Light Up My Heart *Super 8/Ca...

By ghost_idol

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Light Up My Heart *Super 8/Cary Love Story*
2: Sorry, Joe
3: It's Called Silent Reading For A Reason
4: Explosions
5. Broken Cameras
7: Why Do You Care, Cary?
8: I Like Fireworks Too
9: What Is Going On?
10: I've Lost Everything.....
11: The Night Before The End Of Sanity
12: So It Begin
13: No More Miss Shy Girl
14: Trapped
15: Cary vs. Charles vs. An Alien
16: Join The Club, Smartin
17:Fighting Aliens With Sparklers
18:The Pyromaniac and The Shy Girl
19: Epilogue

6. Welcome To The Group

797 18 4
By ghost_idol

6: Welcome To The Group

Donny let me get off my shift early since I claimed to have a massive headache. Of course, that is a lie. My headache went away an hour ago.

I need to find the others.

So, if I were 6 kids who just experienced one of the most horrifying things ever in front of their eyes while making a zombie move, where would I be?

Diner maybe? I've seen them there before. So, I guess that settles it.

To the diner I go.

**Cary's POV: **

I still can't really believe that what happened......happened. I mean, the explosions were AWESOME, but I'm still freaked out about it. Martin has puked at least five times and Preston can't stop shaking. Charles is still obsessing about his movie, Alice is barely even with us, and Joe can't stop talking about it. And me? Well let's just say the explosion has given me some inspiration for some new products....

"I make models. Like plastic ones and I paint them-" Joe starts to tell Alice.

"And he's not embarrassed by that," Preston says cutting him off.

"Look whose talking, math camp," I say back while rolling my eyes. A waitress walks over and hands Charles a plate of fries.

"Thanks, can I have a coffee on the side?"

"He's so sophisticated," I tell Alice, making her smile.

"Shut up! I like coffee!"

"No one likes coffee!"

I lean back in the booth and as Joe begins to talk about his trains again. The one thing that stood out to me the most (besides the freaking train exploding) was that person who was on the hill. I know that whoever they are, they threw something at me to get my attention. And even though I still have a sore bump on my head from it, that person saved all six of our lives. In the panic of escaping, I never got to see if the person had gotten hurt or if they made it out. Guilt and regret wash over me. I quickly try to push it out of my mind and focus back on the conversation.

"Am I the only one who doesn't understand what any of this means?" Martin says.

"Probably Smartin," I retort as I lean across the table.

"Cary, shut up."

"You shut up!" Yes, I know. Real mature, Cary. Real mature. It's my immediate comeback, okay?

"I don't like it when you call me that."

"I'm sorry Smartin, why don't you go cry about it?"

"No I don't want to...." I smirk and take one of the fries. I look out the window and watch people walk by. I can't help but to wonder if one of those people saved our lives....

"What if he wanted to destroy something?" Joe asks, and everyone nods and agrees.

"Can you guys just shut up? Maybe he was an old man who wanted to kill himself!" I say. Immediately, everyone protests and Preston starts to list off easier ways to commit suicide. I sigh and grab another fry. Charles pulls the plate away and I glare at him.

"Hey! Pussy, stop taking all the fries away!" I yell at him.

"I ordered them for a reason!" I roll my eyes for the billionth time.

"Excuse me, can we get another orders of fries because my friend here is fat," I say to an imaginary waitress.

"Funny, chompers. At least I don't have to use a booster seat." I smirk and steal another fry. He shoves about five in his mouth, so I throw mine at him.

Annnndd once again they go off into their conversation about the train again. Am I seriously the only one who remembers the person here?

"Hey guys!" I interupt. "Doesn't anyone even care about that person?" Everyone stops talking and looks over at me.

"Cary, what are you talking about?" Martin asks.

"Seriously? None of you saw them?" Oh great, now they all think I'm crazy. "Joe! You saw them, right?"

"I remember something hitting you and then I saw the train. I never saw anyone," Joe says.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me," I sigh as I put my head down on the table.

"Cary, I think you've inhaled too many sparkler fumes," Charles teases. "Hey, looks it's Queer Crow. What's she doing out in the open?" I look up and see that Chloe Crow is standing across the street, waiting for cars to pass. I refuse to call her anything besides Chloe. I think it's really mean how everyone bullies her just because she's shy. I remember a long time ago, I helped her when some girls were beating her up. She got a nasty cut on her face, but she ran away when I tried to help her.

I wonder if she has a scar.

"Hey Charles, stop being such an @sshole," I say.

"What? You have a crush on her or something?"

"No! Of course not! I just think you're being an idiot." Charles is about to say something else when someone appears at our table. She has light green eyes and brown hair underneath a black beanie. Chloe Crow. Her eyes are wide like a deer caught in headlights and her hands are gripped tightly around her bag.

"Um, what do you want?" Charles asks. I kick him under the table.

"I umm well I uh there was that umm I-I...." she stuttered, trying to make a sentence but failing horribly.

"I'm sorry, but we have no clue what you're saying," Joe says to her. She takes in a deep breath and her grip loosens a bit on the bag.

"I was at the explosion....." We all stared at her in shock. She can't be telling the truth, can she?

"I don't believe you," Charles immediately says. I kick him again. "Dammit Cary stop kicking me!" Now all the attention is turned to me.

"What? He's not even giving her a chance," I defend.

"Well he's got a point," Preston adds. "How do we know you were actually there?"

Chloe slowly sets her bag down on the table and pulls out some pictures. She hands them to Joe and he gasps.

"Guys.....look at these." As he passes the pictures around, I slowly watch as everyone's faces turn to shock. When I finally get them, I couldn't believe how amazing the shots were. It's like I'm actually there again.

"These are really good..." I here Charles mutter.

"Okay, so you were at the accident. Why does that matter to us?" Martin asks. Dammit, he's too far away to kick....

"Hey, lay off. We all know that something is up with this. It was planned, and it happened for a reason. We need to stick together. Remember what Mr. Woodward said? We, along with our parents, could die. Chloe, you're welcome to stick with us," Alice says. God, I want to hug her right now....

Preston stands up and drags a chair over. Chloe sits down immediately and takes another deep breath. Knowing her, this is probably really nerve racking for her.

"Okay, so what could the airforce have on this train?" Alice continues.

"Oh would you shut up about it! You just said it yourself, Alice! We can't talk about it! Joe seriously, do you really want to take a chance and have something happen to your dad too?" I watched as Joe's face turned cold. Joe is still very depressed about his Mom's death. I look over at Chloe and see her face drop too. What's up with that?

"Now, I have these new scenes for the movie. But I need Joe to be in it," Charles continues, completely ignoring the fact that Chloe is here. AGAIN.

"Whose going to be on camera?" Joe asks.

"Cary can."

"I think Chloe should do it," I say.


"You saw her pictures. She is skilled with a camera. She should do it." Charles looks over at her, who is blushing down at the table.

"Well......yeah you're right. Will you, Qu...Chloe?" Aww he's making progress! What a sophisticated good boy! (please note my sarcasm).

"Uh I well um yeah sure," she stutters, still not looking up.

After, as we all walk outside, I hang back a bit as Chloe walks out the door. she limping?

"Hey, are you alright?" I ask. She immediately stops and straightens up.

"Yes, I'm fine," she says quickly. I look at her face closely. I could barely see the lightest trace of the cut.

Chloe stumbles backwards away from me. I look down and realize I was reaching out to touch her cut. I quickly drew my hand back.

"Um we should catch up with the others." She nods and I notice that as hard as she tries, she is still limping a bit. I know that she'll never open up to me.

Maybe if I try to help her not be so shy, she'll trust me more.......

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