Silent Of Heart [Hangyul IM...

By bongvelysm

4.2K 147 8

Hangyul and Suji has been labelled as the most adorable couple could ever exist among other couples. Though... More

First Encounter
Painful Memories
I'm Happy
Vague Dream
Giving Up
Begin Again
Yesterday's Regret
Unplanned Destiny
Awful Truth
Two Faced
Little Angel
Between Two

Biggest Crisis

179 7 0
By bongvelysm

"He won't talk to me, right?" Suji sighed as she took a sip of Hazelnut Coffee she ordered before.

The boy infront of her sighed as well, "You have no idea how hard it is for me to deal with me," Dongmyung complained.

For a fuckin week, Hangyul locked himself in the room. Since it's semester break so he's kind of reluctant to go anywhere and stayed in his room for the whole day. Or maybe, he would be in living room to watch his favourite drama.

"It's all because of me that this is happening," She said, "I feel bad for Hangyul. He doesn't have to go through this just because of a girl like me,"

"A girl like you?" Dongmyung was questioning her statement, "A girl like you whom he is willing to do just anything to have you by his side," He claimed, "But it's not your fault that you're sick. It can't be helped. You just don't want to hurt him,"

"No, it's not about that," Suji's voice getting slower by time.


"It's about my twin," Dongmyung's eyes largened to hear the words coming out from Suji's lips.

"Wait," He startled, "You have a twin? Why I didn't know about this?"

Suji frowned, "Woah Hangyul hasn't told you anything?" She thought Hangyul already spoke the truth to Dongmyung so that's why he's here, to make things right like he usually did.

Dongmyung slowly shook his head, "But what's with your twin? I mean what's her connection in your problem?" He asked.

Suji sighed, "She's the main problem at the moment. She pretend to be me for 6 months," She confessed.

The boy couldn't process the fact, not yet, "Wait, does it mean you want to say that Hangyul dated your twin for 6 freakin months?" He paused, "Why the hell you did that Hangyul, Suji? You love him, don't you?"

She cupped her whole face, "I didn't know about that. My brother told me a while ago and I just knew it," She claimed.

"Oh God, I'm confuse," Dongmyung couldn't get the situation.

Suji chuckled, "I know you would say that," She knows Dongmyung was not fond of this kind of complicated things. He loves it to be simple and easy to solve.

"So, then that's not your fault," Dongmyung shrugged. Well, if she didn't know about her twin sister being her eventhough it's for 6 freakin months, it's not her fault then.

Suji kept herself quiet and stared outside the windows as if she has no answer to the statement. Is it really not her fault? If yes, why Hangyul refused to see her then? She sighed.

"I'll try my best to persuade him," Dongmyung assured the girl with his warm words.


"Suwoong, no!" Suji shouted it out loud. Luckily their parents aren't home today because they have events at their company today. Jisoo? Probably in her room, She always locked herself in the room. So there's no an odd things for that.

Suwoong scoffed, "But noona, he wants to see me. Just me," He sighed, "Dongmyung hyung told you right that he refused to see anyone but me,"

"I know that but," Suji couldn't continue her words.

"Why? Do you afraid that I might get shock after looking at his condition?" Suji couldn't admit it but she was worried over that thing, "Noona, I've seen the worst okay,"

"That's why I'm worried you fool," She paused, "Because you've seen how worse it could be. I couldn't afford for you to see it again. And that's why I'm holding myself back so that you won't go through the same shit twice,"

"Lee Suji," It's rude for Suwoong to call out the girl by her name but that's the only way for him to make her sister put some trust in him, "Do you really think that I don't know you've been crying every night to your sleep though you wake up with smile on your face? You can lie to mum and dad, but not me,"

Suji gulped, "But that doesn't mean I would say yes to your request," She sterns with her words.

"Well, whether you allow me or not, I'll go," He rolled his eyes before leaving the girl behind and entered his room.

She sighed, "Suji, can I see you in my room for a while?" Apparently, Jisoo heard all the conversation between them just now.

Suji nodded her head before she followed her twin sister from behind.


