
By thatsshitwritingdude

84.8K 2.3K 888

Life's not been too great for Sam. His dad left when he was 9, his family's broke, and he's not exactly the... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty

chapter seven

4.2K 124 51
By thatsshitwritingdude

Oof, this chapters quite long so sorry in advance if you prefer them shorter ¯\_()_/¯ (< I had to copy that from google ew)

Anyway, the boys break out!1!1!1! Also there's a surprise near the end ;))

As always, comments and votes are appreciated! And let me know if you see any spelling/grammar mistakes and I'll fix them.



They both decided to lay low for the next couple of days, not going out of their way to talk to any of the other inmates. Noah had deemed it best not to tell anyone else about their plan (not even Ross or Kyle) in case it got leaked to the guards. Noah had ordered Sam to especially 'keep his trap shut' around Jack.

Today was 'the day'.
They'd been talking about it for the past couple days and discussing tactics, and they had decided to just get it over with.

Sam had his shift after lunch, so when he was done all the inmates had to go back to their cells, anyway. Which was good, seeing as there was a smaller time frame for him to get caught.

"Where do I put the knife?" He had questioned Noah, while they were going over their plan for the third or fourth time (they had to know it off by heart, as Noah had stated).
"Just, stuff it down your pants" Noah shrugged "they don't search you, right?"
"They haven't yet, but who knows"

Noah groaned.
"Well, it's not like they're gonna grope you, Sam. You'll be fine"
Sam nodded, although he was still uncertain.


Well, the moment of truth had arrived.

Sam was in the kitchens, carrying out his shift. Jack, like usual, was nattering on about something which Sam didn't care to listen to (he had gone off the guy, seeing as Noah hated him so much, and just smiled every so often to be polite).

He looked around the room, watching as other inmates were chopping up food. There were various knives on the counters, Sam just had to grab one without being noticed. He'd have to wait until the end of the shift.

"Something on your mind?" Jack asked, and Sam snapped out of his thoughts.
He shook his head, putting a smile onto his face.
"Nah, I'm good"
Jack nodded, seemingly unconvinced but left it.

Sam was panicking. He'd never done anything like this before, and he was terrified of getting caught. Would they extend his sentence? Would he be put in isolation? What if he had to be put in a different cell, away from Noah?

He shook his head and took in some deep breaths, attempting to calm himself down. He just had to have some faith in himself.

He knew that the knives would be locked away at the end of the day, and he just prayed to all the Gods out there that they wouldn't notice one knife missing. Besides, they probably got checked on in the morning - and they'd be long gone by then.

The thought had him giddy, really. No more waking up in that cramped cell during the early hours of the morning. He was looking forward to a lie in. And a bigger bed. And some food that wasn't tasteless. He revelled in his thoughts until he realised that everyone was beginning to pack up, which meant it was his time to shine.

He said his farewells to Jack, explaining that he was going to stay behind to help clean up so he didn't have to stay. Jack nodded and left, although Sam could tell that he wasn't convinced.

After that he decided to just..go for it. He slid around a few other people in the kitchens and leaned against one of the counters, watching to make sure no one else was looking. Once he was everyone was busy or leaving, he reached behind him as non-obviously as he could and grabbed a knife (quite a big one, really) then shoved it down the back of his pants.

Now he just had to hope it didn't cut him to pieces. The blade was pointing upwards, towards his back, so he just had to make sure not to lean back at all. But also avoid looking too stiff. He promptly made his way out (hiding between a couple other inmates so he didn't seem suspicious to any guards) then speed walked back to his and Noah's cell.

When he got back Noah was sat at the table, tapping a pencil against it in thought. He looked up and grinned when he saw Sam.
They both waited until their cell was closed and they were locked in for the night before talking.

"You get it?" Noah questioned, stepping towards him.
"Ah shit I forgot" Sam shrugged, and Noah looked a mix of shocked and annoyed. "kidding! Kidding" he lifted the back of his shirt up and carefully pulled it out, handing it to Noah who smirked and grabbed it.

Noah lifted up the duvet on the top bunk slightly and chucked it under, keeping hidden for the time being. He then walked over to the draws which were next to the sink and opened the top one, pulling out a...


Sam tilted his head slightly in confusion, waiting for an explanation.

"I snuck it in from gardening - gotta sharpen the knife somehow, Sam"
Sam 'ohh'd and nodded.

