To Catch A Killer

Av HollyMD

12.4K 536 53

Ashley is a new detective with the Atlanta Police Department. As her first major case, she is tasked with fin... Mer

Detective Davies
Recon: Day 1
Spencer Carlin: The Accomplice
The Calm Before the Storm
What Are You Doing?
We Need To Talk About Glen
Our Past, His Present, Your Future
A New Game
The Perfect Alibi
The Cost of Love
The Struggle
No Regrets


857 51 9
Av HollyMD

Rememeber to vote and add this story to your library to know when it gets updated if you're enjoying it. :) Thank you for reading. 


July 12th 10:02pm

"How was your date?" Avery asked with a giant smile as Ashley walked into the precinct. He was waiting for her by the elevator which once again caused Ashley to ask.

"How in hell do you do that?" She shook her head as they walked towards their offices.

He shrugged. "It's a gift. My Ashley senses were tingling." He beamed a smile at her and she could only shake her head at him and return the smile. "And you didn't answer my question Davies." He pointed out.

"On purpose."The brunette replied quickly.

He narrowed his eyes at her. "Do I at least get to know the lucky girls name?"

"Nope." She smiled cutely. "You have a connection for me?" She asked once they reached the doors to their offices.

Avery tutted. "Fine. Be that way. I did find something," he turned around and grabbed a file from his desk. "According to their phones all of the victims used this service for speed dating at one point or another and how much do you wanna bet that's how all the happy couples met."

"We need to visit that-"

"No, you need to go home and sleep Davies." Avery pointed a stern finger at the brunette and as if on cue she yawned.

"No," she shook her head. "I'm good I don't need to sleep."

Avery purses his lips and shook his head. "Davies you look like night of the living dead."

"Oh gee thanks. Way to charm a girl."

He shrugged. "I'm just saying, what have you gotten, all of two hours in two days. Not acceptable. I need your brain at it's best and it can't be that way if you're tired. Now go home and get some sleep. We can head to the speed dating office tomorrow. Go." He shooed her.

"Avery I really am okay. I just wanna look more into-"

"Go home, that's an order Davies." He cut her off with a stern look.

"Did you just pull rank on me?" She popped a brow.

"Go." He ordered, pointing towards the elevator.

"I can't believe you just pulled rank on me." She smiled and snatched the file from his hands. "Just know that I'm leaving under protest." She pouted and started to head towards the elevators.

"I better not see you here until at least noon tomorrow Davies I'm not joking!" Avery shouted after her retreating figure.

Ashley rolled her eyes and smiled as she got on the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby.


"Hi." The blonde kicked off the brunette's door to stand up straight as Ashley approached her. Ashley glanced down at her watch. It was after ten pm.

"Hi." She returned the smile.

"I'm sorry to just show up at your place, I know that you said you were headed back to work and I honestly wasn't sure how long I was gonna stay out here and wait for you but I figured that maybe if you came home and a decent time we could finish the date because honestly I really like being around you and I didn't want our date to end when it did and I hope you feel the same way." Spencer rattled off, not taking a single breathe.

Ashley grinned at the blonde's cuteness. "Are you done?" Spencer bit her lip and nodded. "That was a very adorable speech Spencer." Ashley moved toward the blonde, Spencer stepped aside for Ashley to unlock her door. Ashley unlocked the door and walked inside expecting the blonde to follower her but she doesn't. "Are you gonna come in?"

"I don't know if I should now." Spencer admitted.

The brunette furrowed her brows and stared at the blonde curiously. "Why not? I mean, you came all the way over here, waited outside my door, gave me this super adorable speech and now you don't think you should come in?" Ashley placed her bag and files down on the desk to her right.

Spencer glanced down at it, then brought her eyes back up to meet the brunette's.

"Spencer?" Ashley questioned. She didn't understand the other woman's hesitation. Spencer sighed. Something heavy was weighing on her mind and the brunette could tell. "Come in. We'll just talk." Ashley nodded with a reassuring smile, pulling Spencer in by the arm.

"I have one brother, his name is Glen, we're twins. I think my parents wanted more kids but him and I were a bit of a handful so they thought better of it." Spencer laughed as she thought about her childhood with her brother.

They were sitting in the living room on the couch with the TV on in the background as they chatted and got to know one another. Ashley grabbed a half gallon of Cookies and Cream Ice cream from the freezer and two spoons from the drawer when they entered the apartment. They were halfway done with the ice cream within ten minutes.

"One sister named Kyla, one brother named Aiden." Ashley said, feeding herself a spoonful of ice cream.

"Do you still see them?" Spencer questioned.

Ashley shook her head. "My brother joined the army and my sister married this guy who lives in California and is a total asshole. I tried to warn her about him, that he wasn't good for her but she doesn't listen to me so..." Ashley trailed off with a shrug. "How about you, are you and your brother close?"

