Running Yet Found| VA (Co...

By BCarter66

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Rose has two options? Kill Dimitri or find a way to bring him back? After getting a letter from Dimitri, thre... More

VA Running yet Found
Chapter 1 ✔️
Chapter 2 ✔️
Chapter 3 ✔️
Chapter 4 ✔️
Chapter 5 ✔️
Chapter 6 ✔️
Chapter 8 ✔️
Chapter 9 ✔️
Chapter 10 ✔️
Chapter 11 ✔️
Chapter 12 ✔️
Chapter 13 ✔️
Chapter 14✔️
Chapter 15 ✔️
Chapter 16✔️
Chapter 17✔️
Chapter 18✔️
Chapter 19✔️
Chapter 20✔️
Chapter 21✔️
Chapter 22✔️
Chapter 23✔️
Chapter 24✔️
Chapter 25✔️
Chapter 26✔️
Chapter 27✔️
Chapter 27.5✔️ Bonus
*NEW STORY*| March 5,2021

Chapter 7 ✔️

1.6K 41 7
By BCarter66

(2,525 words)

A/N: this chapter may have a lot of mistakes I wanted to really post and didn't really edit so much. I got excited 😅😂

Chapter 7

"Your majesty," Lissa spoke, that same afternoon she arrived at court as she received Dimitri's letter. After finishing my trials with Pavel and my temporary guardians and passed,I  then took the free time to relax in my room,  but also to check in on Lissa and Tatianas meeting for Lissa and partially bored and selfishly wanted to spy. After speaking with my father about the latest threat from Dimitri and my concerns about Lissa's safety after recovering the letter I knew I had to tell someone as soon as possible. No matter what Lissa felt on the matter someone needed to know, her safety comes first. They come first. To the world she was the last Dragomir, a precious delicate girl, a treasured Moroi princess, but  to me she was  my best friend. A sister I would lay my life down for.

"You had wished to see me."She spoke curiously.  Not really sure what the sudden visit was for, Lissa was the kind of girl to be there on time when asked to.

"Ah yes Vasilisa, please do come in," Queen Tatiana spoke, causing Lissa to internally cringe at her full name. "I did ask you to come see on short notice and I've lost track of time, my apologies. Do please take a seat." Pointing to the chair in front of her. Looking at her surroundings, Lissa looked, off to the left  side  of the room and spotted my mother, standing still guarding the room along with a few top royal guardians standing guard. 'Mom? Weird, what was she doing there she isn't a royal guardian?' Even Lissa was confused on the appearance of the famous Guardian Hathaway. Taking a seat gracefully as usual , Lissa kept her attention on the Queen without breaking  a sweat.

"We have a few matters to discuss, your future guardians and your future after you graduate in a few months." Bringing me fully to her attention.  "First we can discuss  what you thought about your academic future?" Tatiana asked, curious about Lissa's plans. When I returned to Russia we both sat down and talked about she going to Leigh University, I thought. But then I left before due date to apply, so it looks like that plan went to shit. "I also remember mentioning in our last meeting that I would like you to be my successor."

Giving Lissa a fantastic  opportunity, that many would kill at the chance to have. Different emotions where running through Lissa's mind as she hasn't spoken her mind to Tatiana, she was worried about me even thought I've told her to focus on herself right now. "Why do you hesitate child," Tatiana asked, curiously. "Could it me that you are worried about Rose." Causing both my mother and Lissa to look at her questionably.

"Don't you worry about the girl, she is safe, the Hathaway girl is strong like her mother she will face what she needs to face and still graduate, which is why I'd like to discuss the other reason you're here." Lissa's relief and happiness cause through to me in waves. she was glad  to hear from the Queen that I was okay. We've only shared a handful of messages but since I'm in hiding I couldn't really go into detail on my current status, especially through the a phone.

"Sorry your majesty, I still would love to attend Leigh University, I just assumed I would be going going with Rose." Lissa gloomily spoke, causing me to shrink. The thought of my best friend down because so couldn't go with her to Leigh causes my heart to break. "Would it be okay it I could start a bit later? Causing me to feel guilty, we had both planned to attend Leigh for quite sometime now and the thought of me not attending also makes me feel nauseous. Lissa was hurting and I couldn't consul her in anyways and that makes me feel mad. Mad at me for not killing Dimitri. Mad at Dimitri for not dying and for not leaving me alone and threatening my friends and family. I'm mad at fate for handing me a shitty deck of cards, so I hope the bastard has a few shiny gold cards tucked away cause I'm sick of this negative bullshit.

"Excuse my lack of respect your majesty and princess,"My mother interrupted browning her head in a apologetic manner, a total opposite of something she would ever consider doing. " but my daughter would never wish you to put a hold on your schooling, I may have not raised her but I do know she would never selfishly hold you back. Rose would want you to, in her words 'kickass'  and don't let her stop you from doing what you want, I believe she will be back in no time princess. My daughter could never be patient if she wanted something, she got that from her father." Causing me to gap at this Janine Hathaway look alike.
Who knew she could compliment me and interrupt two royal Moroi's conversation.Even the tender motherly face Olena's possesses  on her face, and boy it's creeping me out. Hell the fact she brought my father up even confirms that woman isn't my mother, or has lost her mind.

Pointing in my mothers direction. " Earlier I got a phone call and it has brought to my attention that you will currently be needing a temporary guardian," Making me curious about this phone call. " Until you graduate and relocate here to court, Guardian Hathaway will be with you as a trusted shadow to protect you until I feel as though  things have settled."

"What do you mean your majesty, about a phone call," Lissa asks like she read my mind curiously sparked both of our attention. Hell even my mother was interested in knowing who relocated her stuck up ass away from Lord Szelsky's side? My guess it was the old man heading my concerns earlier on Lissa's safety, my top concern other than myself.

