No Control -> S. Stilinski {2}

Por XxNeonHeartxX

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Season 2 The Alpha, Peter Hale, is finally dead thanks to his nephew Derek Hale. Now Derek is the new Alpha i... Más

BOOK 3!!!


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Por XxNeonHeartxX

Quote: "Today I close the door to the past, open the door to the future, take a deep breath, step on through and start a new chapter in my life."

Published: March 26, 2018


Chapter 1: "Omega"

Everyday I was always scared of losing control over my werewolf side. Thanks to Peter, the used to be Alpha that is finally dead, I am now human again. Peter took away my werewolf side and being an Alpha too, to "make me better", kinda puts me a little on edge. Whatever he did to "make me better" I'm going to live my life as a human as long as possible.

Right now I was walking down the hospital hallway with two coffee's, one for me and the other for Stiles.

We were both here visiting Lydia and it has been about a week since Peter attacked her, but it's safe to say she is not a werewolf and is doing a lot better.

When I sit down next to Stiles he is fast asleep across a couple chairs with a get well balloon, that I brought for Lydia, is tied to his wrist. I set his coffee on the floor next to me while I slowly sip on mine, and Stiles starts to sleep talk.

"Ohh - just like that. No, no, you first. Me first?" He starts to say with a grin and I try my best not to laugh.

Lydia's dad, Mr Martin, comes out of her room as I hear him talk to my mom. "They've been here all night?" He asks her pointing to us, as Stiles then starts to make kissing faces and I can't help myself from laughing slightly while my mom answers Mr. Martin.

"They've been here all weekend." She answers him walking away.

"You're dirty." Stiles suddenly says and a nurse nearby cleaning out a trash can sends a glare our way. I completely ignore her though, staring down at him with a smile on my face as I suddenly get an idea.

I get out of my seat and bend down right near his ear and slightly yell. "Stiles!" He jolts awake from his chair almost falling out of it. I laugh my ass off as I sit back down next to him.

"It's not funny." He complains to me as he hits the balloon that is tied to his wrist.

"I beg to differ, 'cause I thought it was hilarious." I say as I laugh again and he slightly glares at me, but I can see the lovingly look in his eyes. "So, what were you dreaming about?" I ask him with one of my eyebrows raised.

"What, n-nothing." He tried to deny.

"Really? So it had nothing to do with this." I slowly lean forward and as my lips touch his it takes him a second to kiss me back. When I break the kiss he stares at me a little dumbfounded and I slightly smile and hand him his coffee. "Come on, let's go get something from the vending machine, I'm hungry." I tell him as I get up and grab his hand pulling him with me.


We both get to the vending machine and I put in a few quarters and push a few buttons getting myself a Payday candy bar.

Stiles then puts in a few quarters and after looking at the machine a little bit he pushes a few buttons for a Reese's. The swirl thing starts to spin and at the last second the candy gets stuck on it.

"Seriously?" Stiles questions as I smile happily eating my Payday. He hits the machine trying to make it fall. He shakes the machine a little, then puts both arms around it making it look like he was going to pick it up. "Gah! It's not gonna work."

"Should have gotten a Payday like me." I taunt him and he sends a glare my way muttering a slight 'shut up'. Only making me smile a little more.

He turns back to the machine and starts to rock it back and forth, but he ends up rocking it a little too much as it starts to fall forward. It hits the floor with a loud crash and we both stare at the floor with open mouths.

Suddenly, we both look up from the machine as we hear a loud feminine scream."Lydia?" I question. "Lydia!" I yell as I drop the coffee that was still in my hand along with the candy bar and quickly run towards her room with Stiles right behind me.

"What the hell was that?" My mom questions busting into Lydia's room along with us and Mr. Martin.

Her room is empty and I push past everyone and into the bathroom that's in her room since she was taking a shower, along with the others behind me to see that it's also empty.

My mom shuts off the water that was still running. Stiles then taps me on the shoulder and I turn to my left to him looking at the bathroom window that is completely open.


Later Sheriff Stilinski shows up along with a few deputies. "Naked? As in nude?" Sheriff asks my mom.

"I'm pretty sure they mean the same thing, but, yes, as far as we know she left here clothing-optional." My mom answers.

