Life In The Yakuza •Yakuza It...

By RandomRedRidingHood

21.4K 594 97

Miharu Kurokawa was on a train when she just so happened to bump into Itachi Uchiha, of the yakuza clan, the... More



1.2K 33 5
By RandomRedRidingHood


"Nn!"Miharu couldn't hold back her cries of pain as Itachi slammed the belt against her butt. It hurts. SLAP! Another small cry of pain. How many is that? Surely that's gotta be at least seven... Her hands gripped the desk firmly. All she'd said was that she didn't want to clean up the large mess he'd purposely made for her to clean. SLAP! She couldn't understand why he was doing this to her. He'd already done it to her earlier. When she'd snapped at him for sticking his hand up her skirt. SLAP! He stopped and she felt his hand touch her. Ow! It's sore! And he's touching me! She didn't dare refuse to let him touch her again, though.

"There. Maybe now you'll learn your place,"Itachi told her. He ran his hand over the now forming swollen lines on her ass. He had to admit, she did have a nice shape. He squeezed her gently.

"Ow!"Miharu hissed. He nodded, satisfied and removed his hand. He sighed and sat the belt on his desk, going around it to sit in his chair. He leaned back, resting his feet on the desk and placing his hands behind her head.

"Clean up that mess. Now,"Itachi ordered. Miharu slowly moved to cleaning the mess up. Itachi focused his eyes on her butt as she bent over to clean up the mess he'd made. He eventually drew his eyes away. She finished and came back to the room after throwing the things away, facing him silently. Her gaze was cast down, ashamed at herself for allowing him to treat her like this. She wished slightly that she'd let Nishiki's men protect her. Itachi leaned forward, moving his feet from the desk.

"Do you want a break? If you beg me for one I'll let you have it,"Itachi told her deviously. He grinned. Miharu shook her head.

"No thank you. I don't require one,"Miharu declined. He felt anger swell inside him. She has the nerve to refuse. He narrowed his eyes at her. I still haven't broken her. No matter. I will.


Now a week had passed. Miharu had gone through awful things. Lashes, spankings, even having to hold her breath under water for as long as Itachi said. She now had to sleep on her front, but even then her eyes were open wide. Eventually she began to feel sleepy. Just as she was about to close her eyes, her door swung open.

"Get up,"Itachi ordered. Miharu turned her gaze to the clock and read that it was six thirty. Miharu slowly pulled herself out of bed. I'm so worn out. The past week, I've only had an hour or two of sleep. Miharu pulled the covers back to their original state again and gazed exhaustedly at Itachi. He stared at her, a grin spreading over his lips. "Today you're going to run. Three times up, and three times down the stairs of this building. From my floor to the bottom and back. If you stop, you get five lashes, today with my whip." Itachi held his whip up. "Go ahead and get changed." Of course he picks running on the day that I'm too tired.

And so she ran. She ran until her legs hurt, her thighs aching from going up and down the stairs. When she reached the sixth lap, coming to a stop at the top of the stairs she collapsed to her hands and knees. Itachi gazed at her.

"Very good. You're getting stronger, aren't you?"Itachi told her. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her up. Her hands came up, grabbing his that held hers she stayed on her knees, her face too tired to even make an expression of pain. He narrowed his eyes. She has bags under her eyes. Has she not been sleeping? And her weight. She's lighter than usual. Has she been eating? "What shall be your reward today, hm? What would you like?"

"Sis...sister...I want to see my sister...."Miharu breathed out. Her breath was hitching, and her lungs ached. She knew she probably wouldn't be able to see Michiko. Itachi shook her side to side, while gripping her hair.

"Is that so?"he asked. She opened her eyes and looked up at him pleadingly. For some reason it struck a chord in him. He released her and she fell back to her hands, giving him a confused look. "Shower. I will take you to her." Miharu's eyes brightened.

"R...really?"she asked. Itachi crossed his arms and stood up straight.

"That's what I said,"Itachi told her, closing his eyes. "We had her moved to this building. Shower quickly." Miharu felt a sudden burst of energy. She stood up and went to shower, getting every inch of her clean, but also hissing when the warm water hit the lash marks she'd collected. She dried off and got dressed, coming out of the room. Itachi nodded once and waved for her to follow.

