Taking Heaven (Yandere Adrien)

By LanaLace

19.9K 391 273

Ladybug never wanted to know the true identity of Chat but once she finds out, she will avoid Adrien at all c... More

Attracted II


4.4K 92 140
By LanaLace

It didn’t take the blonde long to get to the other side of school which was surprising since he walked. Well, if you can call it walking. He was practically skipping with delight. The pep in his step was so very noticeable to anyone that would have passed him. He almost wanted to whistle a sweet tune because his new plan was definitely going to be the best idea he had yet. He had been so happy with himself that he had completely forgotten the fact that his little bunny let him. That was until he heard her.

“Stoooppp. You’re messing up my hair.” She giggled.

Instantly, he perked up at the lovely sound of her voice and rounded the corner to see something rather annoying. ‘Or someone.’

Adrien rounded the corner to see his little bunny and that infuriating little shit, redhead. The damned artist was unbearably close to what was his and he did not like that one bit. Even going so far as to touch her. The blonde seethed as he watched Nathaniel manipulate her hair into place and saw the smiles that were shared between the two. The conversation went on for about a 2 minute and it took everything out of Adrien not to snapped. The lovely bluenette was even comfortable enough to give that prick a nickname, mean while she could barely form sentences around him. hen the redhead brought his face so close to his bunny. The blonde almost lost it when Nathaniel brought  his face way too close to his bunny’s face. Adrien thought that he was going to steal her first kiss.  

“Like hell I’ll let that happen…” He whispered darkly.

As he was about to run up and punch that pretentious little shit, blinded by the negative thoughts that were forming. Fortunately for everyone however, he heard Marinette’s chime like giggle and he stopped in his tracks and watched as the redhead backed away. Adrien let out a breath that he didn’t realize he was holding and closed his eyes in relief before stepping back just around the corner and peeping at the two again.

He listened intently as the two talked and giggle, much to his annoyance. Noting a few things that would need remedying immediately. ‘Like the fact that the tomato head knew his bunny’s number.’ But he had to focus right now because his lovely bluenette was rounding the corner he was hidden behind and he needed to show her just how displeased he was.


The little blue bug ran down the hall and cut around the corner, heels lowly clicking with each step. So worried about being late that she hadn’t notice the blonde she ran past until it was too late. A strong grip latched onto her upper arm and slammed her into the lockers that lined the walls. Marinette winced and hissed at the sharp pain in her back from the sudden action and was about to yell at the jerk who had a death wish until she opened her eyes and blue met a sparkling green.


“...” She was met with silence as the blonde stared down at her with an unimpressed look.

“Adrien, are you o-ok?” Still, he said nothing but stared at her. It was completely unnerving to her. Here she was pinned tightly to the lockers by the crush of her life and all he’s doing is staring at her. She slowly tried to push herself off of the locker only to him push her back with more force. Marinette arched her back in pain, closing her eyes tightly and groaned at the ach of having the locker handle dig into her more. ‘Ow! What the hell was that for?! Whats wrong with him? Did he mistake me for someone else?’ She thought to herself before opening her eyes to see Adrien with a slight smirk on his face and a mischievous look in his eyes. Her eyes widen and a small shiver went down her spine at how absolutely predatory he looked leaning over her with that expression. Her emotions must have been written all over her face because his smirk grew as he moved in closer to her. ‘Scary...’

“Marinette. What exactly were you doing with Nathaniel? You both seem awfully close. What is he to you?” He said whispered in her ear, saying the redheads name with such venom that she could have sworn she had to have imagined it. ‘Golden boy Agreste was sweet and innocent. I’m imagining things.’ Taking in a shaky breath, Marinette spoke up but refused to look at him, instead keeping her eyes glued to his chest which did not go unnoticed by the blonde. His jaw ticked at that.

“We a-are just friends. Nat is really- uh sweet but I’m just friends. No, no,  just we friends. Ugh I mean-” She never got to finish her sentence before soft lips came crashing down on hers.

The bluette’s eyes went wide. Shock was an understatement. This was total bewilderment. She was so blindsided by the kiss. On the outside she had been stiff as a bored but on the inside she was freaking out. ‘Adrien is kissing me? Oh my gosh, Adrien is kissing me! Holy crap! My first kiss! He took it. Does he like it? Am I bad at this? I must be dreaming. Somebody pinch me.’

She heard a low growl before a hand slipped around  her waist, possessively tugging her small frame to his and licking at her bottom lip for permission to enter her mouth.  She didn’t grant it, not responding to his advances at all. Adrien realized her mind was miles away and that fact irritated him greatly. She should only be focusing on him and with his next move, he had succeeded in making her do so.

Using the hand that was wrapped around her waist, Adrien shot his hand down to her bum and squeezed roughly, pulling her hips up against his. Marinette gasped and took advantage of that, sticking his tongue into her mouth and tasting everything that sweet tavern had to offer to him.


