Chibi Force!

By Live_Till_It_Hurts

348 31 41

Just an one-shot with some of the Swaragini and Kumkum Bhagya characters More


348 31 41
By Live_Till_It_Hurts

"Words in double quotes." - Talking

"Words in cursive." - Multiple voices.

Words in bold - The third person narrator of this fic.


Hello all! I, your friendly neighbourhood narrator, introduce you to the city of (Imagine whatever place you'd like). With all the pollution, political feuds and what not, it's rare that we get a peaceful and clean morning these days...forget the nights. Nights now can be called nightmares with all the crimes around the city.

So it's so beautiful that today morning is so mesmerizing and quiet. Maybe I can begin the work I've been thinking of writing.


Once upon a time on a peaceful morning in th-.


So much for being peaceful. 😑

If one looked down towards the zig zag alleys on the tiny lanes between the huge buildings, they would see the two little brats that ruined my concentration which had only begun. Would they leave if I throw them a stone?

Nah. These kids won't run away scared. They are brothers, cousin brothers to be specific. If one of them gets hurt...well, size doesn't matter. They will get their revenge on ya.

Don't get me wrong, I don't fear these tiny beings. It's just that I don't wanna get into unnecessary messes.


"I AM YOU DOLT!" Lucky bit back.

Laksh and Sanskar Maheshwari sure could make one to get a gun and shoot something. They were that noisy!

Sighing, I looked out of the window and watched them pass down the road.

Laksh huffed and puffed as he ran as fast as he could behind his brother. "This is *huff* this is all *huff* all your fault!"

"My fault?! How is it my my fault!?"

"If it weren't *huff* for you we *huff* we would have been able to *huff* come here half *huff* an hour ago!" he shouted at full force.

His elder brother turned back to him while continuing running. "Well, okay I admit I was late in dressing up. But I had to go do number two. It's nature's call!"


"AND WHO WAS IT THAT STOPPED AGAIN FOR FIVE MINUTES TO EAT THE CAKE, HUH?!" the elder of the two exclaimed stopping to poke his brother in the chest.




Not having anything to counter the argument, Sanky poked Laksh's stomach. "THAT'S THE REASON YOU'RE A FATSO!"

"YOU DID NOT JUST CALL ME A FATSO!" shouted Lucky in the most angry voice his five year old body could muster.

"WHAT IF I DID?!" Sanskar, two years older than him, said with his hands on his hips. "Are you gonna go cry to Sujata Masi? Crybaby!"

Laksh's face looked like a plum tomato. "Take. It. Back! Take it back I said!"


"Do it! Say sorry!"

Sanskar grinned a nasty grin, towering over his little brother with the few inches of height he had above him. "N. O... NO! NAHI. NADAAAAAA."

Lucky practically growled and stood on his tip toes hoping to match his cousin brother's height. " HAIRED LANKY SKELETON!"

Wow. That was kind of a nice retort if you ask me, don't ya think? These two were entertaining. Sanskar's shout brought my attention back to them.



"Ahahahaha... Nice one."

Ooops. They heard me. I thought I was laughing in my mind. Giving a smile towards them, I waved my hand at them. "Don't mind me. Carry on, carr-" I stopped when I noticed they had gone back to glaring at each other.

Well, now that is just insulting. I think my pride just got a bruise. Ow.

"They love me equally!"

"Noooooopety nope! They love me more! Khi khi khi!"

"That is so not true!" Sanskar retorted, pulling Lucky's hair.

In response, Lucky stomped on Sanskar's toes, making him shout out in pain.

Suddenly, they heard the town clock ding loudly at the distance, signalling it was 6 a.m. At once they looked at each other in horror.

"We're gonna be late!" they shouted in unison and began running towards the field they were heading in the first place.

Eh? What was that all about? Why are they rushing so fast?

Being a rational human being, I shouldn't bother going after these kids. After all, they might be excited about some squirrel jumping or a frog blinking vertically.

But I ain't just a rational being. I'm a writer. And what doth a writer, if not a bit crazy or adventureth?

Meh...I'm sure some great person had said so.

It's totally not my excuse to leave my room of boredom and follow the kids.

