
By TheBlackKeyss

257K 5.4K 2.7K

****DISCLAIMER this fan fiction in no way demonstrates the behavior, actions, or relations of the real Marsha... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (part 2)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (part 1)
Chapter 10 (part 2)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (part 1)
Chapter 19 (part 2)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (part 1)
Chapter 21 (part 2)
Chapter 21 (part 3)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 25 (part 2)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (The Finale - Part 1)
Chapter 28 (The Finale - part 2)
Chapter 28 (The Finale - part 3)
Chapter 28 (The Finale - part 4)
pain & gain

Chapter 5 (part 1)

8.7K 202 212
By TheBlackKeyss

It was cold this morning. The thin sleeves of my shirt were not enough. Detroit was fading into winter and the last of the autumn leaves were swished into oblivion with short gusts of wind. The street I walk on to get to the shop was empty. There wasn't much except for a couple crumpled newspapers that fluttered in the breeze.

The clouds hung low in the sky giving the already dead street and even gloomier feel. It looked like it would rain tonight. I power walked towards the shop now all of a sudden worried I might be late. Upon arrival, Nick held open the door for me as I scurried into the warmth of the store.

"It's fucking freezing." I cursed and rubbed my arms.

Nick laughed and continued stacking some Red Sox beanies. I strolled back to the counter and sat on top in my usual place. The shop didn't get much business but it paid well with lenient hours. Behind the counter I saw Nick's phone hooked up to the speaker that was playing a reggae song.

"What's your password I'm changing the song!" I called.

Nick walked hurriedly to the back where I was. He picked his phone up and typed his password in swiftly before handing it back.

"I won't tell anyone." I laughed.

"It's not that." Nick said. "It's um...nevermind."

Nick quickly scurried back to his previous spot. K that was weird. I scrolled through his music library on his phone but was interrupted by a text from someone called Adam. The prompt showed at the top and said "Did you ask her..." I couldn't read the rest.

"Nick you got a text from Adam." I said still scrolling.

He snatched his phone away again but this time typed a swift reply. Before he could walk away I made sure he explained.

"Ask who what?" I dove right into the question. I wasn't in any mood for deciphering Nick's vague responses.

"No, it's nothing...really it's not a big deal." His face turned a little red and tiny beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

"Tell me." I didn't mean to come off pushy even though I probably did anyway. "Who is she?"

Nick looked down at the floor. He studied a small rip in his black converse before looking back up. His face was still red but he had stopped sweating.

"You..." He mumbled. "I wanted to ask you out on a group date with some of my friends..."

"Nick why didn't you just tell me?" I laughed. "I'd love to."

"But Marshall..." His voice was quiet. "He'll kill me."

That struck me in a weird way. I didn't belong to Marshall. Even though I liked him, he was bad news. Nick was sweet and kind. He was a good guy. Not that Marshall wasn't good but he was different.

"I'm not with Marshall." I said harshly. "I want to go out with you and your friends."

Nick smiled for a brief moment but it faded quickly. He contemplated for a second and shook his head.

"I'm sorry Rachel." He looked me directly in the eyes. "I don't want him to freak out again. Especially not on you."

Nick turned and started back towards the shop window. I hopped off the counter and followed him. He wasn't getting off this easy.

"Nick!" I called. "He doesn't have to know. I can go out with my friends if I want to."

"That's exactly it." Nick faced me and came extremely close. "I don't like you as a friend."

I was unsure what to do. I didn't really like Nick that way. Or at least don't think I do. But I was right. Marshall did not own me and if I want to go out with Nick then I will.

"Okay." I notified him. "Let's go out."

He looked hesitant at first but a smile replaced his uncertainty. "I'll pick you up at 8." Nick smirked and went back to stacking.


"This line is so long." One of Nick's friends complained.

The line for the club was easily 2 hours long. We were amongst the middle group. And by we I mean Nick, two of his male friends, another female, and myself. The girl's name was Miranda but I hadn't cared enough to remember the boy's names.

"Shut up Brian." Miranda scoffed at the taller boy.

Nick and I leaned against the side of the club while the other three teased each other. Our pinkies brushed against each other's as our hands dangled on either side of our bodies.

