
By sjizzles

242 24 11

When quirky high schooler, Ava Hill, gets hit in the head by destiny (literally) her whole life is changed. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapeter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 5

34 2 0
By sjizzles

Rory's POV

I walked away from mystery girl's room feeling on cloud 9. She was like a breath of fresh air, carefree and beautiful. I had only known her for maybe an hour, (in which she was unconscious for most of the time), but I already wanted to tell her everything. I wanted her to tell me her secrets and trust me. 

God I was whipped like a can of cream. I added smash a window to my list of things to do.

And what was her name? Would I have to call her Master for the rest of my life? She was so intriguing. Would she even call me back?

My phone suddenly rang from within my pocket "Yello" I answered.

"Hi is this the line of hot guy? May I speak with him?" Her melodic voice turned me into jello. I had just gave her my phone number less than five minutes ago. If it had been anyone else I might've called it clingy...but with her I was blown away.

"Yes this is him, is this Master?" I asked. God that was so cringey, I mentally slap myself, why are you like this be-

My thoughts were cut off by her laughter. Like honey dripping down a l—

It's confirmed I definitely took my mother's estrogen pills by accident.

"Anyways, so my friends were kicked out and I need help breaking out of this hospital. Everything is so depressing here." She said, like it was the most regular request.

I spluttered, "y-you-wait-what?"

"I. Need. Your. Help. To. Get. Out. Of. This. Hell. Hole. wanna help?" She annunciated slowly.

I thought very carefully, was this something I wanted to do? No. But it did involve my mystery girl. Anything which involved her I wanted to do. "Obviously, you don't even have to ask." I stated

"Okay thank god, you know when I first saw you I thought you were just a pretty face, I mean a reeealllly pretty face. But now I see there's so many levels to you." She said.

I didn't know whether that was a compliment or an insult. "Umm thanks, I think."

"Ok so we're gonna need black clothes, spy goggles, and walkie talkies, ok?"

I choked, "umm I don't have any of those things." I laughed thinking she was joking.

"What? You don't have the essentials? How do you even survive? Well I guess we'll have to do with trash bags and a scissors." She sighed.

"Umm you wanna do this now?"

"Yes when else, I can feel the life slowly being sucked out of me. And the scary nurse is guarding my door."

"Ok I'll come...bye." I hung up the phone. This girl was craycray...but it seemed to fit her.

Now, where was I supposed to find trash bags?


I rolled and somersaulted into the hospital's cafeteria. Jesus, this was actually pretty fun. Damn I was like James, James Bond.

My hand quickly jutted out and reached for a cooks apron and hat. I swiftly tied it around my waist and put the hat on. Honestly, when did I become so slick, was I born to be a spy? Gasp, was this the path god wanted me to take?

I nimbly sidestepped the cooks working busily in the loud kitchen. My nimbleness was superior to those in the scenes of Ratatouille.

"Son are you okay?" a voice asked me. 

 I jolted up in my spot. 

"I've been watching you in the kitchen, are you having a spasm attack? You were rolling all over the floor and jerking this way and that." The elderly cook told me worriedly.

"Oh yea I'm fine," I said.

well so much for being a spy. I ended up just walking around regularly, which was no fun at all. I made my way to the cabinets where hopefully there would be some trash bags. I quickly snatched a few, waiting for the other cooks to notice the robbery that was taking place. But no one seemed to care.

This was not how I expected things to be. I made my way out of the kitchen constantly looking over my shoulder. This was too easy, where were the bad guys waiting to attack me?


My heart rate sped up with every step I took, closer to her room. When I reached it, there was a pretty scary nurse waiting outside her room. She had like 5 face piercing and a tattoo of a snake on her arm, her eyes were covered in dark black eyeshadow and I could see beneath her nurse outfit her all leather clothes. Nurses these days.

"Hi I was wondering if I could visit my friends, who's in there," I said pointing to the room she was guarding.

"Sorry, but she's a crazy one, tried to escape, twice. The board of nurses asked me to watch her, and I take my job very seriously." She said, scrutinizing my entire face, trying to find my weak spot. I didn't even know there was such a thing as a board of nurses.

I gulped, Jesus, I miss the old nurses.

"Oh okay, I'll just be on my way then," I answered a plan forming in my head. If I could steal some trash bags without anyone stopping me, I could definitely get rid of this "nurse".

I turned around and just when she thought I was gonna leave, I turned back around and tried to sidestep her. I was SLICK.

But she must have anticipated that because she gave me a bored look. She was still rooted to the same spot. "Really kid? I've been a nurse for 20 years, you don't think I know a trouble maker when I see one?"


I was gonna have to think of something else. I took note that her name tag said Nicey, Ha more like Meanie.


I tiptoed my way into the announcement room. It literally said 'announcement room' on plaque on the door. There were hooks in which numerous white coats hung on. Wow, this could not be more perfect. I grabbed one, and probably shoulda taken note that it had Dr. Leslie printed on its side.


I made my way to the middle of the room where a table with a jumble of wires and a microphone sat. A tired looking man sat there, and with a monotone voice said
"all doctors, attend to patient #24, critical health, I repeat critical health." 

"Umm excuse me, I'm part of the Board of Nurses, and I was wondering if you—" I was cut off with his shrieks of excitement.

"Ermmmaagawdddd, you're part of the board of nurses! No way! I can't believe this, I've always wanted to meet a member. I'm a great fan of your work, anything you want, consider it done." He all but squealed. His bored face had transformed into one of a kid who was visiting Disneyland.

Who knew people took the Board of Nurses so seriously?

"Ahem-uh yes I wanted to make an announcement-uh call nurse Nicey to the front desk. And tell her this announcement is coming directly perThe Board of Nurses request." I replied smugly. That otta get her excited.

"Oh yes sir, definitely," his eyes glanced to my name tag, "uh Dr. Leslie."

"Nurse Nicey, please report the the front desk immediately, this is a direct request of the Board of Nurses." He reported into the telecom. I smirked, wow things were going perfectly.

As I exited the room, I saw nurse Nicey, sprinting to the front desk, practically farting rainbows if I may add. Not caring who she pushed, she slammed into an old man and he fell to the floor.

"Oh god Larry, I keep my back to you for one second and you're already on the floor! First you lose your wheelchair now this! Useless! I never shoulda married you." His wife screamed at him.

Damn poor Larry just can't catch a break today.

I made my way to mystery girl's chamber, a knight who had defeated the evil witch Nurse Nicey.

I turned the knob, expecting to find my damsel in distress waiting patiently for me in her bed.

But no, her body was half out the window, ready to climb out. A long rope made of bed sheets and clothes lays tied to the leg of the bed, it's end hanging from the window.

"Well it's about time you came, I was just about to leave what took you so long?" She eyed my lab coat, "Dr. Leslie?" She laughed.

"Wellllll I had to steal some trash bags from the kitchen and then face the scary nurse outside, then I had to be part of the Board of Nurses and make an announcement." I said

She stared at me in awe, "you pretended to be part of the Board of Nurses!? You could be killed for that, they don't take their jobs lightly, you know."

"I know, and I did it all for you." I replied coyly.

Hoooi guy(s),
What do you think about their blossoming relationship? Ahh young love. But seriously, how bad do you feel about Larry? Poor Poor Larry

DW Larry and nurse Nicey will make their reappearances.

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