Love Can be Frightening *A Zi...

By p0w3rfu1_0n3

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*A Ziall AU* Zayn has always loved his sister. She meant the world to him. Doniya Malik has been Zayn's godde... More

Author's Note


115 22 76
By p0w3rfu1_0n3

Hey! So I'm back with another chapter for you! Please keep commenting and voting! 


<<Zayn's POV>>

<<One Week Later>>

Niall's gotten pretty used to his crutches and walking around in it. It would be pretty soon he would get it off, he is recovering very, very quickly. It was almost time for Harry's birthday party. Niall was just getting him a thirty dollar visa gift card and a birthday card. But I wanted to get something more special. I thought about all of Harry's interests, and things that could help him. He loves to read and he likes fashion. I had about fifty dollars to spare. And Harry was a very special friend. After school, I told my mom that I would be going to the mall while she and Dad were at the mosque and look around to get Harry something. I already knew Harry's clothes size, in case I wanted to get him something wearable. After strolling around for a half an hour, I went into Chanel and got him a small, but luxurious gift.

I went home and showed my mom. She just simply rolled her eyes and said that millennials these days are so vain. But she got me some wrapping paper and I hastily wrapped it up and wrote a note for Harry. I got out my phone and asked Louis and asked him what he got for Harry. He just sent me a naughty emoji and I rolled my eyes. Tomorrow was Harry's birthday party and it was gonna be all about him. I wanted to go see Niall, but Dad told me that I had to clean the dishes and it was too late to go out now.

"Hey Doniya!" I called on my phone. Her status said that she was available.
"Hey Zayn! What's up?" She asked.

"Not much, tomorrow is Harry's seventeenth birthday!" I informed her.

"Oh shit, I didn't get him anything!" Doniya gasped.

"Oh, it's okay, that's not a big deal, but can I come over and see you after the party ends?" I asked. "I think Harry was inviting us for a sleepover, and I wanted to tell you about something very personal." I hinted. "Something Mom and Dad would never approve of."

"Oh, okay, oh course, I'm so privileged to love you, bro." Doniya told me.

"Oh. okay, then I'll come around ten o'clock then?" I asked.

"Okay, can't wait to see you then, I haven't seen you in like, a month!" Doniya said, excitedly, "You already know which apartment I live in, right?"

"Yep, I have to go to sleep now though, if I wanna have fun tomorrow!" I finished.

"Okay, good night, Zayn." She told me.

"Okay, good night, Donnie!" I replied and hung up. I went to shower, exfoliate, brush my teeth and moisturize and then went to bed. I had Harry's gift, and I hope he'll love it.

<<The next day>>

I woke up around six o'clock, like usual and snuck out of the house to the hockey rink. Since my parents don't let me go skating, I lie to them and tell them I go and practice hockey. I went out to my car and drove out to the rink. Niall was already there, sipping a coffee, holding another one with me.

"Hey!" He greeted.

"Yo Niall! What's up?" I asked, "How's your knee feeling?" I asked, taking one of the coffee, it tasted homemade, as the cup was a generic disposable.

"Oh, it's pretty well, actually, I go and get it checked up on Monday, which by the way, I might not be able to see you perform in the morning.

"Oh, that's fine." I said, I didn't feel like getting in my leotard, so I just laced up my skates and skated in my pea coat. Niall got his phone out.

"How about some music, eh?" He suggested.

"Oh, of course, music makes everything sound better!" I said. I was also curious about what Niall had in store. It was Shawn Mendes, god I hate Shawn Mendes, he's so overrated. But I put on a fake smile and skated. The next one, which was Hailee Steinfeld, Let Me Go. That song wasn't my jam, but it made me uncomfortable, I will never let Niall go. Finally, Niall could tell that I didn't like his tunes, so he clicked on Palace, by Sam Smith. Now this was something I could slow dance to, on ice. I went and shut off the lights for the rink and gave Niall my phone. He turned on the flashlight and shined it on me.

"Under the lights, you turned around, and you stole my heart. with just one look, when I saw your face, I fell in love." Niall told me as the song started to play. I put Niall on a show. When we were done, I went back home and dropped Niall off at his house. We promised to see each other later at Harry's party. But now, I have to do my chores.

<<Later that afternoon>>

It was almost five o'clock, the time for Harry's party.

"Bye mom, I'm going to Harry's party, I'm gonna stay the night!" I called. We had already talked about this and so it was all planned out.

"Okay, remember to be polite, Zayn!" She reminded me. I had my duffel bag filled with my overnight things. Harry said that there would be extra air mattresses and pull out couches for us. I texted Harry, saying that I was on my way. Harry's gift was neatly tucked in my glovebox. It was only a few minutes when I arrived at his snow-covered house. I rang on the doorbell and he opened it a few minutes later. There was a table with gifts on it. I took mine out and set it there.

"Hey! Happy Birthday Harry!" I congratulated.

"Thank you!" Harry smiled as we hugged.

"Where's your birthday suit?" I asked.

"It's upstairs, he's gonna put it on for me tonight." Louis giggled as he walked in. I swear, I could hear him from a mile away.

"Louis!" Harry groaned. "My Mom's in the other room on a phone interview!" Harry whined. I laughed.

"Is Niall here?" I asked. Niall told me that his mom was dropping him off.

"Not yet," Harry said, "Come on, Louis and I were playing some video games, wanna join?" Harry asked.