Nope. Nopety nope.

And I'm so not using my bicycle to get there before them just to feel some sort of victory for my bruised ego.

The bicycle is just convineint!

#The field#

Parking my bicycle near the biggest tree in the field, I hid and looked around. Ah! There I see them. The rest of the brats in the Chibi Gang.

Yep. That's my name for their little gang. This little kids of the age five, six and seven are the trouble makers in the town. Considering they are also the kids of some of the most influential people in the city they are easily recognized.

Two of them were there right before eyes within hearing range.

"Where are they? Can't they see it's already late!" a seven year old Abhi exclaimed looking at the watch he had in his arms...well, the drawing of a watch that he had actually.

The kid had drawn one on his wrist. Haha...used to do that myself as a kid. Must have done with a ball pen. Ink pens don't work well.

"Ugh!" Abhi smacked his wrist on his head on frustration.

Okay. That's just idiotic.

"My watch isn't moving. I think it's broken. What's the time by your watch, Agent Purab?!"

Purab, six year old, stomped his foot like a soldier and looked at Abhi. "Sir, is it an emergency to find out the time right now?!"

"Yes soldier!"

"Ai captain!" Purab turned around and shouted towards the building near the field. "Maa! Is it time for my biscuits and tea?!"

"In 20 minutes dear." came the response.

At this point, I don't know if I should laugh or hit my head somewhere.

Purab nodded and turned around. "This means it's 20 minutes till it's 6:30 a.m sir!"

"Ah intelligent Agent!" Abhi nodded and went to pat Purab on the back like he has seen elders do. However, he overdid it, making Purab fall face flat on the ground. "Falling down so easily? Bad. Very bad!"

"No Sir! I'm checking for...for mines in the soil!"

Somebody shoot me please? I think I just died and landed in land of the idiots.

"Ah! Bri...bri...brilliant!" Abhi exclaimed, falling down on his stomach as well. "I'll help you."

Yeeep. Definitely in a different world.

"We're here!"

And here comes the duo that ruined my morning.

"YOU'RE LATE CADETS!" Abhi shouted at Laksh and Sanskar.

"It's his fault!" shouted both the boys, pointing at each other.

"I don't care! All I know is that you both will now run one round around this field."


"Don't hurt my eardrums! Go run!"

Hearing the word 'run' again, Laksh's eyes widened and he collapsed on the ground.

For a moment, the rest three just stood there blinking. There faces looked so comical but so cute. I wonder if I'll have such kids with my husband in future.

The heck?!

That escalated quickly. I feel so silly and good humored that I think I'll bang my head against this tree.

Sanskar poked Laksh with his foot. "Oi! You alive? I can't carry you back home mind you."

"MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN!" shouted Purab like a army commando. He came and fell on Laksh with his elbow hitting Laksh's stomach.

Yep. That was an effort to wake him. Although I think Laksh wild have been better off waking on his own. Good thing Purab was a light kid and didn't hurt Laksh seriously. What do these parents let these kids watch nowadays?!

Laksh choked and turned to lie on his stomach with a groan.

Sanskar's eyes widened to the size of saucers.

If the situation wasn't so serious, I would have probably compared his face to that of the potato I ate yesterday. It had a whole in it. Sanskar's head, with only tiny hairs, looked similar to it.

Ahahahaha...ahem! Okay, I'm getting distracted.

Sanskar gave a shout and held his face in his hands. "AAAAA! YOU KILLED HIM! HE'S GROANING!"

"What no! I'm a savior. I saved him." Purab said with pride.

"NO! YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!" Sanskar held onto Pura and shook him vigorously.

Purab looked like he would puke from being shaken. "Ugh! I feel like I'm on a roller coaster."



"No he didn't. He just may have burst his fatty stomach! Why does he eat so much if he fears running?! Irr...irr..." Abhi tried to recall his vocabularies. "A-ha! How ir-res-pon-sible!"


On being called fat, Laksh's head filled with renewed anger. He turned around and pounced on Sanskar. "I am your not that fat! Shut up!"

"YOU'RE ALIVE!" Sankskar hugged him in return.

