The Hirt

Par cassiegroves123

1.7K 113 9

"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend." Heather Marks, a naive, spunky heroine, joins fo... Plus

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty

15 2 0
Par cassiegroves123

Heather opened her eyes slowly.  There was a slight ringing in her ears and a mild chemical smell greeted her nose.  She blinked a few times, trying to allow her eyes to adjust to the fluorescent light.  A sour taste lingered in her mouth and her throat felt like sandpaper.  However, that was the only discomfort she felt.  It was as if she’d just had five cups of double-shot coffee.  Heather realized she was lying on something that felt like a bed.  She sat up so she could properly see the room she was in.

Everything was white:  the walls, the ceiling, the floor.  A white ceiling fan rotated slowly above her and cabinets lined the walls.  The room was the roughly the size of a classroom and it had the stale smell of a hospital.  The bed she was on sat in the middle of the room and a sterling silver tray table stood next to her, with an empty vial on top. 

Heather felt at ease.  She winced as the memories flooded back, and she realized she’d been a fool.  Lykos Mor was not the enemy, but it was Damien and all those stupid Kidellians.  How could she ever have fought next to them?  They had brainwashed her!  Tricked her!  And the all-powerful Lykos had sent someone to save her.  He deserved to be in power.

No, A small voice whispered in the back of her mind.  No, this is wrong.  Lykos is the one who has brainwashed you!  Focus, Heather!

Heather shook her head and ignored the voice.  She noticed a full-length mirror sitting across the room and gingerly stood up, unsure of her strength after the car crash.

Car crash, the voice murmured.  Belle, Ivy.  Where are they?  Are they okay?  What about Henry?  And Matt?  Damien?

“Shut up,” Heather said out loud. 

She quickly realized she didn’t need to worry about her strength; she felt rejuvenated, energy coursing through her body.  Her bare feet carried her lightly across the cold linoleum floor over to the mirror.  She gasped when she saw herself.

Heather had never thought of herself as beautiful.  There was always someone who was a better, prettier version of herself; there were always Ivys in the world.  But right now, she was an Ivy.

Her chocolate brown hair cascaded past her shoulders in loose ringlets.  Emerald green eyes sparkled beneath long, dark eyelashes.  Heather’s skin looked soft, tan, and healthy with slightly pink cheeks.  Red lips were parted slightly underneath her small nose.  Her clothes had changed; someone had put her in a silver racer-back tank top that flattered her, and black spandex shorts that made her legs look a mile long.  Any scratches, bruises, or cuts that had previously been on her body had disappeared, except for one.  In the midst of all this beauty, there was still one imperfection.

A long, jagged scar ran down Heather’s right cheek.  It started right beneath her eye and went all the way down to her jawline.  She tilted her head to the side slightly and ran her finger lightly along the length of the scar.  It looked as if someone had taken a pink marker and carelessly drew a wobbly line down the side of her face.

“Sorry ‘bout that,” A voice said behind Heather.  She jumped and whirled around, nerves on edge.  She hadn’t heard anyone come into the room, but when she saw the familiar face, she relaxed.

She cocked her head.  “Sorry for what?”

Felix gestured towards the scar.  “I had to crash the car to get you out.  I pulled you out of the car through the window, and the glass shattered.  One of the pieces got you good.  We tried all kinds of potions, but the wound was too deep.”

“It’s okay,” Heather smiled.  “You had to get me out of there.”  She felt comfortable with Felix in the room, even almost a bit guilty that she had killed him once.

No, no, no.  This is all wrong, the voice inside her head warned.  Heather grimaced.

“Everything alright?” Felix asked, taking a step towards her.  Heather nodded, but didn’t trust herself to speak at the moment.  He smiled.  “Good.  Here, drink some of this.”

Heather noticed for the first time that he was gripping another vial, identical to the one sitting on the silver tray next to her bed, except this one was filled with a liquid that was unnaturally blue.  He handed it to her.

The little voice in her head was going crazy.  Don’t drink it, Heather!  Stop, you idiot!  You’re betraying all your friends!

She shushed the voice.  What harm could a little drink do?  Heather’s throat still felt as if it were the Sahara, anyway.  She grabbed the vial and brought it up to her lips.  Right when the cool liquid was about to enter her mouth, her hand suddenly jerked down.  Heather gasped.