"Yeah." Spencer nodded. "I mean, I guess twins usually are. I think we're starting to kind of do our own things now though. He lived at my place for a while but then he got a girlfriend and they moved in together a few months ago. We're even in the same profession. It's really creepy sometimes how much we're alike. " Spencer chuckled and Ashley joined in with her.

"I always wondered what it'd be like to have a twin. I mean, can you guys really feel each other's pain and all that?"

"Sometimes I think I can feel a certain emotion he's feeling, but it could all just be in my head you know." Spencer said then looked down at the tub of ice cream that was now empty. "Um, we finished off your ice cream I'm sorry." She smiled.

Ashley shook her head, waving her off. I have plenty it's my favorite.

"Mine too!" Spencer practically squealed causing Ashley to chuckle. "Another thing we have in common." Ashley stood, grabbing Spencer's spoon and dropping in into the now empty tub of ice cream and took it to the kitchen.

"Do you want some water or something?" Ashley asked.

"No, I'm fine thank you."

"Okay, I'm gonna use the restroom really quickly I'll be right back." Ashley told the blonde who only nodded as the brunette walked the short distance to her bedroom and into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

Spencer stood up and quickly made her way over to the desk where Ashley had dropped her files earlier. She opened up the top one and read it quickly. "They finally know about the dating service." She mumbled and shook her head. The cops could be so dense. It took them way too long to figure that out. She closed that file and moved it aside opening up a new one.

It was a file on Sarah, the newest victim. Spencer stared at the file intensely. She flipped through the crime scene pictures and read the evidence log. No DNA evidence recovered from the scene that could be a potential match to the killer. All samples accounted for. The blonde smiled... no DNA meant she had more time. She knew she was always careful anyways, she didn't expect their to be any evidence of her having ever been in that apartment.

"What are you doing?" Ashley's voice was laced with confusion. Spencer spun around quickly as Ashley approached her, taking the files from her hands.

"I was just moving them out of the way to look at the pictures on your desk Ashley." The blonde smiled and Ashley's face softened.

"Oh." Ashley said, gathering up the rest of the files on her desk and stuffing them into her bag then taking her bag and placing it in the safe. "Sorry I just... I could get in a lot of trouble if anyone else saw those. It's my very first case as a detective and I'm already blowing it by not catching the guy so..."

"The guy they're calling the Clown Face Killer?" Spencer asked as she and Ashley both walked the short distance back over to the couch.

"Yeah." Ashley nodded. "I've had this case almost four months and I just... I can't seem to figure anything out."

"This is your first case as a detective and you're running point on a high profile case like this one?" Spencer asked with as must shock she could muster. She already knew this... in fact it was the main reason she walked into that precinct that day.

"My boss thought it'd be a good career starter." Ashley groaned and shook her head. "It seems as though it's gonna do the opposite though. Kill my career before it even begins."

"I'm sure you're gonna figure it out Ashley, don't worry." Spencer reached across and placed a hand on Ashley's cheek. Ashley leaned further into the blonde's touch. She instantly felt silly for freaking out a moment ago about Spencer's supposed snooping.

Little did she know... her freak out was more than warranted. The blonde definitely had ulterior motives.

"I'm sorry I went all Detective on you earlier, I just... you kinda never know-"

"I get it." Spencer smiled and waved Ashley off, wanting to change the subject. "No need to explain. Is that your brother and sister in the photo on your desk?" Spencer nodded her head in that direction.

"Yeah." Ashley smiled and nodded. "The douchebag with his arm around my sister is the husband I was telling you about." Ashley rolled her eyes for emphasis.

"He looks very douchy." Spencer scrunched up her face in disgust and nodded. Ashley couldn't help but chuckle.

She couldn't figure out why things were so easy with the blonde. A perfect stranger that she's grown closer to in only two days. It feels like she's known her forever even though she barely knows anything about her.

"Where did you come from?" Ashley asks after a moment of them just staring and smiling at one another.

"Ashley... you mean to tell me your parent's never had the birds and the bees talk with you?" Spencer quipped, biting her jaw to fight a grin.

"Sounds vaguely familiar." Ashley scratched her temple with her index finger and feigned ignorance.

"Well I could totally tell you a few things and..." the blonde paused and scooted closer to the brunette. "Teach you a few other things. Only if you want me to though." She finished, her lips mere inches away from the brunettes.

Ashley took her bottom lip into her mouth and fought a moan. Her eyes flutter shut as Spencer closed the gap and kissed her hard. They both moaned at the contact. Ashley wanted nothing more than to rip off Spencer's clothes and have her right on her couch, but she felt like as a detective she was being reckless. She knew hardly anything about the woman and she'd already slept with her. Things felt too good to be true with the blonde and usually when it feels that way that's because they are.

"Spencer..." Ashley pulled back, getting a whine from the blonde.

"What's the matter?" The blonde asked confused.