"AAAAA! Let go! You're choking me!"

Ever seen headless chickens running around? Yeah, me neither. But I bet they would look like these kids. Sighing to myself, I shook my head and decided to head back. I could already imagine a tasty ommelette. Yummy!

Suddenly I heard some feminine shouts.

We all looked out to find two small girls running towards us.

Wait a second.

They're running this way.

This way.




I hid behind the bush as fast as I could.

Aa! My bicycle!

But thankfully, their kiddish brains didn't pay attention to this detail.


The girls were their three friends, Bulbul, Swara and Ragini.

Abhi nodded rethorically. "Ah. Now all the gang's here." he paused for a second. "Eh no, wait! Where's Pragya?"

"THAT'S WHAT WE WANT TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT COMMANDER!" The three girls shouted in their squeaky childish voices, making the boys cringe.

"And here I thought my cat's screams were scary. He's nothing compared to them!" Purab exclaimed. "Abhi sir! We should record their voices and play them at the enemies. It would be a good weapon sir!"

"Ah! Good idea General!" Abhi tried to pat Purab again. However, this time Purab moved away, making Abhi hit Sanskar, who fell down forward with a "oomph", hitting his head on a fallen branch.

"AAAAAAA SANSKAR! YOU KILLED HIM!" shouted a five year old Ragini. "SANSKAR, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" she asked as she tried to help him up.

"Don't you worry about me princess. Your dragon prince will never be defeated! Mwhahaha!" Sanskar exclaimed hopping up, trying to sound impressive.

Although, with the big lump he had on his head because of the hit...his words weren't that effective.

"Forget all these! We must save Pragya from the evil darklord with a pointy weapon of doom!" Bulbul, six year old, exclaimed.

Wow! She sure knows a lot of tough words. No wonder she's first in her class.

"What?! What happened to her?" Abhi questioned. Since he considered himself the team leader, all members were his responsibility.

"The evil dark-"

"I got all that. But why?!"

"We don't know. But Pragya said that she refused to eat her vegetables and so the man is coming to get her!" Swara, who was the same age as Bulbul, shouted in panic.

Hmm... Would it be more tasty if I added veggies to my ommelette? Some tomatoes would be good I bet!

What? Don't judge. I'm human and I love eating. Piss off.

"WE MUST SAVE HER!" Laksh exclaimed, raising his tiny hand towards the sky. "WE'RE THE THUNDER KIDS!"

That was the name of their group. Yes, yes. Now I remember. I always mistake it. Meh... Chibi Gang would do for me.

"WE ARE THE FUTURE!" Laksh spoke with a deep voice, trying to sound serious.

"YES! HE'S RIGHT!" agreed the rest.

"Last one there is a rotten egg!" shouted Ragini and ran away first towards Pragya's house, with the rest following her with shouts declaring her as a cheater.

#Pragya's house#

I should be ashamed for two reasons.

1. I'm following kids who are on an idiotic mission no less I bet. Yet, I'm too curious to not follow them.

2. I'm taking the advantage with the bicycle.

Meh... Whatever, whatever. These are writers' adventures. Mwhahaha...*choke*..ahem*choke*...

Damn I gotta improve my victory laugh.

"Waaaaaaaaa!" loud sniffings could be heard from the Arora household.

The gang got here after me. They paid me no attention as Pragya's cries were their main concern. All of the gang knew it was seven year old Pragya's voice and rushed towards her room.

Unfortunately, I can't rush in like them. I'm likely to be chased with a broom or filed a police case against. 😅

Well, just my luck, Mrs. Arora waved at me from within the gate.

"Hello Maggie."

"Hey Mrs. Arora. What's all the crying about?"

"Don't ask. Even I can't figure it out. Would you like to come in? I've got tea and cake."

But I want an ommelette...

Which I can always enjoy after some tasty cake. 😋

Trying not to show my happiness, I entered the house. The living room was near Pragya's room and I could hear her shouts.

Can't let me eat in peace, can ya?

As I entered the room, I found the so called 'saviors' eating as well.

"What happened to your battle cry for Pragya's rescue?"


"Don't speak with your mouth full Sanky!" Ragini scolded.

