
By WWELover555

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The third installment to 'Hooked By Fire.' After the shocking news Heidi received her whole life has been fli... More

Chapter 1: Ways To Be Wicked
Chapter 2: The Kingdom of Lost Summer
Chapter 3: Gracie in the Forest
Chapter 4: Parker and Pandora
Chapter 5: Save The Date
Chapter 6: A Friend Like Ally
Chapter 7: To Close Of A Call
Chapter 8: Kingly Advice
Chapter 9: Reaction I Was Expecting
Chapter 10: Fatherhood
Chapter 11: Evil Like Me
Chapter 12: A Neverland Story
Chapter 13: Shouldn't Have Happened
Chapter 14: News that I thought I would never hear
Chapter 15: A Feline Friend
Chapter 16: Big Brother
Chapter 17: Our Mom
Chapter 18: Nothing Like I Thought
Chapter 19: Like Father Like Son
Chapter 20: A Half Sister
Chapter 21: The Person I Need The Most
Chapter 22: Not Ready For That Just Yet
Chapter 23: Rumor Has it
Chapter 24: Wedding Dress Fitting
Chapter 25: Telling The Girls
Chapter 26: Reaction From The Girls
Chapter 27: Cold Feet
Chapter 28: Hidden Stories of Auradon
Chapter 29: The Next Group Of Newcomers
Chapter 30: The Talk that Is Overdue
Chapter 31: Once In A Lifetime Situation
Chapter 32: Heading for Auradon
Chapter 33: The Wedding That No One Will Forget
Chapter 34: Sienna's Warning
Chapter 35: Aftershock
Chapter 36: Wedding reception
Chapter 37: Much Needed Information
Chapter 38: United States of Auradon Kingdom Council
Chapter 39: Icy Plans
Chapter 40: Queen's Orders
Chapter 41: Motherly Advise
Chapter 42: Battle Plan
Chapter 43: The First Snow Falls
Chapter 44: Returning and Reasoning
Chapter 45: Battle of Queen's and Loins
Chapter 46: Dark Side Unleashed
Chapter 47: The Ice Serpent
Chapter 48: Your Time Will Come
Chapter 49: My Pirate
Chapter 51: Shay
Chapter 52: Is This For Real?
Chapter 53: The Engagement Announcement
Chapter 54: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 55: My Jolly Sailor Bold
March 5th 2018

Chapter 50: King of Kings

502 15 2
By WWELover555

Heidi's POV
Once Ben is calmed down and pulls out of my embrace he wipes his eyes, "Thanks Heidi." I just nod my head, "Anytime." Ben takes a deep breath and flops on the ground, and I sit down across from him, "What do you think Sienna's warning meant?" Ben asks out the blue, I rack my brain trying to come up with an answer, "I think that she was scared and she made up some fake message to scare everyone." Ben looks up at the sky, I can't help but laugh as I look at him, to me it looks like he is pondering the universe. "I am just not sure what to think, if I ignore it all of Auradon might pay the price, and if I choose to believe it then I will always be in a consistent state of worry." The way Ben is talking reminds me of a double-sided sword, no matter which side is facing you it is deadly, "Ben, I know that you love the people of Auradon, but you can't live in fear of something happening to everyone every moment, that is no way to live." Ben turns his attention from the sky to me, "I more than use to live that way, in fact I think a part of me always will, you see back on the Isle my father had me constantly worrying about what mood he would be in that day, would he be in his normal mood and ignore me and treat me like I didn't exist, or would he notice that I was alive and yell, scream, holler, and degrade me." Talking about my father this way I something that I rarely do. "What are you getting at Heidi." I reach my hand over and place it on top of his, "What I am trying to say is don't worry about the future, take time and enjoy the present, we have only one life, and we should enjoy while we are here." Ben smiles at me squeezing my hand, "I spent most of my life watching the poor souls trapped in the river of souls, and the only thing that across my mind is, did they live a full life before ending up here?" Ben nods his head, "I have to say Heid, the more you spend here in Auradon, the more the villain side of you starts to melt away." I tuck a strain of my hair behind my ear, "Coming from you, I will take that compliment, just don't tell anyone else, I do have a reputation to uphold." Ben and I start laughing, "Heid, what do you think your life would be like if you never captured me?" I had to think about that for a moment, "I think my life would be the same it was back then, I would still be mentally unstable thanks to my father, Uma would still be my captain and making my life miserable, and Harry and I wouldn't be together as we are now, the two of us would have to hide our feelings, and that is the worst part of it all." Ben nods his head listing me, "I guess I made the right choice by offering you to stay." I look up at the sky, "I will never be able to thank you enough for letting me attend this place, it has been way more than I ever thought it would be." Ben stands up and pulls me to my feet, "You have more than earned your place here in Auradon, and I am happy and proud to call you a close personal friend." Ben hugs me again which I return. We both out of the hug staring into each other's eyes, "I think we should start heading back, it has been a long day, and I need sleep." Ben scratches the back of his neck, "Yeah, I am sure Harry is worried about you just like Mal is worried about me." I place my hands behind my back, "You really are the King of Kings Ben, never forget that, no matter what anyone says." I lean up and place a soft kiss on his cheek, "And don't you ever forget that there is more to you than meets the eye." I bow to Ben, "My king." Ben bows back, "Princess." Ben smiles before walking off leaving me alone with my thoughts. I place my hands on my stomach, "Little one, you are going to born into a world that is full of surprises, some people will look at you and tell you that you don't belong, and I am sure that you will meet and befriend some of the nicest people you will ever meet." I smile as I think the baby can understand me, "But through all this, I want you to never forget that your mom and dad love you, no matter what you want to be when you grow up, or the mistakes that you will surly make along the way, nothing you ever do will make us love you less." I rub where the baby is and the feeling of calm and love washes over me, "I love you too." Suddenly the sound of brush moving in the trees catches my attention, I turn to where I think the sound is coming from, "Whose there?" I say into the darkness, I get no answer just more brush moving and the sound of twigs snapping, "Whoever you are come out and show yourself." I squint my eyes to see a shadow silhouette coming towards me. I take a step back but take a breath of relief as I see Hadie walking into the clearing, "I thought you might still be out here." I walk up to, "Hadie we need finish your conversation from earlier." Hadie rolls his eyes letting a breath of air out, "What could be so important that you feel I need to know." I wasn't sure what to expect but he has a right to know, "Hadie, we have a half-sister." This is just the start of what I am sure is going to a long conversation. 

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