Childhood Bestfriends with Ho...

By smile024

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Isabel Marant is childhood best friends with Aaron Fox. He just happens to be the hottest movie star since B... More

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Childhood Bestfriends part2
Childhood Besfriends with Hollywoods Golden Boy part3
Childhood Bestfriends with Hollywood's Golden Boypart4
Childhood Bestfriends with Hollwood's Golden Boypart5
Childhood Bestfriends with Hollywood's Golden Boypart6
Childhood Bestfriends with Hollywood's Golden Boy Part7
childhood Bestfriends with Hollywoods Golden Boypart8
Childhood Bestfriends with Hollywoods Golden Boypart9
Childhood Bestfriends with Hollywoods Golden Boypart10
Copyright statement.
Childhood Bestfirends with Hollywoods Golden Boypart12
Childhood Bestfriends with Hollywoods Golden boypart13
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Childhood Bestfriends with Hollywood's Golden Boychapter17
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Childhood Bestfriends with Hollywood's Golden Boypart 33
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Childhood Bestfriends with Hollywood's Goldenboypart35
CHBFWHGB Chapter 36 (Part 1)

Childhood Bestfriends with Hollywood's GoldenBoy part34

347K 3.7K 915
By smile024


Chapter 34

Ari’s pov 

(I know you guys have wanted this for a while – it was kind of a spur of the moment thing to me to write, just felt it was time I guess. Hope it lives up to expectations: D)

After I wrenched open Chases front door, I watched Ella slam the car door behind her as it sat waiting for her on the driveway.

I was aware that I was stumbling forwards, about to run to the car, but Marissa held her hand up in the illuminated interior of the car in silent warning, her face cut so hard she could have been made of granite. Silently, she mouthed, ‘GO AWAY’

Then I saw the dim outline of Ella’s shoulders shaking next to her as she cried.

I felt my lungs tighten in pain like an iron fist was holding them.

All I wanted to do was hold her, to wipe her tears. I needed time to explain how sorry I was- how it was all a sick, twisted PR stunt my old agent had cooked up, dragging me along with his plans whether I wanted to or not. I hadn’t known I would return and everything would be so different with Ella. At the time I didn’t think whom I faked a relationship with in front of cameras for a week mattered, because it wasn’t real.

It was fake, like so much of my job is.

But, when I’d gotten back and first seen her, standing outside her living room window, ready to attack with that freaking spoon, looking so perfect with her wide warm smile when she was me…. I just knew it was the right time. That I probably couldn’t have stopped myself from revealing, somehow, to her all the feelings that I’d kept neatly folded away for years, trying not to slip up … not to let my kiss linger when I kissed her forehead or cheek, Not to let my gaze wander to her long legs, to only murmur that I loved her when I knew she was so lost in sleep she couldn’t hear me.

But I wanted to tell her now that I loved her, that we were anything but a mistake.

Having Ella in my life; as my friend and my Love, I can’t risk losing that.

I took a step forward, only to see Marissa glare at me as she hit the car into reverse and quickly drove out of the driveway, disappearing into the darkness of the main road.

“ ELLA! ELLA! ELLA!” I heard a strangled voice call, slowly realising it was I.

She couldn’t just stop loving me so quickly, right?

She just couldn’t.

She couldn’t just write all our history off as a mistake.

We were perfect for eachother , the short time we’d been together since I’d gotten back had made it so blindingly obvious to me.

Over and over in my mind I saw was the pure pain and betrayal that were etched on her face as she recited her parting words. Everything had seemed so perfect, but then I’d let it all slip through my fingers.

I felt my chest tighten and my breath quicken as I considered that I might have blown up my relationship with Ella.

All I could hear was her voice; ‘ I can’t believe I trusted you. This – whatever we were or whatever was happening between us – it’s over.’





I blinked out of my daze to Chase’s words. “ Dude, you need to get up so we can sort this shit storm out” I heard chase’s voice beside me and I realised I had somehow sat down on the floor, my arms restring askew on my bent knees.

“ I’ve really f#cked up, chase.” I told him, as he crouched beside me looking uncharacteristically worried.

“ Yeah, you have.” was all he said before he grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to my feet, putting his hands on my shoulders “ But I’m pretty sure we can fix it.”

I felt myself suck in dry humid air that made me feel sick, “ Didn’t you hear what she said?  She doesn’t want to see me anymore. She doesn’t even trust me – hell, she wouldn’t even look at me.”

“ I was there.” Chase said quietly. “ Man, She couldn’t look at you because you looked like you were about to crack. So did she.”

I let out an exasperated shaky breath, “ I can’t lose her.” I told him. “ I can’t.”

