My Protective Vampire ✓

Por bjorghalla

42.1K 1.5K 92

{Book 2 in the Vampire series} Emma is now gone but is she really gone forever? The last thing Emma remember... Más

{Chapter 1}
{Chapter 2}
{Chapter 3}
{Chapter 4}
{Chapter 5}
{Chapter 6}
{Chapter 7}
{Chapter 8}
{Chapter 10}
{Chapter 11}
{Chapter 12}
{Chapter 13}
{Chapter 14}
{Chapter 15}
{Chapter 16}
{Chapter 17}
{Chapter 18}
{Chapter 19}
{Chapter 20}
{Chapter 21}
{Chapter 22}
{Chapter 23}
{Chapter 24}
{Chapter 25}
{Chapter 26}
{Chapter 27}
{Chapter 28}

{Chapter 9}

1.4K 45 6
Por bjorghalla

|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 9|

So I'm an angel, a queen and now a goddess, are you kidding me? When does this end? What will I become next? An elephant? No I mean it, it wouldn't shock me if I was an elephant for real. I'm not even gonna bother to be shocked or surprised. I know that this is not the end of the crazy things that are about to happen to me so I'll just save that for later, when the right time comes. Anyway I stare at her, and I think she is even more shocked than I am and it is about me, besides I don't even know her that much. I just met her few minutes ago. "A goddess?" I ask her, I want to know if she has the right girl because I don't think I can ever become a goddess. I don't even know what goddesses do. I have read about many goddesses but I don't think I am fit to be one.

"Yes, it may be hard to believe and quite unrealistic but it is true. When I was growing up I heard legends about a girl who is a goddess and the story tells about a girl with water abilities, I never knew that I would meet the girl in person, anyway I'll teach you to master you powers" she says after coming to her senses. So I am actually a goddess and I have water powers, am I dreaming this or has my life become something else than I thought, when I thought things couldn't get worse, then it got worse. I was here just one minute ago with Jason and the next thing I know is that I am something I can't be again for the third time. Really this has become my life right now and for some reason it doesn't stop, I can't run it so what am I suppose to do? I have no idea what I am suppose to do as a goddess.

I really don't want to be a goddess, I just want to be myself and who I am is just a normal girl with normal everyday problems, I wish I could just turn back time so I could be in the time where the only problem I had was that I didn't have a car, I didn't even have a bike. I have never really liked bikes. The only thing I would regret if I could turn back time is that I would never meet Jason and fall in love with him, and that is a part of my life that I never want erased. But that makes me wonder, since me and Jason are soulmates, would we have met either we later in life if I never got that job at the kindergarten? I got to ask, well that goes onto the list, yep the lest hasn't ended yet, there are only more and more things going on it. Only making it endless.

I need to get this thought out of my head, the thought of me begin a goddess. If I pretend that I never knew it then what are the odds that I will become it. "Anyway, can we discuss something else, that doesn't involve something about me?" I ask them. Victoria looks very confused that I don't want to learn more about this but she will just have to get use it. If she knows something about me and who I am then we better leave it in her head and not out in the open where I can hear them. "Yeah, sure. Well now I have to go but don't worry Emma I will be back and taking you shopping" she says very exited. Oh great another shopping trip, could this get any worse or what? My feet barely survive the last one. She goes to hug Jason and she whispers something in his ear, but she says it to low for me to hear so she is no leavening me with a questionable look on my face.

She leaves in a hurry. Now it is time for me to scold the love of my life. "Why in the world didn't you tell me you had a sister? Do you have more siblings? Did you tell be few weeks ago that your family was all murdered? Do you not trust me enough?" I continue to ramble on an on questioning Jason, not even allowing him to speak. He has a guilty look on his face and he should be. While I talk I can feel tears run down my eyes like rivers. The feeling of him not trusting me hurts my heart so much, I feel horrible now. All this time I really thought that he trusted me but I guess he doesn't trust me as much as I thought. Jason wipes my tears with his thump.

