Under the Elms

Autorstwa voxofp

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Prince decides to try to rekindle a romance he dropped years before when it was inconvenient. Sofia Brown is... Więcej

The cost of winning
Author's Note
Once Upon A Time
January 18th, 2008, 11 p.m.
First Date Reboot
Act II
The Beautiful Experience
The Beautiful Experience, Part II
Where were you?
The only woman
New Normal?
Trying again
Second Date
Snow Magic
Third Date
What am I gonna do?
Where are we going?
Prince Airways
The Sun, Moon and Stars
Captain Crunch
Candid Camera
Morning glory
Avoidance and Intimacy
Love in a Garden
All Eye Want Is You
Happy Endings
Time to fly
What do you Believe?
Catching Up
Reality Bites
Wait, what?
Ready for inspection?
Tea Party
Cherish and deeply respect

Surprises, Good and Bad

594 37 63
Autorstwa voxofp

'Say What?' For once in his life, Prince was truly surprised. It never occurred to him that Sofia could be a Witness, so he never asked. How embarrassing-I need to know more.

'Have you always been a Witness?'

'Yes, my whole family is. I fell away from the faith when I went to college. My parents didn't want me attending a state university, but that was where the best music program was. I was stubborn enough to insist on my own way, and since I received a full ride scholarship my sweet Daddy let me go. Going there was an education in more than one way, for sure, and little by little I let things lapse. By the time I met you, I really wasn't a practicing member of a congregation at all. After our time together ended, I got myself together and involved in a congregation again. I have always felt that I was a sham, though, since I knew our history, which included how far I had drifted.'

'We'll fix that by marrying, but that isn't why I don't think we can get married in a Kingdom Hall,' Prince replied, pulling her closer and placing a soothing kiss on each cheek, and then a longer one on her adorable, sad, lips.

'What am I missing?' Sofia queried, quirking one eyebrow at him.

'Well,' Prince swallowed convulsively as he prepared to share something that could be painful, 'We've taken the physical part of our relationship beyond the boundaries set by the fellowship.' He began stroking her back in a way meant to be calming, rather than seductive. 'If I was asked by an elder, I wouldn't be able to lie.' He worked hard to fight the grimace he wanted to make upon seeing the shocked expression on her face. 'To spare us the embarrassment of being turned away from Kingdom Hall, I think it would be best to marry privately, in a different location. I don't mean do something clandestine,' he rushed on, seeing distress on her face. 'You deserve the wedding of your dreams. Whatever you want, tell me, and as your groom, I have the privilege of making it happen.'

'Oh.' The post coital glow that adorned Sofia's face turned into a hard, painful blush that caused Prince almost as discomfort as it did Sofia. He cringed internally as she swallowed hard, but maintained his loving facial expression. It pained him to know he'd seduced her, twice, and, much as he loved her, that had taken away one of her dreams. 'I completely forgot about that,' she remarked, embarrassed by her severe blush as much as anything else. In her mortified state, she spoke without thinking.
'I swear, you are my kryptonite! I've rebuffed the advances of other men through the years, but with you, I- I just fall into your arms without a second thought!' A few tears sparkled in her eyes as she contemplated giving up one of her childhood dreams.

Prince, hating to see any distress on the part of his love, pulled her in for a long, sweet kiss. 'Do you regret us, the relationship we've rekindled?' I'm holding my breath hoping you're going to say no...

'Not really. I said this before; we're grown, and I made my choices. I could have said no, I could have stopped myself, but I didn't.' I'm not sure how I would have accomplished that, but, still. She took a deep breath, and after a wry twist of her lips, looked down at their joined hands and continued more quietly. 'We both know there are consequences in life, and this is one of them.' Sofia took another deep breath, and let the dream go as she exhaled. 'I wouldn't trade my dream of a Kingdom Hall wedding for my present reality.'

Her response was met with a further tangling of limbs, and she could feel herself responding physically to the excitement pulsing against her upper thigh. Prince didn't act on his arousal, or the warm, sticky mist of her nectar he felt against his thigh just yet. He had more thoughts to share. He tipped her chin up so he could see those Sherry-Brown eyes he loved.

