Kidnapped By Cannibals- Leah...

By gorystories

82.9K 2.4K 771

* I got permission from @Masonfitzzy to do this. Go read her series. It's the best! It has finally come to t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty- Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Five

3.2K 94 26
By gorystories

" J-Jared, what are you doing?" Leah stuttered, terrified of the answer. She already knew, but she hoped she was imagining it or she'd receive a different response.

" Just shut up!" Jared snapped, causing Leah to jerk in fright. "You should know not to question me." He moved towards her and placed his body next to her legs. He moved down right into her face.

He moved to close for comfort..

" Please," Leah whimpered, her flustered face pleading with every bit of energy. Her spectacles were falling down her face and Jared pushed them back up the bridge of her nose.

" I have to do this, sweetheart. You need to learn. This family won't put up with your bad behaviour." Jared tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and she cried out some more- the sound was agonising.

" B-but, I mean.. I mean isn't it time to eat?" Leah tried to get out of this, but she knew she was trapped.

Jared knew what he was going to do. His uncle Dylan had actually shown it to him when he was sixteen using his own girl, Janina . Gabe was mad at first that Jared had seen a girl that way before getting his own, but realised it had over done a learning curve and he'd know what he was doing when it came to the day he'd do the same; now was Jared's time.

He slowly pulled her sweatpants down and brought his mouth to the side of her face.

"You're not a virgin, are you?" Jared's hot breath filled her ear and Leah could tell he was becoming angry for some reason. She didn't respond and was trying to stop her body from shaking but it continued to. His face went from relaxed to tense within seconds of her silence.

" Thought not." He replied for her, venom dripping from his words and he finally became aggressive, yanking the pants from her bottom half and Leah's screeches echoed the room painfully.

" Stop! Please, Jared. Don't do this!"

Jared ignored her and pulled his boxer shorts down, bringing his lips to neck. She wanted to push him off, but the rope was way to tight. He finally placed himself inside her roughly and she yelled out in agony from his harsh movement inside her. He grunted like a pig as he shoved himself in and out repeatedly for hours. Leah felt like she was on fire, burning alive. There was nothing Leah could do. Just cry and cry.

Jared let out a large gasp and dropped to the side of her, panting for breaths. He smiled to himself as he lay next to her limbless body. Leah felt scarred for life; she lay paralysed on the comforter. She couldn't stop the pathetic noises from escaping her mouth as she attempted to roll over so she didn't have to face him, but her arms stopped her from doing so.

" Go to sleep, Leah." Jared said.

The tears scolded Leah's eyes, and no matter how hard she tried to control her breathing, it was loud the entire night until she exhausted herself out and drifted of to sleep.


Leah awoke to voices coming from out side of the room. She went to go to the door for a closer listen but her arms were still tied to the bed. Her ears twitched in an attempt to hear their every word.

" How did it feel, son?" Gabriel's deep voice was loud enough for Leah to hear properly.

" It felt good," the other man said and Leah noticed it was Jared. They must be talking about what happened last night. Leah cringed as they did so.


" Was she awake or sedated?"

" Awake, did you not hear her crying?"

" Oh believe me, son, I did. I mean the cries were bearable at first, she does have a wonderful scream. Until it got to 4am and I could still hear her." Gabriel chuckled. They were speaking about her as if she was an object - their possession, and Leah couldn't stand the thought. Leah sunk back into the pillow on the bed and clamped her eyes shut, trying to go back to sleep, but finding it rather difficult as the ropes stung her open wounds.

Jared entered the room and Leah had her eyes closed. He stared at her for a little while, admiring her face. He then walked over and touched her cheek with his finger, sending a disgusting feeling through her weak body and she jerked slightly. Leah felt herself beaten and remained pretending to be asleep as he stroked her cushion- like skin. It felt nice on Leah, but she couldn't help but remember what those dirty hands had done.

Complete and utter monstrous things.

" Leah," Jared finally said after having a moment to himself.

She fluttered her eyes open, the turquoise in them shining in Jared's face. He instantly could tell she'd have no sleep from the bags under her eyes.

" How are you feeling?"

" S-sore." Leah winced and tugged at her arms again until Jared grasped her wrist in his large hands. Dry blood was flaking of her arms and she had two massive slices around both her wrists, her veins bluer than ever from being strangled by the rope.

He pressed his finger over it, eyeing his work, and Leah hissed aloud.

" This is your own fault. You shouldn't misbehave." Jared told her sharply. " If I untie you, are you going to be good?"

Leah nodded, unsure if she was telling the truth as he dragged the rope from her arms and placed it on the ground.

She shoved them towards her chest and stroked her finger down the slices as Jared threw clothes at her.

"Hurry up and get changed."

Leah grabbed the green shirt and black shorts and was hurrying to the bathroom when she felt an arm grab her shoulder and she flinched.

"You are not getting changed in the bathroom. After yesterday's episode, you can't be trusted." Jared stated bluntly and Leah felt the colour drain out her face. Last night, she'd had her arms tied up so there was nothing she could do, but now she felt bedraggled that he'd want her to stand there whilst he watched. Jared made her nauseas. He was sick and twisted and he needed help.