"Emma, I promise you that I do trust you, trust you with my whole life. I didn't want to complicate things between us by telling you about her" He says to me with a very calm voice. How in the living world can he be this calm? I am freaking out here. Right now there is noting that makes sense to me, the only thing I know is that Jason has some serious explaining to do and I want to hear every single word of it. Just when I am about to understand the situation of everything, something comes up and I am left with a mind full of questions that unfortunately can't be answered. And that is really a bummer.

"Victoria may not be my sister by blood but she is my family. I saved her from a horrible death and helped her, in a way she helped me to, I was all alone when we met. It was about three hundred years ago, she convinced me to become a business man, before that I just took what I wanted. From then on I started my own business, a small one but with the years it grew and finally today it is the most well know business in the whole world. I never told you about her because she can be very handful such as yourself but, anyway she has a reputation for gossiping and talking to much, I feared that she would be to much for you to handle. Trust me I have learned from experience that it can be very hard to bare her talking, what you have seen of her today is not her usual self, right now she is in a moment of grief but tries to hide it" Jason says.

Oh how rude, I am not handful, all right maybe I am a little handful but it is still a little rude to tell this to my face. He really thinks that I can not handle Victoria, I can and have handled death so what makes him think that I of all people cannot handle Victoria. I feel sorry for that she is grieving for whatever reason she is, I know grieve so I know that she may not be the same person until she has calmed herself from the pain in the heart. Some people never get over it, some don't but everyone must respect a person who grieve because everyone will grieve at least once or twice in their life's and deal with the same pain. "Thank you" I say to him after breaking away from my thoughts that have roaring in my mind for far to long.

"For what my flower?" Jason asks, I have missed it when he calls me that. I actually like it, I like it when he calls me that. It warms my heart up and for some reason it makes me crave him so badly that it almost hurt, who am I kidding the love I have for him makes my heart hurt but in the best way possible. There truly are no words to describe my love for Jason Black, love is works in a very mysterious way that can not be explained. "Haven't you figured it out by now?" I ask him with a smirk on my face. He chuckles at me and shakes his head lightly, making me giggle a little. Sometimes he can be so clueless, which I think that he hates. I know that he wants to be in control and know everything, and when it does happen that he has no idea what is going on is probably pretty hard for him. But I love tease him about it, I hope he doesn't mind that.

"For begin there for me when I needed someone, my whole life I have always counted on myself but now it feels like I can count on you, and know that you will always be there for me when I need you. I loved you Jason" I say as I kiss him on the lips. He returns the kiss and we kiss until we are out of breath, or at least I'm out I need to breath, I have no idea if Jason can hold his breath forever, I need to ask him someday. But right now I don't want to ruin the moment. I open my eyes and gaze at his, they are so compelling, it's seriously hard to resist them, it's almost impossible. "I'm taking you out on a date tonight be ready at seven" he says looking into my eyes, I don't think we have ever had a date before. Oh god I have never been a date in my entire life.

I don't know how to act, how to dress. Maria is always going out on dates with her boyfriends and stuff so it is best to ask her about all this stuff, she would know what to do right? I just hope she doesn't tell me to put make up on, not only am I horrible at it but also because I don't really like make up. For other people it's all right but on myself, putting that stuff on my face is something that I don't like. But that is just my opinion, I know for a fact that Maria loves make up and I'm okay with that, I mean there is nothing wrong with make up it is just I don't like it on my face. "ok, I'll be ready at that time" I tell him as I look at the clock, it read 02:23, Maria says that it makes time to get ready for a date so I should probably call her right now, I kind of need her right now. "I should start to get ready" I say as I pick up my phone and dial Maria's number, I walk out of the room and into the bedroom.

After ringing a few times she finally answers her phone. "Hola Emsy, get it Hola means Hello and Emsy is your name Emma" she says as she laughs weirdly. She is so strange sometimes. I think she just woke up. I hear something fall and break the other line and I'm not even sure if I want to know what that was or what happened. "Maria guess What? Guess What?" I squeal as a child when I ask her, well I can't help It, I'm just so exited, I'm going on a date tonight. I have heard that the first date will never be forgotten that I will remember it forever. And that is something that I want. I want this date to be perfect, knowing Jason I know that he would do anything to make this as perfect as possible. "Oh come on you know how I despise riddles besides I'm not in the mood for one right now" she says making me laugh, I know all of that I just wanted to tease her with it.