"What's up?" She asked Jisoo as soon as she crossed her legs on the bed. Jisoo stared Suji for a long time, "Why? Is there anything on my face?" Suji started to have an examination on her face where her hand go throughout her whole face.

Jisoo slowly shook her head, "I just want to say sorry that it's because of me everything is getting complicated," She confessed, "If it wasn't because of me, you and Hangyul probably already be in a good relationship now. I'm sorry," She lowered her head as she said that.

Suji slightly smiled but not feeling genuine with it, "It's not your fault," She tapped the girl's shoulders for few times, "I can't blame you for anything since you're a victim," No matter how much she wanted to blame Jisoo for all of the things that's happrning, she couldn't. Because she knows, Jisoo had it worse than her.


It's not her luck when she dated a short-tempered guy. She would say, the first three months were perfect. The boy would always buy him food, take her out for a date, and also send her home whenever they're out. But that was only momentarily.

After three months they dated, the boy slowly changed and revealed his trueself. Everytime Jisoo talked with another guy, he would drag Jisoo by her hair to somewhere quiet before he slapped the girl's cheeks for countless of times.

At first, Jisoo just want to think like, 'Oh, maybe he's just jealous. So I shouldn't talk to any other guy,' but by time it's getting worser. Almost everyday, there's none of the day, he would miss to put a mark on Jisoo's body. No matter where it is, there must be a mark as if the boy claimed that the girl is his.

Jisoo thought it's okay because she loves him. He was her first love. She was willing to do anything for him. That's why she let herself into something stupid though she knows she could left if she wants to.

One day, Suji noticed the change in her behaviour. Jisoo whom always be a happy-go-lucky girl suddenly became a quiet girl. She didn't talk much and even separate herself from the others. Suji could feel that there's something wrong going on with her twins.

That's when she decides to follow her twins when she went out. No matter how long she followed her, it just seems there's no end for it. Jisoo kept entering tons of shop and everytime she came out, there will be plastic bags added to her hands. Now, her hands were already full with stuff.

Suji was still following the girl and not even once, She gave up on it. Suddenly, Jisoo stopped infront of apartment. She looked upwards and sighed. Without Suji realized, she sighed too upon her twin sighing. No wonder, they're twins.

Jisoo went upstairs by lift and Suji waited for her twins to reach her desired level before she followed her from behind. As soon as she reached the floor where her twins arrived, she frowned. There's only one door over here well that's mean whoever in this house. he must be loaded somehow to have this kind of house.

Suji decided to wait for a while before she left. 1 minute of waiting till 30 minutes, she's tired and wanted to leave the place. But as soon as she pressed on the lift button, she could hear a scream from inside the house.

She was sure that it's Jisoo's voice. She could never be wrong about it. It's her twins anyway. Suji decided to knock on the door for few times but the situation suddenly becomes quiet. Suji was really anxious waiting infront of the door but she couldn't just leave Jisoo behind. If there's anything bad happened to Jisoo it would be her fault then.

After 5 minutes of waiting, the door opened. A man appeared from the behind of door. He took a peek and frowned, "Who are you?" He asked but he was more to startle because he could see someone who looks like his girlfriend infront of his house.

"Uh," Suji stuttered, "Is Jisoo here?" She timidly asked the guy without even answering his question. She tried to look inside the house but the guy blocked her view from doing that.

"I asked you who are you?" He repeated the same question and that's when Jisoo appeared from his behind.

Jisoo startled to see her twin was standing infront of her boyfriend, "Suji, what are you doing here?" She whispered it into her ears.

Suji spotted a stain of blood on her lips, "Jisoo, what the hell is happening?" She wiped the blood on Jisoo's lips before she passed a glare to the guy stands beside her, "What the hell have you done to my sister?"

The guy frowned, "Sister?" He passed a look to Jisoo and Jisoo just stared down onto the ground before he grabbed her wrist; dragged her into the house before he locked the door even before Suji could stop him.

Suji tried to stop them from going but she failed. She was really clueless on what she should do at that moment, "Should I call Hangyul?" Apparently, Hangyul is the first person appeared in her mind. She took out her phone but she was hesitating for a while.

