You're My Everything

By kirariidol

229K 6.4K 2.6K

She was never born to be loved and she herself knew that. As far back as she could remember, there wasn't a s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Author's Note

Chapter 23

4.4K 151 38
By kirariidol

"Hurry up, hurry up! It's starting!"

"Wait up!"

The children ran through the crowded streets as almost a fifth of the entire population of Fiore gathered in the streets of Clover Town, anticipating the arrival of the parades. The streets were dark and silent but soon, they heard the blowing of trombones. The streetlights lighted up and soon, Sabertooth's guild could be seen in the distance, lights illuminating the proud sabertooth statue. In the far distance, silhouettes of people came walking toward them as large purple flags with golden rimming - each one holding Sabertooth's insignia - were raised in their hands, waving proudly in the wind. Sabertooth had come.

They marched through the streets proudly as the floats soon began coming after them. The crowd cheered in awe at the extraordinariness of the floats. The members of Sabertooth each held a performance and soon enough, they were all caught in the festive mood. Confetti rained down from the sky as the floats went slowly by.

Frosch and Lector were hand in hand as they waved at the crowds, standing on top of their own float. Large inflatables that were shaped like them hung from above the floats as children gazed upon them, mesmerized.

"Frosch is so cute~!" a girl squealed.

"Lector's cooler though," a boy argued.

Yukino and a few other girls from Sabertooth were doing a baton performance, much to many of the male audience's pleasure. They handled their batons with gracefulness and skill, earning many stares of awe from the young girls. Moreover, despite Yukino's shyness at first, she seemed to be laughing with joy. Rufus's float came passing by and the audience gaped with awe at his float. He had used his memory magic to recall another magic and used it so that the float seemed to be riding on a sea of flames. Next came Orga who also used his magic to manipulate a small area of the surrounding air, making crackles of lightning in the air as they formed into outlines of different animals.

Sting and Rogue's float came by and the two were dressed in a princely outfit. They used their respective elements of light and dark to perform a scene that was beyond stunning. In a world of pitch darkness, the sun shone brilliantly, bringing life to all the others. The contrast in images was almost like a beautiful artwork. The two combined their magic, creating dark arches with lights illuminating the path. Minerva soon came by and grinned as she summoned the stone god-like figure, but this time, with a less burst of magic. The stone figure paraded through the streets, Minerva in its hand as the kids looked on in wonder, following it as it passed.

"Dream on about outshining me," Minerva smirked at Sting and Rogue.

A tick mark grew on Sting's head as he yelled at her, stomping his feet. "Bring it on, hag!"

"You guys just have to fight every time," Rogue shook his head but even so, he had a smile on his face; everyone did. It was just like them to fight like this.

"Their performances every year never cease to amaze us," a man looked at in wonder, his expression melting to that of a child's.

"Indeed," a woman breathed.

"As expected of this town's guild," another man grinned.

"They're our very pride," a woman boasted. "It's thanks to them that we're prosperous."

They laughed. "Very true!"

"Papa, look at that!" a kid pointed out at an approaching float.

"What the-!" Orga looked back, expressing the many shocked faces of the guild members.

What came as a surprise to many of the guild members was the fact that even Kyubey itself had gotten a float to itself and it cute and mysterious appearance, becoming an instant favorite of those watching the parade. Many other performances were put on and all were on a level that rivaled that of Fairy Tail's, whose parade was still the major favorite of the people. A large balloon that was twelve times its size hung in the air above. It pranced around and surveyed the people before opening its mouth to the air, a white magic circle appearing at its mouth. From its mouth rained diamond-like meteor showers.

"Awesome!" the children all yelled in unison, their eyes sparkling.

"That guy seriously outdid Lector and Frosch," Sting looked back, a sweat-drop rolling down his face.

"It's to be expected of Lucy's pet," Rogue had to agree.

However, what caught the most attention wasn't Kyubey or any of the other floats that stood like giants to the audience. It was one of the last floats that were being presented and even Sabertooth's members turned around to look at the approaching float. It was twice or thrice the size of their own float and it was a float that they had never seen before. Snow started gently falling from the sky as the float seemed to ride upon a snowy ground.