She is a bit grumpy sometimes. "I'm kidding but Jason just asked me out on a date tonight and I-" I begin to say but I stop myself when I hear a really loud squeal on the other line which burns my eardrum, I need to take the phone away from my ear but I I could still hear it. That kind of hurt. "OMG MY BEST FRIEND IS GOING ON A DATE WITH JASON BLACK, I KNEW MY SHIP WOULD COME TRUE, I JUST KNEW IT" she continues to yell into the phone, I swear to god that she is going crazy about this, I think even more than I am, not that I am not crazy about this date because I am. I am super excited about tonight but I'm not really the kind of girl to scream out in excitement out of just one date, because I know for a fact that this date is only the first of many to come. Or at least that I what I am hoping, this date has to work because if not than it would be weird and strange to go on a date number two.

And that would be so horrible and I am pretty sure that both me and Jason don't want that, we want this date to be perfect. Knowing Jason he will do something way over the top with the date tonight, I don't know what to expect but I know that I will be blown away, that is for a fact. I am pretty sure everyone knows it. This is our first date and the first date is always the best one, well I think that it is how that works. "I AM COMING THERE RIGHT NOW, WE NEED TO FIND YOU A DRESS, A SHOES, MAKE UP AND EVERYTHING BETWEEN, EMMA YOU TAKE A SHOWER RIGHR NOW AND DON'T GET OUT OF THE SHOWER UNTIL I AM THERE" she yells and before I could tell her to calm herself down she hangs up the phone, I better do what she wants because of not then I am in big trouble and I don't want that to happen. When she gets mad she is really mad and no one wants to get in her way, trust me it will end bad.

I hurry up and get into the shower, knowing Maria she has her way to get here super fast, trust me. I'm really starting to think that she can teleport, I mean I just learned that I'm this kind of a goddess so it can be possible to teleport. I mean that can always explain how Maria gets to every place so fast, I mean when I invited her to my apartment she gets there in no time even if she lives at the other end of town. I hear a knock on the door. I know that it is Maria, see what I told you she just arrived and I have been in the shower for ten minutes. I really need to know how she does this other wise I would go mad of trying to figure it out by myself and then I mean even madder than I already am. "It's Maria I'm coming in" she says and I don't even have time to respond to her when she just opens the door and walks inside the bathroom. I turn off the water and put a towel around my hair then around my body, I get out of the shower.

Maria is still dressed in her pajamas with a really messy hair like she just woke up, I guess she did. She is holding a backpack that looks like it is more than full. "In here I have everything we need to make you beautiful for tonight, all right let's get started" she says as she opens the backpack and takes out some stuff that I have never seen in my entire life. "This is a wax and I promise that it will hurt but will make your body look better trust me" she says, wait this is going to her. What is she going to do to me? I have lived through death, I guess making me look beautiful is worth the pain, I really wants to look my best for Jason. She puts some weird stuff on my leg."I swear to you that the first time doing this is always the one that hurts the most, all right every time hurt really but if you want a bang you got to pay a little prize for it" she says making me look at her very confused, the only thing I got from her words is that this is going to hurt a lot.

You always learn something knew, I know now what waxing is, and trust me it hurts like hell when she ripped it off my body, it hurt like I have never felt pain before. I didn't know if I could handle all of that. She did both my legs, my armpits, eye brows and even down there, which was the most embarrassing thing in my entire life. Finally when that was done she put some face mask on my face, its so weird to have it on my face. She says that it has to stay on my face for a little while. While this mask thing is on my face she moves to my nails. She cleans them and paints them dark red, and while the nail polish is drying off she takes the mask of and it it hurt most as must as taking that wax off. After taking the mask of she put some lotion on my face and my hands and then my legs and then my stomach and then my neck just to make my skin very smooth, I don't even know why my skin needs to be smooth. I just don't get it but I don't really want to question her right now, she is very focused and when Maria is focused you should never disturb her.