What are you doing? Stop that! She scolded the voice.

Don’t drink it, the voice responded, but it sounded weaker.  Heather figured that moment of control had taken most of its energy.

You can’t tell me what to do!

And you can’t stay here.  This is bad, I can feel it. 

How can you feel anything?  You’re just a voice!  Heather snapped.

No, I’m you, the voice reasoned.  I’m you when you’re not hyped up on Lykos’ potions.

Heather realized she was having an argument with herself.  She shook her head and sighed.  “God, I really am going insane,” she muttered.

“What was that?” Felix asked.  His icy blue eyes searched hers.  Heather wondered if he suspected what was going on inside her mind.  Before the voice (or, whatever it was) could take over again, she quickly downed the blue liquid.  It slithered down her throat and tasted like cough syrup.  Felix smiled coldly, and said, “Follow me.”  He turned around and walked briskly out the door. Heather scrambled after him.  They walked down a white hallway for a while before Heather said something.

“I’m sorry for, y’know, killing you earlier,” she said, waiting for the voice to pipe up.  It didn’t.  The voice had mentioned Lykos’ potions; she wondered whether it was the case that the more potion she drank, the more the voice stayed quiet.

“No worries.  You weren’t under the, ah, correct influence,” Felix responded as they continued down the hall.  Heather wasn’t entirely sure what that meant, but she didn’t ask.

“So, what is this place?”  Heather wondered, as she tried to sneak a glance into some of the rooms they were passing.

Felix smiled.  “It’s one of Lykos’ buildings.  He has them scattered all across the United States, even a few in other countries.  He graciously allows Mordans to stay and train here.  There are some lovely facilities here, like an open gym, a day spa, and even a fine restaurant downstairs!” 

Heather nodded.  That sounded fun!  She could stay here forever.  Never worry about the Kidellians ever again.  She liked the sound of that.

Felix suddenly turned into a room to their left.  Heather stepped into the room, which looked identical the one she’d just been in.  The only difference was that there were several sharp-looking tools sitting on the silver tray table instead of the vial.

“What are we doing in here?”  Despite her trust in Felix, an uneasy feeling settled in her gut.

“Nothing to worry about,” Felix said.  “We just need a little bit of your blood.”

Heather blinked.  “Um, what?”

“As Damien might’ve told you,” Felix began, uttering Damien’s name with disgust,  “Lykos is not entirely immortal.  His brilliance in potions has gotten him incredibly close, but he could still be killed.  However, there is a way that he could become one hundred percent immortal.  He would be unstoppable.”

“I’m not following,” Heather said, scrunching her eyebrows together.

“You have some very powerful blood in you, Time-Bearer,” Felix said, his blue eyes glinting underneath his shaggy black hair. 

Suddenly, it clicked.  “My blood would make Lykos immortal.” Felix nodded.  “That’s what you meant at the gym, when you said the connections were the least of his worries.”

Felix nodded again, a mischievous smile on his face.  “We tried taking a sample while you were unconscious, but apparently the blood wasn’t as potent at that time.”

Heather was suddenly very aware of the adrenaline coursing through her veins.  “Do you need all of it?” she whispered.

“No,” Felix assured her, “just most of it.  You’ll still be alive, but barely.  You’ll lose your ability to control time and the basic Kidellian powers.  But think about it.  Lykos will be immortal!  He can finally get the power that’s rightfully his.”

Rightfully his?!  What an idiot, the voice snapped, back from whatever hiatus it had taken.  He’s just jealous of Damien.

God, would you just go away? Felix is my friend!  He saved me!  And Lykos is the good guy!

Listen to me, Heather.  Don’t do it.  You’re only even considering this because Lykos drugged you with his potions.  Any minute, the other Kidellians will be here and you’ll realize your mistake.  You can’t do this, it pleaded.  Heather closed her eyes.  For a moment, she considered refusing.  She could tell the voice was hers, so why shouldn’t she listen to herself?

She shook her head and clenched her jaw.  What was she even thinking?  She had to do the right thing.  Heather looked at Felix.  “Okay.”

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