By Lazaah

194K 12.2K 5.2K

FACETS # 2 | 1st Draft Yahya Firas burnt every day in the fire of destruction lit by his parents. Suffered. S... More

Part I |Forget me not|
Part II |Almost|
Intermediate|I am Destruction|
Part III| I love you|
55 | Bonus Scene
Bonus Chapter
Deleted scene #1
Deleted Scene # 2
Deleted Scene # 3
Deleted Scene # 4
Deleted Scene # 5


2.4K 161 48
By Lazaah

Ahsan had been left behind as all his relatives along with his dearest mother went ahead to the wedding venue, still at the car shop, transforming his car into a bride, looking dapper in a cream thread work sherwani with sunglasses perched on his nose and his once swept hair now falling on his forehead, playing with the wind.

Ahsan pulled out the phone from his pocket to find over twenty calls from his mother and a few messages from Armineh. He ignored them, he was late but on the way and changed Armineh's contact to wife. After all why not? They were to be married in hours now.

He got into his car and smiled as he glanced at himself in the rearview mirror, admiring himself when a knock on the window interrupted him. Ahsan paid and gave a generous tip with an ever-present smile, through the rolled window before hitting the road.

'Bloody traffic!' Ahsan cursed, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he waited rather impatiently for the 'go' at the signal. He gunned his engine when the signal finally turned green for the second time, from 0 to 60 under a minute after turning at the curb and onto the intersection when his phone vibrated and his gaze shifted to the phone lying on the passenger sheet, flashing 'mother'.

He held onto the steering wheel with one hand as he picked up the phone and tucked it between his shoulder, 'Hello! Hello- Ahsan! Can you hear me?!'

'Yes, Mom. Yes.'

'Ahsan- Ahsan! Can't hear you betay! There's a lot of noise! Are you late? Where- Where are you?'

'Mom! It's traffic-' Ahsan said, his loud voice reverberating in the cramped space as he rolled the window up.

'Betay-Betay, Armineh's asking you to come soon.' He heard his mother and a corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk.

He continued,'-I am not-'

Ahsan never got a chance to say 'late' as his words were cut mid-sentence, his hand pressed onto the horn when he saw the four-wheeler swerving out of control at the intersection but by the time he saw it, it was too late.

The four-wheeler swerved, out of control at the intersection, the horns blared in the background as the two on-coming cars tried to avoid it - and failed. One of them hit the four-wheeler in a head-on collision. It exploded in a ball of flame and a fist of gray smoke followed by another explosion a moment later...The third car had been traveling too fast. It plowed into the burning wrecks even as he slammed on the failed brakes, his phone flying from his hand.

Ahsan's body jerked into the dashboard, his torso and head smashed against the windshield and then he fell against the window when he swerved the skidding car, ripping the driver's side of the car like opening a can, pushing it and flipped over, forcing the front end to lose control. His arms and legs flailed, searching for somewhere to hold and stop the movement of his body. The world must have flickered its figurative light switch because his vision kept flashing from bitter darkness to blinding white light as the car continued, loudly screeching along the tarmac on it's back.

The only sound that filled his ears was the crushing of glass mixed with the distinct crackles of his bones before it smashed head on to the pavement
Then suddenly, everything became light as he was thrown from the car, flying through the air, his body almost limp from the impact that occurred nanoseconds before.

He would have preferred to be unconscious rather than awake because when he was awake he was fleetingly aware of the bloody taste pooling in his mouth but he couldn't figure out what it was. His coffee strands dipped in sanguine as the red liquid oozed out of the deep gash on his hairline. At times his eyelids fluttered and he thought he must be at home in bed because it was so dark. He felt the coppery liquid grazing his teeth and soaking his tongue. He felt the aching and cracks in his bones like rocks were burrowed into his skin. Ahsan sucked in cramped air, feeling his lungs caving in on themselves. He saw the spots dancing in the corners of his vision, making his head feel like the only thing inside of it was static. He heard a buzzing noise, filling his ears. He felt like he had been there minutes-hours-years, fading and waking and fading and waking. His agony was the only thing that kept him alive but it was short-lived. His breathing staggered with weakening pulse and that's when he fell unconscious on the road, surrounded by many people but none coming to his aid as they looked at the dying groom, horrified for Ahsan's fate. Terrified if fate was a player in Hamza's game as well.


