Let me Prove to You (Re-edite...

By xWinter_Angel

38.5K 392 163

Meet Kyle Crawford; he thinks a relationship is all about sex and exploring with different girls. Kyle has ne... More

Let me Prove to You
Chapter One
Chapter Two....First day of school
Chapter Three
Chapter Four...Friends Again for Now
Chapter Five...Can't Break a Promise
Chapter Six...The Romance Play Begins
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine....Opening Night
Chapter Ten...Dance Night
Chapter Eleven....Day before School
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen...Suddenly Not Feeling Well
Fan Question!!

Chapter Fourteen....Forever Starts Now

2.1K 38 38
By xWinter_Angel


I picked up some flowers and a very special picture frame with a picture of us in it. I wrapped up the picture frame and signed it...

To: Kyle

From: Your's Truly Chloe 

I love you and I hope you keep this very close to you <3 

I put on my new pink mini dress and took my car over to Kyle's apartment. I parked the car and slowly walked up to his apartment, and knocked on the door. I fixed the bottom of my dress and waited for Kyle to answer the door. When the door opened, Kyle was standing there in a tux. I smiled and hugged him, handing him the flowers and wrapped picture frame. He hugged me back and unwrapped the picture frame, smiling at me "Oh my god Chloe this is beautiful. I remember this picture, this was our second date" 

"I thought you might like this and the frame was personally made for you. The flowers I just bought to go on the center of the table for tonight" I said kissing him and setting my purse down on the ground. 

Kyle showed me what he made for dinner, and I set the flowers on the table. I also helped set the table, by putting water, cutlery and plates on the table. Then I helped Kyle cook, trying to help him as much as I could. I thought about what I wanted to do with him later tonight and I have finally made up my mind. I guess I will find out later tonight how it goes. Kyle placed the food on the table and pulled out my chair "For M'lady" 

"Aren't you sweet" I said sitting down.

He sat down and grabbed my hand, holding it. Then he smiled at me and spoke to me "I love having you here, it makes me happy" 

"I love being here" I replied trying a piece of the chicken with some rice and peppers.

"Do you like it?" he asked also trying a bite.

"It's amazing" I said taking another bite.

After we ate, and cleaned up a little. I helped cut a piece of cake for dessert. I grabbed a fork and picked up a piece of the cake, walking over to the sink with Kyle "Open wide"

He smiled at me and opened his mouth. I fed him the piece of cake and picked up another piece and fed it to myself. He smiled at me and wrapped an arm around my waist, kissing me gently. He wrapped both of his arms around my waist, lifting me up.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and let him carry me to his bedroom. He twirled around and fell onto the bed, me laying ontop of him. He kissed me lightly and turned around, now laying ontop of me. I smiled and moved my hands down to his chest, pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it onto the ground. This is what I was thinking of doing tonight, and now it was happeneing. Just as I reached for the zipper on my dress, Kyle sat up "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I want to ask you something" he said standing up and walking over to his closet. 

"What are you doing?" I asked as I watched him put his shirt back on and walk back over to me. 

"Come here for a second" he said lightly grabbing my hands and standing me up "Now close your eyes"

I took a breath and closed my eyes, standing in front of him. For a second I felt my arm being pulled down. I heard Kyle clear his throat and my arm got pulled down a little more "What are you doing?"

"Open your eyes" he said holding the little black box with the ring in his free hand and looking up at me.

I opened my eyes and raised my free hand up to my mouth, my eyes starting to fill with tears "Oh my god....Kyle"

"Chloe I love you, I love you so much. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you" he replied kneeling down again.

"Kyle..." I said crying.

"Chloe" he calmly said my name before finishing the question 

                                                              "Will you marry me?"

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