Living it Big Time ~ A Big Ti...

By immaRUSHER05

53.3K 663 194

Nathalie has spent years dreaming about anything and everything about her favourite band, Big Time Rush. When... More

Chapter 2 :{)
Chapter 3 :{)
Chapter 4 :{)
Chapter 5 :{)
Chapter 6 :{)
Chapter 7 :{)
Chapter 8 :{)
Chapter 9 :{)
Chapter 10 :{)
Chapter 11 :{)
Chapter 12 :{)
Chapter 13 :{)
Chapter 14 :{)
Chapter 15 :{)
Chapter 16 :{)
Chapter 17 :{)
Chapter 18 :{)
Chapter 19 :{)
Chapter 20 :{)
Chapter 21 :{)
Chapter 22 :{)
Chapter 23 :{)
Chapter 24 :{)
Chapter 25 :{)
Chapter 26 :{)
Chapter 27 :{)
Chapter 28 :{) - THIS is the Final Chapter :D

Chapter 1 :{)

10.6K 79 34
By immaRUSHER05

It is my first day at school in a completely new country, America. I'm originally from Australia but moved here because my dad received an amazing opportunity at Paramount Studios. I'm super excited but i'm also really afraid. I don't know how the students will treat me.

I walk towards the gates wearing jeans, a t-shirt and my lucky pair of Vans. My long, brown hair flows down my back and swings from side to side as i quickly, but gracefully, walk towards the office.

"Good Morning, Nathalie Johnson," Principal Darel says, "How are you today?"

"Good morning Principal," I reply, "I'm feeling scared but also very excited!"

He introduces me to a current student, Jade, who will be my 'buddy' and show me around the school. She has long, black hair that reaches halfway down her back. She's slim and wears shorts and a t-shirt that cling to her body. Her shoes - they sparkle as she walks! I need them! We walk out of Mr Darel's office and collect my timetable and locker number from the receptionist. Jade leads me throughout many winding corridors that finally lead to my locker, number 13 - my lucky number.

After three classes, finally lunch time arrives. By this time, i'm starving and can't wait to dig in to eat my lunch my mum made me. I open my lunch box once seated on the grass with Jade and her friends and am greeted by a white sandwich filled with chicken, lettuce and cheese. YUMMM!!! Beside me, Jade introduces me to her friends. Ellie, who is sitting on the left of me, has a brown, 'pixie' haircut and is wearing a floral dress. Clyve sits opposite me and wears jeans and a shirt.  They are all really nice and are very welcoming. The whole of lunch was spent laughing in hysterics because of Clyve. He was always telling us stupid jokes that were, although strange, also funny. 

Lunch ended and the last few classes had passed rapidly. The whole day, i was continuously thinking about visiting my dad's new work at Paramount Studios. I was super excited  to see what famous people he works with. My mum arrives at the front of my school and i jump in the car after saying bye to my new friends. We arrive at Paramount in 15 minutes - 15 minutes too long. My dad meets us at the front and gives us a tour of where he works. It's incredible. There are so many studios which are filled with constructions, cameras, people. My dad gets a call from his boss telling him that he's needed at Studio 27. My mum and I follow him to the studio and meet his boss, Mr Frank Laper. My dad and he start talking about lighting and cameras while i just stare around the set looking at it. Familiarity strikes - it's the Big Time Rush set!! I hear laughter coming from the entrance. I look up. The boys come walking in. Carlos, James, Logan and Kendall coming in last. I quickly turn around before they notice I was staring at them. Frank calls them over. 

"Yo, guys! Come here. You need to meet the new technical assistant, Kyle." Frank says.

"Hey Kyle! I'm James. This is Logan, Carlos and Kendall." James introduces. 

"Hi guys. Nice to meet you." My dad responds, "This is my wife, Hannah, and my daughter, Nathalie."

"Hi" My mum and I both say in unison. 

"Well, Kyle,  i have to show you where you will need to fix the lights and stuff. Just this way." Frank says to break the awkwardness. My dad and mum both follow him. I am too until James asks me to stay. 

"I...uh... can't sorry. I've got quite a lot of homework to do." I reply, regretting almost instantly. How could i refuse 4 hot guys?!!

"So, you'd rather walk around the studio looking at lights than hang out with us?" Carlos asks.

"Well, i guess not but..." I reply

"Then stay. I'm sure Kendall will love to help you with your homework." Carlos says.

"I would?" Kendall says.

"Yes" Logan says.

"Uh... okay. Let's go to the park Nathalie" Kendall offers. We walk to the park and start talking about stuff. "So, Nathalie, Where abouts in the world are you from?"

"I'm from Australia." I reply.

"Australia? Wow! You're very far from home." Kendall says.

"Yeah I am but it's really fun in America. I'm able to restart my reputation and try not to be shy and lame like i was in Australia." I say.

"You were lame? And shy? That's very hard to imagine! I would've thought you'd be one of those NICE popular girls." Kendall says genuinely. 

"Me a popular girl?!! You've got to be kidding me! I was far from popular." I say.

"So, what work do you have to do?" Kendall says, "It better not be hard!"

"Don't worry. Just maths today." I reply.

"Well, let's get started then!" He says excitedly.

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