Long Lost Love

By gillian62003

232K 5.2K 209

Highest rankings #1 in Lola #1 in Jayden #75 in humor #8 in heartbreak #25 in billionaire What happens whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
MUST READ!!!!!!!!
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Three is a crowd
New Book!!!
Christmas Gift

Chapter 8

8.3K 243 7
By gillian62003

Currently I was sitting on a couch in one of my living rooms. The shrink I had decided to get was there with a little notebook in his hand and he looked about twenty eight years old. He had a friendly aura to him so I trusted him a bit but not too much because you can never trust anyone. Cecelia and the letter had said so. You probably think they could be linked but Cecelia would never help me, never in a million years.

"So tell me about you so that I have a background story to work with," he said with a smile and I nodded before taking a deep breath.

"My name is Lola. I'm married to Jayden, a billionaire who literally gives a whole new meaning to the words 'makes my life a living hell'. Jayden hates me, his mother and his aunt too including his dad although I can't be too sure. Everything is all a little confusing. My mom and dad are not the best parents but they're okay comparing them to Jayden's. My old best friend Chris came back here after about eight years of hi..." I was cut off by my shrink and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I want you to tell me about your daughter first." I stared at him before nodding and saying, "My parents had just told me they were going to Africa for 6 months and being the spoilt brat I was I hosted a party. Things got out of hand and I ended up sleeping with one of the jocks which was typical considering I was the head cheerleader. I was drunk that night and I don't remember using protection and the next thing I knew was I was pregnant in high school. When my parents heard about it they hid me from the public eye until I gave birth which wasn't very easy considering I loved partying. The secret was kept and my parents also made sure they always reminded me how much of a failure and disgrace I was throughout the pregnancy. I was homeschooled throughout the pregnancy and even after. A year after I gave birth to her I had gone for shopping with my mom when I was called by a hospital telling me my daughter had fallen from a window and she had sustained a head injury resulting in her death. I was told I couldn't see her and I didn't press the matter which I regret now because I don't think she's really dead. A few weeks after getting married to the devil I kept dreaming about Vanessa so I pondered over her death and eventually decided to hire PI. As of now he's found out nothing but I'm sure he'll come up with something soon. At first I suspected my parents had something with the fake death but after the letter I received when I was in London, I'm not so sure anymore. I met this girl who looks like me and is also called Vanessa but maybe it is just a coincidence. I met her mom who is a bitch but I have to give her the benefit of the doubt because she is raising who she claims to be my daughter after all right? Also there's someone after my daughter, I don't know who or why they are after her but all I know is Georgina, the adopted mother's name and Jayden and some anonymous guy know about the supposed danger Vanessa is in." I looked at my shrink who still seemed to be processing my little scratch that, huge speech.

"Well? You said you wanted to hear about my daughter," I muttered curling myself into a ball.

He grinned and took a deep breath before saying, "From what you said I could tell you are a rambler and I guess you carry some guilt in you about your daughter. Yes you didn't show it in your speech but I can tell you feel like you are at fault at how things worked out with your daughter. It's not your fault Lola, someone bad out there caused all of this and..." My shrink was cut off by Jayden who came in the living room looking like someone had just told him his dick was smaller than his belly button; don't judge my simile.

"I'm having my therapy session Jayden, what do you want?" I asked annoyed while uncurling myself so that I could sleep on the couch.

"Your brother has gone too far, he just made one of my most promising investors pull out because you were considering a divorce. He claims I'm not treating you well plus why are you having therapy. You know those good for nothing shrinks annoy the hell out of me," he yelled and I rubbed my forehead as his noise was making me have a migraine.

I knew he would be annoyed by my having a shrink. This was way too fun.

"Are you treating me well?" I asked and he stopped pacing to glare at me.

"I meant what I said when I said you talk to me when you have something important to say otherwise don't talk to me because you and I are nothing," I muttered through gritted teeth and I noticed my shrink about to say something but I raised my hand to silence him before heading to the kitchen. I wasn't in the mood for therapy, not now anyways.

