Fantasy Vs Reality | The Tear

By KadeSomething

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|SFW | COMPLETE| |BOOK 1 of Fantasy Vs Reality| ________ This is a story about a young girl named Hava... More

1: The Dreams
3: Time Disturbance
4: The Counselor
5: The Spaceship
6: Transformation
7: The Others
8: The Bridge
9: The Scan
10: Scan Results
11: This Is How It Works
12: One Big Happy Family
13: Space Pirates
14: Charge, Maneuver, Evade, Repeat
15: Time To Recruit! Part 1
16: Time To Recruit! Part 2
17: Time To Recruit! Part 3
18: Time To Recruit! Part 4
19: Back To The Ship
20: Secrets Unveiled
21: Two Universes
22: What A Crew Values Most
23: Coal's Story
24: Departure
25: Serbis
26: Think Fast
27: This Is How It Works
28: He Remembers
29: The Place Where Things Are Confusing
30: Time For Some Planning!
31: Distress Signal
32: Is This The End?
33: Last Call
34: The Hideout
35: The Defect
36: Eerie Silence
37: Surprise
38: We Are One
39: Taking What's Ours
40: Time Crunch
41: The Final Mission Part 1
42: The Final Mission Part 2
Final Author's Note

2: Friendly Visit

368 16 26
By KadeSomething

The next morning, I woke up earlier than usual. I threw off my covers, quickly got dressed and walked out of my room. Rubbing the sleepiness from my eyes, I went through the hall and into the kitchen. My mom was in there with her apron on making breakfast like she always does in the morning. 

"Good morning Hava dear." My mom said without looking back to make sure it was me. I sat down at the table and drummed my fingers on it. I couldn't stop thinking about what my dad had said to me last night. About what he and my mom were going to tell me tonight once he got home from work. 

I was jerked out of my thoughts as my little sister Eevy walked in, holding her blanket. She was about fourteen years old, but still acted like a ten year old. Her bottom lip was stuck out and she looked like she was going to cry. "Mommy!" She said, her voice still groggy with sleep. "Sam won't leave me alone! He keeps saying that there are monsters wondering around the house at night and they are trying to get into my room!"

My mom stopped what she was doing and hugged my little sister. "It's okay Eevy-pie." She said in a breathy tone. "I'll talk to your brother about this."

My older brother was Sam, or Samuel. Some people called him Sammy. I tried calling him that once and he "playfully" punched me in the shoulder. He was about twenty years old, and already in college. He was usually working in the evenings so that he could save up money to pay for his classes, so he would be gone when my parents talked to me. Samuel was always the one to do the chores and he took the role of pulling pranks on me and Eevy and telling us scary stories when it's dark out. 

One night we all stayed up way too late and we set up a lantern in the middle of his bedroom floor and we took turns holding a flashlight under our faces to see who could tell the scariest story. Sam always won.

Eevy was tiny, she looked as if she were built like a lanky eight year old. She had long, blond hair, and a ton of freckles. Sam on the other hand, was tall, slim, and had dark brown facial hair and curly hair.

Within a few moments, Sam came charging into the room like a four year old. My mom looked at Sam for a moment, a small smirk on her face. She spoke, "We'll talk after breakfast. For now, we need to enjoy this wonderful, sunny morning!"

She served the food, which consisted of fried eggs, toast, and sausage. Everyone ate up, occasionally talking about the nice weather outside. I finished first, excused myself and then locked myself in my room like I always did on summer days. At least, when I can. If my mom doesn't catch me and make me go outside or something.

I turned on my computer and plugged in my drawing tablet and soon began drawing some commissions for a few of my media friends. After a few drawings which took a few hours of perfecting, I logged off and whipped out my phone and face planted on my bed. I rolled over and checked my text messages, and sure enough, there was a text message from my best friend Jessie. It read:

"You coming over later today? We can continue working on that project of ours. >:)"

I texted her back saying, "Haven't forgotten don't worry! Last time I checked I'm free all this afternoon." I tapped send.