While she was hesitating, another scream could be hear from inside the house, "Shit," She cussed and dialled for police's number immediately. She reported it to the authorized and they said to her that she needs to stay safe and never do anything stupid. So Suji decided to wait. But the screams getting louder and Jisoo was pleading for help. How can Suji still stay quiet in this very moment?

15 minutes passed and finally police reached the scene. Suji being asked to stay as far as she could and they promised that they would make sure her twin sister will be safe and sound. Suji was feeling reluctant to left the house but it's for the best. She didn't know what else the guy capable to do. If he could hurt her twin, there's possibility, he could do more than that.

It's not even 10 minutes yet, Suji could see Jisoo was walking towards her with a weak step and bruised all over her body. Suji rushed herself to her twin and put her arm around her shoulder, "Are you okay?" She asked when obviously she could see that Jisoo is in the worst condition.

Jisoo assured the girl with a slight smile, "Thank you," She whispered the words into her ears before she leaned her head onto Suji's shoulders; hoping for some comfort from it.


"I think I was really stupid. To love a guy like him," She muttered under one's breath but could be heard by Suji.

Suji shook her head, "No, you don't. Don't blame yourself. If anyone could be blame in this matter, it will be him," She tried to comfort her twin sister with truth, "Don't worry, okay? He couldn't hurt you anymore; never as long as you're here by my side,"

"But Suji," She sighed, "This things wouldn't get any worser if it's not because of me. I'm sorry that I ruin your relationship with Hangyul. Completely," Jisoo confessed.

Suji grabbed Jisoo's hand and put into hers, "No, it's not your fault," She paused, "It's my fault because I fell sick so sudden and need to leave in rush," Her voice getting slow as she talked about the past she didn't want to remember.


"Mum," Suji screamed out loud; calling for her mum but the first one to appear is her little brother, Lee Suwoong.

Suwoong startled to see his sister was crouching on the bed while grabbing her head using her both hands, "Noona, are you okay?" He jumped onto the bed.

Suji shook her head vigorously, "It's hurt," She muttered, "My head," She could feel that her head was spinning around as if she already lost herself. She couldn't think of any other things except that she's in pain now.


Suji woke up to unfamiliar place. She knows she was in hospital but the hospital looks different, "Where am I?" She looked around and she was glad that she still could see her family around her.

"Suji," Her mum rushed to her when she noticed that her daughter already get her consciousness. She put a kiss on Suji's forehead and looked at her as if Suji is the only one whom she had at that moment, "We're in US, darling," She said.

Suji's eyes widened, "US? But why?" She could feel that the muscle around her face hurts that she couldn't give too much reaction to the news. Then she held onto her head and there's bandage around her head, "Wait, don't tell me," Suji couldn't even continue her words as she felt sudden dizziness attacked her as soon as she wanted to talk more.

"You need to rest dear," Her mum gave an advice and asked her to not push herself too much, "We need to go back now because our bussiness in Korea still have problem. Jisoo will take care of you but she needs to go back to Korea, to settle your university stuff first," The woman informed her daughter.

Suji passed a slight smile to her mother and also her father who was looking at her with a really warm plastered on his face, "Where's Suwoong?" She asked when she couldn't see her little brother anywhere.

Suwoong appeared from behind the curtain, "I'm here," He smiled to her sister, "Suji, you need to get better soon because I really need you to teach me mathematics," He teased his sister to lighten up the mood exist in the room.


"I'm sorry that because of me," She choked into tears, "That," She stuttered, "You need to have an operation on your brain," Jisoo couldn't help herself but feel sorry towards her twin sister.

Suji reminded herself to something happened 5 years ago where she fell from a really high place because she lost her balance and Jisoo couldn't catch her on time. Ever since that tragedy, Suji has been living her life with headache and with thought that she was just having a migraine and nothing much. Until that very moment, she finally realized that it's not just a migraine but there's actually blood clot in her brain.

It took more than a year for her to recover herself completely. And for a year, Jisoo stayed by her side; taking care of her as if Suji's life is way more important than hers. Little thing Suji didn't know that Jisoo was actually feeling guilty that she held some unrequited feelings for her boyfriend, Lee Hangyul.

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