"Can I hold your hand?" Nick asked.

I nodded. Nick laced his fingers through the cracks of mine. This felt off. Nick's hands were cold and almost the exact size as mine. I hated to compare him to Marshall but his hands were much bigger and fell almost perfectly between mine. A lot of things were different about Nick. His shoulders were less broad and his hair was shaggier. Stop thinking about him. I scolded myself.

The line for the club had moved just a little bit. Brian, Miranda, and the third guy, whose name was apparently Beck, had stopped fighting. Gusts of wind hit us. I couldn't stop my body from shaking. It was clear now that a dress should not have been my selected wardrobe choice.

"Are you cold?" Nick quickly whipped off his leather jacket and swung it over my shoulders. "Here."

"Thanks." I said.

As we neared the front of the line I could see two large guards letting people in. Our group was about 10 people away from the entrance. The guard unhooked the rope to let the next group through but quickly clamped it back. He was talking to someone. A blonde. Marshall.

As soon as I had placed his identity I turned to face Nick. I hoped Marshall wouldn't see me. Luckily, Miranda stood in front of me shielding me from Marshall's line of vision. The guard let the next group of people in. We were next. Marshall was only a few feet away.

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath.

"What was that?" Nick barely looked up from his phone.

The guard was removing the rope once again. This time, for Marshall. There was no way he'd walk in without seeing me. I wasn't thinking. I grabbed Nick's face and pressed his lips firmly to mine. Nick's hands held my waist tight. I swiveled our bodies around so that Nick made a barrier between me and Marshall. My eyes followed Marshall's body into the club but Nick's were shut tight. I pulled out of the kiss as soon as he was inside.

"Wow." Nick laughed. "What was that for?"

"Oh nothing." I forced a laugh.

Nick held my hand again as the same guard who'd released Marshall into the club, let Nick and our group pass. There was a small carpet leading into the club. It was about 4 feet long before it disappeared in under many close bodies that desperately grinded on one another.

The group followed Beck towards the bar across the dance floor. My left hand clamped Nick's jacket around my shoulders but the other held a death grip on Nick's hand. I didn't want to get separated from him. Not in here. Not with Marshall in here.

"Can I get you something?!" The bartender had to scream over the pounding music.

I didn't hear the rest but Nick had ordered me something. He shouted a conversation with Beck and I took the opportunity to scan the crowd for Marshall. My eyes glanced over the dancers and a back corner of the club where many couples passionately grabbed each other. Where was he?

Nick's hand on my shoulder brought me back to reality. I turned towards him and he tried to tell me something but I couldn't hear. He shook his head, giving up on the whole thing and placed a cocktail in my hand. The music was interrupted and a voice announced that there would be open mic in after the next song.

"What kind of open mic do they do here?!" I scream-asked Nick. This place didn't seem like a karaoke type joint.

"Mostly rap!" He yelled back as the bass line of the song shook my insides.

After the song had finished, the people who were once dancing, shoved their way to the front towards the stage. The DJ grabbed a mic from his stand and fired up the crowd with the typical "who's ready for a show?" and "are you ready?" type shit that boxing announcers do.

"And now, our first rapper for tonight...Lil Mick!" The crowd went insane.

The DJ quickly shuffled back to his turn table and played a beat for the rapper to take on. Lil Mick was not little at all. He had to be at least 6'. His clothing choice was horrible. He had red saggy jeans, a white t shirt, and multiple chains around his neck. His rapping wasn't the best either. He had the rhyming down but the things he was saying were just...stupid. Nick didn't seem to be enjoying it either. He sipped his drink and looked around.

"Alright alright who's ready for our next rapper?!" The DJ asked after Lil Mick had left the stage.

The audience cheered again in encouragement.

"Give it up, for Eminem!" The DJ ran back towards the turn table.

I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my drink. Ew. Is this gin? I glanced at the stage and saw a tall blonde guy walk to the center. Wait. I squinted just to be sure it was him. Once his identity was confirmed I spit out my whatever the fuck I was drinking and stood with my mouth hung open.

"You've got to be fucking joking." Nick said, also in shock. "Did you know about this?" He hissed.

