Danny's Curse| Angels and Dem...

By PinkGalaxyGirl2

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After the Issue with Ivy, Alex and Nicole. Nicole suddenly disappeared..... Meanwhile, Lucy started to realis... More

Lucy's First Boyfriend!!!
Plenty of Surprises!!!
Wolf Ears???
What is going on with me??!!
Lucy Finds Out!!!!
Trailer!! (A/N)
History Of The First Wolf!!!
Family Reunion!!
Choose one and Lose one๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ž
Cuts and Bruises๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ข
Art and Spoiler (A/n)
Secrets and Revenge!!๐Ÿ˜ˆ
The Angel's Cure
Memories Make (Part 1)
Dreams but (Part 2)
Nightmares too (Part 3)
Lucy's Last Secret (Finale)


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By PinkGalaxyGirl2

Danny's Pov

I saw everything....I saw what I did to her.....I hurt her....I didn't mean to. I no longer have control over my own body. It seems to move on its own at Midnight's command. I saw I slashed at her with my claws. Blood poured out of the now open wound. I would never ever hurt her. Why is Midnight making me through this pain and guilt??...

As soon as I saw her crying and telling me to stop please, I snapped and tried to regain control. but, by doing this, I had to go through pain just to see her.....Speak to her....To try and tell her that I'm not a monster. It was difficult to regain control from under the spell.

"L....Lucy?" I managed to say, before the potions took over.

I cant watch it.....I cant see what I do to her....But, I cant.....I was forced to watch...speak to her rudely....Hurt her.....She thinks I'm a monster....To never trust me....Never love me again......

She become pale and dripping blood. She was breathing heavily as if she was choking....Strangling to breath. Her pretty yellowish- brown eyes began to close as she fall unconscious......

Lucy's Pov

Cold.......I'm so Cold.......Where am i?

My eyes flicked open as I was greeted with darkness. I groaned and rubbing my head. I stood up and looked around...Well, at least, tried to look around. There was much but darkness. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bright light in the distance. My legs seem to work on their own as they started to move towards the light. There was golden podium with staff on it. The staff was golden. It didn't look important. My hand reached forward to hold it. As it did, A warm feeling sweep through my body, like electricity. I felt as if the staff was for me. I gently took the staff. As soon as I did, a flash surrounded me. I closed my eyes as the flash was so bright. When, I opened my eyes, I was stood in a sparkling light blue and white dress. The staff, I was now holding, was light blue with a Diamond on its top. My hair was in a braided bun, still blonde but now with light blue streaks in it. I wore a tiara, decorated with diamonds. 

I gasped....But....What?

Another flash of light appeared in front of me and there stood Mom. She smiled at me. I hugged her close and she returned it.

"M...Mom?" I whispered, close to tears. She placed a hand on my cheek.

"Shh.....Don't cry, Honey...." She comforted me

"What is this all about?" I asked

"Lucy Luna Astaad, I hand you the staff of light. Since, I'm not there, you are the new princess of angels and will take charge of the all the angels." She said

"W...What?...No, I cant..Im not good princess material to rule a kingdom" I gasped.

"You are, Lucy. You are kind, loving and most importantly, a great leader. You deserves this role." She said, softly.

"B...But, what about my family and friends?" I asked. She looked away for me. 

"I'm sorry, Lucy. But, you have to stay in the angel realm for a while until it is sorted out. After a few weeks or so, you can return to your home for as long as you want" She said. I heasited for a while.

"I cant expect the offer. I need time to think" I said. She nodded.

"Take the staff. You will need it" She replied. Suddenly, the room got brighter, engulfing the darkness slowly. Mom gasped

"Awake...I got to go, Love you Lucy" She said as she disappeared.

-Reality now-

I opened my eyes. My head throbbing...I felt sick.... I looked around to see I was still in the forest. Lending against a tree.

"Lucy, are you ok?!" Jay ran up to me.

"I...I think so..." I groaned. I looked down and realised I was in my old white dress. I was still transformed. I detransformed. I had cuts and bruises all over my body. Suddenly, I shot up..

"Where is Alyssa?!" I asked, a little panicked

"Hey.. Hey, Calm down. She is right there" Jay pointed at Alyssa, who was asleep. I sighed in relief.

"She stayed up all night to see if you would wake up. You were asleep for 4 days now" He said, sadly. 

"What?!...What about Dan, Midnight and Nicole?" I asked

"Alyssa was worried, so was I. So, We came back. Glad we did. Midnight was about to kill you while you were knocked out. Using potions and a few spells from Alyssa, we got you out of here. She currently hunting you. But, Danny with her, It wouldn't be long before she tracks you" He explained.

I rubbed my head, trying to get rid of the massive headache I had. I looked up at the sky. It was slowly turned red, yellow and Orange as the sun drifted down and the moon was slowly rising to replace it. I smiled at Alyssa as I made my way over to her. I lightly planted a kiss on her forehead. 

"I love you, Alyssa" I whispered in her ear

To Be Continued

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