'Well, alright. Let's get started planning the wedding of your dreams that will happen in an alternate location. I am not marrying you in the courthouse or some tacky JP's living room. We're doing this right, even though it won't be in the Kingdom Hall. My biggest desire is to make this service as private as possible. You've already said there are very few people you want to invite. If we'd had it at either Kingdom Hall, there would have been the complication of needing to invite all of both congregations, since that's how we Witnesses do things. Not that I want to be exclusive, but I'd rather have a small, intimate celebration where we are comfortable with everyone. Then we can send out wedding announcements later.'

'That's a good idea,' Sofia agreed. 'But, where will we marry? I love your place, and I love my house, but I don't want either place to be where we take our vows.'

"Let me do some thinking. I'll get it figured out, and quickly. I don't want to wait very long to make you my wife. Is there anything you've ever thought of as a place for a wedding that wasn't Kingdom Hall?'

'I've always thought it would be beautiful to marry under starlight and candlelight, but it's too cold for that this time of year.'

Bingo! 'Hmmm, I'll have to put some thought to that,' Prince fibbed with a straight face, while mentally making lists of people to contact. He'd figured out the perfect place, but didn't want to let on to Sofia quite yet.

For once, Prince didn't keep Sofia up all night. He could tell she was weary, and he knew they both had many details to take care of the next day. After fully exhausting her with seemingly limitless orgasms, he held her lovingly as she fell asleep, making sure she knew just how cherished she was. He knew reminding her that the physical expression of their love was considered sinning in the eyes of the congregation had stung.

When he was sure she was sound asleep, he stole away to his office, making lists for himself and his assistant. He wanted to create a wedding that was simple, elegant, and exactly what his Sofia desired. He was happy that, as Witnesses, it was his responsibility, rather than hers, to plan the wedding, but he wanted all the information she would share so it mirrored her vision. Finishing his list, he crept back beneath the covers, pulling her body next to his, and falling asleep feeling completed, finally part of the partnership he had desired for so long.

The next morning, after finishing a delicious breakfast delivered to them by his chef, Prince pulled Sofia close and began giving her advice she didn't think she needed.

'You're taking Kirk with you today, just in case.'

'In case of what? You don't make sense, but I love you.' She placed her hand against his silky smooth cheek, amazed once again at her current reality.

'I love you too.' He gently took that hand and placed a kiss in her palm, giving her a little shiver. 'You're still taking Kirk, in case there are press hanging around hoping they can get access to you.'

'That's ridiculous! You know I'm not a publicity seeker, like Paris Hilton!'

'No, but they got your picture in St. Thomas, and they're going to want more. That's how they operate. I'm just trying to protect you, babe.'

Sofia shook her head. 'All right. I get what you're saying, and you are the expert here. Please let Kirk know I'd like to leave within the next 30 minutes, if that's possible.'

'That's fine. What are you going to do right now?'

'I'm going to take a closer look at that office space you've created for me. There are a couple of things I'd like to tweak, if you don't mind.'

'Babe, it's your space. You do what you like.' Prince pulled her all the way into his lap, giving her a long, deep kiss. 'That's what I like, and I'd like to be doing a lot more of that.' He gave her a love tap on her butt, and they both stood. Carrying their dishes to the sink, he continued, 'Right now, though, we both have a lot to do.'

Hand in hand, they walked from the kitchen to the elevator, smiling at each other as it rose to the second floor. Prince escorted his lady to her office door, and gave her a strong embrace, getting one last feel of that backside he craved. Sofia entered her office with a giggle, and Prince went to his office feeling happier than he had in years.

As Sofia was creating file folders she thought she'd need, and composing a letter requesting a release from her contract with her school district, Prince got on the phone. His first call was one that he knew was going to be a surprise.


'It's Prince.' Shoulda done this in person. I wish I could see his face! No time to waste, tho. I'll laugh at him later. Prince was glad his smirk wouldn't travel through the phone.

'Baby Brother! How is your world today?'