"Don't we need sheets, for the rope?"
Noah nodded "already covered".
He walked to the bunk beds and lifted up the duvet from the bottom bunk, revealing a, well, shit ton of duvet covers.

"Where'd you even get all them?!" Sam asked, astounded and gesturing to them with his arms.
"I snuck in the laundry room and grabbed a load" he shrugged. The laundry room wasn't too far from their cell so that was pretty believable.

Noah had really thought this through. He grabbed the knife from off the top bunk and ran the blade along the rock then sat with his back to the cell door, attempting to sharpen it. Sam sat down opposite and watched with his cheek leaning on his palm and yawning. He was tired.

They had a few coffee and tea sachets so he made them both a coffee in an attempt to wake themselves up. He didn't overly like coffee, but it would do. He figured it would wake him up more than a tea would, anyhow.

He placed both cups on the table and Noah murmured out a quick thanks, concentrating on what he was doing.

Sam let out a sigh, mentally mapping out the next couple hours. They'd have to wait until lights out, then wait another hour or two to make sure all the other inmates were asleep. He wasn't sure how they'd get through the bar without waking anyone else up, actually. He guessed they'd just have to be slow.

Next was finding a 'weak spot'. He was sure he had heard about some prisoners escaping through the ceiling in the kitchen, so he'd be sure to let Noah know that. They could also try other secluded areas like the laundry room.

Then once on the roof they just had to climb down. Sam decided to start tying the duvet covers together now, seeing as Noah was preoccupied.


He had tied the majority of the covers when he heard someone walking down the hall and cursed under his breath, shoving the 'rope' under the bed. Noah simply dropped the knife and rock between his legs and scooted his chair under the table.

It was time for lights out, and on cue the cell dimmed.

He quickly tied the rest, managing to do it fairly quickly in the poor light. Once he was done he stood up and turned over to where Noah was.
"Christ, Noah, that thing sharp enough yet?" He whispered.

Noah scoffed and put the knife on the table, pushing his chair back out and standing up.
"Yes, actually"

Sam chuckled and watched as Noah stripped the top bunk of its covers.
"What are you doing now?"
Noah stopped, turning to face him.
"Well I don't exactly have a backpack, do I Sam?"
Sam scoffed and flopped onto the bottom bunk, lying down.

Noah gathered his few personal items (such as paints, sketchbooks and books ect) and put them all on the sheet, holding the sides up in a makeshift bindle. Sam also placed what little he had in there (just a few pictures of his family).

"Right" Noah clapped quietly, rubbing his palms together "we're all set"


They waited a couple hours (or what felt like it) until they were certain other all the other inmates were asleep.

Noah grabbed the knife and started to attempt to cut through a bar. He started at the top, which he didn't even have to stretch to reach (Sam was only slightly envious). It took a lot of effort and grunts, although the blade seemed to be slowly but surely making dents and cutting through. Luckily, they were both quite skinny so they'd probably only have to cut one bar out. Noah didn't seem to be struggling too much though, which impressed Sam. He was quite lanky, but lean.

The process was obviously quite loud though, so he took breaks every now and then, hoping not to wake anyone up.
They weren't so lucky, though, as a shout came from the cell next to them.

"Oi! What're you doin' in there?" He sounded pretty off, to which Noah hissed back,
"Mind your fucking business and go back to sleep"
Which actually worked, and the other inmate stayed quiet.

Noah finally finished cutting the bar at the top and cheered, while Sam stood next to him and looked out for any guards that could walk past. Noah then moved onto the bottom of the bar and started cutting it.

It took a while longer than the top, and a lot more cursing seeing as Noah was more out of breath. Sam offered to have a try but Noah dismissed him, arguing that he was fine and could do it.

Finally, he cut through and the bar swayed (although Sam luckily caught it in time before it fell forwards or backwards). Together they lifted it and placed it leaning on the bunk beds, then grinned and had a quick high five before squeezing out. Noah put the knife down the side of his pants for safe keeping then grabbed all their stuff which was in the cover and pulled them out, throwing the bindle over his shoulder.

They then sneaked up the hall, silently and not even whispering. They were in too deep now, and couldn't risk getting caught. Inmates up and down the hall were passed out and snoring, so there wasn't anyone to spot them. It must've been at least around 1am now.