“Ok. I know, dude. Look, let’s sit down and think about this… Give her a call and maybe-” Chase began

Then I heard her voice, “ Well, that’s what you get for lying to everyone, Aaron. Karmas a b#itch.” I heard her sneer in her disgustingly saccharine sweet voice. I turned to see Taylor standing just behind us with her arms crossed, with not even a glint of shame in her eyes. 

I felt my hands ball into fists, and I wished for a split second she were a guy so I could hit her. “ What the hell is wrong with you? You knew! Your agent was the one who came up with the idea! You fucking knew it was a lie and you knew I called it off your sick little lie as soon as I got home.” I saw Taylor flinch at the ice in my tone, but I just couldn’t stop, “ Do you even know what you’ve done? Do you even care? Probably not because it’s not about handbags and how much God damn column inches you get a week in the press – this is something real. That beautiful girl who just ran away from me is the girl I’m in love with. Always have been. Not you.” I took a step forward so I stood over her, “ This isn’t a fucking game. You should really leave before I decide to”- but I was stopped from finishing my sentence by a the sound of another voice.

“Too late” I heard Rachel come up behind Taylor and heard the whiplash crack of Rachel’s hand smacking Taylor across the face. “ Get the fuck out of this party, bitch.” Rachel said with more venom than I’d ever heard her speak with.

Taylor gasped and clutched her red cheek, “ I’m calling my lawyers. You’re going to be sorry.” She warned us, glaring at Rachel who stood with her arms crossed.

“ I’ve got the best lawyer in LA on retainer. Just try it and I think I can get quite a few witnesses to talk to the press about that little underage drunken weed scandal you had last month at my brothers party – which would really ruin your squeaky clean pop princess image, right?” she asked calmly.

I felt a slight smile twitch on my face – I’d heard about that party. Rachel’s brother had jokingly taken some pretty incriminating photos.

Chase Whistled appreciatively.

Taylor gasped like she’d been shot and started walking backwards towards the tacky white Ferrari she’s driven in. “ we’ll see.” was all she said snarkily, before she got in, slamming her door behind her and quickly revved the engine as she reversed speedily out of the lot.

“ Thanks, Rach.”  I said to her as she slumped, the adrenaline rushing out of her.

“ She deserved it.” she said, her voice taking on it’s normal quiet quality, “ Is Ella already gone?” she asked, looking around the driveway.

“ Yeah. She got a lift from her friend Marissa” I told her, feeling the familiar feeling of nausea roll over me as I thought about the outline of Ellas shaking shoulders as she sat in Marisa’s Range Rover.

“ I’m sorry – but I think it will work out, you guys seem so perfect for each other, She’s even cooler than you said, I’m sure she’ll understand. ” Rach said, patting my arm.

I let myself be soothed by Rachel’s kind words, “ She’s only so hurt because she really loves you. Everyone could see that.”

Chase nodded, “ Yeah Dude, what Rach said. You guys were like extreme puppy love.”  He was silent for a second, and I knew he was reading my face. I don’t know what he saw but he seemed to sober up.

“ Let me just tell everyone to leave and then we can sit in my living room and come up with a plan.” Chase said, his usually relaxed surfer vibe melting away, “ We can’t let psycho Barbie get away with this, dude.”

I nodded my thanks as I heard his front door open as he walked back into the house. The music switch off and the faint hubbub of voices.

Rach and I stood on the darkened driveway in silence as I took out my phone and text Ella : 

I’m so sorry, please call me.

I need to talk to you, I love you. A

I waited a second before I punched in Ella’s number that I know off by heart.

The phone’s nasally tone went straight to voice mail, with Ellas cheery voicetelling me she couldn’t come to the phone because she was buys doing “ amazing magical mayhem”. I let the message play until the beep so I could hear her voice sounding so happy. My gut clenched, what if she never talks to me in that voice again?

What if she never smiles at me again in the way I love?

What if she never forgives me? My breath felt like it was being squeezed from my lungs at the thought.

Then I scrolled down my contacts till I found the right number, hitting the call button I waited as the nasally trilling sound of the ring sounded through the phone.

My left hand twitched with nerves and I felt so nauseous I could barely stand as the phone finally picked up.

“ Hi, this is Aaron Fox.  I know it’s late and I just signed the last part of the contract, but I need your help.”


Hey guys, sorry this has taken me so long. I thought you should get something a bit different, seeing as you’ve all patiently waited through my terrible mind block. Thank you again for all you’re supportive comments – you’re all amazing! Writings still kind of slow but it’s finally coming along: D

I hope you guys enjoy it and Ari’s voice lived up to your high expectations. I might go back and improve it in a while.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar ones. 

Wasn’t Rach’s slap a surprise??!  :D = My favourite part.

Tell me if you liked his pov- it’s my first time writing from his perspective – think I should put more in?

Smile024 :D



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