Living with the Arcobalenos i...

By AnniePaul5

8.8K 271 25

Tsunayoshi Sawada is looking out his window as he knees on the floor looking out to the world as he accidenta... More

Meeting the Arcobaleno
Daily Life Arc Part 1
Daily Life Arc Part 2
Daily Life Arc Part 3
Daily Life Arc Part 4
Koyuyo Arc 1
Kuyuyo Arc 2
Varia Arc 1: Prologue
Varia Arc 2: Sun Battle
Varia Arc 3: Lightning Battle
Varia Arc 4: Storm Battle
Varia Arc 5: Rain Battle
Varia Arc 6: Mist Battle
Varia Arc 7: Cloud Battle
Varia Arc 8: Sky Battle Part 1
Varia Arc 8: Sky Battle Part 2
Varia Arc 8: Sky Battle Part 3
Inheritance Ceremony Arc 1
Inheritance Ceremony Arc 2
Inheritance Ceremony Arc 3
Inheritance Ceremony Arc 4
Inheritance Ceremony Arc 5
Inheritance Ceremony Arc 6
Rainbow Battles Arc part 1
Rainbow Battle Arc part 2
Rainbow Battle Arc part 3
Rainbow Battle Arc part 4
Rainbow Battle Arc part 5
Rainbow Battle Arc part 6

Mafia Land

293 9 3
By AnniePaul5

Tsuna saw Yuni curled up into his chest while Byakuran is curled into Yuni's back making Tsuna to smile at his siblings before he gets ready for school. Lambo and I-pin are going to be going to school to have a normal education to help them out in the future.

Tsuna saw Kyoko Sasagawa and her onii-chan, Ryohei Sasagawa at the gates talking and he smiles as his cruch on her is fully gone as he had falling for his tutor and is keeping it a sercet since he doesn't know if Reborn would return it.

Colonnello had invited them to Mafia Land and Skull sent a letter to Aria about testing Tsuna's leadership which she agrees to and sent a letter to Mafia Land as a warning of the test. It was on a cruise ship heading to Mafia Land.

Tsuna wonders how they are going to be getting onto it as it doesn't seem right for some reason making him to worry as he sees the island and everyone got off and went to the desk where Colonnello shows up and explains to the desk woman they are his guest.

They had fun as Yuni and Byakuran were hard to keep an eye on them, but Tsuna manages to keep up with Lambo and I-pin joining the two. Aria was happy Tsuna can have fun as this is going to be perfect.

Two days in and the island was under attack from the Carcassa Famiglia which was Skull's family making Reborn to be angry until he felt Aria's amusement meaning he told her as they saw other famiglias fighting among themselves.

"Cretinos! Idiotas! Scemos! Deficente! Stupido babbeos!" Tsuna shoutes at them making them to look to Tsuna who was in HDW mood making them to shut up and look to him.

"We need to work together if we are to ever win against them! No killing and we need to use this to bid their Don! Shoot at the shoulders ONLY! Ten mean will be staying to guard the civilians and NO BUTS!

Go into squads of ten and shoot them in the shoulders only and if you disobey the order, I'll send a letter to the Vincent to explain fully what had happened! Move out and make sure you have a radio to talk back to base!"


"Go tenth!"

"Hahaha, Tsuna is pretty scary when he wants to be!"

"Yeah, Tsuna-nii!" Aria was pleased with Tsuna's actions as the other famiglias followed his orders and only shoot them in the shoulders and tied them up. Skull got onto Aria's shoulders and whispers into her ear.

"I got nothing against it." Skull nods and leaves and he gets ready for his part. Tsuna saw Skull and realized it was a test for him making to get ready. Gokudera, Yamamoto and Hibari saw Tsuna get slammed into a rock before dodging a tentacle.


"Stay out of this!" All three froze as Tsuna never shouts at them unless it was for training again two or three Arcobalenos.

"The whole thing was a test! For me! I can't let you giys do the finally test me!" Tsuna said as he looks up at Skull and get's ready. Skull had his octopus, Oodako attack Tsuna with everything he has and the others watched worried. Tsuna got slammed into a tree, but still got back up.

"I won't fail this test!" Sky Flame surrounds Tsuna and then he had Sky Flames around him in a shape of a phoenix before he slams back into Oodako making the octopus to be pushed back.

Aria and the others were all watching the site in front of them. Yuni, I-pin, Byakuran and Lambo were cheering Tsuna on as Tsuna knocks out Skull and his octopus making him to win. Aria caught Tsuna before hits the floor.

Two days later, Don Carcassa took back his men while Skull stays with Aria. Tsuna was recovering and waa doing find thanks to Reborn healing him enough to talk.

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