Leah was about to scream and yell no, but Jared rose his eyebrows, signalling she needed to get on with it. He folded his muscular arms as if to tell her he was going to stand there and wait until she completely changed.

She reached for the bottom of the sweatshirt and pulled it from her body with trembling hands. Jared's eyes drooled at her as her white bra was revealed that she'd been wearing since she was kidnapped. When Jared told her to change, he never gave her a new one, but she was too scared to bring it up in case he punished her. When she'd done, Jared gave her a smirk and raised his hand out too take Leah's.

Shakily, she gave her hand to him and he pulled her down the stairs.

Everything was already set out at the table and Gabriel and Theo was eating their porridge. Lindsay was washing her dish and didn't dare to look at Leah when she entered with Jared. Lindsay had told Jared and Gabriel she'd trapped herself in the bathroom the entire day and refused to help her with anything. Lindsay cheeks went pink with embarrassment and she felt bad.

Jared sat down and gestured Leah to do the same.

Theo looked up from his porridge and his eyes widened with excitement as he viewed Leah's wrists. "Damn, Leah, you've really done a number on your wrists, haven't you?" Theo sniggered slightly before pushing his bowl to the side for Lindsay to get.

Jared took her arms and rubbed at them softly but causing Leah pain. She was taken back when he touched her wrists.

" You should eat your porridge. You didn't have dinner yesterday." Jared pointed out, and Leah could feel her stomach grumble.

" You should of just got it out the way," Theo said randomly, and all eyes shot to him.


Jared communicated with Theo through eye contact, hushing him and then brought his hand to Leah's face.

Gabriel watched his son and a small smile curled its way onto his lips. His dark eyes glaring at Leah and never leaving.

"I hope you've learned your lesson now, Leah. My son doesn't want to hurt you, but if he has to, he will. Do you understand me?" Gabe explained, taking another spoonful of porridge into his mouth. Gabriel exaggerated the last part- he spoke to her like she was a child.

Leah felt it was a rhetorical question and bowed her head in shame, ignoring him. This angered Gabriel and his voice was louder the second time he spoke.

"Answer me when I'm speaking to you," Gabriel commanded.

" Don't be rude," Theo added, and Jared darted his eyes at him, but Theo wasn't looking his way. It irritated Jared how Theo always made a comment when it wasn't necessary. Leah belonged to him. He only had to wait five years, then he could have someone to boss around. But Theo enjoyed the power. He'd never had anyone to tell off before. Especially being the youngest.

" Y-yes, sir. I understand." Leah finally said and Gabriel grinned before walking over to Lindsay and pulling her in for a kiss.

When he released her, he spoke. " Now don't you be causing Lindsay any trouble, I mean it." He then grabbed his jacket and took the shiny key of his neck before unlocking the door and leaving. He didn't give Leah a chance to respond.

" I'll see you outside, bud," Theo patted his brothers shoulder and headed towards the door. "Bye, Mom."

" Bye, sweetie," Lindsay replied and Theo side-smiled before he left.

" Come here," Jared held his arm out to Leah and she stood up from the chair and took it. He yanked her onto his knee and she gasped a little. So she didn't fall, she steadied herself and wrapped her arms over him. Jared appeared shocked but smirked in her face.

" You need to behave today," Jared whispered and kissed her neck. Lindsay pretended she couldn't see what was happening and turned away. Leah was overly emotional and she felt the tears working their way into her eyes for a millionth time since being here. His dirty touch filled her body and sitting on him now, she felt trapped.

" Do not leave my Mom to do everything herself. She deserves a rest once in a while. Don't be selfish."

Leah nodded but he couldn't see as he cradled her head on his shoulder. She kept it there so that Jared couldn't witness her glossy eyes. He'd only ask what's wrong and she truly didn't know. Alls she knew is that Jared terrified her. Not only did they kidnap but they also raped and beat- even murderer. It couldn't possibly get any worse. Could it? The hooks eyed her from the side of her room. 

" I'll see you later," Jared said, and lifted her off of him, leaning in for a kiss but Leah moved away. Jared's face appeared with slight animosity and he grabbed her hair, forcing his lips onto hers. Jared crushed her mouth and she couldn't imagine being in his shoes- throwing yourself at someone who clearly isn't interested. It was embarrassing.

Leah could think that, but she had been doing exactly the same thing with Derek...

Jared brought his head back and smiled at her before he left the house, bolting the door shut.

Lindsay entered the room again and Leah shifted her focus from the door, to Lindsay. She clocked that horrifying corner for a fourth time and it  tortured her, causing her too feel nauseous.

She was interrupted by Lindsay's sweet voice "Good morning," she greeted. "Are you going to help me out today?"

I have no idea why I made Theo a jerk, but I did :)

Has anyone read the poem  "The Farmers Bride"? I study it in English at school, but the first time I read Family Comes First, it reminded me of it so fricking badly. It's literally the exact same story ( Apart from the cannibalism lmao) Out of all the fifteen I study, "The Farmer's Bride" is definitely my favourite for that reason. I 100% suggest too look it up and read it. It's great!

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