On my way to the kitchen I saw all the workers near the staircase standing there looking to the ground while Eva was pacing up and down yelling some orders at them. She was wearing a red tight dress and black heels which looked good on her as much as I hated to say it.

"What's going on here?" I asked and the workers all looked up at once with expressions that I thought translated to help us.

"I was just telling the workers what I'd like them to do so we can live happily," she responded with a smirk that I felt like wiping off.

"This is my house Eva. You don't get to tell my employees what to do, okay?" I hissed and her smirk widened at that.

Deciding to dismiss the workers they left in a hurry while I glared at Eva. "You know we gonna have to start getting along considering I'll be here for the next nine months and more."

"Oh really, if I want you out before the nine months are over I'll have you out bitch," I muttered and Eva laughed making me raise my hand to slap her but my hand was stopped in mid air by Jayden.

"What?" I questioned angrily while glaring at Jayden.

"If you hurt Eva, you hurt my child so I think you must reconsider slapping the mother of my child," Jayden said calmly with annoyance visible on his features.

"I have to say, Lola doesn't that hurt considering you can never give Jayden a child," Eva spat and I felt like my heart had been crushed before it quickly recovered. It could shatter all it wanted after I dealt with this bitch.

"That wasn't very nice Eva," Jayden suddenly mumbled before pulling me to my room.

Jayden was seriously bipolar. He let his whore live in my house and insult me and then defends me but doesn't throw her out. Okay maybe he didn't defend me but he told Eva she was wrong which counted right? Okay maybe it didn't at all.

"And?" I screamed before jumping onto my bed.

"You had no right to slap Eva," he began slowly and I rolled my eyes while resting my head on my pillow.

"You had no right to invite her into my house for nine months and let her insult me in my house. I am tired of everything you do to me Jay I'm just so tired. I know I'm barren but she has no right to throw it in my face like that," I yelled and I didn't notice the tears that were already trickling down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry Lola, I just don't know how to act," he whispered cleaning my tears with his thumb and I laughed at what he had said before slapping his arm off with a glare before reminding him not to touch me.

I blamed my mom for forcing me to sign the contract that made me married to a bipolar guy. He was mentally ill which put a thought in my mind; I could be a power woman who could handle businesses around the world, taking care of a mentally ill husband and could handle him impregnating the maid. I laughed more at that even though Jayden didn't know that.

"Just leave me alone Jay," I snapped.

He looked dumbfounded and a bit stupid in my opinion. I glared at him before turning to my side while mumbling an 'I'm too tired for this'. I heard him slowly leave the room and the sound of my door closing. Sighing I closed my eyes but it wasn't for long because my phone started ringing. I reached for it and realized the caller id was Ben.

Me: Hello

Ben: Hey, I had missed you

Me: I had missed you too. I was beginning to think you had forgotten all about me.

Ben: I could never forget about you

Me: Really?

Ben: Yeah, you are unforgettable

Me: Mmmm are you quoting French Montana now?

Ben: Maybe, do you mind?

Me: I don't think I do

Ben: So how are you doing?

Me: Well considering I'm not dead yet then I think I'm fine

Ben: What has my best friend done to you now?

Me: He let his baby mama live in my house until she gives birth

Ben: That's too bad; I hope you won't be arrested for homicide soon

Me: I'll make sure I hide her corpse pretty well

Ben: Are you considering it? (Laughs and I grin like an idiot)

Me: Maybe I mean she threw my barrenness in my face today

Ben: Gosh she's really a bitch anyway I gotta go, talk to you tomorrow?

Me: Yeah but before you go; what are we?

Ben: I don't know, what do you want us to be?

Me: I don't know, I mean Jayden is your best friend and my husband

Ben: Well there is that but the last time I talked to him about you he didn't mind

Me: Oh okay, so talk to you soon?

