaged" He said and I nodded

"All the more reason to smile, it could have been worse" I said, weakly pushing myself back so I was leaned up on my pillows more

"How are you doing?" I asked as he walked around the bed to help me lean up more comfortably

"I lessened the time I can stay in my hero state.. But other than that it was minor injuries" He said and I smiled, leaning up to hug him around the torso just as he bent over to move my pillows

"Thank goodness" I murmured realizing only my right hand was able to wrap around his slim torso. I looked down only to find my left arm was bandaged up and being held in a sling strapped around my neck

"So what do the doctors say about my recovery?" I asked, leaning back and looking over my arms wincing in pain as I twisted to the side

"Well both of your arms were shattered, your shoulder blade and a few ribs were broken and your heart was nearly punctured by bone" He said tiredly and I nodded

"So I should be fine?" I asked and he nodded

"As angry as I am at you for getting between me and a villain.. You saved me and Midoriya by putting yourself there and for that I'm grateful.. I just wish you didn't have to, I am getting weaker by the day and I'm seeing my worst fears come to life when I can't protect people important to me" He said, slumping back into the chair at my bedside

"Well, what is the next generation for? I mean you and father trained me to be the best hero I can physically be so I could take over when you got old. Maybe it's just time for you to surrender your reign as the symbol of peace and leave it up for the next generation" I said and immediately his hands balled into fists

"I figured as much, your not done yet.. But just know" I said reaching my hand out to get him to look up at me

"When you do come around to hanging up you cape, you played a part in the next generations success." I said and he smiled

"Thanks Yui" He said and I grinned. I was about to say something but my eyes widened when images of Aizawa flashed before my eyes.

"Aizawa! How is Aizawa?!" I asked quickly, throwing the blankets off of me and ignoring my body screaming at me to stop moving as I swung my legs over the edge to face Toshinori

"Huh? Oh, both of his arms were shattered as well and he's got facial fracturing. No brain damage but they won't know the extent of the damage done to his eyes until he's awake" He said and my eyes widened. I quickly pulled the iv from my arm and got to my feet only to have Toshinori stand to loom over me, showing his full height as he looked down at me

"Where do you think your going?" He asked sternly

"I want to see him for myself.." I said just as the door opened revealing a nurse

"Ah it's good to see you awake Ms. Kurokawa.. But you shouldn't be out of bed" She said but I smiled

"I'm not big on staying still, is it okay if I just walk around a bit?" I asked  and she looked thoughtfully at me

"No I suppose not, seeing as most of your injuries are from the waist up.. But there was damage done to your left hip so if you feel any pain or get the feeling something is wrong while walking call for a doctor immediately" She said and I nodded thankfully

"Also what room is Shota Aizawa in? He's my colleague" I said and she smiled

"I can show you to his room, but he's not awake" She said and I nodded, slipping my feet into a pair of white slippers they provided as I walked forward, ignoring every ounce of pain as I did so. She led me only a few doors down and opened it for me revealing a room matching my own. He was laying on his back, eyes closed with bandages wrapped around his face and arms matching the bandages on my left arm.

"He should be fine, although his medical information lists no contacts. As a colleague do you know if he lives with anyone who can help him in day to day life once he is released?" She asked, and I glanced to Toshinori who looked just as clueless as I felt

"I'm not sure.. But if he doesn't have anyone I can help him out.. If he wants" I added quietly looking down at him again

"Alright then, I guess I will save that for when he wakes up" She said, jotting something down on a chart before leaving the room.  I reached out to the side table that had his scarf on it, it was ripped up and covered in blood.

"How much resistance are you going to put up if I leave" I asked and Toshinori straightened up slightly

"What?" he asked

"I want to go to the campus, to see recovery girl and the development studio" I said looking up into his electric blue eyes

"Is it safe to say that you are adamant about this?" He asked and I nodded, grabbing Aizawa's scarf and looking around for the rest of his costume

"I guess I will just come along then.. I'd rather have you with me then by yourself" He said and I smiled, making my way towards the door. I opened it slowly, testing how much I could move my right arm as I did so

"Hey Toshinori" I said thoughtfully, looking down at my bandaged arm and thinking back to how I injured it, using Midoriya quirk

"Hm?" He questioned as he opened my door for my room and led me inside

"You and Midoriya's quirks are very much alike" I said casually,  looking up at him only to see a straight face

"I guess so" He said and I raised an eyebrow

"Don't play dumb, I used your quirk the other day in our mock battle and yours and his feel exactly the same.. What's going on? Can you pass quirks onto others or something?" I asked and his eyes widened slightly

"So that's it.. How?" I asked setting Aizawa's bag on the table next to my bed and looking up at Toshinori who let out a long sigh

