City of Stars • SasuSaku

By lilxanfuhyobihh

55 1 0

"What... What is this place?" She laughed a little and smiled at him. "Welcome to the City of Stars." More

Prologue ~ Lost Memory?

55 1 0
By lilxanfuhyobihh

First Person POV ~ Sasuke Uchiha

Stumbling through this damn forest wasn't doing shit for me. I couldn't find my way back out of the ruffage that I had gotten myself lost in. The worst thing was that it was getting dark...

Pushing my hand through my hair I had finally gave up and sat up against a tree, groaning my frustration out. "Dammit.." I mumbled to myself, throwing my head back and looking up at the darkening sky above me through the foliage of the tall trees. The stars had started to come out and I couldn't see much around me any more, I decided that it was probably best to stick where I was for the night. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, calming my nerves even if they didn't show in my facial features.

I took up a comfortable position against the tree and put my hands in my lap, taking deep breaths, trying to go to sleep. A snap to my left made me alert, my eyes opening quickly, I looked around in wonder of what the noise was, but this was the forest. It was probably just an ani-

"Hmmm, I'm almost there!" My train of thought was cut off as a light feminine voice carried through the trees.

"Who's there?" I stood up quickly, on guard and alert as I tried to let my eyes adjust to the dark surrounding. I saw a shape move and stepped back.

"Hmm? I'm Sakura Haruno... Who are you? Should I be worried about getting attacked?" She giggled and then spotted my shape, my eyes had adjusted enough to the dark now that I could see the girl pretty clearly. She reached into the basket she was carrying and grabbed a glowstick, cracking it so she could see better.

"Hn.. Sasuke Uchiha." I said with a monotone tone to my voice. I studied her figure, starting from her feet and making my way to her shapely hips and strangely coloured hair with my eyes. She had sparkling emerald eyes and soft pink hair, she was.. Unique. But I wasn't going to let her know what I thought.

"Well... Sasuke, are you lost?" Her eyes grew worried as she peered up at me. I nodded my head as she spoke. She looked to the ground and mumbled. "I'm sorry.."

"What do you mean?" I questioned why she was saying she was sorry. With a tilt of my head down at her. She shook her head and then put on a smile.

"Oh nothing!" She said cheerfully, smiling up at me. She took my hand and pulled me.

"Hey, where are you-" She cut my off by putting her finger over my lips, shushing me.

"You're gonna scare all the animals, loud ass." She laughed and then pulled me along again.

"Where are you bringing me?" I let her pull me along by my hand, something about her made me calm. It was like her smile was a spell.

"Back to my village, so you won't be lost anymore!" Her laugh was like tinkling bells, she reminded me a lot of someone I use to know. But this girl seemed more mature, different than the pretty pink haired fangirl I had when I was in middle school, but her name was different... I still remember her. I use to call her little flower when we were young. But she went missing after that one day, I never saw her again.

"So why are you out here?" I asked Sakura, wondering what a girl like her was doing out in the forest at night time. Sakura turned her head towards me, then letting go of my hand and stretching it above her head with a hum, looking up at the stars now.

"I came out here to collect fireflies. It's a hobby of mine you could say. I have a... Special place that I let them go and it's... It's really breathtaking. Its like the stars are around you.. I don't know how to explain it better..." Her cheeks heated up as she looked down to the ground. "I'm sorry... I got a little excited..." She was cute. I would admit that to myself, but saying it out loud was a different story. My pride wouldn't let me, nor could I ever let myself get caught up with someone again, not after that. And plus, I had different goals to achieve first...

"Hn. It's fine." She frowned at me as we walked along.

"Why are you so emotionless? You haven't even smiled or changed your expression once since I met you.." She stopped in front of me abruptly, making me almost run into her. "You should smile..." She smiled at me and then ran a few steps forward, twirling around.

"Hn." I crossed my arms as she reached her hand with the glowstuck in it forward, showing a thick tree bramble that looked like a dead end, we would have to find another way to get wherever she was going, it seems she got us lost-

She pushed the foliage to the side.

There was a.. Festival. I didn't even hear any of it until she pushed the thick trees back..

"What... What is this place?"

She laughed a little and smiled at him. "Welcome to the City of Stars."

She ushered me into the village, pulling me along by the hand again as she walked through the crowds and between the food stalls and games. Children ran through the streets, chasing each other and laughing.

But the thing I noticed the most was that the sound of the sea wasn't far... I could smell the salty air of the ocean, and it was warm here. It was absolutely perfect.

"This lovely place is also known as, Konoha. I'm going to bring you to the hokage right now, but don't worry, she's pretty nice..." She trailed off and then mumbled, "if you catch her when she's not hungover." I caught the roll of her eyes and felt a small tug at the corner of my mouth. Hn.


Third Person POV

Sakura and Sasuke walked up the steps of the small building that Sakura had dragged the raven headed boy to. He let her pull him along, not really caring at that point of where he was going, the Uchiha was just overwhelmed with the beauty of the seaside city. He would bet anything that it would be just as beautiful in the daytime.