'Ardashir!' Hamza called out, stepping out of his office. His White strands glimmering silver in the sunlight as he pinned his steel gray eyes on Ardashir, beckoning him.

'You are going to the wedding?' Hamza questioned pulling a file from the inside of his charcoal suit blazer. Ardashir nodded, he didn't know what was happening as Hamza thrust the file into his hands.

'What's this?' Ardashir asked flipping through the pages of the file. He didn't have to properly see what it was but his eyes did catch 5% and NC. If it was anything to go by the words, his father had just handed what was supposed to be the bride's dowry and he expected Ardashir to demand it. Ardashir realized too late that he was screwed.

'You'll need this.'

'I am not going, baba.' Ardashir uttered calmly, looking into his father's eyes. If Junaid needed the money so badly, he could do it himself. Ardashir was done playing puppet and ruining lives. He wouldn't do this, especially to her.

'I have something that'll change your mind, betay.' Hamza simpered and smirked as he showed him a few more papers.
'A sign is all it will take.'
Hamza's eyes shifted from the paper in his hands to the ones in Ardashir's hands.

Ardashir's eyes widened and then he nodded, his eyes squeezing shut as if in pain, his heart thumping furiously in his chest, Hamza's threat wasn't lost on him.

'Come on, hurry up, my boy. You have a wedding to attend.' Hamza patted his son's shoulder and gave him a light shove to get him going, turning to his assistant.

'Is the board here?' Ahsan had been nothing but a block in his path which he had so efficiently removed and he was proud of it.


The moment Ardashir entered the house, he knew something was wrong. There was a lull in the air, it didn't look like there was a wedding despite the fairy lights on the wall, the flower decorations or the sweet fragrance that wafted in his nose.

'The groom has run away.'

Ardashir wanted to pull his hair out and yell that his father was the culprit. Not Armineh, not Ahsan as much as he didn't like the man who had managed to grate on his nerves without even having to open his mouth.

'May I please know where I can find Armineh-' He paused as the woman's jaw unhinged, her eyes the size of saucers. Apparently, it had been a wrong thing to say so he modified his statement.' -Armineh's mother?'
It was unheard of a strange man coming to meet the bride whose groom was on the run.

'Second room down the corridor.' The woman instructed as she saw the man take hesitant steps forward in the direction.

'Call me back, Sani. You told me you were waiting for this day desperately and now when it's here, where are you? Where are you! Where are you, Ahsan? Call me back, please. I am waiting.' He heard Armineh's broken voice before he opened the door only to find 4 set of eyes fixed on his person.

He took a step backward and turned his head sideways to avoid meeting their piercing gaze.

'Mr. Ardashir?' Her low whisper brought him out of his reverie as he stared right ahead, his gaze fixed on the bride. He couldn't deny that she looked ethereal even when her Kohl-rimmed intense eyes were bloodshot. His heart softened as his eyes trailed down the sleek slope of her red nose to her flushed cheeks and the dried tears. Her pouty lips wobbled as she tried to reign in her tears.

'May I please talk to Ms. Armineh's mother?' He spoke in an authoritative voice, his gaze shifting between two older women in the room when one of them came forward, gesturing him to follow him.

Like most part of that unfortunate day, she again couldn't find the explanation of a strange man in her house. Sabeeha took a seat on the sofa as Ardashir sat across her in the study room. He didn't look nervous but when you'd look closely you'd notice him scratching the seams of his pants with precise movement of his forefinger.

'I am Ardashir and I'd like to marry your daughter.' Ardashir said without mincing his words as he watched the woman's face remained impassive.

'A man came to me two weeks ago, saying the exact same words. I said okay but do you promise to keep her happy for the rest of her life, he went right ahead and said, with my life, Ma'am. InSha'Allah, he spoke with such conviction that I believed him. I trusted him and see where that landed me and my precious daughter. I thought he was a good man and you-you are a stranger. What makes you think I will repeat the same mistake, again?' Sabeeha told him, stapling her hands in her lap.