After a moment Jessie texted me back with, "Great! How does 2 sound?" And I replied with the okay.

I sat up on my bed when I heard yelling from the other room. I rolled my eyes and unlocked my door and cracked it open. I peeked out and saw Eevy and Sam yelling at the top of their lungs at each other. You wouldn't think that a fourteen year old and a twenty year old would yell so much and act so immature. My mom appeared from the bathroom in her bathrobe, a true nightmare knowing she had to step out of the shower to deal with them. She was obviously trying to take a shower in peace. "THAT'S IT YOU TWO! OFF TO YOUR ROOMS THIS INSTANT YOU BOTH ARE GROUNDED FOR THE REST OF THE DAY UNTIL SAM HAS TO GO TO WORK!"

They both turned their backs on each other and then turned to spit out their tongues and then they both traipsed off to their rooms. I was thankful that I didn't have to deal with fighting with anyone all the time. It was just too stressful. I headed back into my room and checked the time on my phone. It was about half past one. Shoot! I thought, grabbing my computer, drawing tablet, and headphones and shoving them into my backpack. I'm gonna be late again!

I charged out my bedroom door and knocked on the bathroom door yelling to my mom that I was walking to Jessie's house. I grabbed my house key and closed the front door behind me. It was still sunny there in the suburbs. The town I lived in was small with one to two story houses that generally spanned from a thousand square feet to two thousand square feet. Our house spanned in the larger area with two thousand feet with a family of five, four bedrooms and two bathrooms. We didn't have a garage so when it rained we had to put tarps over the cars, it wasn't a common thing to see people doing, but it worked. We lived on the coast with a large bay that separated us from the ocean. We were far enough inland that we didn't worry too much about flooding and such.

Jessie's house was about a mile blocks away and wasn't worth the trouble of driving or even riding a bike. Even though a bike would have been nice on a hot day like this one in particular. My auburn, shoulder length hair reflected in the sunlight, my green eyes watched the empty street for cars when I crossed. I wore my favorite red hoodie, black T-shirt, torn jeans, and combat boots. I had a light skin tone and I was one of the shortest kids in my class. I wasn't thin, but I wasn't overweight either, I was what they considered average "with some fluff" now a days.

The house finally came into view, it was a fairly big house, slightly bigger than my house, with a basement. I walked up to the door and hit the door bell with my finger and waited a moment, checking my phone again. No text messages, it was 1:58 pm... just on time.

I smiled when I saw Jessie's mom open the door. "Hello Hava!" She said in a friendly manner. "Good to see you again! Come on in."

I nodded thankfully and walked in, taking my shoes off and entered the hallway which lead to the kitchen on one side, and the other to the bedrooms. If I had walked straight forward I would've walked straight into the living room. I turned into the kitchen and nearly bashed into Jessie who made a yell sound, which sounded somewhat like a spooked bird. "Oh hello friendo!" She said happily, bouncing around for a moment. "You're right on time!"

I chuckled. "Yes I am!" 

We sat down at the kitchen table, and we both leaned over some papers that she placed. I pulled out a mass of blank papers from my backpack. "Okay, so we've got the first thirty four frames of our video, if we finish twelve more frames today, we should be able to get our video done in..." She paused thinking for a moment. "Like, a week from now if we work everyday."

I nodded, and pulled out my laptop and began turning it on. Once it started up, we began critiquing and drawing more of the frames, what we drew on paper, we transferred digitally onto my laptop. It was an animated project of two characters, a red fox and a barn owl who are best friends and are having a good time together. Just for practicing animating with drawing and such. So that we may someday get professional and popular or something.

Some hours went by and I finally decided that I needed to head home. I packed up my things and headed out the door after saying goodbye. I told Jessie I'll be able to talk tomorrow and help with more of the frames. We got the thirteen decent frames worked out and I felt content, we were one frame ahead! Now the next thing on my mind was what my dad would be speaking to me after he got home from work, which would have been anytime. 

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