"I trust that you won't tell anyone because you haven't spilled my other secret so far.. my quirk, One for All, was passed onto me by another and I am the eighth holder of this power" he explained and I pouted out my lip at the news

"Why'd you give it to Midoriya and not me?" I asked and he scratched the back of his head

"Actually, I almost gave it to you a few years ago.. but I was so unsure about everything at the time" he said lamley and I stuck out my bottom lip further

"You are powerful enough without an extra quirk, plus becoming the next symbol of peace would fall onto your shoulders in which case you would have to deal with the media" he said and I smiled

"I guess you're right, not really cut out to be the center of attention.. I will be part of the backup squad as you teach Midoriya" I said lightly

"You accepted all that a lot easier than I thought.." he said and I hummed as I walked over to the chair that had a pair of jeans and a shirt on it

"I had my suspicions already.. I mean, the moment I saw that boys quirk when he took down that robot and how much attention you gave him.. it wasn't hard to put two and two together.. and with some of the quirks people have its not that far fetched for someone to have a quirk that can be passed down" I explained

"Did my parents bring these?" I asked holding up the clothes with my right arm

"Yeah, they were here for hours waiting for u to wake up but they ended up having to get back on duty, they want you to call though." He said and I nodded, walking over to the bathroom to struggle into my outfit

"You would think that they would realize jeans are a bad choice for someone just coming out of the hospital" I muttered, wriggling myself into them with one weak arm to pull them up. There was a laugh at the other side of the door and I felt relief at the sound

"I thought that as well but your mother said you had taken all your lounge clothes with you when you moved" he explained and I smiled as I swung the strap for my sling back around my neck

"I guess she has a point" I said, opening the door

"Okay let's go" I said, scooping up the bag of Aizawa's gear in my arm and walking to the door alongside Toshinori. After he helped me sign out we made our way to the campus, it wasn't worth the effort of getting on a bus or train with the distance between the two places so I suckd it up and kept my smile in place as we walked. Once we got there I made a beeline for the development studio and was thankful to hear voices on the other side

"I'm going to wait out here" Toshinori said and I nodded as I walked in. There were two people in there and I recognized one of them immediately

"I'm surprised to see you on your feet" Power loader said looking up at the sound of the door opening

"Me too" I murmured half heartedly, earning a small smile from the man

"I'm assuming you're here for costume repair?" He said walking over to me and motioning towards the bag in my arms

"Yeah.. well actually I don't need mine right now but do you think you could fix Aizawa's gear before he wakes up?" I asked letting him take the bag from me, immediately handing it to the girl behind him that was wearing goggles and a bright grin

"Oh sorry, this is one of the students here Mei Hatsume" He said and I nodded to her

"Nice to meet you" I offered as she pulled out the contents of the bag

"Wow do you not carry any weapons?" She asked as she pulled out my costume and I nodded

"Never really needed them, but that being said I would kind of like some alterations made.. If you don't mind" I said and she got a wide grin

"Nothing too showy though" I said quickly, her smile quickly turning into a bored look

"What do you need?" Power loader asked, looking over Aizawa's scarf

"For one it's a bit too tight and constraining in some areas.. Also I would like a simple belt to hold a few tools.. Nothing too big because that would mess up my movements" I said and he nodded

"I know exactly what to do.. Do you need any weapons?" He asked and I laughed lightly as I shook my head

"No I don't think so.. But I did just get my ass handed to me so I defer to you" I said and he nodded

"And for Aizawa I'm sure he wants nothing changed" He said and I nodded

"You said before he wakes up right? How much time does that give us?" He asked and I shrugged

"Not sure but I just woke up about an hour ago so I can't imagine it will be too much longer.. I have to go up to recovery girl.. I'm kinda hoping she will heal me up a bit more than they did in the hospital" I said, looking down at my arm

"Understood.. His costume is simple enough the only difficult part will be his scarf.. But it still shouldn't take long, especially with Meis help" He said and I bowed my head thankfully

"Your the best Power Loader" I said and he nodded before turning his back to me with Aizawa's gear in hand. I walked back outside and smiled to Toshinori, giving him a thumbs up

"Power loader should have it done soon" I said, starting to make my way to recovery girls office

"You know you don't have to tag along.. I know you probably have better things to do then baby sit me" I said glancing over to him only to see a smile on his hollow face

"Not really, there are no classes to prep for and I can't do hero work in my state" He said and I smiled

"Plus I don't mind keeping you company, I do owe you for saving my butt back there" He said, sliding the door open for me

"You saved me first" I said as I walked past him and he smiled

"Ahh seems you are just as stubborn as All Might about bed rest" She said and I smiled

"I have too many things to do.. I was wondering if you could heal my arm up a bit more" I asked as she walked over to me and motioned for me to sit on the bed

