Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITI...

By niallsbabe_xx

2.9M 57.5K 26.1K

(Kind of Niall/ Luke book, but only a little lol) Good grades, full scholarship, rich lifestyle, what more co... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Not a chapter
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Epolgue 1: Move-in Day
Epilogue 2: Along Came April
Epologue 3: Promise
Epilogue 4: June 12, 2018
Epilogue 5: Better Days
New Frat boy Niall book!

Chapter 37

33K 551 203
By niallsbabe_xx

Khloe's POV*

To: Niall-

Well, okay, Mr. So Serious. Tell me

What could he possibly have to talk about? I swear.. if it is something about Luke, or about him and I.. I am probably going to lose my shit.

My phone buzzed in my lap almost instantly. I placed my fork onto the glass table before I wiped my hands and mouth with my napkin.


Khloe I'm being serious. We need to talk.

I sighed, quickly typing my reply.

To: Niall

I'll be home in a couple more days then I promise we will talk about whatever then. :)

I clicked my phone off, sitting it back on the table whole I continued to eat my pancakes.

He didn't respond after that, so I just decided to ignore the pit in my stomach. My gut feeling is telling me that something is wrong, but what could go wrong? Everything is perfect in my life at the moment.

I have a good boyfriend, I'm at home, Niall and I are trying to be friends, what else could you ask for?

After putting my dishes in the dishwasher, I decided to clean up the kitchen a bit, then call Kaylee. It was almost one, so she should be up.

She answered on the second ring and I smiled, knowing that I could actually do this like the old times.

"Hey, babe." Her voice sounded so deeper over the phone, causing me to chuckle. But then again, mine probably does too.

"Are you doing anything today?" Smiling, I continued to pick at my fingernails as the phone rested between my shoulder and ear.

"Only the typical teenage white girl activities, such as texting, Netflix, tumblr, etcetera." Still sarcastic as ever, I see.

"Great to know you're free." She chuckled. "Care to join me in the typical white girl stereotype of getting a coffee?"

"From Starbucks?"

"Well, of course!" We both chuckled, and I plopped down onto the couch, sinking into the worn, tan leather.

"Be ready in twenty?" She asked, and I nodded, forgetting momentarily that she actually couldn't see me.

"Mhmm." After exchanging quick goodbyes, I hung up and decided to just turn on the t.v. I haven't actually watched a real television show in weeks.

Ever since I've got the UGA, I've been stuck either doing homework in my free time, or hanging out with everyone. Oh, and you can't forget the enormous frat parties that I have been made to attend every Friday.

I decided on a rerun of America's next top model. It's the one where the girl's do the photoshoot dressed as vampires. I've only seen it a million times, but hey, what's the difference if I watch it again?


"So, tell me. Are there any hot guys in Georgia?" At the moment, Kaylee and I were now both casually walking along the beach back to my house, both holding small cups of caramel drizzled mochas.

I glanced down to my feet that were lightly kicking the hot sand around, as my toes curled to keep my flip-flops on.

"Um, for the most part.", I chuckled, feeling my cheeks heat as I began thinking about Luke, Niall, Harry, and even Liam.

"Who is he?" Kaylee flashed a knowing smirk in my direction, followed by a nudge of the elbow into my ribs. Her Irish accent made me blush harder, thinking of Niall's voice and our playful banters that used to turn into heavy makeout sessions with butterflies flying freely through my stomach. Oh God. Why am I thinking about this?

Clearing my throat, I smiled. "Um-" I swallowed hard, not knowing if I should tell her the full story, or just the part about Luke. "Well, there's kinda two guys.. Things are a little complicated." I bit my bottom lip, unsure as to how she would take this.

"So are you cheating on a guy with another?" There was no judgment in her voice, just curiosity.

"No!... I mean, I'm dating someone, but I may have feelings for someone else."

I tried to make this sound as best and as simple as possible, but it still didn't sound right.

"I guess what I mean is that I have feelings for someone who won't ever fulfil my needs, so I've settled for someone else to spare me from getting hurt. I know it sounds selfish, and it is, but please don't get me wrong. I really like the guy I'm dating at the moment, too. Like a lot." I chuckled dryly. "But this other guy.... he's just got something over me that keeps bringing me back."

I haven't really told anyone any of this, but it feels kind of good to get it out..

Kaylee just nodded, taking it all in. "What's your boyfriend's name?


"Okay, so does Luke know about the other guy?"

"Uh, yeah." I took a drink of my coffee, looking out towards the ocean waves that were gradually toppling eachother.

"And the other guy, tell me about him." She gave a smile, taking a drink as well.

"Well, he's part of a frat. He's two years older than me." What all does she want to know? "He was pretty much expelled at the end of the year last year, but he's back now. Uh, he's kind of a sap disguised as a hard ass though." She chuckled and I did too as I thought back to our couple flirty friendly texts and to the references of my 'beauty'.

"However, he's... he's something else." Blushing, I continued. "He's on the soccer team, so I guess you could call him athletic. I mean his biceps are.. wow." I chuckled.

"He sounds hot as hell. I'm pretty sure I'd hit him on the spot!" She laughed, and I tried to push away the thoughts.