"This is..." a man reached out to touch it.

It wasn't snow but rather tiny shards of diamonds that disappeared as soon as they touched it. The children, men, and women all looked up from their hands and at the float that had appeared. Snow laid on the floor of the float with tiny snow rabbits running around as well as intricately designed buildings resembling castles. Small mountains of snow grew from the ground and the center of it all was a tree that gleamed brightly. The light reflected off of the icicles, making it seem as if it was glowing. Layers of snow laid on the branches of it as silk snow curtains and diamonds draped from it.

"Look up there!" a woman pointed out.

The audience all looked up at the peak of the float where a flower seemed to emerge from it and though everyone didn't know what kind of flower it was, Sting, Rogue, Lector, and Frosch knew very well what it was. It was the very same flower that they had gotten during their first mission together: Perpetua Lilium.

They watched on as the petals of the flower slowly began opening, revealing a figure surrounded by white light. As the light dispersed, they all widened their eyes, completely entranced by the appearance of the figure. Her long blonde hair flowed out as the white dress she wore flowed backward. A transparent white silk shawl flowed about besides her as the diamonds in her hair and dress dangled. As if some sort of magic had been broken, she opened her chocolate brown orbs, their very essence dazzling. She was beautiful.

She stood up ever so elegantly like a being that had just been born as she opened her mouth, the air around her starting to be filled with tiny white diamonds and petals.

Summer in the hills
Those hazy days I do remember
We were running still
Had the whole world at our feet
Watching seasons change
Our roads were lined with adventure
Mountains in the way
Couldn't keep us from the sea
Here we stand open arms
This is home where we are
Ever strong in the world that we made
I still hear you in the breeze
See your shadows in the trees
Holding on, memories never change

Lucy smiled happily as she finished singing those words, a magic circle opening up before her. A beaming white light filled the air and once it died down, a Sabertooth stood above her. It roared and came prancing down onto the streets, walking proudly. Lucy floated down to the side of it and walked along, bells seeming to sound with each time she moved. White flowers of different kinds started blooming at her feet and the audience picked it up, joyous smiles on their faces.

"Behold! This is our guild, Sabertooth!" Jiemma's voice beamed behind.

The entire Sabertooth grinned and stood proudly as they looked upon the people of their town. They all cheered in unison as large explosions could be heard in the sky overhead, fireworks of different colors and design soon exploding. The people all turned to stare and despite how crowded it was, they could all make out the scene. Sabertooth turned from their floats and looked above, content with how things turned out.

Lucy looked above, her eyes reflecting the flowers that blossomed in the night sky. The wind blew back her hair and dress, making her seem even more majestic in the night of the full moon. Kyubey rejoined her and Lucy petted it, a smile on her face. She returned to watching the explosions, her eyes softening in warmth. How long had it been since she felt so complete like this? So satisfied?

"This is Sabertooth," she breathed.

Minerva, Sting, Rogue, Lector, Frosch, Rufus, Orga, Yukino, and many others soon rejoined her as they stood there watching the scene unfold. The sabertooth that had appeared also stood behind it, towering over them. They looked at one another and grinned, holding up their thumbs.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Sting said.

Lucy smiled and nodded her head. "It is."

"With this, I fulfilled my promise."

"I guess you did," she chuckled. "It's even more than I could ever wish for."

"Isn't it fine to wish for more?" he looked at her. "After all, we're here with you now. All the wishes that you had made previously, we'll fulfill them for you! Because you're Lucy Heartfilia, the one and only Lucy of Sabertooth!"

"That's right, Lucy-sama!" Yukino clapped her hands together.

"We're a guild," Minerva put her hands on her hips. "And it's about time you realize that this is your guild, too."

"Fro thinks so, too~!"

Lucy laughed to herself as she once again looked at the sky above, her eyes dazzling more than ever. "I've already realized that long long ago."