Sakura took Sasuke down a hallway to a green door, she took her right hand out of his left hand and stopped dragging him finally. She knocked on the door.

"Come in!" An authoritive female voice said through the door. There sat a blonde headed woman with a purple diamond on her forehead.

"Tsunade-shihsou! I found this boy, Sasuke Uchiha was his name, in the forest lost, so I brought him here!" Sakura explained as the person now known as Tsunade inclined her head.

"I see. Sasuke Uchiha..." Tsunade closed her eyes as Sasuke stayed silent. "Sakura, you brought him here, he will be your responsibility. If he is staying, then you will make him settle in nicely, understood?" Tsunade opened her honey amber eyes to look at Sakura. Her eyes flicked over to Sasuke with a hard look. Tsunade then flicked her hand, dismissing them.

"Hai, Tsunade-shishou.." Sakura tilted her head for Sasuke to follow her as Sasuke gave Tsunade one more glance and followed Sakura out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"There is a festival going on right now. It will be going on for about a week, it just started! We will have to get you settled in, and then if you would like we can get you some clothes and go out and enjoy the festival, there's an eventuality each night and it's really fun... During the day we have competitions and play games! It's really fun!" She rambled on, Sasuke listening to every word even if he didn't look like he was listening. He smirked at her upbeat attitude. She was quite rambunctious.

"Ok, Sakura. Let's go out tonight then." Sasuke said while following Sakura to what he assumed was her home. Her house was a small beige house with white trimmings, it was a pretty house, decorations on her porch and flowers in a small garden in front.

"You really want to go out tonight?" Sakura's eyes sparkled as she unlocked her front door.

"Yes, Sakura." Sakura smiled and giggled.

"You don't seem like the person to like festivals." She laughed and walked inside, inviting him in. He shrugged his shoulders and looked away from her, a little embarrassed by the assumption. "Well, ok. I'll stop embarrassing you now." She laughed. "Alright, do you want to wear a traditional Kimono with Me? I have some of my.. Late fathers Kimono's."

Sasuke inclined his head as a yes. "Thank you, Sakura." Sasuke liked her name. It fit her well.

"Alright! Let me get you one, then I will change as well and grab some money." Sakura motioned for Sasuke to follow her, leading him down a hall and into a white painted door. "You can look through the closet and choose whatever one you want. I'm gonna go change, my room is two rooms down, the dark purple door with the cherry blossom tree on it. You can't miss it! Knock when you're done." She winked at him. "Bathroom is in the room you're in." She left the room, Sasukes eyes following her hips as she closed the door behind her.

"Damn hormones." He cursed himself and went to look in the closet for something to wear.

Meanwhile, Sakura picked through her closet finally choosing a blueish kimono with purple flowers, then pinning her hair up, putting flowers in it.

She heard a knock at her door and smiled. She opened it to a Sasuke with a plain black kimono on, his hair looked soft, she noticed.

Sasuke looked very... Handsome in Sakura's mind, he reminded her of someone she use to know.. But she ignored it, shrugging her shoulders and then smiling up at Sasuke.

"Let's go, ja?" Sakura walked out of her room, past Sasuke, moving into her living room to grab her keys, fan, and purse.

"Hn, let's." Sasuke said simply, his eyes admiring the pinkette, her outfit suited her bright emerald gems and made her soft cherry hair accent her smooth, porcelain skin.

Sasuke put out his right arm for Sakura to wrap her elbow around. He wanted to be formal. "Hmm? You're escorting me around like this huh?" Sakura smiled at Sasuke and hooked her arm in his as they walked out of the door and into the streets to walk to where all the stalls and games were.

"So, Sakura, what is this festival for anyways?" Sasuke questioned, tilting his head down towards the cherry blossom.

"Good question, Sasuke-san, this festival is called Ocean Fest. There are events each day, and at night of course its like this. There's something different happening each night and day. Tomorrow, actually, we are having a village wide volley ball tournament and sea side games all day! And then at night there will be campfires on the beach and night surfing!" Sakura squealed in delight, reminiscing on the fun events that were to come. Sasuke smiled a little at how excited Sakura was getting, he could tell that this festival was something she enjoyed very much, she seemed to know a lot about it.

"Sounds fun, Sakura. Will you be competing tomorrow?" Sasuke asked while looking down at Sakura as they walked through the crowds, looking for something to do.

"Mhmm! I will be! You should totally compete with me! My team that I made is short a player, so you could join." Sakura looked up at the ravenette with hopeful eyes. He sighed and then patted his free hand on Sakura's head, his other arm still hooked with hers.

"Alright, Sakura. For you." He continued to walk along the stalls, not noticing the faint blush that had resided on the little blossoms cheeks.

"Really!?" Sakura looked up at him with excitement in her eyes. He gave her a soft look.

"Yes." Her eyes lit up even more at his answer, she was happy that her team would be full now.

"Sasuke-kun, you remind me a lot of someone, but I just can't put my finger on who." She put her index finger on her chin with a look of wonder.