Maria helps me get on a dark red v-neck line dress and it is a bit longer than me, so when I am standing straight it is few centimeters on the floor. So you can't see my legs. The dress doesn't have long sleeves. The dress is very tight, it is a bit hard to breath in it. Maria always says that if you can't breath in a dress than you are wearing it the right way. I feel sorry for the women's few centuries ago when they had to wear dresses where it was impossible to breath. How did they survive in these kind of impossible breathable dresses? I don't really like how this dress is made but it looks incredibly beautiful and right now I have to wear this dress, for Jason. This is our first date together and after everything we've been through I think that this night should the best night ever and I want to look my best for it.

"Hmm, what should I do with your hair, I could put it in a bun or a braid, I could always have it curly, oh god there are so many choices and I have no idea what will fit the best" Maria says as she starts to pace back and forth, I think she is starting to panicking and that is not a good idea right now and that will not help anyone. I need to make sure she stays calm because if she starts to panic than I'll start to panic and then everything will not be okey and I have no idea what to do next. "Maria, could you maybe just make a simpl-" I begin to say but Maria cuts me off. "Shhh, Emma I'm trying to think. This should not concern you it's just about you, now shut it before I do something I'll regret" she says.

I can not but burst into laughter of her words. She looks at me with a face that say 'be quite or you'll regret it' look and I instantly bit my lip to hold in my laughter, it is not a good idea to upset er any further. But her words were really funny and she doesn't understand what she said, I guess she really isn't thinking that much. 'It does not concern me, it is just about me' that is just hilarious. She suddenly gasps very loudly out of happiness and puts one finger up in the air. "I know what to do with your hair" she says very exited. Do I need to remind her that I'm the one that is going on that date not her. "I know what to do with you hair" she says as she takes a curling iron. After it heat ups she begins to curl my hair but now much only at the ends.

She then takes my top and starts to braid it from behind so so now there is a braid in the middle of my hair. She shows me how my hair looks from a mirror behind and my hair looks fabulous, my hair has never looked this beautiful before and that us a chance. I guess I have never looked this beautiful before. The way that I look in this dress is just something I have not gotten use to. Few months ago I would never have worn dresses and would laugh at the thought but now dresses seem like a part of who I am right now. You know since I am an Angel, Queen and a goddess and as far as I have learned about these three titles I should always wear dresses. Which by the way won't happen , well not all the time but sometimes since it follows the job.

"Now on with the make up, we don't have much time but I will age sure you look beautiful. Now stay here in this chair and don't move a muscle and by that I mean don't move a single muscle, if you do than everything would be ruined" she says with warning in her voice as she starts to put make up on me. I don't have a choice but to do as she says, even if I don't like it. I don't want a lot of make up on my face but there is not much I can do about this, I can't really have anything to say in the matter. My face feels kind of weird and I know that she has put on a lot of make up, I just hope that she hasn't put to much to make me look like a cake, I don't like that. Make up just isn't my think you know.

After awhile she is finished and the only thing left is to put on my shoes, Maria demands me to wear high heals shoes. I don't really like high heals and they hurt a lot but beauty is pain. Maria comes with a perfume bottle and sprays it on me, the smell is of roses. I would have preferred dahlias since they are my favorite but I think rose scent is perfect for tonight and it matches everything, since you know roses are red. I walk in the high heels to the mirror and I don't recognize the person I'm looking at. I can't believe that is is me. I have dark red eyes shadow, and lip gloss and my skin looks a different color. My cheekbones are more noticeable and my cheeks have a light shade of pick. That will hide my blush tonight, I looms beautiful. "Perfect" Maria says as she is standing besides me, she looks tired. No wonder she has been doing everything for me and I'm so lucky to have her. "Thank you, Maria. I look amazing, I simply can not thank you enough for this" I tell her. I hug her. "No go meet your Prince Charming and tomorrow you will tell me how it went, you have to tell me every last detail of this date because that is the price you have to pay to for my hard work" she says, I giggle. "I promise" I tell her. I take a deep breath, here goes nothing.

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