"You intruder! How did you know our secret mission?! I'll bomb you!" Purab and Abhi got up in unison.

Oh boy. Ohhhhh boy! Think think think. "Um, isn't rescuing your friend more important than the enemy?"

"But catching the enemy is our duty!" Bulbul objected.


Quoted from Naruto Shippuden. Season 1. By Kakashi Hatake.

Hehe. Yeah, I'm an Anime fan. If you ain't one, we're not friends. Never. Will. Be. Period!

"LETS GO!" Purab shouted with the rest following.

Well, not before stuffing their faces with cake. Laksh took one in his pocket too! Grrrr.

"Oh my! I'll clean the plates. Can you go after them dear?"

"Sure Mrs. Arora." I told calmly.

She doesn't need to know that I was looking for an opportunity to go after them. Khi khi khi.

#Pragya's room#

More like someone came in with pink bubblegum from the Despicable 3 movie and burst it on the entire room. It was a pink abomination!

Even the tiles, the window panes and the fan was pink. WHO DOES THAT!?

"WE'RE HERE TO SAVE YOU PRAGYA!"the kids shouted in unison.

Seeing them, Pragya came down from the bed and hugged them, crying louder.


And that's exactly where I think I lost some of my ear membrane.

All of them looked at Pragya in terror.

" mean no more candy?"

"No Laksh. No more candy or chips or pizzas or...or..." Pragya couldn't continue and burst into tears.

Bless my eardrums. I hope they still work.

The gang looked at each other in horror, probably imagining a life filled with broccoli, peas, cabbages and boiled spinach. Ahahahaha...!

"No! I won't let them happen to us! I'll find a way!" Abhi tried to play leader, although he was trembling from within.

"You're so brave Abhi!" Pragya praised with dreamy eyes.

Awww... young love. Young love.

I had one so a child.

I still have him.

It's food.

Love at first sight. lol.

Joking. Boyfriends are unnecessary for me right now. I'm working so that I can buy my own diamond ring. Thank you very much. I'll even buy the guy, the one I choose, with my own money.

"But he's shaking. Abhi is afraid too!" Sanskar pointed out. "Our leader is scared too! OH NO! WE'RE DOOMED!"

"No we're not. Be positive!" Ragini chided.

They all heard the sound of a car and the front gate open.

"He's here. He's here!" Pragya panicked.

"Let's go hide Pragya. Into the backyard!" Purab suggested. They all grabbed her and ran towards the backyard.

With my long legs, I could follow them while swagging to "Des-pa-cito!" easily!


"Good idea Lucky! But how? It's too tall!"

"BATTLE FORMATIONS!" saying so, the boys climbed on top of each other. The girls helped Pragya get on them and then hold onto a branch. Eventually she managed to haul herself up-to the tree.

Wow! If they weren't kids, I would think they would do good in the army as adults.

"Here!" Sanskar took off his green jacket and threw it at Pragya! "It's green color. The man will think you're a tree."

....what? 😑

They all praised Sanskar for the idea and Pragya put it over her as she sat on the branch, pretending to be...

A leaf? A blossom? ...meh whatever! My brain has gone hibernating because of their ideas by now. It will wake in some hours I think.

"So where Mrs. Arora?" came the voice of the man.

Indeed the man was scary. He had a big beard, a round and bulging stomach and big round goggles. In his hand, there was the so called 'pointy weapon of doom', also translated to being called the injection.

The gang smirked thinking they successfully hid Pragya.

My heart cries out for them. Delusion kids. Tsk tsk.

They screamed in panic when they noticed Mrs. Arora point towards the tree they hid Pragya on.

"Impossible! What sorcery is this?! How did they manage to see beyond the cover?!" exclaimed Purab.

"This force is so strong." Laksh screamed in anxiety.

Yeah. Darth Vader is out to get you. Call the Jedis. Where are the ligthsavers?

"But we won't give up! Right gang?!" Abhi exclaimed.



"For PRAGYA!" saying so, they all charged towards the man like a war fleet approaching with a battle cry.

This intrigued me and made me smile. They might be kids. But the way they are leaving nothing behind to save Pragya was... touching.