"Alright, you checked the whole hospital, right?"

"Every last corner.

"Nothing suspicious?"

"Nothing. She just took off."

The Sheriff then turns to the deputy next to him. "Alright, let's get an APB out on a 16-year-old, redhead." He says to the deputy and he walks away then he turns to my mom and Mr. Martin. "Any other descriptors?"

Stiles and I then walk up to the three and I describe my best friend since I know her so well. "She's five foot three, fair-skinned, and her hair is actually strawberry blond." I tell Sheriff Stilinski knowing that if anyone called Lydia a redhead, let's just say I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.

"Is that right." He asks me.

"Yeah." Stiles answers for me.

"Come here." Sheriff says as he pulls Stiles aside along with me. "What the hell are you still doing here?" He asks Stiles.

"Um, providing moral support?" Stiles questions unsure.

"Uh-huh. How 'bout you provide your ass back home, where you should be."

"Okay, I can do that too." Stiles says and we both are walking away as we see two guys trying to fix the vending machine that Stiles knocked over. We walk a little faster with slight smiles as we leave the hospital.


We get out of the hospital and go towards Stiles jeep where Scott is in the passenger seat waiting for us. I hop in the back seat and Stiles gets into the drivers side.

I then hand Scott Lydia's hospital gown that I took without anyone noticing. "This is the one she was just wearing?" He questions me. I just slightly nod my head with a sad look. "I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her. Not again." He sincerely tells me.

I still blame myself for not getting to her on time the night of formal when Peter attacked both her and me. "All right." I tell him with a sigh. "Just shove the thing in you face and let's find her." Scott starts to sniff the gown so we can find Lydia by scent.

Stiles starts the jeep and as the headlights turn on we all jump a little bit when we see Allison directly in front of the jeep.

"What are you doing here? Someone's gonna see us." Scott tells her when she walks to the passenger side of the jeep.

Apparently Scott and Allison 'broke up' because her dad, Chris, held Scott at gun point, but they're still dating they just have to sneak around all the time.

"I don't care, she is my best friend, and we have to find her before they do." Allison tells him.

"I can find her before the cops can."

"How about before my father does?"

"He knows?" I speak up from the back seat with slight worry.

"Yeah. I just saw him and three other guys leave my house in two SUV's."

"Search party." Scott states.

"It's more like a hunting party." Allison corrects him.

"Get in." Scott says opening the door for her and she climbs over him and plopping down next to me into the back seat.

Stiles then puts the jeep in drive and we quickly leave the hospital driving down the road. "Alright, but if she's turning, would they actually kill her?" Stiles asks speaking up.

"I don't know." Allison answers. "They won't tell me anything. Okay all they say is, 'We'll talk after Kate's funeral, when the others get here.'"

"What others?" I ask her.

"I don't know, they won't tell me that either."

"Okay, your family's got some serious communication issues to work on." Stiles says sarcastically. "Scott, are we going the right way?" He asks Scott who is currently having his head stuck out of the jeep window trying to catch Lydia's scent.

I then suddenly get this weird feeling and I quietly mutter. "Take the next right." Stiles quickly looks at me then back at the road while Allison just stares at me.

"Take the next right!" Scott suddenly yells out as Stiles quickly makes a sharp turn to the right. I start to suddenly get worried.

"How did you know that? I thought you weren't a werewolf anymore." Allison questions me.

"I'm not. I have no idea how I knew." I quietly say and lean back into the seat as I think about all the bad things that have been happening to all of us.


"She came here? You sure?" Stiles asks as we are all now in the preserve outside of the old Hale house.

"Yeah, this is where the scent leads." Scott answers.

"Alright, but has Lydia ever been here?"

"Not with me." Allison says and everyone looks to me.

"Me neither." I tell them.

Stiles and I walk ahead of Allison and Scott towards the house more while they talk.

I look to Stiles confused as he shuffles a few leaves around. "Whoa, hey, look at this." Stiles says catching all three of our attention. "You see this?" He questions as Allison and I bend down on the ground on either side of him.

"I think it's a tripwire." I speak up as Stiles slightly pulls it. I then hear a little bit of shuffling and I'm the only one that noticed as I get up and turn around, only to find Scott hanging upside down by a rope. I cover my mouth trying not to laugh.

