A Devils Lover (Highschool DX...

By AlexMrcer

79.2K 852 862

When a Extremly overpowered monster meets the forces of heaven and hell chaos is surely to begin! I DO NOT OW... More

\|°[Calm before the storm]°|/
[Emerging Power]
One more thing...
I need your help
I have choosen the OC's
Discouragement to Continue

=][=The Sacred Gear=][=

9.4K 93 103
By AlexMrcer

Random Rooftop 2, Rip 1st rooftop.

What am I even doing, Am to fucking crazy to do this shit" you barked at yourself. " Joining HIGH SCHOOL I did shit already, and does aren't happy memories at all. " you say with sounding dreadful.

You get up from you're resisting position. And jump down from you're rooftop and land on a rock, thanks to the impact it shatters into rubble.
" I got nothing to do so minus well go see Rias at 2 in the morning, I'm sure she won't mind" you say sarcastically. You decide it's a good idea to run on the rooftops to get the club. You leap you're way there making countless craters along the way.

As you arrive you begin to actually think on what you're about to do. "Fuck it" You say you open the old creaky doors. As you enter you decide to scan the room for any signs of life.
You walk around the place and you find a door with caution tape and locks on it. " The Fuck, Someone's in There but wh-" you're interrupted by a light groan coming from down the dark hall, as you get closer you see a door that's almost completely closed, you look through the small opening and see...

"Holy Perky Pink Tits!" You say surprised. " AHHH, WHO IS THERE " Rias yells in shock. She puts her hand up and charges an attack. " WOW CHILL it's me it's me no need to blow the door off!" You bark. " Alex? What are you doing here? And how did you get in?" She asks confused. " Long story short I was bored so came her-"
"Oh I see what you want" she says with a seductive tone, she removes her covers, you see her naked body.

You feel a bulge in youre pants grow, you take a deep breath, you throw the covers back on her, " Nope, not happening, I'm out " you say in a serious manner. " Wait What! It was a joke, relax" She says in a playful manner as she plays with her hair . "I'll wait for you in the main room " you say as you push off the ledge of the door and close it and walk away. You hear her sigh in the distance.
You whisper, " I refuse to take responsibility for a hormonical kid in heat." You look outside and realize the sun is rising. " Pretty Sun Rise, Right" Rias says as she walks up behind you.
"Well at least you're dresse-" You stop as you see her oddly attractive selection of clothes.

" Even in youre casual clothes you look hot" you say with a cocky look.
" Well, I'm flattered" she says as she's trying to keep a serious face. " Ahem... we might want hurry because school starts in an hour". She says as she gets her uniform. " Wait, We, School, an hour." You say as remember you signed up for it. " Well, I could always ski-" You're cut off as Rias turns around and looks at you, with a distasteful look.

"Ok, nevermind." You say as turn around and stare outside. " Soooo... When are the others coming." You ask in an effort to change the subject.
" Oh, We meet with them at the same place we were last night, come on I'm ready let's go" she says with an innocent smile.

You both leave the club building.
"Wait, Why don't we just wait for them in the school we're right next to it!" You point out. " We could but I like to meet up with them there."

As You two arrive to the spot, you notice Koneko and Kiba waiting,
" Sup." You say as you lift you're hand up to signal you're precence.
" Good morning Alex, Good morning, Rias. " he says with a warm smile.
"Hey thank for the snacks yesterday."
Koneko adds as she walks up to you.
" Its ok kitty, I'll buy you some more today if you'd like." You say as you pet her hair. " Hey, Now I don't want you to be spoil her." Rias says as flicks the back of you're head. You growl at her.
" May I ask how come you're with Rias, Alex? Kiba questions you. " I was bored so I stopped by her "house" and it's was morning already so I just kinda tagged along with her." You say with a smirk on you're face. " Its getting late he should go." Koneko days with her typical plain tone.
" Wait, Alex aren't you gonna wear the school uniform?" Kiba asks. " Fuck it I'll be fine..." You stop as Rias stares you with a rather perturbed expression. " Now that I think about it" You say as you transform you're clothes into the school uniform identical Kibas. " There, All set." You say as they look at you with amazed looks. Suddenly you feel someone hug you from behind, you see two womanly arms wrap around you're neck. " What, did I miss?" Says Akeno with a light blush on her cheeks. " Ok, Now that everyone seems to be here we should really get going." Says Kiba with an annoyed look. " What's, With you Akeno?" Rias says as she looks at you with a jealous expression. " Just thought I would be with him, since you've been hogging him all for yourself." Akeno says with a vicious tone. " Argh, Enough already I just want to get this school crap over with!" You say with a tired look. The group walk together to the academy.

