Love Can be Frightening *A Zi...

By p0w3rfu1_0n3

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*A Ziall AU* Zayn has always loved his sister. She meant the world to him. Doniya Malik has been Zayn's godde... More

Author's Note


212 27 145
By p0w3rfu1_0n3

Okay, there is a huge smut warning ahead! About three and a half pages worth, LLSBO


<<Zayn's POV>>

I watched as Niall walked off. God, I found out more about him in the last thirty minutes than I did in the whole school year. I caught me figure skating this morning. I spilled my guts out to him and told him things I wouldn't even tell my own parents. I found out Niall was a lot more insecure than I thought. And he seemed so romantic. I could tell the comments he said came from the heart, otherwise they wouldn't have came out so fast. God, how could I not resist? He's so damn cute. But now was not the time, I need to get focused on school, and spend more time with Doniya. I haven't visited her in such a long time, which by the way, is only a few days, but that feels like milleniums for me.

I took my own drink, a caramel frappe and took a sip. I hunched up my bag and went inside, leaving Liam standing there in the snow on his own without a word, he still kinda intimidates me with his muscles and buff. I went through our school doors and went to find Harry.

"Yo, Zayn!" Harry called!

"Hey!" I called back. I went towards to his table Harry was on his phone, scrolling through a fanfiction site. "Whatcha doing?" I asked.

"Not much, just reading some fanfiction." Harry replied as I sat down next to him.

"Yet they call me a nerd," I muttered. Harry just laughed. "How was last night, huh? Did Louis repay you well enough?" I asked. Harry just shrugged. "Come on, I already know what he was referring to, you a stupid hoe." I joked. Harry couldn't help but smile and blush.

"We were too tired, so he's gonna do it tonight." Harry admitted quietly as he shut off his phone. I sipped my frappe.

"Tell me, are you top or bottom?" I asked.

"Oh, we don't do that." Harry says. "It hurts Louis too much."

"Oh, okay, but I'm sure it's gonna be alot of fun!" I whispered. Harry just blushed even more.

"You're so mature, huh Zayn?" Harry asked. "You're still a virgin, yet you talk like a stupid hoe!" I cracked up now, I almost spat out my drink. "Fuck, I didn't think I was that brutally honest, Zayn, chill."

"You're just the opposite, Harold." I replied. I checked my watch, the bell was about to ring soon. "Hey, it's almost time to go, I'll see you second period, in pre-calc." I said, as I got up and tucked my thermos into the cup sleeve of my bag.

"Bye!" Harry waved as he got up and went the other hall to his class.

The day was so boring, I swear, pre-calc, I only drew and doodled in my math notebook. In social ecology, we talked about the ethics of abortion. My family was very pro-life. But I did know a girl who supposedly got pregnant after a frat party. Harry, who was a huge gossip, told me some girl named Valence on the cheerleading team got pregnant and had to get an abortion last year. But that's just gossipy drama and I don't really take that kinda shit to heart.

At lunchtime, instead of going with Niall's usual group, I went straight to the library with me cheap school meatloaf and mashed potatoes. I had no idea what was in the meatloaf, but I knew the mashed garlic potatoes were those instant potato box mixes, so it's okay to eat. I brought my schoolwork to work on with Harry. Thank God we could have phones out during lunch breaks. I checked what Doniya was up to, she said she was listening to her Spotify. Of all the similarities, one difference is that I use iHeartRadio and she uses Spotify. Harry came in the library and sat at our table. The librarian, Ms. Drawz was on her iPad, because she has the easiest job in the school because people hardly ever use the library. Except the girls when a new Justin Bieber album is out for loan.

"Yo, hey Zayn, you said Niall was going to come, right?" Harry verified as he came through the door, he had some beans and rice with gravy. He set aside his schoolwork studies and got out a spork and started eating.

"Yep, hey, your birthday's coming up, what you want?" I asked. His birthday was next week and I wanted to get him something. Niall came in, along with his papers and binder.

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm sure Louis' got something in store." Harry chuckled. I rolled my eyes. Niall gave us a look.

"So, what are we doing?" He asked. He pulled up a chair and sat down, with his meatloaf and potatoes. He also grabbed a stack of muffins to, he eats like a swine. Apparently he didn't care because he took a huge bit of meatloaf.

"Oh, it's Harry's birthday next week." I informed, "Harry's gonna be seventeen." I said.