Fairy Tail had come to watch the performance and the ending performance had blown their minds. They saw the way Lucy had carried on her role and the majesty of her actions were what decided the ultimate victor of the Parade of the Guilds. They gritted their teeth in angst and though they hated to admit it, it was clear who had won this time. Even without Lucy's performance, they already knew that Sabertooth had won. After all, the way they brought the inner child out of the people of the town, as well as the stunningness of their floats, was beyond what anyone had imagined.

Natsu watched as the children and adults looked on, pointing at the sabertooth that Lucy had conjured up as it bent down to let them pet it. Lucy stood next to it, smiling at the children who had become enamored with her. Natsu couldn't help but watch her as he remembered that she always loved children, a reason unbeknownst to even her. However, as he saw Sting walk up to her and exchange a smile with Lucy, he felt himself flare up.

"Natsu?" Erza looked at him.

Natsu remained silent and looked away. "It's our loss."

"For now," Gray corrected him, glaring at the members of Sabertooth as they danced with the audience. "There are many other chances where we can win against them."

"Be quiet," Makarov said sternly, an intimidating aura surrounding him as he glared at them from the corner of his eye. "I hate to be owing someone a favor but we should be glad that we got the chance to at least be in this festival. I still haven't forgotten the fact of what you guys did."

Natsu, Gray, Erza, and Wendy tensed up for never had they seen their Master like this. Laxus and the others watched them from the sidelines, a sweatdrop rolling down the side of their face as they thanked the heavens that they weren't a part of them. Makarov was also aware of the fact that Lisanna, Happy, and Wendy had kept this a whole secret and even if they weren't personally involved in the slander, they deserved to be punished.

"I'm leaving," Laxus turned around. "There's nothing good about hanging around in this place."

Makarov nodded his head and he, too, turned around, leaving the festive area. "We're returning back to the guild. Just enjoy yourselves tomorrow, the last day of the festival. I'll give the punishment after it."

"Y-Yes..." they looked away in guilt.

Though Fairy Tail had returned to the guild, Gildarts, Mystogan, and Mavis celebrated with Sabertooth from the rooftop, deciding not to be directly involved with it. After all, they all agreed that it was better to be at the closing of the festival, which is tomorrow, to hang out and celebrate with them all. The fireworks continued to explode in the sky, lasting well into the night, as Sabertooth went onto party back at their guild. Bottles of beer were popped open as a feast was laid out.

"A toast to Sabertooth's victory!" Jiemma cried.

"And to Lucy who made this all possible!" Minerva added, her face a bit flushed from the alcohol.

"And to everyone who made the best out of their performance," Lucy held up her glass with a smile.

"Cheers!!!" they all raised their glasses and clanged them against one another, drinking it.

The party lasted well into the night and Lucy found herself drinking along with everyone, a wide grin on her face. She hadn't had so much fun in a while and looking at the people around her, she knew it was only possible to be like this because she had left Fairy Tail. She laughed and drank another glass, deciding to indulge herself in the fun of it all. It was an event worth celebrating for, not just for their victory, but also for the fact that it was the first event Lucy had done with the guild. It was the best memory by far that she had with everyone.

Sabertooth continued drinking despite most of its members having already drunken way over their tolerance level, leaving them staggering and reeking of alcohol. Most had passed out on the tables and floor while others were in the bathroom, throwing up. However, Lucy remained sober despite the fact that she, too, had her fair share amount of drinks.

"Myuu," Kyubey mocked at them.

Lucy stroked its fur and smiled. "They really did go overboard."

Minerva laid on the couch, her head resting against the armrest with Yukino sleeping beside her, a blanket covering them - courtesy of Jiemma. Orga reeked of alcohol while Rufus just sat to the side, half awake and half asleep. Rogue, who drank more than he should have, cuddled with Frosch on the floor with Lector beside him, seeming to have quite the good dream. Sting, on the other hand, laid sprawled on the floor, snoring away, defenseless. Lucy chuckled at seeing his state but knew that almost the entire guild was the same way.

"...Lucy," he mumbled, turning to his side, a blush on his face.