Yeah yeah I'm melting metaphorically. Their cuteness is getting to me. Whatever! Shoo!

As soon as they got near the man, Purab and Sanskar latched on to the legs of the man, making him stop in his steps.

"Hey! Kids, let go. I need to go give her the injection."

"NO! YOU BAD EVIL PERSON. WE WILL GET YOU ARRESTED FOR CERTAIN!" Ragini pounded him with punches with her little hand, Bulbul and Swara following her actions.

Laksh took out the cake piece and threw it at the man.

Wow. I thought food was his love like mine. He's really giving it up for his friend, Pragya.

Awwwwwwww the cuteness is overloaded!

"Oh, ow, ow! What's wrong kids? What is thi-OW!" he exclaimed loudly as Swara stomped his toe. "What are you kids doing?! Have you come out of a jungle!?"

Hahaha... Go kids? I can't believe it, but I'm actually cheering for them in my mind against...wait a second.

A syringe, a white coat, a suitcase, big goggles.




That ain't no evil, darklord. That's the vet in town!

But what would an animal doctor want to make Pragya eat vegetables.

Yeah yeah, I know my brain is sort circuiting for thinking this. But what else am I suppose to think?

I totally blame the lack of morning tea for this.

Hearing the commotion, Mr. and Mrs. Arora came near and held the kids back. "We're so sorry doctor. We don't know what has gotten over these kids!" Mr. Arora stated, embarrassed.

"NO!" Abhi tried to catch the doctor's trousers as he was able to go towards the tree again. The rest of the gang tried to scratch his clothes to get a hold of them as well, but failed.

"They are struggling for me. What if they are hurt too!?"

Pragya said to herself, but kids don't realize their voices are loud.

"No! I can't let that happen. I'll go defend them by putting myself in danger! Let him catch me. At least my friends will be spared!" Pragya got down from the tree slowly and carefully and stood still. "Always remember my bravery fellow beings!" she stated like a elder person. "Come you ungrateful master!"

Beautiful... simply beautiful. These kids.

They are fighting for Pragya. She's sacrificing to save them.

An isn't this what is the beauty of humanity? Isn't this what friends do for each other? What fellow humans should do for each other?

Shouts from her friends reached her ears. They had tears in their eyes and their voices shook as they struggled to free of Mr. and Mrs. Arora's grips.

This...although with all their tears flowing, snots appearing and loud shrilly wails... I could help but think it was beautiful. My eyes were getting blurry though. Why so? Must be the fog.

Yep. Definitely not salty water of the eyes.

Pragya closed her eyes and waited.

And waited...

And waited...

And waited some more...

However, she didn't feel anyone hurting her. She opened her one eye and was shocked to find the doctor gone.

Her friends and I looked equally confused and were looking on in anger and confusion.

We all watched as the doctor went past her towards the stable.

The Aroras were a rich family, and it was no surprise that they owned a horse. Mrs. Arora loved to go horse riding.

All of us watched dumbfounded as the doctor went and injected the injection on the horse.

"But...but wasn't he supposed to go harm Pragya?"

"No Bulbul. Of course he isn't here to hurt your sister. He's a vet. He treats animals...only animals."

"But...but you said an evil person would come if Pragya doesn't eat her veggies Mum!"

"I was only joking."

This brought out sighs of relief from the little kids.

And without realizing, one from me. I didn't realize when referring to the kids as "them" changed to "us" in my mind.

Pragya bounced with joy and came to hug her friends.

The Aroras and the doctor chuckled as they realized what the misunderstanding was.

"Alright kids, who would like some hot chocolate?"

A chorus of "me"s could be heard as the kids rushed inside.

And I? I escaped silently from the place and headed towards my parked bicycle.

This precious morning I thought was ruined by these kids. But in reality, they taught me some of the greatest lessons of life.

The bond of friendship, the courage to stand up for people you care about, the will to be ready to die for them.

With lessons learned and a big smile on my face, I heard back towards my apartment with a whole bunch of experiences to write on and an ommelette to look forward too.

And oh...

Good morning!


Hope you liked!

Over and out!
~ 🌹 Mona 🌹

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