"Oh, cool, you gonna have a party or something?" Niall asked.

"Maybe, I normally have book club meetings." Harry said. I gave him a look. I knew he was lying.

"Oh, well, okay, I hope you'll have fun," Niall squirmed.

"No, he's just messing with you, Niall," I said, putting a hand on Niall's wrist.

"Oh, okay." Niall said, finally comprehending what Harry said.

"Yeah, so we normally have a pool party since Harry's family is kinda wealthy, they own shares to a bakery." I explained.

"Sounds better." Niall smiled. I chuckled nervously, Harry knew I hated pool parties because I can't swim.

"The invitations will be out by tomorrow, wanna come, Niall?" Harry asked.

"Well, sure, why not?" Niall shrugged and then smiled. "I love parties!"

"Then you're invited, Louis, Zayn and Liam are coming also, I don't know if I wanna invite the rest of them, I mean, I don't know them well, but I don't want anyone to be left out." Harry contemplated.

"Eh, it's not important, it can just be us." I imputed.

"Oh, okay." Harry said. And we smiled as we opened up our books and started with our studies.

<<Later that afternoon>>

<<At Harry's house>>

<<Third Person POV>>

"Hey, Louis is coming over for a sleepover!" Harry yelled from his room. Harry was on his phone, texting Louis.

"No, remember, you have to clean the kitchen floor!" His mom yelled back. Harry had tracked mud all over the floor when he came home from school and Harry rolled his eyes and ran down the stairs into the foyer.

"Mom, can that wait until tomorrow?" Harry pleaded.

"No, you tracked the nasty muddy snow all over the kitchen floor, you need to clean it up." His mom, Anne said sternly, putting on her stilettos. She was in a neat, crisp navy blue blazer and a black pencil skirt. Her makeup was professional, black mascara and red lipstick.

"But, mom, can this wait? I promise I can do it later!" Harry whined. Anne was tightening up her scarf. His father, Desmond was coming in the room, tightening his tie. They were going to a two-day, economics meeting for work in Salt Lake City in Utah, and were all dressed up.

"Anne, has Harry ever broken a promise, come on, cut him some slack." Desmond reasoned. Anne took a deep breath and rolled her eyes.

"Really, you spoil the child." Anne said, rolling her eyes. She took out her purse and brushed her hair in front of the foyer mirror. "But, I guess so." She said, giving in. Harry and his dad smiled at each other and fist-bumped, behind his mom's back.

"Thanks mom!" Harry smiled. "Thank you so much!"

"Yeah, whatever, but you better have the floors cleaned up by tomorrow evening when we come back home." Anne said, sternly. "Or you'll be grounded big time." She pointed a glossy, red painted nail at Harry. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, mom. I do." Harry promised.

"Come on, we have a plane to catch, the uber's right outside." Desmond motioned as he opened the door and grabbed his packed suitcase. "Have fun Harry!"

"And remember to do the floors, you can order Thai takeout for dinner, but no leaving the house!" Anne reminded as she walked out, stumbling on her Pradas. They shut the door and locked it. Harry smiled. He went and closed all of the curtains and got a black box from his room and brought it down and placed it on the coffee table with a naughty grin. He texted some things to Louis. He turned on the lamps and all he had to do was wait.

A few minutes, there was knocking at the front door. Harry opened it. It was Louis in his coat and his duffel bag, filled with his sleepover stuff.

"Hey baby." Harry said, grinning at him, locking the door.

"Hey Harry." Louis smiled, he took off his coat, revealing a black singlet. Harry immediately scooped Louis up and snogged him on the white sofa.

"What took you so long?" Harry asked. He stuck his warm hand up Louis' shirt, feeling his smooth chest and his quickening heartbeat.

"Uh, I'm sorry, Master, it was icy on the roads out there." Louis whispered to the long haired boy.

"You know how I don't like to be waited on, LouBear." Harry whispered, "Also, you spent my money, you know how your Master doesn't like that." Harry proceeded to softly bite Louis' neck and sucked it. Harry's mouth was like a vacuum and left a bright red mark he pressed Louis below him.

"I-I-I'm sorry master, I won't disobey you again." Louis whimpered. Harry pulled Louis' hands above his head and pulled off his shirt.

"Well, sorrys are one thing, but do you know what you deserve?" Harry asked, sitting on Louis's hips his right hand still holding Louis' wrists.