Lucy widened her eyes and smiled softly at him, bringing out the blankets to cover them. It was fall and the night breeze was cool, making them prone to catch a cold. She set the blankets over the members and then finally one on Sting. She bent down to stare at his sleeping face, her eyes holding affection.

"What do you see in me anyways?" she murmured under her breath.

His lips curled upward as he mumbled her name again, his face changing to that of a child's, full of adoration and love.

"You're mine..." he made out.

She stared at him before letting out a sigh, chuckling to herself as she did so. He always managed to surprise her and this time, she had to thank him for everything that he had done for her. Letting the blanket fall over him, she stood up and Kyubey followed her. Making her way out to the balcony, she looked at the full moon above, its light ever so brilliant. It was the most brilliant Lucy had ever seen it. The end of her lips curled upwards as her eyes radiated with life.

"Yup," she grinned, confirming it once more. "This guild is definitely the best!"

The next day~

The party the guild had the night before passed with the rise of the morning sun but still, the members of Sabertooth were still sprawled out on the floor in a heavy sleep. Kyubey looked at them with appetizing eyes until Lucy stopped it, giving it another feast of food. Lucy had stayed at the guild to watch over them as the only person that had been sober.

Lucy sat idly at the bar, her arms propped upon the counter as she threw her head back, her long golden hair trailing along. She was bored. Really bored. It was almost the afternoon yet not a single one of them seemed to be waking up soon.

Maybe I'll just go to the Fall Festival myself, she looked to the side.

"Oh, you were awake?" a voice called out from behind her.

Lucy tilted her head farther back as she looked at the upside down person before her. She waved a hand and greeted him. "Been awake since yesterday. Didn't expect for you to be awake this whole time, Jiemma."

"Ah, it was rough waking up," Jiemma said, not minding her drop of honorifics as he massaged his temple. "The hangover's pretty bad."

"Same thing could probably be said for the others," Lucy looked towards the others. "You guys drank more than you should've."

"I didn't think it would be that bad..."

"It's liquor from the Kou Empire," she remarked. "You underestimated them."

"Yeah..." Jiemma painfully said, the pain aching. "Now I know why everyone says that their liquor is the best across the continents. It's not just any liquor but pure liquor."

Lucy smirked.

"But I'm surprised that you've remained sober and awake the whole time," Jiemma pointed it out, sitting on his seat. "From what I remember, you drank quite the amount as well. Maybe even more than all of these kids combined."

"Well," Lucy sat up. "One, I'm older than all of you and two, I've been drinking the Kou Empire's famous liquor since forever. Though I didn't expect that I could still be able to handle all this despite not drinking for several decades."

"Don't worry. Your alcohol tolerance is still quite high."

Jiemma could say that for a fact as he looked to the side, a sweat-drop rolling down the side of his face. Sitting to the corner of the room beside the bar were eight empty large jars - almost half of the size of Lucy's body - of pure liquor. To be able to remain standing and nonetheless clear after all that was a feat. If it was anybody else, they would have died after just two to three jars of it.

"So, should we wake them up?" Lucy pointed at the sprawled out members as she got off the stool. "If they're not waking up, I might as well just go to the festival by myself."

"Wake them up," Jiemma sighed. "It'd be a shame to miss the final day."

Lucy smirked. "Roger that."

Jiemma slouched in his chair as he mentally prepared himself for Lucy's method of waking them up. She looked to Kyubey who grinned, gladly helping her do so. It flapped its wings upward and opened its mouth up wide. Rukh fluttered here and there as large vibrations rocketed through the air as soundwaves reached its shortest wavelength, creating the highest sound.


The half-dead members of the guild immediately jumped up as soon as the first soundwave reached their ears. Their eyes grew wide in shock as their first instinct was to cover up their ears for it seemed that at any moment, their eardrums were going to burst. The hangover was worse enough but adding the soundwaves onto that only worsened it. Kyubey closed its mouth back up and jumped back onto Lucy's shoulder, a satisfied smile on its lips. Lucy chuckled as she put her hands behind her back and leaned forward.


Sting grumbled, rubbing his forehead as he tried to find his words, his ears still ringing. "...Who wouldn't be...?"

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