"Ah, same goes for you." Sasuke looked down at her, wondering if somehow she could be his little flower... But no, that was impossible. He sighed and then patted her on the head again.

"Sasuke-kun, would you like to get some dango?" Sakura smiled at the raven.

"Mm, sounds good. And what's with the 'kun'?" Sasuke smirked down at Sakura as a light blush lit her face up again.

"Because I can!" She huffed and turned her head away from Sasuke as he chuckled at her behavior.

"Sakura, can I ask something?" Sasuke suddenly stopped, they were close to the cherry blossom trees that blew their petals around.

"Yeah, go ahead." Sakura urged him, curious as to what he had to say.

"Well, I have a hunch about something, but I'm not quite sure if I'm right... So I wanted to ask you a few things after we get some dango?" Sasuke looked down at the ground, his head was turning with unanswered questions, but he had heard Sakura's stomach growl when they had been walking, although he was sure she thought he didn't notice.

"Ok, we can go sit under the cherry blossom trees and talk then, so we are away from all the crowds." Sakura smiled at Sasuke and gripped his wrist, pulling him along to a little dango shop where they got six sticks with the little green, pink, and white sticky dango on them. Three for each. Sasuke grabbed their little to go baggie and then wrapped his hand around Sakura's, wanting to be able to get through the crowds quickly so he could have his mind be at ease.

He didn't notice how much it had affected the blossom though, she didn't have much contact with boys over the years, she always rejected them kindly with a smile, but Sasuke was a little different, she had found him and now he was her responsibility, and plus, she thought he was very handsome, so she didn't mind the contact with him. Sakura tried to stay close to Sasuke, even as he was pulling her along, she didn't want to get separated from him, she wasn't good in big crowds by herself, they made her get claustrophobic when she was alone.

"-akura. Sakura." Sakura had been lost in her thoughts, only now noticing that Sasuke and her had made it to the pink petaled trees.

"Ah, gomen, I was spacing off for a bit.." Sakura rubbed the back of her neck shyly as Sasuke let go of her hand, sitting down in the grass under the tree as he did so. Sakura sat next to him and toon out one of the sticks of dango, shoving one of the little green balls into her mouth.

(A/N - I can already see the perverted comments- or is that just my dirty mind? aha...)

"So, Sasuke-kun, what did you want to ask?" Sakura chewed her food silently, waiting to answer the questions she could.

"Sakura... I'm just going to be blunt about this but, you haven't always live here have you? You came here by mistake, am I correct?" Sakura was frozen in place. Sasuke had been a lot more keen than she had thought...


First Person POV ~ Sakura Haruno

Sasuke was figuring out my deception too quick. Mostly everything that I had told him about me so far were lies... Like the fact that he reminded me of someone... But the whoek reality was, I knew exactly who Sasuke Uchiha was.

And he was figuring me out. I guess the jutsu I had tried and put on him didn't work so great after all...

"... You are.. Correct.." I didn't really want to lie to Sasuke anymore. I couldn't. He was.. No he is everything to me.

"And Sakura, you do know who I am, don't you?" I let out a heavy sigh. "It hit me when you started to call me 'Sasuke-kun', but I just couldn't believe it at the time. And then I started to try and think about who I knew in the past, where I came from, and I couldn't really think of anything... I couldn't remember where I had came from, who my friends use to be, the only thing I could really remember was my name, and of a pink haired girl, but I couldn't remember her name, it was like my past memories had been filled with something fake. All I could remember was her becoming missing, and how I use to call her my little flower. But then I had a flash of memory when you called my name like that. So tell me, Sakura, you did something to me, yeah? It's like I can only remember you." Sasuke finished his rant as I sat there in place, frozen, I couldn't even bare to say anything.

"I-I..." I didn't know what to say. He had figured me out, and I should have known that he would.

But then something unexpected happened.

"Sakura, I'm happy that I can remember you." Sasuke had pulled me into an embrace, putting one of his hands on top of my head and his other around my waist, his face in my shoulder. I was blushing terribly by now.

"Aren't you.. Mad at me..?" I questioned him with a shaky voice. I heard him chuckle lightly.

"Well, I'm sure that whatever reason you had to mess with my memory was a good one, I trust you." I couldn't handle it. The tears dripped from my eyes uncontrollably as I gripped onto his kimono, turning my body towards him while letting the sobs out.

"Y-you would have died..! And I-I didn't want you to think I w-was a traitor who h-had just left you.. B-but I had to go so they wouldn't hurt N-Naruto and y-you! Th-they sent me to this alternative universe l-like the one Naruto and I got s-sent to together! I just couldn't believe it when I saw you here! Th-there was no way... I have t-to get us back Sasuke-kun, I have to!" I sobbed harder, his hand now on my back, rubbing circles with his thumb softly to comfort me.

"Lets go back to.. Your place, then we will calm down for a bit, but I want to know the full story after, ok? You'll be alright, Sakura."


~ aha, if Sasuke seems OOC right now it's just because his lack of memory, he just can't really remember his personality or anything that's happened to him ATM so bare with me please! ♡♡ ~

~ Sakura Blossom, out! 🌸

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