"No, master what is it?" Louis asked. He only received a hard pinch on his nipple. Louis yelped in pain. Harry squeezed tighter and a tear slipped out of the corner of Louis's glossy, blue right eye.

"Now, what do you deserve, naughty boy?" Harry whispered harshly.

"I deserve to be punished, m-m-master." Louis whimpered.

"Yes, you do, and why?" Harry asked, using his forearm to pin Louis down and his other hand to pull Louis' hair until he was mere inches from his face. Louis gritted his teeth in pain.

"B-b-because I was a bad boy and I spent master's money without asking." Louis answered.

"And?" Harry asked.

"And bad boys deserved to be spanked by their masters." Louis whimpered as he gripped the couch cushions.

"That's right, and that's what you'll get, drop your pants." Harry ordered. Louis got up and obeyed. "On your knees!" Harry commanded and Louis obeyed, dropping his jeans as he was in his grey boxers. Harry reached over and unlatched the black box. He took out a black, leather collar and wrapped it around Louis' neck. He grabbed a white dog cone and wrapped it on Louis. Now Louis could only look straight forward. The collar was covered with handwritten words, such as SLUT, CUNT, DICK, WHORE, SLAVE. Harry smiled as Louis blushed in humiliation. Harry took out a chain and attached it to Louis' collar.

"Now, bend over, you cock." Harry commanded. Louis obeyed without a word and clutched his ankles. Harry brushed his fingertips over Louis' back. Harry massaged Louis' round ass, making sure that lots of blood get there. Harry himself took off his own shirt, leaving him in his jeans. Harry took off his belt and slowly took off Louis' boxers, revealing a blue lacy thong. That's what Harry had texted Louis earlier. Louis' glorious ass was so fresh and perfect.

"You think you got a perfect ass?" Harry laughed. "We're gonna fix that." With that, Harry pushed Louis onto the couch and pulled on the chain, Louis' leash. Harry took out some black rope and tied Louis' hands behind his back.

"You know, your ass needs some artwork on it, your master doesn't deserve a blank ass to spank." Harry smiled as he took out a sharpie. Harry wrote BAD BOYS GET SPANKED across Louis' exposed ass, with the thing still on. He flipped Louis over and spread his legs out.

"No, please, master!" Louis whimpered, "Please forgive me," which only resulted from a slap from Harry across Louis' chest, leaving a red mark.

"Did I say you can talk, princess?" Harry asked, Louis shook his head no. "Then no, Master doesn't do forgiveness, so shut your mouth open your eyes and see.

"Yes master, I am sorry and I promise never to talk back to my master." Louis whimpered.

"Good." Harry smiled as he spread Louis' legs apart, his scrotum peeking out of the thong, which had a tent from his hardening member. Harry wrote PINCH HERE on the inside of Louis' right thigh. On the left, Harry wrote SLAP HERE. Harry flipped Louis again.

"Hmm, how many spanks should this bad boy get to correct his naughty behaviors?" Harry thought out loud. "How many, princess?"

"Twenty." Louis cried, "I deserve fifty spanks for being a bad boy. My ass deserves to be beaten until I cannot sit anymore." Louis said, his body becoming red with humiliation.

"Good boy, twenty sounds good, count out loud, or we'll start over." Harry commanded. Harry took his belt and lashed it over Louis' sharpie covered bum.

"One." Louis whimpered. His ass tensed up.

"What do you say? Where are your manner, dunce?" Harry asked.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry master," Louis "Th-th-thank you, for teaching me how to be a good boy." Louis cried. Harry smiled. Harry paddled Louis hard with the belt several times more.

"Two, three, four, five." Louis whimpered, "Thank you, sir, may I have another?"

"Yes, you may." Harry smiled as he proceeded to spank Louis until Louis' ass was bright red and splotchy.

"Twenty." Louis sobbed from the pain, mixed with ecstasy. "Twenty spanks for a naughty boy."

"Good, now here's the next punishment." Harry laughed as he took off his jeans, revealing a hard member under his boxers. Harry untied Louis' hands and took the elizabethan collar off. But the collar and the chain leash was still on. Harry yanked on the leash hard, causing Louis to stand up. Louis looked down, with tears streaming down his face. Louis' hands were over his crotch.

