norminah one shots

By getintheway

40.4K 1.1K 136

converted norminah one shots, all credits go to the original authors. More

be my bride
christmas eve
valentine's day
dinah hates normani
can i kiss you?
things we're all too young to know
grocery talks
paper and diamonds
your love is like my drug (i'm so high)
sealing the deal
lizards and monkeys
stitch myself up (and i'd do it again)
desires that deserve to be created
timber (going down)

debit card

1.1K 53 1
By getintheway

Credits to littleoases, ff. net. (


It's mid-July and they're driving home from a day visit to OU. They have to stop so Normani can pee. She's had too much Diet Coke and is now cursing under her breath about how full her bladder is. They pull over at an old gas station on the side of the highway.

"Here," Normani says, handing Dinah her debit card as she gets out of the car, "can you just fill it up to, like, 20? I'll be right back."

She nearly sprints inside the store. Dinah takes her time getting out of the passenger seat and approaching the gas pump. She inserts the debit card into the reader and waits to enter the PIN. She's known Normani's PIN since Normani first got the card, back in freshman year. "D, check it out," Normani had said, proudly waving the card between her fingers. "Our new lease on shopping."

Dinah enters 3-4-3-4 into the card reader. It doesn't work.

She frowns, wondering if she spaced out and entered her own PIN by mistake, and re-enters the card. The reader requests the PIN again. She punches in 3-4-3-4 very deliberately, making sure her fingers press down forcefully on the PIN pad.

It doesn't work.

"Huh," Dinah mutters.

She tries one more time, and when the card still won't work, she decides to wait for Normani.

"Feel better?" she asks when Normani comes back outside, pulling her Ray-Bans down over her eyes.

"Way better," Normani says. "Like I just lost ten pounds. Did you fill up?"

"No, it wouldn't work," says Dinah. "I tried it like three times. Something's wrong with it."

Normani steps closer and tries the card herself. She enters 3-4-3-4 and waits.

The card reader won't accept it.

"That's weird..." says Normani. "I wonder why it's not-oh."


"Nothing, I just...forgot I changed the PIN."

She swipes the card again. When the reader requests her PIN, she steps closer to the machine, blocking Dinah's view a little bit, and punches the keypad so fast that Dinah almost misses which numbers she's choosing.

The card reader beeps. Lift handle and select grade.

"It worked?"


"Mani..." Dinah starts, wondering if she saw the numbers correctly. "Your new PIN...?"

"What about it?" Normani says, lifting the gas pump and pushing it into her car.

Dinah frowns at her. "It's 0-6-2-2."

Normani stares at the gas pump. "Mm-hmm," she says quietly.

"0-6-2-2. June 22nd. That's my birthday."

Normani looks up at her. Dinah's biting her lip, trying not to grin too big.

"Did you purposely choose my birthday?" Dinah's asks.

Normani pulls on her earring and looks away, embarrassed. "Well, I...I got a new card and I had to choose a new PIN, and my dad always picks my mom's birthday for his PIN , so I just thought...."

She trails off and gestures at the machine. Dinah beams at her.

"Is that weird?" Normani asks Dinah. "I just thought it would be nice to be able to think of you when I'm doing something mundane like, you know, typing in a PIN code."

Dinah steps forward and wraps Normani in a hug, squeezing her as tightly as possible, their bare arms touching and radiating heat in the summer sun.

"You are the cutest fucking thing ever," Dinah whispers.

Normani laughs. "Or the lamest."

"Definitely the cutest."

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