Truth Be Told

By ross_girl

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A young girl was brought into a family's life for she didn't really say she had a true family. They took her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 ***last chapter***

Chapter 21

217 12 1
By ross_girl

Mia P.O.V.

It's been two weeks since I saw Ang, that means it's been two weeks since I went back home. After what Ang told me, I don't think I ever want to see Steve or Derek again. They both have been calling nonstop, probably wondering if Ang is gonna kill those poor people.

I continued to walk down the sidewalk in the cold, dark night. I had no where to go. I've been staying at some crappy motel downtown and I was on my way to stay there again for the night.

Out of nowhere, some van speeds by and pulls me in. I try screaming, but the guy covers my mouth. I look to see who it is and I see Derek. I push his arm away from me and scoot to the back of the van. I look in the driver seat and instead of seeing Steve, I see some random guy.

I look at Derek and gesture to the driver, "Who's that?"

"That's Jason, one of Dad's friends." He puts his hand on my knee, "Why have you been avoiding us?"

"Because he is not my real dad, like you're not my real brother." I said, pushing his hand away and pulling my knees to my chest.

He crawled over to me and pulled my face up to reveal some tears that have fallen. "Don't cry, Mia, you aren't biologically related to us exept Ang, but that doesn't mean that we're not family. Dad loves all of us and we will always protect you from harm." He started wiping tears away preventing them from falling.

"Then.........why is Steve okay with killing Ang if she doesn't do her job? If he really loved her, he wouldn't care."

"Ang......Ang has been giving Dad a hard time since we first got you two. She was always pushing him away when he tried to show her affection. He never grew to love her like he did you. He might not be your real father, but he is our dad." He pulled me close so I could go to sleep since I havent actually slept in like forever.

I know he's lying, I just know it. Even if he was telling the truth, I don't want Ang to die. I already know she wont kill them, I just know it. They will not hurt my big sister!

Next thing I know, we pull up to the same house I've been living at my whole life. We walk inside and Steve walks over to me.

"Where have you been all this time? I was worried sick." He said more like yelling than worried. It was like he didnt need me at all.

"I-I was thinking about getting prepared for when I grew up as an adult. You know, staying in my own place." I was always a good liar in the family. Whatever I say, they will believe me.

He nodded his head and headed towards his desk, "Whatever it was, we need to get ready for attack."


"Yea, we are going to kill the Lynchs tomorrow evening at their house. The parents are not going to be there, but it doesnt matter since the kids are the main priority. We can get them when they come back since they'll be really upset and they wont see it coming."

"This is a bit too soon and out of nowhere wouldnt you think?" I tried my best to convince them not to hurt the Lynchs.

"Yea, but Chelsea just called this morning, telling me that she clearly wants them dead NOW. So, tomorrow evening we are killing them."

I was shocked, there is clearly no way in talking him out of this. I have to warn Ang. I walked to my room and grabbed my phone to text Angela. I have a feeling this is going to end bad.

Ang P.O.V.

I was about to fall asleep when my phone went off. Who was texting me at midnight? I looked at my phone to see it was a text from Mia.

"You better go back to Ross' family now. They will be in danger if you dont come before tomorrow."

What does she mean they will be in danger? Does this mean Steve is planning to kill them tomorrow? Gosh, I need to go now!

I looked at the moniters to see that all of them were home, exept the parents of course. I grabbed my jacket and ran outside to my bike that I finally got fixed and headed to the Lynch household. I got there after a few minutes and pulled up into the driveway. I ran up to the door and knocked frantically on the door not wanting to be out of Ross' arms any longer.

Ross P.O.V.

It's two in the morning and someone was knocking on the door as if they were escaping some killer dude. Second day back home and I'm almost already getting overwhelmed with someone.

"I'm coming! Hold your dang horses!" I ran to the door and opened it. Once I saw who it was I was immediately shocked. Ang was standing right there in front of me. I pulled her into the tightest hug I've ever gave and I never wanted to let go of her. I pulled back and smashed my lips onto hers, giving her a kiss with all of my passion. I stayed like that for a while until Angel came into the room.

"Hello lovebirds, Ang what made you come back?" She asked which caused us to pull apart.

"Oh, uh I came because all of you are in danger. They are coming soon and I have to be with you at all times." Ang answered.

All of us went silent for awhile until Riker broke it, "Do you know when exactly they are coming?"

She shook her head no, "I just got a text from Mia and it said that I better stay here to protect you for the next few days. It could mean they're coming or anything, but all I know is that we need to protect eachother, and Angel, I don't think you can fight if anything happens. You and Brianna can go to Ratliff's or somewhere since your pregnant and it's not your fight."

Angel scoffed, "Just because I'm a week pregnant doesn't mean I can't whoop some butt. If someone wants to hurt my loved ones, then I'm obviously involved and will do anything to protect them. I'm not going to chicken out, Brianna can all she wants but I'm not at all."

"Hey! I'm not a chicken!" Brianna yelled in defense.

"It doesn't matter, she's right. Both of you aren't staying here." Riker said looking at Angel.

"But Riker...." Angel started to wine.

"Angel, I love you too much to let you do this with a possibility of getting killed. I'm not letting you do this because I want you and the baby to be safe. I love you and don't think for one second otherwise."

"Baby, I don't want you to get hurt either. These people are after all of you and we don't know how many are coming. You need all the people you can get."

"Trust me, I won't die. None of us will, but I probably would if I saw you hurt."  Riker leans down and kisses Angel.

They pull apart and Angel sighs, "Fine, but I'm only doing this because of you." She reaches up and kisses him.

I smile and look down at Ang who is also smiling. Just then someone knocks on our door again. I open it to reveal the girl I saw talking to Derek a few months ago.

I jump back, "Ang, they're already here!"

"No, that's Mia, my sister. She was the one who warned me. Mia, what are you doing here?"

"I came here to help."


Getting close to the end of the book!! Only 9 more chapters left! What do you think is going to happen? Vote and Comment:)


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