"Uncover, your hands." Harry ordered. Louis hesitated. Harry slapped Louis's knuckles with the belt. Louis yelped and moved his hand, revealing his fully hard cock poking out of the lacy blue thong. Louis was in pure shame and he loved it.

"Looks like this naughty, slutty, boy wants to cum, will we let him?" Harry asked, with another lash on Louis' sensitive tip. Louis winced at the pain.

"No, master, bad boys don't deserve to cum." Louis said.

"Nope." Harry laughed as he retrieved a cock ring from the box and wrapped it around Louis' cock. Harry decided to take the thongs off. Harry played with Louis' cock, making it bounce up and down. "It's a light switch." Harry laughed, as he pulled the cock up and down.

"Now, for number two, to the kitchen." Harry laughed. He had a lot in store. He lead Louis to the kitchen and told him to get on his hands and knees. Harry filled up a grey, plastic bucket of soapy water and a tossed a yellow sponge as Louis while holding Louis's five foot long chain.

"Clean the floor." Harry commanded. Louis crawled on the floor to Harry's feet. He nodded. Harry looked at Louis' red sore ass and felt proud.

"Yes, sir." Louis. He took the sponge and started to wipe the mud on the floor. Harry spat on the floor.

"Clean that up too, bad boy needs to learn how to work." Harry smiled sadistically. Louis nodded and cleaned it up, moving his legs. Harry struck Louis' crotch, slapping on of the words Harry wrote and Louis was on the floor, moaning and crying. "Clean up, bitch!" Harry order and yanked Louis' hair to get him back up. Louis nodded. Louis finished cleaning the tiles on the floor.

"Keep cleaning till you got splinters in your knuckles crawling across the floor." Harry smiled and lashed Louis again, just for the fun. "Faster, or your ass isn't gonna be the only thing sore. Louis quickly finished the kitchen. "Good boy." Harry smiled. He pulled off his boxers and put it on Louis's head.

"Breathe that in, bitch." Harry laughed. They went back on the couch. Harry had a full erection. "On your hands and knees, on the carpet." Harry smiled. He pulled out a bottle of Astroglide and a condom. "Too bad, your first anal couldn't be all sweet, it's gonna be a reminder that I'm your master and that you obey me, twink!" Harry smiled. "Do you understand? What do you want master to do?" Harry asked.

"I want master to fuck me, to pop my pussy and rip my virginity until I bleed." Louis whimpered. Harry was delighted and rubbed some of the lube on the rim of Louis' hole. He kept rubbing, thinking of something he could do. Harry decided to bend over on Louis' body, putting his entire weight on it, and sucked Louis' back, leaving love bite towards Louis' tailbone while massaging Louis' hole, though Harry loved to be dominant. He knew he had to be careful here. They talked about anal before and Louis had given the signal to go. But Harry knew he needed to be careful not to hurt Louis. Then, when Louis's hole was relaxed, Harry stuck in two fingers, causing Louis' back to arch. Harry slowly pulled out and put it back in. He kept on sticking it in and out, causing Louis to moan as Harry kept brushing his prostate.

"M-m-master, I'm gonna cum, please let me cum." Louis begged.

"No." Harry said, "Your punishment is not yet done. Harry put on the condom and applied some more lube. "Master gets to cum first." And Harry stuck his member a few inches in Louis.

"Ugghhh." Louis moaned. Harry was already so aroused. He took it out and stuck it back in, only at a four inch max. Harry took it slow, and didn't stick it all the way in. After only a few seconds, Harry knew he was going to cum soon, so he took off Louis' cock ring and laid him across the couch, Louis squirted like a syringe all over his torso. Louis finally got his long-lasted ejaculation.




Harry smiled and thrusted it in and felt his climax. After about thirty seconds, they took a deep breath.

"You punished me good, sir." Louis smiled a wide, ecstatic grin.

"I love you too, Louis." Harry smiled. He took off Louis's chain and collars. They ordered some food and cleaned up and had a great night. Harry brought some creams and held onto Louis' sore ass the entire night.  

WOW! THIS WAS A LONG ASS KINKY CHAPTER! I think it's the longest one. 

Special thanks to ziallfiles and his book: Anal Sex, How it Really Works. It helped me A WHOLE HELL OF ALOT! on this! And if you're reading this, Carter, how was this? Realistic enough?

QOTD: Any kinks/fetishes you have? 

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