Ben: Yeah bye

As I put the phone down I tried to ignore the pain I was feeling. How bad was I a person that my own husband didn't mind me being with his best friend? Deciding to ask my shrink who would probably have a pretty good reason tomorrow I lay my head on my pillow and for the first time, I didn't cry myself to sleep but I still couldn't stop wondering what Ben and I were after the kiss, it could've just been a kiss but I felt like it was more than just a kiss. It was bitter sweet revenge on Jayden and I couldn't wait.

Chapter 9

The sound of a person vomiting loudly in the room next to mine woke me up. I tried putting a pillow over my ears but it didn't muffle out the noise. It was just so annoying. Grudgingly I made my way to the next room which happened to be Eva's room. I didn't even bother knocking so I just barged in and headed over to the bathroom where she had her face inside the toilet and the noises of her emptying whatever she had eaten last night filled the room.

"Well this is a good morning," I cheerily said my voice dripping with sarcasm while my arms were folded across my chest.

"What do you want Lola?" mumbled Eva as she slowly removed her head from inside the toilet.

"I want you to shut up and vomit a little less loudly. For crying out loud some of us need our beauty sleep, we don't have morning sickness."

Eva glared at me before vomiting again which made me cringe and laugh at the same time knowing she would be annoyed by my reaction.

"Get out of here Lola," groaned Eva as she sat on the floor, her hands on the toilet seat. Her hair was everywhere and it was wet which made it look 10 times worse than the witches from the cartoon's hair. Her face was pale and her eyes looked like they were about crawl into their sockets.

"You look horrible," I commented and she rolled her eyes before vomiting again.

"Can you hold my hair back while I puke?" Eva asked and I almost felt sorry for her in the moment as her hair was almost vomit hair by now but like I said almost.

"Wouldn't that be the father of your baby's job? He holds your hair back while you puke those demons you ate in the morning and he rubs circles in your back whispering endearments, too bad that won't happen because your baby daddy is a jerk," I responded with a smug smile. I knew I was acting mean but she deserved it after throwing my weakness in my face.

Eva finally stood up from the toilet, flushed and cleaned it well, like a pro which was true considering she was a maid before brushing her teeth. I stood on her door and looked at her while she glared at me at every chance she got.

"You're sounding grumpy today, what happened?" she finally questioned as she walked into her closet to take some clothes.

"Well, try being forced by your parents into a loveless marriage because of a contract they would have made along with your in-laws, have your only ever child taken away and a woman who gets impregnated by your husband live in the same house as you and tell me if you'll remain the same kind person you were before," I told her quietly and she looked sympathetic for a while before her bitchiness returned. It bugged me how she had been so nice a few days before and she had just changed in a few days.

"I'm sorry; anyway get out of my room. I need to shower because I am going for a doctor's appointment with Jay in a few minutes."

Not wanting anyone's sympathy I nodded before getting out of her room and heading to mine where I took a long hot well deserved shower. It was a bit chilly outside so I decided to wear a warm hoodie and a pair of warm joggers. I also wore a pair of black warm socks and vans before tying my hair into a bun. After that I went to the living room where I had had my therapy session yesterday. My shrink was already there with a notebook and I laughed at how he looked like Nancy Drew fishing out for clues even though I wasn't sure Nancy had a little notebook maybe it was the hardy boys but either way it was all meaningless.

"Hey Elvis," I greeted with a grin and he smiled before grinning back.

"Hie Lola, I hope you're ready for today's session?" he amusedly told me and I nodded while throwing myself on the couch, literary.

"So today you are going to tell me about the long lost scandal and what impact it has had on you as a person."