"Stiles..." Scott says.

"Yeah, buddy." He says as him and Allison turn around to see Scott hanging upside down. "Oh."

"Next time you see a tripwire. Don't trip it." Scott tells him as I look at Allison to see her also trying to hold in her laugh as she smiles at the situation.

"Yeah, noted."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait." Scott suddenly says and we stop in our tracks. "Someone's coming. Hide. Go!"

Stiles grabs my hand and I pull Allison along with us as we hide a little bit away from him. We quickly hide behind a big tree to where we can't be seen.

Chris and two other hunters walk up to where Scott is still hanging upside down. Chris talks to Scott for a few minutes and I can't hear what they are saying, thanks to not having super hearing anymore.

Chris and the hunters finally walk away and the three of us come out from behind the tree and towards Scott. "You okay?" Allison asks him.

"It's just another life-threatening conversation with your dad."

"Stiles, help me with this." Allison says as the two of them go to the beginning of the rope, trying to get Scott down.

I then look over to Scott. "Hm, only if I still had a pair of claws." I told Scott he then get the hint and he takes his claws out and cuts the rope that's holding him. He flips and lands perfectly getting the attention of Stiles and Allison.

"Thanks. But I think I got it."

"Yeah, thanks to me." I mutter.

"Comin'?" Scott asks us and we start to follow him towards the house.


It is now the next day and we weren't able to find Lydia anywhere and we would've kept looking, but being a teenager means having to be at high school.

Stiles, Scott, and I are walking up to the school talking about a grave robbery that happened and we think it was Lydia.

"She ate the liver?" Scott asks.

"No, I didn't say she ate it." Stiles says. "I just said it was missing. And you know what? Even if she did, so what? It's the most nutritious part of the body."

I look over to him in disgust. "I never ate anyone's liver." I tell him.

"Me neither." Scott says.

"Yeah, right, 'cause when it comes to werewolves, you're a real model of self-control." Stiles says mostly directing it to Scott. "Actually, wait, hold on. You're both the test cases for this, so we should be going over what happened to you two."

"What do you mean?" Scott asks.

"I mean like what was going through your mind when you were turning, you know? What were you drawn to?"

"Allison." Was Scott's simple answer as I roll my eyes.

"Okay nothing else? Seriously?" He asks then turns to me. "What about you Zoey?"

"Honestly, you two. Scott's my brother, you were my best friend, boyfriend now." I say with a smile grabbing onto his hand.

"Yeah, I'm never gonna get used to that." Stiles says putting his arm around my shoulders. "At least she has a good answer." Stiles says to Scott.

"Okay, guys." Scott says getting our attention. "Nothing else mattered. But, no, that's good, though, right? 'Cause the night that Lydia was bit, she was with you two."

"Yeah, but she was looking for - Jackson." I say just as we hear his Porsche pull up in the School parking lot.


I'm sitting next to Stiles with Scott in front of us and right now we are in Mr. Harris' class taking a pop quiz.

Stiles then starts to talk to Scott and I try to ignore their conversation so I don't get in trouble or fail this quiz.

Harris gets my attention though as he speaks up. "This is a pop quiz, Mr. Stilinski. If I hear your voice again, I may be tempted to give you detention for the rest of your high school career."

"Can you do that?" Stiles asks dumbfounded.

"Well, there it is again. Your voice. Triggering the only impulse I've ever had to strike a student repeatedly and violently. I'll see you at three for detention." Harris says as I find a little amusement in the whole situation, but also making me hate Harris even more. Scott turns around to look over at Stiles. "You too, Mr. McCall?" Harris asks.

"No, sir." Scott says and I continue on my quiz.


Right now it's after school and I have been literally waiting for an hour outside of Harris' classroom waiting for Stiles to get out of detention. But knowing Harris he is probably going to keep Stiles in even longer.

Another thirty minutes and Stiles finally exits his class. "Hey." I say getting up from my spot on the floor.

"Hey. Have you been waiting out here the whole time?" He asks me.

"Yeah, I told you I would." I say with a smile.

"Yeah, um, I didn't think you meant it literally." He says and then sighs looking down.

