By Saberstaff1800

2.3K 79 17

(SEQUEL TO TEMPTATION OF DARKNESS) It is a time of uncertainty in the galaxy. As more and more systems decla... More

Familiar Frame
Bittersweet Reunion
The Castle
Back to the Light
The Merciful Master
The Ghost
The Black Eyes
The Final Purpose

The Executor

196 7 2
By Saberstaff1800

"This is our last chance, Leia. If we don't find a base soon, this Rebellion is done for." Mom Mothma spoke to the Princess aboard the Rebel Flagship, one of the few left in the fleet. Leia looked at the star map on the holodesk, a worried look in her eyes. "And you're sure...?" Mothma nodded her head, "we've checked nearly all of these systems. Pretty much all of them have the Empire looking over them.
"We can't give up now," Ackbar chimed in, there must be one we can use. There are countless uncharted systems out there in the galaxy. Besides, we have come too far to let the Rebellion die now!"

Away in a corner on the Flagship, a silver protocol droid carried out its duty, checking supply crates, keeping everything in running order. Once it checked it's last box, it left the storage room, and carried out its other purpose. It accessed a com unit at the side of the door, and transmitted the Rebel fleets coordinates to the Empire.

As the three generals argued over the holodesk in the centre of the control room, one lone Rebel Lieutenant turned to view the blackness of space, trying to shut himself out from the argument taking place. Out there there was nothing but peace, but before he could really appreciate it, a large, dagger shaped ship appeared in the distance. It took a moment for him to realise what it was.
Then, another, and another and more and more. One by the one the ships appeared until there was a full fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers facing down the enter Rebellion. The alarm started sounding followed by a red flashing light in the control room. "Get to your stations!" Yelled Leia as troops came running in. The Lieutenant however, stayed at the window.

"We've caught them off guard," the Admiral said with a grin on his face. "They'll be no escape for them this time." He walked over and stood next to Admiral Piett, who then walked forward to the windows on the bridge with the same smug grin on his face. "Tell Grand Admiral Thrawn to Prime his Super Star Destroyer, we will crush this puny fleet with no second thought."

The Rebel Lieutenant watched as the ships got closer. Then a nightmare appeared. There was a loud boom, it made him wince slightly, and with the thud, a ship bigger than he had ever seen accompanied the Star Destroyers. Still the shape of a dagger, yet three times the size of the others. His mouth dropped open, his eyes widened. "What is that..." Mothma started, too bewildered to finished the sentence. "It's a Super Star Destroyer..." Leia finished.
"You know this this ship?" Mothma asked, curious. "I've only heard rumours until now. Word was that the Empire was building a new ship, one with twice the fire power of a regular Star Destroyer, and that Grand Admiral Thrawn would be given the first one off the production line. The Executor."
"And you see fit to tell us this now?" Ackbar turned to Leia, intimidating her. "They were only rumours, no proof was given so I saw no need to bring it up," she defended.
Suddenly, two Rebel soldiers burst through the main doors to the hub. All three generals turned round to see that the two soldiers were dragging a silver protocol droid behind it. It had its eyes missing and it's arms had been pulled clean off. Wires fell from the arm sockets as it was dragged across the floor. "Senator! This droid! It sent a message to the Empire, it alerted them of our location!" Mothma approached the droid while Ackbar gave out orders to the pilots of the fleet. The droid laid still on the floor. "Call in all droids on every ship of the fleet for inspection!"
"Admiral, get us into hyperspace!" Leia shouted over. "We can't! They have Interdictor cruisers that our keeping our ships from jumping!"

"Perhaps I can help with that."

Leia had never felt such relief from a single voice. What followed comforted her even more, a roar over the com, a Wookie. Then across out from nowhere, a YT-1300 Light Freighter came flying into view, followed by a trail of X-Wings. "Senator, what should we do with this droid?" The soldier asked. Mothma looked down at, it seems to be deactivated already.
But something was off. Slowly, it's head turned towards her, it's black, soulless eye sockets sparking electricity. Then it spoke. "This is where the Rebellion dies." Suddenly, a red blaster bolt shot through its head, completely disintegrating it from the close range of the shot. After a moment in shock, she turned back to the holodesk, where Leia was overseeing the battle.
"Be careful Red 5! You have a string of TIE's on your tail!" Ackbar hoisted over the com's. "Yeah I got it," said the pilot in reply. Soon the Y-Wings joined in the battle, and the A-Wing's until the entire Rebel strike force was attempting to hold the Empire back while the Millennium Falcon Made its way to the Interdictor Cruisers amongst the ranks of the fleet. Secretly Mothma thought to herself. 'Come on Hera, we need you now.'

"Kid watch it you've got a tone of TIE's on your tale!" Han shouted as he and Chewie thundered the Falcon through the masses of Star Destroyers. The X-Wings had been caught off guard with the swarms of TIE Fighters, leaving him and Chewie to take out the Interdictors. Chewie take the wheel, I'm getting into the gunners position."
"Raaaar!" the Wookie grunted as he took the wheel, while I climbed down to the turret at the bottom of the ship, strapped in and readied the Canon. "Get us as close as you can!" The Falcon plunged down until it was only a few feet from the surface of the cruiser. Han fired, but the bolts only left a few scratches on the surface. Meanwhile, the Destroyers devastated the fleet.

Hera was in hyperspace, with the man called Axar locked in the cargo vault. She couldn't believe what he had tried to do, and now she had a bone to pick with the council. She had so much anger, so much rage built up in her, but she couldn't do anything while in hyperspace. All she could do was sit and watch the blue vortex in front of her as the Ghost whirled through it.
Nevertheless, she wondered if the Rebel fleet was still where it was, she certainly hoped so. Yet they had been stationary in the same region of space for months now. Surely The Empire had found something that gave them at least a clue to where they were hiding, but she had this feeling... not a positive one, one of unrest, as if something had gone wrong back at the fleet.
Suddenly, Chopper came bursting through the doors to the control room, buzzing and whirring. "Woah Chop, calm down! What is it?" Once he had calmed down slightly, he made a few mechanical buzzes and whirls which Hera understood perfectly, yet she didn't want to. "Wait, you mean-" suddenly the ship fell out of hyperspace, and Hera saw the unthinkable.
The Rebel fleet, a dot compared to the Imperial titans facing down on them. I saw blaster fire ripping through space, green and red. Smaller ships flew between the capitol ones, TIE's and X-Wings.

Mothma watched from the control hub, while Ackbar and Leia coordinated the fight from the holodesk. Suddenly, Han came through on the com's with the best news Mothma had heard in a long time. "We got one of the Interdictor's! The second one is too damaged to use its gravity wells! If you wanna escape, nows the time!" She saw the explosion as the Interdictor came crashing down.
"Senator, we have to go now!" I turned towards them and held my hand up. "Wait! We still have a pilot out there."
"Senator, if Hera hasn't gotten back yet then she'll have to find us the hard way. If we don't jump now then the entire fleet is doomed." And then, as if on cue, the whole Flagship shook with the impact of more fire power from the Star Destroyers.
"Come on, Hera." She narrowed her eyes at the battle field, scanning the chaos for the Ghost, until I heard her voice. "You and I are going to have a chat when this is over, Senator." Mothma sighed in relief, "Hera! Prepare for the Hyperspace jump, sending you the coordinates now." Soon after, the Destroyers faded away as the stars shot forward, and soon the fleet was travelling through hyperspace.

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