Ardashir couldn't run away from the guilt that surfaced, he had no doubt Ahsan would have tried his hardest in keeping Armineh happy, the love practically glimmered in his eyes whenever he'd look at her. He was indeed a good man but Ardashir wasn't. He was a coward and sitting in someone else's place only because of his father who had made him a usurper too. Hamza had made him take over what belonged with Ahsan.

'With all due respect, Aunt. May I call you Aunt?' Ardashir continued as Sabeeha nodded, 'This might just as well be your only option and I won't lie, there is a price to it, I have my selfish reasons but none that will harm your daughter in any way.' Ardashir took the file out of his blazer as he slid it with a pen, the coffee table towards Sabeeha.

The file stated an immediate transfer of 5% NC shares under her name to Ardashir's name.

'-And if you return me, there will be men who are worst than me. The only men knocking on her door will be divorcees, widowers, men seeking second wives and women to look after their children. Men after her money.

'It's a win-win.' Ardashir remarked further.

'And you don't belong in any of these categories, yourself?' Sabeeha asked, her words laced with sarcasm as she saw pink rushing to Ardashir's neck. He sat there rubbing it, unable to meet her eyes.

'I never denied it, Aunt. I am but that's all, I am never going to ask for another coin from your daughter. You'll just have to trust me on this. I don't need it but there are some things I can only tell your daughter that is if she takes me as her husband as I have said I have my reasons. You might not believe me but this is the last thing I have ever wanted to do.'

Ardashir sighed, running an unsteady hand down his face, he didn't know what else he could say to convince her nor did he know if the words he had spoken were true. Only time will tell.

'Aunt for- for as long as I have known your daughter, I can say she deserves none of them, not me even but I'll do my best. No one's daughter deserves this but our society doesn't care. She'll be the target of unnecessary accusations, you know that. I have a reputation attached to my name, I earn well. I am a bachelor and I am not exactly the worst looking guy, either plus I am honest. I could have lied to you about my intentions but I didn't. I could have demanded this after marriage but here I am, with all my cards on the table.

'I haven't made a single move on your daughter, I respect her wishes and I respect her. You have my word, Aunt. I'll look after your daughter to the best of my ability.' Ardashir rambled, in earnest and then he waited with bated breath.

'My offer expires in an hour, Aunt.' Ardashir said, massaging his temples as he threw his leg over the other and prayed with all his heart, that she'd reject it.


'Betay, I know it's a lot to ask of you when I have already failed you once but please trust me.' Sabeeh uttered, holding her daughter in her arms as she ran a hand down her embroidered dupatta.

'Imad, please bring the Imam.'

Armineh looked at her mother with hopeful eyes when she heard her as Sabeeha wiped the tears trailing down her cheeks, her own eyes brimmed with tears, 'Ahsan's here?' Armineh asked, softly.

Sabeeha didn't say anything, Armineh would get her answers, soon enough and she did when the Imam asked her if she'd take Ardashir as her husband instead of Ahsan and then she remained silent, her eyes meeting her mother's.

'Do you, Armineh Zain Ahmed take Ardashir Hamza Omer in marriage and in accordance with the instructions of the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him?' The Imam repeated, thrice and then stood up to go to Ardashir, taking her silence as the affirmation.

Sabeeha didn't know what she was doing when she signed the contract, she didn't know what she was thinking when she had asked Imad to bring the Imam in the study and she couldn't believe her ears when she heard Ardashir and then saw him sign the marriage contract, finally proclaiming Armineh as his wife.

Armineh refused to talk to anyone even as Alizeh approached her during rukhsati. 'Talk to me, Armie?' She murmured in her ear as she hugged her, ignoring her struggles. Alizeh needed to hold her one last time, she wanted to soothe her sister.

Armineh didn't say a word when Alizeh pulled away as she closed the door of the car without meeting her mother, Ardashir following closely behind.

Armineh was supposed to wait. She should have waited, what if he came back and didn't find her?


No words were exchanged during the whole car ride. Ardashir looked at her sideways when the car stopped in front of his house, she was gazing out of the mirror, her hand fisted on her mouth. He breathed a sigh of relief at least she wasn't crying anymore.