"We need to be quick" Noah whispered, "the guards come round and check on our block every hour or so, we have like... not long"
Sam nodded, letting Noah take the lead and trailing behind. He knew his way around best, after all.

They quickly snuck into the toilets to be able to talk slightly louder and discuss their next move.
"So, how do we get out?" Sam said in a hushed tone.
"We have to get upstairs" Noah whispered in reply, pointing upwards with his hand.
"Well that's gonna be easy" Sam scoffed, but followed Noah as he peaked around the corner before treading out lightly.

Noah stuck his arm out quickly, stopping Sam and quickly but noiselessly back treading behind the corner. Sam looked up at him in a confused manor.
'Guard' Noah mouthed. Sam nodded, eyes wide. He could hear their footsteps now, which were thankfully going in the opposite direction to them.

They waited a while, (then a while longer just to be safe) before walking back out. They found the stairs and snuck up, heading to the top floor.

Upstairs, they found a laundry room and quickly snuck in. Noah closed the door behind them both.

"So, now we just cut through the fucking ceiling?" Sam said quietly, although he was clearly stressed. He walked further into the room.
"Yeah" Noah replied shortly, pulling the knife back out.
"How, exactly?"

Noah gave it some thought.
"Well, if I give you a boost onto one of the washing machines, you think you can handle it?" The washing machines were lined up along the wall, being taller than the average one in most homes.

Sam hesitated, but nodded.
"I can try"

Noah crouched and cupped his hands, tilting his head as a sign for Sam to hurry up. Sam put one foot on his hands and a hand on his back to steady himself, them climbed up onto the washer and leant on one knee.
"You good?" Noah whispered and he nodded.

Noah then passed him the knife and he took it, holding it tightly.
"Just cut round in a circle big enough for us to fit through"
Sam looked at Noah, then the knife, then the ceiling and then back at Noah again.
"I'm not as strong as you, I don't know if I can" he whispered.

"Nonsense, just try. It's probably not that thick anyway" Noah replied lowly, standing closely to him. Sam gulped and nodded, then held the knife up to the ceiling.

He pressed it lightly and ran it across the ceiling and could hear it scratching the surface. Well, time to just go for it.
Pushing down harder now, the knife went further into the surface and he dragged it along, slicing through an unsteady and jagged line.

"Good, keep going" Noah whispered words of encouragement from behind him. After a good ten minutes of Sam working his way through the ceiling with the blade, they heard footsteps outside and Sam stopped abruptly.

The person outside stood outside the door, waited, then walked off. Sam could hear their keys jingling and their boots clicking. Phew. He waited a few more minutes before carrying on his cutting.

Bits of the ceiling cracked off one by one, and he caught them and placed them on the washers surface. Then when he got near the end a huge piece fell off, narrowly missing his head.
"Bloody fuck!" he cursed, flinching and guarding his head with his hands. Noah laughed quietly. Sam glared at him.

He then looked up and could see the stars twinkling, which made him feel a mixture of emotions.
He pointed at the hole "this big enough?"
Noah leaned across him and peered up.
"Should do"

Sam held out a hand to help Noah climb up. Once they were both crouched on top of of the washer Noah whispered something to him.
"When we get out, we have to be quick. And I mean like, sprinting, okay? They're gonna set off alarms and we're gonna have to be gone, stat".
Sam took in a deep breath and nodded.

Noah grabbed all their stuff and opened the makeshift bag, pulling out the duvet rope that Sam had tied earlier, then threw their stuff back over his shoulder.
"I'll go up first and help you out"
Sam nodded.

Taking one final breath, Noah poked his head out through the hole, surveying the area. There were a few guards scattered about, walking up and down the perimeter.
Then, he felt a drop of water on his nose.
Then another.
Then it was full out pouring it down.

He saw the guards grunt and go stand under cover. Bingo.
Ducking his head back under, he whispered to Sam.
"Go time"

Noah got out first, crouching and staying low on the roof. He helped Sam climb out too, then walked over to the edge.
There was a low metal fence going around the edge of the roof (it was basically more of a long bar with other bars holding it up), so Noah tied one end of a blanket to it, throwing the other end down. It reached down to roughly a metre off the ground.

The rain wasn't stopping, only getting heavier to the point where it was getting hard to see - which was an added bonus, meaning that they'd be harder to spot.