'It couldn't be better, Larry, truly. I have some news that I think will gladden your heart.'

'Bring it on! I can't wait to hear.'

'Brother, I'm in love.' How long will it take for him to speak? Prince pressed the mute button on his phone so he could chuckle as he waited.


Okay, long enough.

'Larry? Are you still there?'

'Yes, I am. This seems rather sudden to me.' Larry's tone had changed from his typical jovial self to more guarded, which is exactly whay to Prince had anticipated. His smile grew, Wait 'Til he hears this!

'Brother, do you remember the woman I spoke about as my one relationship regret? I found her almost two weeks ago. It turns out her feelings for me matched mine for her, and we fell hard for each other all over again. Now, before you comment, here's the best part. Larry, she's a Witness, born and raised. We've both grown up a great deal during these past years, and she has agreed to marry me.' I know what's coming next!

'Marriage? That seems like an awfully big step. Are you sure it isn't too soon?'

'Yes, I am. So is she. Tell you what, I'm so sure, I'd like you to be the elder presiding at the ceremony. Are you up for that?'

'My goodness! That would be an honor. Let me talk to Tina and get back to you.'

'Of course, Brother. Call when you've reached a decision. I hope we speak soon.'

Prince spent a little more time on the phone, then went to Sofia's office to check on her before she went to her house. He found her on the computer, typing her final draft of her request to be released from her contract. Poppy had settled herself in Sofia's lap, and was completely deflated, legs hanging off either side of her thigh. Her little round belly bore witness to the fact that Poppy was a very well fed kitten. Prince walked up behind Sofia, resting his hands on her shoulders.

'Everything to your liking?' Sofia typed the final sentence, hit print, and leaned her head on top of Prince's right hand.

'Yes, hon, it is. I'll tweak a few things, but this will be a great workspace.'

'No regrets about leaving your job?' Prince turned Sofia's desk chair around slowly, trying not to startle Poppy and have more scratches on the thighs he loved to love.

'Only for some of my students. The job has changed a little the last couple of years with high stakes testing, and it's much more stressful. I always forget how stressed I am until I get away from it for awhile, like we just did. I can feel the tension coming back just talking about it.'

'That makes me glad for you, and sad for your students. I hope this doesn't take very long, and you're all mine quickly.'

Sofia picked up Poppy and placed her on a slightly scattered stack of papers. Feeling the paper under her, Poppy curled up, tail over her nose, and continued her nap. Turning to Prince, she linked her hands around the back of his neck, using her physical presence to ease any tension her words might bring.

'I already am all yours. I've been all yours forever, it seems. And I'll continue to be all yours until the end of time.'

'You think you can just slide that in there and I'm not gonna notice?' After capturing her lips and ravaging her tender mouth, he broke off the kiss, tapped her on her generous backside, and said, 'You've gotta get going, or I'll be dragging you back to that bed. And yes, I truly Adore you.'

He took her by the hand, and led her to the closet where he helped her into her coat, then each glove, and finally her hat, lovingly smoothing her hair away from her face. Taking her hands once more, he rubbed the ring finger of her left hand. 'I'll be happier when that finger isn't bare,' he said, giving her a peck on the nose.

They walked hand in hand down the stairs and into the atrium, where Kirk was relaxing on a sofa. It was obvious more than 30 minutes had passed.

'I'm so sorry we kept you waiting, Kirk!' Sofia exclaimed, embarrassed once again.

'No worries, Sofia. Don't you know time is a trick?' He smirked at Prince.

'I can Jedi mind trick that next paycheck if you like,' Prince replied, smirking right back. 'Take care of my woman, now,' he continued, pulling Sofia a little closer in a side hug.

'Sure thing, P,' Kirk replied in a more formal tone. Prince walked Sofia to the door and gave her a quick, claiming kiss.

'I'm going to miss you.'

'I'll be back before you know it, promise.' Sofia retaliated with a quick claiming kiss of her own.

Thanks for your reads, your comments, your votes, and your support. You are a wonderful group of readers, and I am thankful for each and every one of you!


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