At the academy you see many girls and boys, mostly girls, " So Alex you should be able to find you're way around to class." Rias says as she leaves you there, " See you later" Kiba says with his typical smile as he turns to go to class, Koneko just glances at you as she leaves with Kiba.
"Well I guess this just leaves us" Akeno says as she tries to hug you.
" Oh No, you're coming with me missy!" Rias says as she grabs Akenos and drags her away. You sigh and think to yourself why? Since there's is 20 minutes till class starts, you decide to take a walk and look at the schools outdoor grounds. " THAT'S NOT FAIR" you hear in the distance, it seems to be coming from behind the courts.
You go check it out. What you see are three morons that are laying down babbling about women and how they don't have anyone they can't stick it up there rear.

" That's a interesting conversation you got going on there." You say sarcastically. " UUHAW" The trio is startled. " What the hell man don't do that that's creppy!" The near bald one barks. " Well, ain't that ironic a creep calling someone else a creep." You say with a sadistic expression. " What ever man we don't want any trouble!" The four eyed geek says nervously.
" Of course not fine gents, Were all friends here so what are you're names!?" You say as you give a terrifying smile. They hesitate to respond, but the brown haired boy man's up, " My names...Issei Hyoudou and these are my friends Matsuda and Motohama..." the boy seems to be very worried. " Alright, My names Alex Mercer I'm new" you say as the boys get up.

"Man, just let us grief for being lonely." Motohama says as he weeps.
"Honestly if you guys didn't just want to have "fun" with the girl and then just leave the day after, you guys might get to lose you're virginity..."
"NEVER!!" Matsuda hisses at you.
" Oh, Shit I'm going to be late!" Matsuda barks, " For?" You reply, he gives you a perverted smile as he says "Muriyamas jugs their freaking huge!" Matsuda says excitedly, "36, 32 , 24" Motohama replies, " And Katsudas legs are crazy sexy!" Matsuda exclaims, " 34, 32 , 36!" Motohama says giving measurements. " Ok it's confirmed, you're all perverts!" You bark angerily. " Fuck, off man!" Matsuda barks, as the trio turns around and leaves, you sigh in disappointment " What a waste of ten minutes.." Since there is ten minutes left you decide to go rest by the fountain, on you're way there you hear the whispers of girls " Look we have a new hottie in town", " Blue eyed cutie", every little comment they said made you giggle internally, you spend about 10 minutes listening to music, but then suddenly you hear near by yelling
" Get back here you pervert!" A girl yells at a guy running towards you,
" Issei?" Is the first thing that comes into mind once he bodies you, luckily issei just crashes into you causing him to get knocked out as you just stand there wondering what the he'll just happened, " Thanks, for that... Who are you?" Are brown haired, yellow eyed girl asks you, " I'm new, and names Alex Mercer" you happily answer, " Ow,Ow,Ow, M..My bo...dy" A agonizing issei complains. " What the hell did you do to get into this much trouble with about 1,2,3,4.. about a dozen girls man?" You question him,
" Well this sicko thought he'd get away with being a peeping tom!" The girl barks. " Why am I not surprised..." You say as you nod youre head in disappointment, the bell rings signifing the start of class. You realize you really haven't explored the school grounds and you decide to skip the first period, and wonder around making a literal mental map in youre head.

"Why hasn't he arrived yet the bell rang?" Rias says as she turned to face Akeno, " Maybe, he got lost this place is kinda big." Akeno replies. " Do you think I should go get hi-" Rias stops as she looks out at the window and sees you just casually walking around.
" Is he seriously skipping... Really!! "
Rias says angerly, " Its his first day, maybe he was just shy cut him some slack I'm sure he has an explanation for you." Akeno replies trying to ease her anger. " Oh he better" Rias snaps back at her.

You look up at the window cause of a certain red aura catches you're attention " Hey" you say as you raise you're hand at Rias. All of a sudden all of the windows shatter into pieces.
" Lady Rias, Umm.. you brok-" Akeno is cut off by Rias " I know" Rias replies bluntly. " You, know you didnt have to do all th-" you are interrupted by a clawed hand ripping through youre heart. Suddenly a massive bubble shield forms around you incasing you in a bubble that makes it seem like nothing is happening only demons can see whats really happening.
You turn around to see youre aggressor and see a big spider like monster with two orange eyes and four red and blue arms, with many sets of teeth. By instinct you rapidly shift youre hand into a whipfist.

