
By ToothFairy024

189 25 22

Cinderella with a twist. Encrypted because nothing is as it seems. All images, unless otherwise specified, a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12

Chapter Four

11 2 0
By ToothFairy024

I can't help but jump as the doors swing open. I must be really late - no one else is arriving. I can hear the music, though - a waltz, played by a full orchestra. This is the first time since I was very small that I heard music like this. I'm glad now for the hours Mother spent, painstakingly forcing me to dance until she was satisfied. As I follow the sounds of it, I can't help but put a little sway in my steps. I hurry along, wishing I had time to state at the artwork on the walls, the ceiling. The doors are large and mahogany, carved with flowers and plants and birds. I smile at the little robbin. I'm not sure why, but they're the animal I take comfort from the most. It's a good sign that there's one here.

Once again, the doors swing open, and the I'm on a balcony overlooking everyone. And they're all staring at me. I smile graciously, and try to glide down the stairs, not letting their stares get to me. I'm beautiful. It's nothing bad that they're staring. Let them stare. Then a strangled cry escapes the crowd.

"Ella?" It's Ermelina. I've never heard her sound so distressed. Aemilia, who moved through the crowd to get to her mother, gives Ermelina a shove. But she just stares at me in horror. I haven't really upset her plan that much. Have I? I don't let it show how much it bothers me, and as I reach the bottom of the stairs, Crown Prince Heracles  steps forward, offering his hand. The crown prince. Wants. To dance. With. Me. Smiling, I take his hand, and allow him to lead me into the dance. He stares into  my eyes, dreamy expression on face.

"You're very beautiful." I smile, surprised by the unexpected compliment. Nice as it is though... it seems a little forward. But then, I have been hidden from society for years. Maybe times have moved on. I'm sure the  Crown Prince wouldn't show anything but the utmost politeness.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. Though I am sure there are many girls here more so than I." I smile coyly at him in the way I have seen Ermelina do to my father. I hate it, but it's also my only way out.

"Not so. Your beauty outshines even the brightest star."

"Why thank you, Your Majesty. Though I'm sure that's not true."

"Please, call me Heracles. I assure you it is true, miss...?"

"Ella." I smile again. Am I doing it too much? Heracles doesn't seem, thankfully, to notice.

"Ella," he murmurs.

"Heracles." He seems more serious now, more focused.

"I presume you know that this ball is for me to find a bride?" I nod. Everyone knows. "Do you consent to being the one I choose?" I stare. What? But - surely not me. Then inspect him more closely. He's handsome enough, I suppose. Not ugly by anyone's standards. Could I love him? Maybe. But then. Does it really matter? Anyway, it's not as if I have much choice in the matter. No one refuses the crown prince.

"Yes! A thousand times, yes." I may have escaped one prison. But, it occurs to me, I have just willingly waltzed into another. Heracles's face breaks into an instant smile.

"Wonderful! Shall we announce it?" I nod mutely, reminding myself that this is what I wanted. He takes my hand, leading me to the raised podium, on which his and his parents' thrones stand.

"May I have your attention, please! The purpose of tonight's ball is known to you all, as I believe. And I have found my bride to be. Let me please introduce to you the soon to be Princess Ella!" I smile, curtsying, waving. Trying to seem pleasing, while on the inside I'm screaming. I can see the bars of the cage closing in around me, suffocating me. And I do nothing. Because what can I do? I have no choice. As the spiteful applause dies down, Heracles brings me off the stage and into a quickstep. I try to relax, try to let myself enjoy it, but I can't. I feel their glares boring into my back. They all want to be in my place so much. Why can't I just enjoy it? The answer is simple. I don't want to be here. I want freedom. This is just another disguised set of shackles. But there's nothing I can do.

"Ella?" I glance up at Heracles, wondering how many times he'd had to say my name before I noticed.

"Yes, Heracles?" I try to smile. It's not his fault, after all.

"Shall we go somewhere a little more private?"

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