"Um, sure, what is it called?" I asked,

"It's called Overwatch, it's a shooter game." Louis said.

"Uh, sure, but other than Word Cookies and Candy Crush, I don't really play much games." I said, "I can just watch over." I joked. Harry and Louis laughed as they went into Harry's game room upstairs. Harry was pretty well off because he was an only child and that his parents had important jobs. He said that he also had an older sister, but she was conceived when his mom and dad were still in their partying years, so she was given for adoption. She didn't have a name, someone adopted her and named her Gemma. I watched as they played their computer game. After a few minutes, I plopped down on a bungee chair and looked at my phone. I've been here before, so I automatically connected. Niall was here he texted me. Then I heard a car engine.

"Oh, that's Niall!" I said.

'Oh, okay, just get the door." Harry dismissed. He was playing with other people all over the world. I went down and got the door. Maura was helping Niall get out.

"Mom, I can do this, it doesn't hurt anymore!" Niall protested. He had a nylon lime-green hiking jacket and his sleepover bag.

"Okay, just be safe!" Maura said. I walked out, still in my coat and helped Niall. "Hello Zayn!"

"Hey!" I replied. "Thank you for dropping Niall off, hopefully he'll be on his own soon." I said.

"He will, and no problem, you boys have fun while I'm at the boring pharmacy, sorting pimavanserin!" Maura said. I had no idea what that meant.

"It's a drug for Parkinson's." Niall quickly explained.

"Oh, okay, bye Maura!" I waved. She smiled and drove off. I carried Niall's bag and put his envelope on the foyer table.

I called for some help and Harry and Louis helped Niall get up the stairs. They played some more video games until Harry's dad, Desmond said that the pizza delivery had arrived. There were three pizzas, a garden pizza for Harry, a meat supreme and a mediterranean which had anchovies and olives and other weird, nasty things. Niall actually enjoyed that. We had some breadsticks, cola, Dr. Pepper and Seven-Up to go along with it. We ate in the game room, mostly because we didn't want Niall moving around too much. We shut off the lights, and turned on a lava lamp and watched Earthlings. That movie wanted to make me puke.

Then it was time for cake and presents. I went down and help get the present. Harry's mom purchased a big, buttercream and cream cheese cake, one with carrot cake, the other was German chocolate. We also had glasses full of rice and quinoa milk. Apparently they hate regular milk. We sang happy birthday and Harry's parents said that we were great singers and we sang in complete boyband harmony. Harry blew out all seventeen of his birthday candles.

"You boy just keep going one direction and you could really be successful! Harry mom, Anne complimented.

I had a big slice of German chocolate cake. So did Niall and Harry's parents. Harry and Louis had the carrot cake. But Harry wanted to do the presents first so the parents would get out.

"These are from your father and I," Anne said, as she handed Harry three neatly wrapped gifts. Harry opened the first one, it was a microphone and Harry's father carried up a karaoke machine.

"That for your karaoke!" Anne said.

"You do karaoke?" I asked. Harry nodded.

"Yeah, I started about a month ago and I love it.

"Oh man, I love karaoke! We gotta do this!" I said.

"We will, after these." Harry said.

"Okay, but remember to close the door then, it better not keep me up all night." Anne warned.

"Okay, we won't." Louis said. Harry opened the other gifts, one was a Google Home. That made me think of the Amazon Alexa I got from Doniya, I still haven't opened that from the box yet. The other gift was a pair of suede Saint Laurent chelseas. 

Harry smiled and thanked his parents. Then Niall gave him his gift. Harry opened it and thanked Niall. Then I gave him my gift. He opened it and smiled. It was Bleu De Chanel aftershave lotion. It would make him smell good for Louis. Louis snuggled next to Harry on the black sofa as they smelled the fragrance.

"Thank you, everyone I think that's all!" Harry smiled as he looked at Louis.

"Okay, well we need to get up early for work tomorrow, so we'll go to sleep, be good and don't be too rowdy." Anne instructed us as her took their slices of cake, leaving the rest for us. Desmond gave Harry a wink as they left the game room and went to their bedroom downstairs. Harry immediately got up and pulled his shirt off and took off his skinny jeans, leaving him with his long hair and boxers.

"Ah, now that's better! Feel free to do the same" He sighed as he plopped down. I rolled my eyes. I took off my sweater, but I left my undershirt on, and my pants. Niall took off his shirt though, showing his sexy body. Louis decided to take off his shirt.

"There, yep, better." Niall smiled.

"So, Louis, what is this gift that my parents couldn't see?" Harry asked. Louis smiled very naughtily as he got a gift from under the couch. He pulled out a long, thin present.

"Here." Louis said as he gave Harry his gift. Harry gave Louis a look. I was anticipating something. Harry unwrapped it and almost laughed his ass off. It was a black, twenty inch spreader bar.

"Oh no!" Niall laughed as he laughed.

"Well, I guess you're gonna have to sit on that cushion again, so convenient that you didn't need it today. But Harry pulled Louis on him and hugged him. We had the cake and did karaoke, I excused myself to go see Doniya for a little bit around ten, taking some cake for her too.

Yeah! So how was this? How were Harry's presents? What do you want for your birthday??

QOTD: From their third album, Midnight Memories, which three are your favourite tracks from it?

Me: Best Song Ever, You & I, and Story of My Life.

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