" Crap, I don't know how much longer I can hold it" Rias whispers. " Let's hope The Sitri notice and aid us" Akeno whispers back.

The monster manages to grab youre leg and rib cage and squish them, but the barbed whip embeds its self in the monsters head, causing it to wail in pain, in response its grabs the whip to remove it from its skull, as soon as it laid hands on it the entire whip grows spikes that stab the hands of the creature. You then pull back the whip and like a saw it rips through half it's head, and rips off two of his four legs
Like a bloddy fountain the monster bleeds at an insane rate. " Eh, you fucking look even worse than before" You say disgusted by the monster.
" You're one of my least proud works of art I have ever done" you say with a reluctant smile. You then use that same hand and morph it into a claw and bolt towards it, you impale it's lower half of the jaw, and lift it up several meters above the sky and slam it back down causing a massive crater. Causing the renaming brains to explode and spur all over, yet again the monster shatters and fades away like dust.

" Rias, you can release the shield" A mysterious voice whispers...
" Most of my peerage is out there it's fine" the voice tells, With that Rias releases the bubble that confined you. In a second another larger bubble takes its place.

" And, I'm guessing that's Alex right"
The voice asks her, Rias silence confirms it.

"I'm guessing that thing belonged to you" you snarl at a group of kids that appeared in There with you.

As you shift youre hand into a sword and almost stab the bubble. " No, We are friends of Rias...That thing was summoned here and not by us." The black haired violet eyed girl replies.

" Great More unwanted friends...." You sigh at the thought. " What did you just say?!" A long black haired, yellow eyed girl snaps back. " Shut it Four eyes." You say teasingly with a vicious smile hoping to start a fight.
"How dare y-" She's cut off by the battle cry of a blonde boy running towards you. " ARGHH, I'LL TEACH SOME RESPECT." Says the blonde kid running at you with a black gauntlet.

The gauntlet spewed out a bright blue rope. You grab the rope before it impacts you, you give him a malevolent smile.

" Big, mistake bud" the boy barks at you. Like a snake the rope comes to life and tightly ties around you're arm. " Hey I'll let go if you say uncle" he says in a cocky tone. You suddenly pull on the rope so hard you send him flying towards you. Before he lands on you, you catch him by the head and hold him up like a dirty rag, lifting him up off his feet, you apply little to no pressure on you're grip on his head.
"AHH, Let go you insolen-" he barely manages to say cause of the pain, but is cut off by you appling more force,
" Thanks, for making it easier for me kid." You say in a sarcastic tone.
" Enough!" The violet eyed girl yells.
" Im..F-Fine..Sona..j-just..need to...... ge-get him of me.!" He struggles to reply as you squeeze harder on his head. " Shut, it Saji!" Says Sona.
Out of nowhere a purple and black orb flies at you ripping you're arm off releasing Saji from you're hinges.
" Thanks Tsubaki. " Saji manages to say as he's getting back up from the attack. Their interupted by your maniacal laughter, " That hurt...not" you snarl at her as you're arm regenerates. " What type of shit." Saji says with a bit of fear going down his spine. You shift youre right arm into a blade a dash at them.

But you are stoped by Sonas words. " I'm sorry." Sona blurts out. You think to you're self What did she just say???. " I'm sorry" She repeats. " That was a rude way to introduce ourselfs, you must be confused and we aren't helping. " Sona truthfully admits.

" Well, Can't say I don't agree!" You say as you shift youre hand back to normality. " I am apologizing for all of us." She adds. " Now, This bubble you're in seals us away from the vision of humans only other demons can see us inside, So understand we needed to make it in order to not alert anyone, So we're going to rebuild the craters on the ground from "earlier" and then we will wait for the most opportune time to leave, understand."
She says firmly.

" Good luck" with that you wave at them goodbye, you turn into smoke

And vanished through the bubble into
Some part of the building.

" Rias, where did you find him.." Sona whispers to herself.

You realize it's lunch time and you resume to walk around the school you then spot The pervy trio looking at Rias.