"Okay" Noah said, low but just loud enough to hear over the weather "I'll go down first, then you throw me the stuff and come straight after - got it? Then you're gonna give me a boost up the wall and I'll pull you up after"
Sam replied with an "ok". He really wanted this situation to be over, now. He was drenched, freezing and exhausted.

Noah climbed over the bar, grabbing hold of the blankets and descending down. Sam peered over, anxious that he'd fall. When Noah got down safely Sam grabbed their stuff and threw it down, glad nothing fell out. The he gulped, but immediately started to climb down, too.

He got to the end of the rope and dropped down, landing on the cold, wet concrete down below. He ran and caught up with Noah who was stood at the wall. It was roughly three metres high, encasing the entire building.

"Ready?" Noah questioned.
"As I'll ever be" Sam huffed, nodding. Wind was starting to blow as well, making it hard to hear him.

Sam held out his hands and grunted when Noah stepped on, trying to hold him up. Noah attempted to grab the top of the wall, but to no avail. He cursed loudly.
"Shit, too high" he paused "Okay, here's what we'll do. You climb on my shoulders and get up there, then pull me up afterwards"

Noah crouched down and Sam attempted to get on his shoulders. Which was weird, and difficult. The last persons shoulders he'd been on were his dad's, when he was like 7. He'd lifted his siblings, though.

Noah raised to his full height again and Sam wobbled, grabbing his head for balance (causing Noah to chuckle quietly - the bastard).
"Okay, now stand and grab the top - quickly!"
Sam grunted in reply. Saying he 'didn't work well' under pressure was an understatement.

He stood up as quickly as he could, using the wall for support and teetering. Once he was standing he hauled himself up, scratching his torso on the wire that ran along the surface of the wall and cursing under his breath. He crouched either side of it, catching their bundle of stuff that Noah threw at him and dropping it down onto the pavement down below.

"Okay, now help me up" Noah shouted up, voice barely audible over the winds shrieking.
Sam leant over, getting scratched by the wire again and trying to ignore it (although he was sure he was bleeding now). Noah snatched his hands, pulling on him and walking his feet up the wall to get up.

Just as they thought they were home free, they heard a shout of "HEY!" In an angry voice. Fuck.
"Quickly!" Noah hissed, pushing Sam to get him to get down. Which he did.

They both grabbed on to the side of the wall and lowered themselves down quickly. Then a deafening alarm was sounded, ringing throughout the wind-muffled air. Dogs barked and people shouted.

Noah grabbed their stuff and turned to Sam, eyes wide.


They sprinted up the street, which was thankfully empty due to the fact it was extremely late (or early?). The shouts and heavy footsteps of guards of guards were catching up to them. Noah quickly turned a corner, Sam following.

The buckets of water from the sky only intensified, making the pavement slippery. Noah suddenly dipped down an (extremely narrow) alley way, pulling Sam with him. They both ran further up so they couldn't be seen by anyone passing and stayed quiet, both breathing heavily.
Although Sam was staying silent, he wouldn't be surprised if anyone could hear his heart practically bursting out of his chest.

The mob of guards and dogs ran past the alleys entrance, no one peering down it in their haste. Sam let out a sigh of relief.
They waited five minutes.
Ten minutes.
There wasn't any sign of them coming back any time soon.

Sam let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding, then a massive grin cracked his face.
He looked up, only to realise how close they actually were. They were pressed chest to chest, and Noah's chin was atop his head. Noah leant back as far as the small space would allow and grinned down at him.

He blushed, although he wasn't sure why, then looked back down at his feet. Then, he wasn't sure what came over him.

He blamed it on the fact that he was just so.. overwhelmed. The adrenaline, happiness and excitement all mushed together is what caused it (obviously). But, he found himself looking back up at Noah who was smiling softly at him with affectionate eyes - which just added to the warm, growing feeling in his gut.

Then he was pushing up on his toes and wrapping his arms around Noah's neck in one swift motion, pulling his head down. The next thing he knew he was connecting their lips and kissing him.

It wasn't like he'd imagined, really (yes, he'd imagined it many a time). It was...colder. And Noah's lips were wet. And so were his. And they were both drenched to the bone. But in that moment he couldn't ask for a more perfect circumstance.