I was too in shock to answer him. He looked at me with sad angry eyes and I barely shook my head. Instead I placed my drink and his jacket in his hands and sped walked towards the crowd. By now, Marshall was rapping. He was good. Much better than the first guy. I shoved people out of my way in my battle to the front row.

My small frame did nothing to help me. I squeezed in tiny spaces and dodged fists pumping to Marshall's freestyle. A busty blonde spilled her drink slightly down my side and drunkenly apologized. I shoved her out of my way. Almost there. I barely made it to the second row. My hand clamped on the edge of the stage and I heaved myself past the last body separating me from Marshall.

Well. Here I am. I wasn't quite sure what I thought I was gonna do once I got here but I decided to get his attention. He continued rapping something about a deadbeat dad and a fucked up mom with a son.

"Marshall!" I yelled.

If he heard me he didn't respond.

"MARSHALL!" I screamed even louder.

A few people around me gave me mean stares. This wasn't working. What else could I do? Got it. I placed my index finger and thumb in my mouth and whistled as loud as I could. The people next to me cringed but Marshall looked over.

Success. He had seen me. I locked eyes with him and his eyebrows knit in confusion. He continued to rap but didn't take his eyes off me. I smirked in satisfaction. For once Marshall was the confused one and I was in control. Marshall's song finished out and he carelessly tossed the microphone on the stage.

He sprinted down the stairs and into the crowd. All of a sudden I felt scared. I shouldn't have gotten his attention. Now he knows I'm here. And with Nick. Shit.

"Rachel!" I heard his voice from the crowd. He wasn't far.

I spun around and fought my way past the crowd. My eyes locked on the exit and I made a mental note to apologize to Nick later.

"Rachel!" Marshalls voice was close now. "Don't run from me!"

Marshall's hand clamped down on my shoulder and forced me around. His eyes stared into mine and our bodies were sandwiched together due to people shoving up to the front for the next rapper.

"What are you doing here?" Marshall asked.

"I'm on a date." I tried to squirm away but Marshall tightened his arm around my waist.

"A date?" I could hear the anger in his voice. "With who?"

"None of your business Marshall let me go."

"Is it that prick from your work? What was his name? Like Nathan or some shit?"

"Nick." I corrected still trying to fight him.

"Oh so you are here with him then." Marshall said sarcastically.

"What does it matter?"

Marshalls grip was slipping. I was almost free.

"What matters is I like you and you like me and you're here with somebody else!" Marshall screamed. The fire behind his blue eyes ignited.

"Are you jealous?"

"Jealous?" Marshall laughed in disbelief. "Honey I wouldn't be jealous of that dick if he was a fucking billionaire."

"Then let me go." I spat and shoved away from Marshall.

I managed to slip out of his grip. His hands tried to grab me again but I squirmed through the crowd back towards the bar.

"Rachel stop!" Marshall was hot on my trail. "Hey!"

I shoved a girl with blue hair streaks out of the way and searched for Nick and our group. I scanned the bar. They weren't anywhere around. As I searched Marshall held onto my forearm.

"Jesus Rachel stop running away." He said harshly.

I didn't respond. Did they leave? I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Look at me." Marshall's hand turned my chin to look at him. "He left you."

"You don't know that." I protested.

Marshall dragged me over to the bar. He got the attention of the bartender that had served Nick and I.

"You seen a guy go through here about 6 foot, short hair, kind of a prick?"

"Uh yeah he was with two other guys and a girl. They left like 15 minutes ago." The bartender replied and continued pouring drinks.

"But that's insane I was with them." I told him. "Are you sure they left?"

"He said something about 'no point in staying' and 'she's with him now'. I don't know he was a tad drunk but yes they left." The bartender was called away by a thirsty customer.

"But he couldn't... He wouldn't..." I had completely forgotten about Marshall's presence.

"Sorry to break it to you babe." Marshall's palms fell onto my waist. "He left you."

"I know..."

"You know..." He pressed our foreheads together. "I wouldn't have left you..."

I was very aware of Marshall now. His hands pressed on my lower back and pulled me closer to him. His bottom lip barely brushed across my top one. It seemed as though we were the only two people in the club.

"I'm taking you home." He demanded and pulled me toward the exit.

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