When they reached the room Michiko was in, Miharu went in as quickly as she could. She jogged to the bed, looking down at her comatose sister. She placed her hand on her forehead and sighed. She's still comatose. Michiko, please. You've got to wake up. Itachi dragged a chair over.

"Sit,"Itachi ordered. Miharu sat down slowly, frowning at the pain that landed through her wounds. She grabbed her sister's limp hand. Itachi shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned against the wall, across from Miharu and her sister. His eyes focused on the solemn expression she had as she pulled her younger sister's hand towards her. I was told she had been in a coma for about a year. She doesn't look like Miharu. Itachi focused on comparing the two sisters. Michiko had brown hair, and freckles across her cheeks. Miharu said nothing, closing her eyes. It seemed to brighten Miharu up, when I allowed her to visit her. It's been a week since I'd seen her so lively, but I still haven't seen her smile.

After an hour of being in the room, Itachi told Miharu it was time to leave. She didn't argue and followed him out. When they got in the elevator, Miharu smiled to herself.

"Itachi,"she murmured. His gaze slipped to her and his eyes widened at the expression she bore. Her smile was wide. "Thank you." He froze. His heart skipped a beat. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. She stepped out and his eyes followed her. She smiled at me. She thanked me. He quickly stepped out, and walked past her, leading her to the living room. What...what am I feeling? He shoved her to the couch after they reached the living room. She winced in pain. He frowned. He plopped down on the chair in front of her, gazing at her silently.

"Itachi,"a voice spoke. He turned and saw Shisui walking in. Shisui flashed a flirting grin at Miharu, and for some reason it really pissed Itachi off. "Your mom wants to see you and Miharu in her room now." Itachi frowned.

"What for?"He asked. Shisui snorted.

"Do you think that woman tells me everything? That woman is nuttier than a fruit cake,"Shisui replied. Miharu cracked a smile at the joke. So I'm not the only one who thinks so. Itachi glared at Shisui for his comment and Shisui held his hands up defensively. "Hey, it's not just me who thinks so. Miharu laughed too." Itachi's gaze snapped to Miharu and her smile vanished.

"Send word to my mother. We'll be there shortly. I think first, I'm going to teach Miharu a lesson on who she shouldn't make fun of,"Itachi grumbled. Miharu shrank back against the couch cushions, watching Shisui leave the room quietly through the elevator doors. Itachi stood up, walking around the coffee table to gaze down at Miharu. Is he going to hit me? She wondered. As cruel as Itachi had been, he hadn't physically laid a hand on her other than to grab or pull her hair or inappropriately grab her ass. When he did grab her as such, it was more a way of him showing her that he was the boss, and was in control. Itachi reached out and Miharu squeezed her eyes shut, preparing for him to hit her. She felt his hand grab her throat. This is it, he's going to strangle me.

In a surprising move, he slid his hand around her neck to the back of it and pulled her towards him. Itachi slammed his lips down on hers, earning a surprised noise. Miharu was shocked. She was a virgin, but it wasn't like she hadn't been kissed before. Only this seemed more intense. She put her hands up on his shoulders to push him away, but he grabbed her wrist, holding it. His tongue slipped inside her mouth and she made another noise. In a minute he pulled away from her, surprised at himself for enjoying it. She breathed hard, touching her lips with her hand. Her cheeks were flushed. What was THAT?!

"The next time you don't act how I want you to, I'll go farther,"Itachi told her. He stared down at her and his brow wrinkled. He wanted to kiss her again.

"F-farther?"Miharu breathed. She didn't quite understand his meaning. Her brain was fuzzy from the kiss that she'd just had given to her. Itachi leaned back down to her and slid his hand across her thigh and grazing the inner thigh. She let out a squeak of surprise, and quickly squeezed her legs shut on his hand. He gave her a devilish grin.

"Yes. Farther,"Itachi told her. She blushed and leaned away from him. He released her and turned around. "Get up. My mother is waiting."

(Not edited)

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