Noah's hands snaked their way to the small of Sam's back, wrapping around him as he pushed him back lightly against the wall. Sam cupped Noah's cheeks and pulled back, leaning their foreheads together with a smile on his lips.

"I was gonna kiss you first" is what Noah said, pouting and immediately diffusing the aura they had going.
"Are you serious?"
"Deadly" Noah replied, seemingly without a hint of remorse. His fake seriousness lasted a millisecond before he laughed loudly and connected their lips again, leaning over so Sam didn't have to stretch upwards (he was just that considerate).

"Well, seeing as you made the first move" Noah whispered between kisses "I get to snog you whenever I please".
Sam pulled back and laughed.
"I give you full permission to do that".


Once their little 'make out session' (as Noah had labelled it) was over, Sam had one question on his mind.
"What now?"
Noah paused.
"Uhh... I don't know, I didn't think we'd get this far".

Sam raised his eyebrows, surprised that Noah didn't have a well thought out plan like he did for everything else.
"Well... we need clothes, so.. we could go to mine?"
Noah, always taking his chance at a shitty joke replied "woah, Sam, buy me dinner first"
Sam rolled his eyes "you know what I mean. My family's gonna be asleep though, so you can't make any noise".

"Got it" Noah replied, fake saluting (which Sam found extremely corny, but cute). They peaked out from down the alley way. Once spotting no signs of life, they stepped out, Sam leading the way.

They walked for a while, Sam breathing in the fresh air (the rain had calmed down now, so the air smelt like.... after rain smell), although it was misty. They turned a few corners and walked up a few different streets before finally arriving at the Hunter residence (yes, his surname was Hunter).

It was a small terrace house (two bedroomed - they had made his room out of an 'office' room that was already there when they had moved in). Orange and brown bricks lined the walls, and there were a few wilted flowers outside the door in pots - his mum wasn't much of a gardener.

Sam lifted the welcome mat up and grabbed the spare key that was under it, placing it in the lock and opening it.
He turned around and put his finger over his lips, eyeing Noah who nodded.

He stepped in, treading as quietly as possible, motioning for Noah to follow. They both ascended the creaky stairs (Sam cringing on every step) and made it to his small room, closing the door behind them. Noah grinned as he entered, taking in the piece of Sam's home life.
"Nice room" he whispered.

Sam replied with a quick thanks before opening his wardrobe and pulling a backpack out, stuffing it with various items of clothing. He chucked another backpack at Noah and instructed him to transfer all their stuff from the bindle he'd be lugging around into it.

Once both bags were filled, Sam searched through his clothes for something for both of them to wear.
"Hate to burst your bubble, Sam" Noah said quietly "but I doubt any of your stuffs gonna fit me, I'm like a head taller than you, incase you forgot".
Sam rolled his eyes.
"Well it's better than a convicts uniform, so deal with it. But you'll have to keep those shoes on because my trainers definitely won't fit you".

Sam threw a pair of grey joggers and a black oversized hoodie that he had at him, which were basically his two biggest pieces of clothing. Noah pulled the hoodie on over the top he was wearing then quickly slipped his trousers off to yank the joggers on (which was a challenge in itself, they were a couple sizes too small).

Once dressed, he stood there feeling rather stupid. The sleeves of the hoodie only reached halfway down his forearms, so he pushed them up, and the top of the sleeves felt uncomfortably tight on his armpits. The joggers were a whole new level of ridiculous, only reaching down a couple inches past his knees.

Sam sniggered quietly.
"You think this is funny?" Noah hissed, to which Sam nodded.

Sam grabbed some clothes for himself - a maroon jumper and black skinny jeans. He put the jumper over the top he was currently wearing, as Noah had, then turned around to change into his skinny jeans, conscious of Noah's eyes on him.
"Perve" he whisper shouted.

"Guilty" Noah shrugged and grinned, clearly not apologetic. Sam turned around and Noah let out a low whistle "looking good".
"Wish I could say the same for you" Sam shrugged, grinning cheekily.

Noah faked a gasp then pulled Sam closer to him by the hips, smirking down at him.
"Guess I'll have to change your mind about that".
He leaned down and pulled Sam into yet another kiss, Sam running a hand through his drying hair (Sam's own hair looked like a birds nest and Noah had to resist the urge of messing it up even more).

That was when they heard the door creak open, and Sam heard a familiar high pitched child's whisper echo throughout the room.

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