Love Can be Frightening *A Zi...

By p0w3rfu1_0n3

3.4K 593 2.4K

*A Ziall AU* Zayn has always loved his sister. She meant the world to him. Doniya Malik has been Zayn's godde... More

Author's Note


156 32 66
By p0w3rfu1_0n3

How was the hockey game in the last chapter? Do any of you guys do sports on ice? I don't, I've never been skating before in my life in fact. 

Prayers (even though I'm not religious) of safety to those in Florida in the school shooting by Nicolas Cruz (the eighteenth school shooting in the USA since Jan first of 2018) and Syria in the missile strikes from Israel. Stay safe! 🙏🙏

This book isn't getting many reads :( but I'm pretty impatient though, so I need to work on that. 

Look at the meme! ^^ 😆

I have a special challenge in this, I put in two song references in this, if you can point out the two, you will get a shoutout! 

Hint: First one is Nicki Minaj and the other is Carly Rae Jepsen.


<<Niall's POV>>
<<The next morning>>

Buzz Buzz Buzz my alarm went off. Ugh, it was way too early. But if I wanted to get to work on school on time, I'm gonna need to wake up. I went to bed immediately when I came home from my game last night. I quickly got up and got dressed, mind over matter. I washed my face, brushed and flossed and put on my deodorant. I sat on my queen-sized bed, to check my phone. But when I couldn't find it.

Oh, it's probably just in my hockey bag. I thought. I went and unzipped my bag. But I couldn't find it. I dumped everything out. Shit, nothing was there. I was now starting to panic. What was I going to do without my precious phone? I can't see what Olympia was posting on Instagram or SnapChat!

Wait, it's probably at the hockey rink! Maybe it's still there in the locker room! I thought. Without thinking, I jumped up and grabbed my bag and coat. I laced up my converses and got into my car. Mom was already gone, working at her pharmacy. My parents were divorced, Dad was an accountant for Walmart. The sun wasn't quite up yet. I drove to the hockey rink, I didn't even break when I was backing, I almost swerved on a ditch digger because I was acting up.

In a few minutes, I was there. The door said it was open. I didn't even bother to knock to make sure, I ran up the steps and carefully opened the glass door. It was mostly empty. I ran across several rinks and found the one where we were last night. I ran to the bench and searched it. Yes! It was there! I bent down and saw my silver striped phone case. I bent down and grabbed it. I pressed the button and it looked as if it wasn't touched. The battery was still sixty-nine percent. My electric guitar background was unchanged. Before I knew it, I was on SnapChat. I looked at Olympia's story. Yes! She posted a new picture! She was at some clumber party last night. But my face fell when I saw a picture of her lingeries with a bunch of boys. But she could do whatever she wanted.

I walked with my head down as I went to my car. But I looked up and saw a figure skater on one of the two figure skating ice rinks. He was in a tight black leotard and skated gracefully. Every curve of his sleek swimmer-shaped, michelangelo-sculpted body was perfection. Flying camels, double axles, forwards crossovers, loops and jumps. They were all done with grace and ease. I was amazed. He was an amazing skater. His sit spin took my breath away. The Bielmann spin looked like it would break my back if I attempted it. He stopped for a moment to check his phone, probably to change his songs, as he had earbuds under his white acrylic hat.

"Wow! That was really good!" I shouted through the glass. I waved at him and went onto the bench on the side of the ice. He looked right at me and I then saw his face.

It was Zayn Malik.

Oh, my god. That's why he's so balanced and quick during hockey practice and games.

"Niall!?" He asked, astonished. He blushed.

"Yeah?" I asked, he sounded distressed.

"What are you doing here?" Zayn asked.

"I left my phone here last night, so I came by today to retrieve it. Then I saw you, how the fuck did you do that?" I asked. "I watch the winter Olympics every year and it looks like you could be in it!"

"Oh, well thank you," Zayn said, as if he was ashamed.

"Oh, what's wrong, you seem as if you're ashamed of this or something, you should be proud of your skating skills?" I asked, I was confused.

"Please, just don't tell anyone," Zayn requested. "That's all I ask."

"Oh, okay, but may I ask why? No offense or anything." I said. There was a lot that I don't know.

"Nobody knows, except for my sister, Harry and Paul, the manager here, Niall." Zayn replied. "If my parents knew, they would kill me." Zayn said, "Plus, it's not like there's many male figure skaters out there, I mean, there's Adam Rippon and people like him, but the last thing I need to be called is a fag." Zayn explained. "It's a hobby I've had for a very long time." Zayn explained to me.

"Oh, okay, but you don't need to be ashamed, if anyone calls you a fag or a fairy, I'll kill them." I said. Zayn gave a nervous chuckle.

"Thanks." He replied.

"No problem, also, you're sixteen, so I don't know why you need to keep a secret from your parents, what would they do?" I asked. My mom doesn't even care what I do, she's always working.

"They would prefer me to do more masculine things. Figure skating is a feminine sport, They don't like the way I dress, they don't like me wearing makeup or the music I like to listen to." Zayn replied.