"Yeah well I did." I grab onto his hand as I make him look at me. "Hey trust me I hate Harris too. Everyone does, I hope."

"Huh, well, how could you even hate him. You're like one of his top students."

"Yeah, well when he keeps my boyfriend in detention for an extra thirty minutes, I tend to dislike him even more." I say as I lean in closer to him, pulling his lips to mine.

"Y - yeah I'm definitely not going to get used to that." Stiles says as we pull away.

I laugh as I pull him along with me. "Come on, Scott's waiting for us."


Stiles and I make it to the cemetery where Kate's funeral is being held. We find Scott crouched down behind a statue hiding to where he can still see Allison without getting caught.

"Yo." Stiles says to Scott as we crouch down as well to not be seen.

"Who the hell is that?" I ask Scott talking about an old guy that's talking to Allison.

The old guy looks over to our direction and we quickly hide behind the statue more and luckily he doesn't see us. "He's definitely an Argent." Scott tells us.

Allison looks over to see Scott and he sends a wave her way as she slightly smiles.

"Hey, you know, maybe they're just here for the funeral." Stiles suggests. "I mean, what if they're the non-hunting side of the family? There could be non-hunting Argents. It's possible, right?" He asks.

"I know what they are." I say as both boys look at me. "They're reinforcements."

We look back to the Argents, but before anyone can say anything else both Scott and Stiles are picked up from the ground by Sheriff Stilinski. "The three of you. Unbelievable. Pick up my tie." Stilinski says and I pick it up off the ground.

"Sorry." Stiles says. "I know, I'm supposed to ask." Stilinski drags both boys as I follow behind them and the next thing I know the three of us are in the back of his squad car. And for some reason I end up in the middle squished between the two.

The radio then goes off in the car. "4-1-5 Adam." An officer says from the other side of the radio.

"I didn't copy that." Stilinski says. "Did you say 4-1-5 Adam."

"Disturbance in a car." Stiles silently whispers to Scott and I.

"They were taking a heart attack victim - D.O.A. But on the way to the hospital, something hit 'em."

"What - hit the ambulance?" Stilinski asks confused.

"Copy that. I'm standing in front of it right now. Something got in the back. There's blood everywhere. And I mean everywhere."

"Alright, unit four, what's your twenty?"

"Route 5 and post. I swear, I've never seen anything like this."

Stiles then gets mine and Scott's attention as he quietly opens the back door and all three of us exit the squad car without Sheriff Stilinski noticing us.


It is finally night time and Stiles, Scott, and I are walking through the preserve and we stop in our tracks when we reach close by the ambulance. "What the hell is Lydia doing?" Stiles asks as we look at the damage of the ambulance.

"I don't know." Scott answers.

"What kept you from doing that, was it Allison?" Stiles asks Scott. "Was it us?" He then asks me.

"I hope so." Scott answers for the both of us.

"Do you need to get closer?" I ask Scott.

Scott then takes a breath trying to catch Lydia's scent. "No, I got it." He says and he starts to leave before I stop him.

"Just - I just need you to find her. Alright? Please, she's my best friend. Just - just find her." I sadly tell him and Stiles gives my hand a comforting squeeze.

"I will." Scott tells me giving me a sympathetic look before leaving.


Stiles and I are now near the ambulance with a few police cars and deputies, talking to Sheriff Stilinski.

Stiles is talking to him as I look to my right. "Lydia?" I questioned relieved as I see my best friend coming out of the woods naked. "Stiles, don't look." I quickly say when I realize that.

"What, why?" He asks as he does what I say and looks into the opposite direction.

"Because, I don't need my boyfriend to see my best friend naked." I quickly say. "Lydia?" I question again louder trying to get her attention. "Lydia!" I yell louder as I finally get her attention to me along with Sheriff Stilinski and a few deputies

"Well - is anyone gonna get me a coat?" Lydia asks with her arms open revealing her breasts.

Sheriff Stilinski looks away as he starts to remove his jacket. "Here I got it, Sheriff." I say as I take his jacket away from him and walk over to Lydia draping it over her shoulders. "Here you go, I got you." I say to her and I pull her into a tight hug as a couple of tears slide down my face relieved that I finally found my best friend.

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