'Armineh, we have reached.' Ardashir told her, getting out of the car.

Armineh didn't take his hand as he opened the door for her instead she lifted her long skirt in her shaking hands, following him inside after he had taken her suitcase out of the boot of the car, wordlessly and up the winding stairs.

'This is where you'll stay. Do you want something to eat?' Ardashir questioned, opening the door to his room, he'd rather not let his father meet her, yet. He hoped his father had thought he'd be keeping her in a different room.

'Then I am going to leave, Okay? I'll be right back.' Ardashir said, depositing her suitcase beside the bed as he gently closed the door behind.

He halted, descending the stairs when he saw his father in white kurta shalwar standing at the foot of the stairs, his hands resting on his cane.

'She will make a beautiful daughter to me.' Hamza said, looking behind Ardashir where Armineh had disappeared. Ardashir cursed, why couldn't he ever get something right as opposed to his father?

'Why didn't you introduce her to me? You didn't think I'd like to meet her?' Hamza uttered, wrapping an arm around Ardashir as he stopped beside him. One corner of his lips lifted as he looked at his son's face, his eyebrows rose to his hairline. It was amusing.

'Of course, I am kidding, Ardashir. Even if you decide to divorce her tomorrow, I couldn't care less. Now, about the shares. Sit-Sit.' Hamza guided him to the armchairs in front of the fireplace as he sat on one and gestured for him to take the other.

'Sell the shares, the price should be able to generate enough funds to stabilize the company with the current market prices of their stocks and then cancel the contract with NC. You wouldn't need it, any more and you have an absolutely remarkable financier as your wife, available at your back and call. Just a suggestion, it'll do you good if you keep her.' Ardashir had always thought how his father had found everything to be so disposable. He always had replacements for everything and he wondered if he had fathered another heir so he could take Ardashir's place if he didn't prove to be worthy.

He blew out a breath, nodding at his father. He hadn't planned to take Armineh as his wife nor did he plan to keep her one. Nothing has changed and he'd make sure, it remains the same. He just needed a year, at most.

'May I please go, baba? It's been a long day.' Hamza nodded as he watched his son, rising to his feet, rubbing his eyes with heels of his palms and a wave of sympathy washed over Hamza which he chose to ignore.

Ardashir tiptoed in the room, fumbling with the buttons of his sleeves in the darkness, her soft snores echoed in the silence and Ardashir concluded she must have been exhausted. He sat on the couch, his lips quirking up as he removed his tie and shoes followed by his socks. He didn't even bother to wash his feet as he fell on his back, his blazer rolled in a ball under his head and dozed into a dreamless slumber.

He jolted awake as sobs reached his ears and he ran to Armineh, bare feet, crouching at her feet as he pulled her hands away from her face, streaked with tears.

'Armineh- Armineh. What happened?'

'Ah-Ahsan.' Armineh stuttered, pointing to her phone as she cupped her mouth in her hands.

Ardashir hastily picked the phone and put to his ear.

'I am calling from the City Hospital. May I please talk to Mrs. Ahsan Bukhari?' the woman, repeated and Ahsan glanced at Armineh, her head bowed.

'She isn't well, right now. Please tell me is everything okay? I am his bro- brother.' Ardashir said, rising to his feet and moving out of the room.

'Mr. Ahsan has been involved in a car accident and he is currently being operated due to the nature of his injuries.' The woman narrated and Ardashir barged into the room, immediately springing into action as he tucked his feet inside his slippers and went into the washroom to splash cool water, holding the phone in the crook of his neck.

'Okay. Okay. I am coming.' Ardashir said, cutting the call when Armineh called him.

'Please- Please, take me with you.' Armineh murmured.

'Maybe later, Armineh when he is in a better shape. I have a feeling, he won't be very appreciative of you as it is and we don't want to make things more difficult for him. He already isn't doing well.' Ardashir explained, he really wanted to make it easier for both of them but the transition will be most difficult for Ahsan. Ardashir didn't know how he would react to the news but he sure knew that it wouldn't be pleasant, at all.


Another one coming right up!

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