‘She is sweet. Oh, so very sweet.’ Adrien thought as his tongue tangled with hers.It seemed like she was wrestling him for dominance but he is a cat, he was always in control and showed her just that. Removing his other hand from her wrist and moving it up, he grasp the back of her head, deepening kiss. She still would not kiss him back. But right now, he didn’t care. He just wanted to taste her. So he did. He kiss her for a full minute more before releasing and gazing into her stunning eyes. ‘I must be a damn good kisser if I could leave her so speechless.’ he smirked.

Slowly but reluctantly Adrien relinquished his hold on her body and took a step back to gaze over her. ‘I miss her warmth already. I want to hold her again…’ He thought to himself, taking in her appearance. She hadn’t moved a bit and that made him rethink touching her. ‘If I do any more now, I may scare her away. I’ll have to wait. Besides, I’m pretty sure I’ve made my point very clear.’ he smiled to himself.

5 seconds passed and no response. It irked him a bit.

Adrien slammed his hand against the locker near her head, he watched her jump causing him to smile pleasantly. ‘Finally, a reaction!’ This frighten little bunny of his was turning him on with that look and damn he wanted to kiss her pouty little mouth again. He leaned in closer...

“Marinette.~” He sung sweetly to her with a smile on his face.

She looked up into those mischievous green eyes of his, watching the way his predatory gaze lingered on her quivering lips.


“Mr. Agreste! Ms. Dupain Cheng!”

They jolted apart instantly, Marinette hitting head against the locker she was was just pressed to and Adrien looked rather ...annoyed at the person who just saved her from this very awkward and uncomfortable situation. She  was so thankful at this moment.

“Outstanding! The two ppl with the worst attendance in the school are cutting second period on the first day. That's a new record. I’m extremely disappointed in you both of you. Two days detention. I will be seeing you both tomorrow afternoon. Now head to class.” The principle said, arms crossing his chest as he glared at the minors before him.

Marinette face fell at this, her papa was going to be so disappointed in her. She may even be grounded for this which would not be good at all for Ladybug and Chat Noir. Adrien took note of the mini storm cloud brewing over his bunny and narrowed his eyes. He glared venomously at the half bald man in front of him, causing him to lose to look away to avoid the young teen’s eyes. Adrien leaned down the the bluenette near him.

“Go to the Science Lab. Its your next class. I’ll be there waiting for you after class.” He whispered to her. She looked up to him in question with  her perfect eyebrow raised. As soon as she was about to open her mouth to ask him how he even knew that, he turned his hardened gaze to her. Marinette shut her mouth immediately, shivering at the coldness in those usually warm emerald eyes.  

She was taken back by this but when he narrowed his eyes at her, something deep inside her told her to move. That's exactly what she did. All of her questions could be answered another time but for now, she just wanted to get away.


Watching longingly as his curvy little bunny walked away from him, Adrien sighed and turn to the oddly shaped man in front of him. ‘Disgusting’ he thought to himself.

Walking up to the man in question, Adrien form was towering over his as he stared down the poor man. Mr. Damocles seem to shrink away from him, eyes looking everywhere but the blonde. Adrien rest his hands on the shoulders of the man’s cheaply made suit an squeezed a bit, shocking him.

“Mr. Damocles,  I have been the perfect student despite my ocasional tardiness. Marinette has been the same, I’m sure. I have never done anything to get on your bad side, have I? I would hope that you would return the favor and do nothing to get of my bad side as well.” He added more pressure to his hold with that last sentence.

Mr. Damocles scrambled for words to say, everything coming out like gibberish. Adrien closed his eyes in frustration. The man was not listening. He kept going on about how he was the principle and students were not allowed to talk to him like this. It was annoying. Right now, he just wanted the man’s compliance so that the anger inside him would calm. But this cowardly man just wanted to prove that he was the authority figure and that he was in charge. Nothing could be farther from the truth, however, and the blonde had no problem proving that.

Smiling innocently, Adrien smoothed out the wrinkles he caused in Mr. Damocles suit before speaking again. “You are right. You are the principle of this school. But if you would like to stay as acting principle of this school, I suggest you turn a blind eye to anything that concerns myself and Marinette Dupain Cheng. I’m sure that you know that this 90% of this school’s funding comes from the hefty bank account of the Agreste family.  It would be a shame if it were to suddenly stop. It would be even for you if I were to let slip whose fault it was.” Still smiling innocently, Adrien pat the speechless man’s back and turned to walk away.

Without turning back, Adrien shouted. “I’m counting on you, sir.”

God, he hated taking a page out of Chloe’s book but he if he didn’t then he may have done something unspeakable. Besides, it felt really good.

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