"Yeah, but I'm just scared to trust him, ya know?" It was such a foreign feeling to spill all of this. It was almost an eye opener for myself even, because I'm kind of a closed person, so I don't tell many people things like this. She nodded. "Especially because I hate the way he can manipulate me. He has such a different way to say things, like slowly and almost seductively and it scares me as to how he can persuade me into doing almost anything.

"He thinks he runs the whole damn place, and ugh, he can be really annoying and he sleeps around.. like a lot!" I finnished my little rant, still kicking around the scorching hot sand.

"And this Luke guy?" She asked, just before I glanced up to her. I finnished my drink, shaking it around a bit, hearing the green straw bounce off the plastic sides.

I quickly wiped the sweat off my forehead before I continued. "Well, we've been dating since Wednesday. He can be really sweet, and funny. And so far, things are going alright. The other guy has tried to interrupt us a little or irritate me because he doesn't want us together, but we just try to ignore him. He's just doing it to get to me, like there was a time when we were going to a bonfire and as soon as I got there to see Luke the guy just decided to take ten minutes to snog a girl in the trunk of the truck so we couldn't leave. Or when I was in class and he decided to sit right behind me and talk about how good this girl was in bed. He just... ugh. He irritates the shit out of-"

"Do you hear yourself?" Kaylee laughed. I immediately stopped talking, looking to her with a questioning look. She kept chuckling as she moved all of her blonde hair to one shoulder.

"Huh?" What does she mean? That was a little rude to interrupt me like that.. She asked about Luke so I'm telling her?

"Sweets, I don't mean to be rude, but I asked about Luke, not the other guy again."

I felt my cheeks heat in embarrassment. Was I still really talking about Niall?

"Oh sorry.. I didn't realize..." She laughed again, causing my cheeks to burn harder.

"" Gosh this is awkward. I am awkward.. "Luke is.. well, Luke is Luke."

I scrunched my eyes due to the blinding of the sun as I looked up to see that we were almost back to my house. I'm surprised no ones out on the beach..

"What does he look like?"

"He's tall, about six foot I'd say. He has blonde hair, and pale blue eyes that give me hardcore butterflies. He's a little scrawny, but if you look closely, his back muscles stick out through his black shirt, and his arms will casually flex as he moves." We chuckled in unison. "I don't know, he's sensible I guess, but he's still got that hot, punk look to him. And I believe he's the youngest in the frat house."

"Have you guys slept together yet?" I looked at her and I felt my eyes go wide. Have we slept together? We haven't even been dating for a week yet!?

"Um, no..."

"You're kidding me?!" She was now the one with wide eyes, looking at me as if I'd grown two heads.


"You've known him for over a month and you haven't slept with him yet?"

"First of all, it has just barely been a month. Second, no. And I don't plan to be sleeping with anyone any time soon." I'm shocked she'd even think that. I gave a dry chuckle, trying to ease the air from falling into a deep hole of awkward tension. "So, what about you?"

"Me? Oh, by the sounds of it, I would have slept with either guys, or maybe even both, on the first night!" She smiled big, following me up the large, stone staircase that led to the entrance of my house.

"What? No! I mean are there any cute guys at your college that I should know about!" I laughed as I entered. I felt my cheeks heat from her proudly stricken statement. Kaylee is not at all the shy girl that I remember.

"No, not really here yet. But back in Ireland there was this one guy over the summer." I couldn't help the smile the was slowly sneaking upon my face as her cheeks turned into a deep scarlet.

"He was kind of a local at the bar I worked at; around our age I'm guessing." She glanced to me to see if I was paying attention, which I was, as I unlocked and opened the main door, stepping inside to rid my shoes. "Anyways, we began to talk, and then one thing just kinda lead to another."

"Did you sleep with him?"

"Uh..kinda." Her cheeks were even darker now, or maybe it was the shadows from the walls casted over them. "And lets just say that he was sort of amazing. I mean, he'd obviously slept around because he had came up with a bunch of weird ideas and tricks that could pretty much get any girl off on the spot." She chuckled. "Plus, we decided on no strings attached, so it made it all the better."

Well. That was way more detailed than I was expecting.. How is she seriously slap happy, ecstatic about this?

"So, what'd you guys do when you moved?"

Iwalked in the kitchen and placed my drink into the trash can, before walking back into the livingroom and plopping my butt down onto the couch. Kaylee did the same, sitting in the one across from me.

She gave me a puzzled look. "We stopped and moved on with our lives?"

"So not even a simple text goodbye?"

"Khlo, no strings attached. It was easier that way." she chuckled.

Wow, duh, Khloe. No strings attached. You can definitely tell I'm a virgin.. might as well stick a note on my head.

I nodded, but still didn't fully understand. I mean, how can a person do that? Hook up with someone for two months, then just move on one day? Didn't someone eventually develop even the littlest of feelings?

I mean, damn...

..She's almost as bad as Niall.

I sighed, taking everything in as the room settled in silence. My parents usually take the puppy with them when they leave, so it was exceptionally quiet, all but the little birds outside.

I felt like a weight has been lifted off my chest finally, as I opened up a little to Kaylee today. I don't think I'd ever admit to any of it if someone asked me, but it was nice to relieve some of the stress. The stress of not only battling with myself, but also my feelings about Luke and Niall.

Honestly gonna say that I'm excited for the next few chapters to come! Finally getting there! yay So keep your eyes peeled!

Thank you guys for everything! The votes, comments, reads, all of it :)

Love you! Xx

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