" The jiggle" Motahama excitedly says.
" The T H I C C thighs." Matsuda exclaims. " That ha-" Issei is cut off by you. " And this is why you're still virgins" you bluntly state. They all froze at the shear comment you made.
"You sir, are an ass" Motohama says as he adjusts his glasses. " You, sir have too many eyes." You snap back. " Ok, Screw you." Issei says angerly.
" Alex, I need a word" Rias demanded with anger in her voice. " How about, bye!" You say as you prepare to dash out of there. " Wait, what really a pun!, get you're ass back here mister." Rias states as she looks at you.
" Alright, you win geez.." You complain. " Let's go to outside." Rias says with a smirk. You then follow her outside near the gym. " I'm giving you a chance to explain." Rias says with a somewhat calm tone. You look at her in the eyes those ocean blue eyes, you lean closer to her, she starts to blush

" What are yo-" You cut her off by giving her a passionate kiss, you lock lips with her for about a minute, until she stops to get some air. " I'm sorry I just got a little jealous when those boys where looking at you like that I just, I'm sorr-" she puts her finger on you're mouth so you stop speaking.
You look at a each other for awhile not knowing what to do. " Soo...about me skipping I was walking around to get to know th-" You are stoped by her. " Its fine you had you're reasons ok let's just leave it at that alright." Rias says as she smiles at you. You smile back.


The bell rang as it meant the end of lunch. You both leave to go to class.
Time passes you introduce yourself to the class you do work that was fairly simple considering you're amount of knowledge. Once the end of the school day came, everyone started pouring out to go home you stayed since you were going to talk to the club.

" Hey, Dude what happened earlier in the morning did you get to see the goods!?" Matsuda asks Issei, " No, dipshits you guys hogged the whole and I got beat by the chicks with sticks!" Issei barks back at them. "Well, thanks for taking the hit for us dude!" Motohama remarks.

Issei notices crimson red hair flowing in the air, he looks up to see Rias.

Issei thinks to himself that hair that crimson blood hair and those boobs are stunning...

" Rias, what's wrong?" Akeno asks.
" I think he might be the one." Rias says firmly. " You think?" Akeno questions. " I'm not entirely sure..."
Rias hesitates to answer. " Well, I'm sure one thing, you like Alex don't you!?" Akeno remarks. " Buahh... What do you mea-" Rias is interupted.
" Oh don't play dumb you kissed him didn't you. " Akeno teases. " How dis you kno- wait no..." Rias says as she attempts to lie. " Well I might of seen...." Akeno continues to tease. "But I thought we where hidden!?" Rias snaps at her as she looks away. " Did you for-" a loud slam cuts off Akeno.
" Damn, you didn't have to slam the door that hard." Kiba states. " I like to come in with a bang." You tell Kiba.
" Hello Lady Rias." Koneko greets.
" Hey, Koneko feeling better today." Rias asks. Koneko nods as she pulls out pocky from her pocket. " So what the secret." Kiba asks you. " Well, I brought us all together t- I can't do that bullshit , ... I decided to join you're house club group I dunno but yeah." You blurt out. " What made you come to that decision." Akeno asks. " A coin." You bluntly answer. The room remains silent as they look at you waiting for you to tell them otherwise.
" A coin..." Kiba repeats. " Yep." You reply. " Why?" Akeno asks. " I was bored." You state. " Well, we will begin with the ceremony to turn you into a devil." Rias tells you" Wait, what" you question. " We will reincarnate you into a devil." Rias explains. " What's gonn-" You feel a small pinch all over you're body as you're being transformed, but the ceremony stops.
" I dont have a soul, a life source, or a conscious." You state. " If you can't be turned into a devil you won't be able to join the House of Gremory." Rias tells you as she starts to get stressed.
" Hey I don't remember a tattoo on my right hand." You question. They all look. " Isn't that the crest for the Gremory clan." Koneko points out.

" So, you joined but you didn't become a devil or did I assign you a piece." Rias says as she wonders. " You became a pawn!" Rias exclaims now I only have seven, but I wanted to make you a bishop" Rias says disappointed.
" Awsome." You say as they look at you like you're an idiot. " You can save those pieces for the people that need the boost." You state. " I guess so." Rias says as she looks at a clock. " Alex i need you to so me a favor, remember Issei, well I need you to keep and eye on him for me would you?!" Rias pleads. " Alright then I'll be on my way then." You leave the room and use you're hunter vision.

" umm. Lady Rias aren't you going to tell him where to find him." Koneko asks. " No he seems to have some sort of tracker that allows him to find people quickly." Rias replies. " So, You think it's him right, the one with the sacred gear. " Kiba adds. " I'm betting on it." Rias answers.

You Follow him to a park. He walks up to a fountain. You see a vending machine you punch a soda out. You get a Sprite. You chug the fucker down, you look back at Issei, he's lying there on the ground dead, bleeding out.

And you see a certain fallen Angel with a bloddy spear in her hand.



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