"Oh, well, that sucks, I'm quite sure that must be very frustrating." I replied. Zayn nodded as if to say oh hell yeah!

"Thanks, so please, don't tell anyone this." Zayn begged as he took off his skates.

"Oh, it's okay, nobody will know." I promised.

"Thank you Niall." Zayn said. He unzipped his leotard, revealing his thin and sleek muscles on his cheetah-shaped body. He quickly put on his school uniform and shoes.

"So, you just change out here in the open?" I asked. Zayn nodded, brushing his hair and putting on a bit of lip gloss.

"Yeah, if there's nobody here, which there usually isn't this time of the day." Zayn explained.

"Do you skate everyday before school starts?" I asked

"Yeah, I get up early and skate, then I pick up some breakfast on my way to school." Zayn replied.

"Do you mind if I come here to watch? Since I already know that you do this." I asked.

"Um, sure, I don't know why you would want to watch my ugly body, but I can't stop you." Zayn replied.

"Oh, your body isn't ugly, it's so beautiful! It's so sexy and sleek, like a jaguar." I rambled before I could stop myself. "Uh, not in that way, of course." I said, to compensate myself.

"Um, okay, well, we have to go to school, now though." Zayn said.

"Right, where do you go for breakfast?" I asked.

"I normally go to Starbucks, but I'm getting kinda low on the money my sister send me every two week, so I'm going to McDonald's today." Zayn said, as he got in his car.

"Oh, it's okay, I can give you some money." I offered.

"Oh, that's fine, McDonald's will do." Zayn refused.

"No, McDonald's is nasty, plus, I'm sure Ronald is a pedophile." I said, with disgust, "Here, take it." I said, pulling out a ten and a five. Then a pulled out another five. "Actually, can you also get me a cinnamon bun and a espresso macchiato?

"Um, okay, sure." Zayn said. "I also share a rewards card with my sister too." He said. Pulling up a small card on his keychain before he started his car engine. I heard Nicki Minaj coming on his radio, bluetoothed to his iPhone.

"Thanks, just pocket the change or give it to the barista." I said, with a smile. "I'll be at school, I need to pick up a project for biology class, meet me in the cafeteria."

"AP?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah, with Mr. Salinas, that class is so fucking hard." I ranted, "And I thought that chemistry was hard."

"Yeah, I know right, wanna study with me and Harry today at the library?" Zayn invited.

"Oh, of course, I need all the help I can get!" I accepted.

"Okay. Bye!" Zayn called.

"Wait, what's your number? So I can like, call you something if I need something of course." I asked, pulling out my phone. I gave it to Zayn. He typed it in.

"Call me maybe." he said with a playful wink. I couldn't help but blush. He was just playing around, nothing serious.

"Will do, bye!" I waved. Zayn rolled up his window as I got into my car. I drove to school, wondering about what just happened within like, thirty minutes. Could something be happening. I looked at my phone and labeled Zayn as one of my contacts. Zayn Malik. No, I prefer just his first name. Just Zayn will do. In the notes section on his contact, I put down, to meet him every morning at six thirty. Then I got a bunch of texts from Liam and Sandy wondering where the hell I was. That's right, sometimes my phone won't work right and a bunch of texts sent hours ago would come in one huge cluster. I started my car and drove to school in a few minutes. School was literally next to the ice rink. It was so crowded. Liam came up to me.

"Where were you?" Liam asked, "I thought you were dead!"

"Relax, I'm a good driver, unlike you." I replied. Liam gave me a look.

"Anyways, where were you? Sandy and I texted you like, twenty times." Liam asked.

"I left my phone on the bench last night, I went this morning to pick it up." I said.

"Oh, okay." Liam said, satisfied.

"Where's everybody else?" I asked.

"Cafeteria, doing their normal stuff." Liam said. I saw Zayn's car pull up in the student parking. He was carrying our order in a disposable carrier.

"Thanks!" I said, with glee.

"No problem, your's is the one of the right." Zayn said. I took my espresso macchiato and my cinnamon bun along with the receipt. The price wasn't so bad, plus Zayn's sister just got a few points on her reward card. Zayn used one of those reusable thermoses so he got a discount

"What's going on?" Liam asked.

"Zayn got me some espresso." I told him.

"What, no fair, for free? Starbucks is so expensive, and it's for girls, and is Zayn wearing lip gloss?" Liam asked.

"Shut up, Payno." I said, "I had no breakfast, so I gotta do what I gotta do." I justified, taking a sip of espresso like a bitch. "Anyways, thanks Zayn, I have to get my project for bio." I said, walking away with my blue backpack.

Hey! It's me! But, hey how was this? Is it too fast, or too slow?

Question of the day: Who in the story so far is most like you and why?

Me: Zayn. Zayn in this story is based off of me. It's called projection, where I put myself into Zayn and imagine to be Zayn to cope with things going on in my life. Writing is a distraction from my reality.  📝📝🖋

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