"I just..." Ashley cleared her throat and attempted to clear her mind of all the images she had of the blonde naked on her couch at the moment.

"Detective Davies, is everything okay?" Spencer asked in a sultry tone. She knew exactly what that would do to the brunette. Ashley moaned aloud, unable to hold it in as she attacked the blonde's lips once again. She moved so that she was straddling Spencer and the blonde wasted no time moving her leg in between Ashley's and applying pressure where Ashley wanted it the most with her thigh. Ashley pulled back from their kiss and bit her lip hard as Spencer rocked her leg into her center. "I want you so badly." Spencer whispered into the brunette's ear.

And that wasn't a lie. Spencer did want the Brunette and bad... she just... she needed something else from her too.

"Wait, wait." Ashley pulled back causing Spencer to grunt. "I wanna get to know you better Spencer. I want to know everything there is to know about you. I told you that I don't usually do sex so soon. I wasn't lying. I just... I feel like I'm being reckless and those types of relationships never really end well, you know?" Ashley sat back on the couch a good foot from Spencer and rubbed her hands up and down her jean covered legs.

Every hormone in her body was screaming at her to just take the blonde right there on her couch.

"I like reckless though." Spencer smiled and attempted to move closer to the brunette.

Ashley groaned and whimpered a little as she pulled back not allowing the blonde to reach her.

"Talk, please?" She pled with her eyes. As much as the blonde wanted the other woman too, she decided that the long game was the goal here. She needed to keep Ashley interested.

"What's your favorite color?" Spencer asked as she sat back against the arm of the couch, far away from Ashley who she thought looked adorable as she tried to calm her hormones.

Ashley stared at her for a moment.

"I'm just trying think of anything other than kissing you right now." Spencer admitted.

"Blue." Ashley said and smiled. The blonde looked down trying to hide her grin. She didn't know if Ashley was just saying that or if that truly was her favorite color. Either way, Spencer thought it was cute.

"I don't really have a favorite color myself. I just like all of them I guess. Except yellow. I think yellow is a weird color."

Ashley chuckled at the woman.

They continued talking and getting to know each other well into the night. Ashley was starting to think that she'd never get any sleep with the blonde around and for some reason she didn't mind.


"And this is my brother." Spencer said showing Ashley the picture of her and him on her phone.

"Oh wow, when you said twins you really meant twins." Ashley said staring harder at the picture.

Spencer burst into laughter. "Is there another way to say twins?" Spencer continued to laugh.

Ashley slapped her on the shoulder, "You know what I meant. He's like the guy version of you" She smiled as the blonde sighed out of her laughter. As Ashley was handing Spencer back her phone a call came in.

Spencer saw the name and grabbed it quickly from the brunette.

"I'll be right back." She held up a finger as she stood and walked into the hall. "Hello."

"Where are you, you haven't been home I need you. You know that I can only be good when you're home. Why haven't you come home?"

"I'm sorry, I was doing what we discussed. This isn't a quick process. I'm sorry. I'm coming home now." Spencer said and quickly hung up the phone. When she entered the loft Ashley was half asleep on the couch.

The blonde smiled at her.

"Are you leaving?" The brunette cocked her head to the side to look up sleepily at the woman.

"Yeah, I've got a job to shoot tomorrow and it's pretty early in the morning so I should head home to get some rest."

Ashley nodded. "I had fun talking to you tonight Spencer."

"Me too." The blonde leaned down and kiss the brunette on the forehead. "I'll call you tomorrow."

"Mkay." Ashley nodded. "Could you lock the bottom lock on your way out?"

"Of course. Goodnight Ashley."

"Night Spencer." The brunette said as Spencer exited her apartment, being sure to lock it as requested on her way out. I mean there was a serial killer on the loose out there.

Spencer headed down the elevator and out to her car. The drive to her apartment was fairly quick. She had a lot on her mind though. She was falling for the brunette no doubt and it had only been two days. Something about Ashley made her feel so comfortable and safe, almost as though they were together in another lifetime.

She sighed as she got out of the car and headed up to her apartment.

"Where have you been?" Was shouted to her as she walked through through the door.

"We've already discussed this. I can't see what the cops know if I don't get the lead detective to fall for me."

"I know I just... I don't feel right when you're not around. I feel like I'm going crazy on the inside. I need to do it again."

"What?" Spencer questioned loudly. "It hasn't been long enough. You're gonna get yourself caught. You need to slow down."

"I can't. I need to do it and I need to do it now."

Spencer sighed and rolled her eyes. She knew there was nothing she could say to stop it from happening.

"I'll be back by noon."

Spencer sighed as she heard the front door open and close. She pinched the bridge of her nose.

She was at the end of her ropes here. She didn't know what to do. She could end all of this right now if she just told Ashley what she knew. All those innocent women... she could have saved them.

But what could she do... he was her twin brother after all she had to protect him....

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