"It's probably not the best idea.. You have already put your body through a lot of trauma.. Its best to let your body heal itself and I can possibly start helping out in about a week or two" She said and I puffed out my cheek

"Pleaseee.. I promise I can handle it.. I just need my arm out of the sling nothing more" I said and she narrowed her already small eyes at me

"What's more important than your health?" She asked and I felt my cheeks heat up slightly

"She wants to be the one to help Aizawa out" Toshinori said, in between his coughs that brought blood to his lips

"I see" Recovery girl muttered a small smile twitching at her lips

"Gosh and I keep your secrets so easily" I murmured a little bit betrayed as I glared over at the skinny man

"Oh sorry, was that a secret?" He asked and I rolled my eyes

"Not to worry, I keep Toshinoris secrets too.. Aizawa hmm he's definitely an interesting fellow. I don't think I have ever seen him in a romantic relationship" She said and I nodded

"Yeah I know.. Oh well.. Either way I want to be able to help him out. He has two shattered arms" I said and she rolled her eyes

"You do too" She said looking at my other arm closely

"Well yeah.. But not as bad" I said and she smiled

"Fine I'll help you have to let me check up on you again in a few days and if I find that you have been overusing your arms then I will not hesitate to rebandage it" She said and I nodded my head fast

"Deal" I said, watching as she kissed my right arm. I felt a significant amount of pain fade away with her touch and I let out an involuntary sigh of relief

"Better?" Toshinori asked and I nodded my head slowly

"Jeez sometimes you don't realize how much something hurt until it's gone" I whispered more to myself as recovery girl worked on removing the thick bandages. Once she got it off I watched as she wrapped thinner bandages around my arm. I felt a wave of fatigue wash over me but I simply let out a sigh and kept my eyes open, looking up at the bright lights to keep myself awake.

"That's it for you, try not to over do it and under no circumstances do you use your quirk alright? Your body might be able to completely heal but if you strain yourself you may injure yourself to a point where you can't be healed" She said and I nodded, getting to my feet

"Thank you so much recovery girl" I said bowing my head slightly. I made my way to the door, walking out into the hallway before looking back realizing Toshinori wasn't with me. I was about to go back into the room but he strode out, closing the door behind himself

"What was that?" I asked curiously as I made my way back to the development studio

"She just told me to keep an eye on you" He said and I nodded

"While you wait for Aizawa's gear why don't I go pick up Muffin for you?" He offered and I smiled widely, turning to face him

"Would you really do that?" I asked and he smiled

"Of course" He said and I grinned, wrapping my arms around his lean form

"Thank you so much Toshinori" I said as he wrapped one arm around my head, letting his hand rest between my ears while the other he laid gently over my back

"Don't worry about it, I'm not big on sitting around and waiting anyways..and I have already done plenty of that today" He said and I nodded

"Thanks" I murmured again, pulling away to look up into his shallow dark eyes

"I will be back before you know it" He said and I smiled watching him walk away for a moment before heading back to the studio. I felt my eyes start to droop and I moved closer to the wall so I could guide myself back. As soon as I got inside I walked to the chair and sat down in it closing my eyes tight

"Back already?" Power Loaders voice rang out and I nodded, keeping my eyes shut

"Yeah.. just really tired" I murmured and I heard the sounds of a machine somewhere in the room

"Understandable why don't you take a nap.. I can wake you up when were done" He said and I nodded, leaning my head back against the wall

"Thanks" I muttered, immediately feeling the consciousness slip from me. 

I woke up when I felt something squirm in my lap but I soon fell back asleep. I opened my eyes when I felt a claw sink into my chest and I quickly looked down, seeing Muffing on her back legs, looking up at me and kneading my boobs. I laughed slightly as I picked her up and kissed the spot between her ears

"Hey fluffy stuff" I muttered over her loud purrs as I placed her back in my lap. I looked up only to find All Might leaning up against the counter looking at a pair of yellow goggles

"Oh, you done?" I asked, rubbing my eyes sleepily as I got up and walked over to the counter.

"Finishing his scarf now.." Mei said as Power Loader put the other articles of his costume in a bag

"Your costume will take a bit longer.. Unless you really need it" He said and I shook my head

"No it's not the biggest issue, I don't think I will be doing hero work for at least a few weeks and I can wear other clothes here" I said and he nodded

"Thank you so much again for doing this.. I know you guys are busy making everyone else's costumes and gear" I said as Mei walked over with the scarf in hand. She placed it in the bag before handing it to me

"Not a problem" He said simply and I smiled. All Might and I made our way from the room and he immdiatly let himself fall back into his normal form as we walked down the hall. once we made it outside we started walking back towards the hospital.

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