"Well my dad cheated on my mom with Cecelia Henstridge and that's where the hate between the two families comes from. When my mom found out it was all a mess and then Cecelia was said to have been kidnapped. The cops were all over the case and she wasn't found until just recently. She claims she was kidnapped and tortured for all those years she was missing and the people who kidnapped her returned her now. She suspects that my mom did it with the help of my dad but I know it isn't true. When all this leaked to the press with Cecelia showing pictures of her bruises all over her body clients in both companies started pulling out and well that's when my parents and Jay's parents made the contract that bonded me to Jay for the rest of my life. So in a nutshell the long lost love scandal ruined my life," I said with a small smile and I noticed the pity in Elvis's eyes but I didn't need anyone's pity.

"You need to move on from all that's happened Lola. You can't keep crying over split milk, yes you married Jay because of a scandal but that shouldn't stop you from becoming happy."

"How do you become happy?"

"You move on. If Jayden isn't willing to treat you like you're supposed to then move on. I'm not saying get a divorce but then look for someone who makes you happy."

"You're not like other shrinks, why?" I teased Elvis while laughing and he smiled before saying, "I think instead of giving you advice that I was trained to give won't make you better because what you need now is a friend not a shrink." I immediately knew Chris had put Elvis up to whatever he had going on but I trusted Chris so I decided to not push it.

I smiled at Elvis before I came up with the most horrible and yet awesome idea.

"Before I move on I need answers from Jayden which I know he'll never give me but I can find them in his things," I said with a grin.

Elvis shook his head seriously and I laughed at him before dragging him to Jayden's study. Jayden had gone out with Eva for a doctor's appointment which meant it was just me and the workers in the house. I opened the door quietly while Elvis was busy whispering how crazy I was.

"What if he finds out?" Elvis asked looking terrified.

"He won't find out and if he does then we'll handle it from there," I responded with an eye roll.

"He might ruin my life, I have a pregnant wife to take care of," Elvis continued and I had to bit my tongue to stop myself from laughing at how ridiculous he sounded.

"Elvis, none of that will happen. Technically we are not breaking into his office, we are snooping," I mumbled while opening some drawers to look for how he might have found out about the letter and why he hated me so much and no, I wasn't hoping to find a diary.

"You are crazy Lola, only you can break it your husband's office with your therapist."

"For the last time it's snooping not breaking in," I corrected him with my head in Jayden's bottom drawer.

"I won't argue with you mad woman," Elvis said plopping himself and I rolled my eyes while continuing to rummage through the drawers.

"There had to be at least something that would answer at least one of my questions," I told myself as I opened the last drawer.

As I was looking through the drawers my phone started ringing which startled me and Elvis.

Laughing at each other for being stupid I answered the call without even checking the caller id and I was happy when I heard it was Ben calling.

Me: Hey you

Ben: Hey babe, I just wanted to let you know I'm coming to see you in an hour and thirty minutes.

I mentally prayed he'd said that in front of Jayden. That would've been really great. It made me feel bad how I was using Ben but then if he was willing to seduce his best friend's wife then he didn't deserve any sympathy.

Me: What's the occasion?

Ben: The occasion is I miss your beautiful face

Me: Well make sure you bring lots of food, or I'll have to tell you to go back

Ben: You wouldn't send me away

Me: Don't test me

Ben: Fine I won't. Anyway what are you up to?

Me: See you in an hour and thirty minutes.

I quickly cut the call and looked at Elvis who had his eye brows raised. "None of your business Elvis now help me find anything unusual in here," I snapped which made Elvis laugh and me roll my eyes.

"Gosh you sound like you suspect your husband of murdering your old neighbor's cat," he mumbled in between laughs and I looked at him like he had grown two heads.

"Why does it have to be an old lady's cat?"

"Well because old cat ladies are just so pitiful when they lose one of their beloved cats and if they're murdered the murderer is usually very heartless and a bit crazy," he stated in a matter of fact way and I laughed to stop myself from insulting his poor little soul.

"Where do you even get those theories?" I asked him as I took a couple of pictures that were in the last drawer.

"I know things," he said with his voice husky and low which made me erupt in fits of laughter but something stopped me.

There were pictures of Jayden and Matt together as kids and as adults. I knew I had come looking for answers but what I had now were more questions. 

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