"Who told you I was in danger?"

"An rather interesting source has shared about a bit of intel and has asked to relocate  Guardian Hathaway to keep an eye on you. Momentarily I will be expecting a novice to be here , I've asked the novice  to be at your side as well, considering he will be graduating in a month it would be best to put someone your age with you." Pointing to confused yet nervous Eddie walk-in with Guardian Croft. Thank god it's not some egotistical novice protecting Lissa, at least I can count on him and my mother taking care of her.

Bowing respectfully, Guardian Hans and Eddie faced the Queen. "You have asked me to bring the novice boy  your majesty." Guardian Hans spoke. "Yes, thank you Guardian Hans,"Tatiana nods, speaking in her neutral tone.

"Welcome Mr.Castile we have some unsettling issues concerning Vasilisa. Until her permanent guardians have been assigned when she graduates, I have asked Guardian Croft to find a bright young novice to stand in and guard her until then." Explaining why he was also asked to come to court. "I've personally asked him to find a trusted and close novice who can be trusted with her protection and other classified things concerning the matter." 'Classified things? What the hell does that mean. She is just as bad as the old man.'

Causing Eddie to freeze for a second, clearly shocked on her request. The queen herself assigned him a talk before graduation to guard a moroi, in our world it is a big opportunity and a great achievement early in the guardian carter. Getting personally asked by the queen is a mind blowing honour. "Yes your majesty, that would be an honour." Eddie bowed. "Excellent! Starting today you are to be assigned to Vasilisa." Tatiana said, satisfied with his answer, knowing he won't refuse a queens order.

Personally even if it wasn't Eddie who got the offer he would protect her in a heartbeat, he had a soft spot for her. Not because he is a moroi Princess but being my best friend and me being  close to Eddie, we all had grown together as a group. After Mason dying and Adrian joining in we've created a small family, Eddie was the type of guy to lay his life down for ahis family.

"Guardian Hathaway, considering you both will be working together  would you go over the guardian protocols with him." Tatianna asked my mother. "Usually Guardian Hans would but he has a meeting with men in a few moments." 

"Oh course your majesty." My mother bows , then walking toward my mine/Lissas way.

"Vasilisa it was a pleasure to see you , do please come visit before you go." Tatiana asked, than quickly added in. " Oh! And would you tell my nephew to  come see me before returning back to St Vladimirs with you."

"Oh course I will." Lissa smiles sweetly. 'Ass kisser.' I thought to myself.

Leaving Tatianas quarters, my mother quickly explained the protocols and mission  to Eddie as they walked a quiet Lissa back to Christian. My mother was going over what the Queen spoke before he arrived up until they left to catch him up.

"So who do you think the mysterious phone call was." Lissa spoke breaking the conversation between Eddie and my mom. " The only few people who knew about the note was you Christian and Adrian." Looking at Eddie,

"Our Queen kept it quiet for a reason princess, you personally knowing to much may put you or someone in danger." My mother explained. " I have my suspicion on who it was, if it is you have nothing to worry about. Leave the worry into Eddie and I as you focus on your priorities."

"And besides," Eddie added in. " Didn't Rose leave you and Adrian  a task to complete, focus on that  and leave the grunt work to me." Giving Lissa a cheesy smile causing her  to laugh.

"Lissa!" A familiar high pitched voice yelled out, causing Lissa to turn around.  There in the court yard was Mia, Adrian and Christian. Running into our direction Mia wrapped her tiny arms around Lissa. "Hello Guardian Hathaway, nice to see you again." Greeting my mother, getting a nod in return.

"Boy am I  glad to see you ," Mia beamed, taking Lissa hands in hers dragging her towards the boys. "As much as I like talking to the boys and all they are boring, also don't get me started on your boyfriends creepy aunt. Is she always this weird?  Causing me to laugh in Lissa head.

"And why is that?"Lissa laughed.

Pointing to a frustrated looking Tasha pacing the side walk talking oh her phone a million miles a minute looking like a mental case. 'Weird. What's up with her?'

Even Lissa was surprised at her boyfriend aunts behaviour. "Uh.. maybe she's just having a bad day." Lissa replied, trying to give Christian's aunt the benefit of the doubt.

"What are you ladies talking about ?" Adrian smirked, clearly heard what they where talking about. 

"I, um...well." Lissa fumbled as she seen Christian watching them confused. "What I was trying to um ..." 'Oh no! Lissa seized up!'

"Oh for Pete sake," Mia mumbled to herself before saving Lissa from having a heart attack. " We where talking about our spa date tomorrow. Right ?"

"Yeah! What Mia said."Lissa agreed,  causing Adrian to  laugh.

"I'm sure you where you where."

"It's true! That is why I came to find her In the first place." Mia smiled sweetly. Lissa was bubbling with excitement."Well of course!"

"Great! Let ask Rose to come than we can all  go have a girls day tomorrow." Excited with the thought of us all getting together.

"Rose isn't around right now," Christian's voice spoke for the first time since we've arrived. "She's on a mission."  Not really lying , but not really telling the truth. Don't get me wrong I trust Mia, but if she got hurt for knowing information on me, she could get hurt. 'Nice quick thinking Ozera.'

"Oh darn again, she is always seems to be saving the world when you come to visit court." Mia pouted  dramatically. Causing everyone to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Tasha's annoying voice  piped in, causing me to gag.

"We where just laughing at Mia's pouting on why Rose isn't here." Christian smirked. " her being dramatic on how she has missed her twice because of her mission." Causing Tasha's face to tighten a bit, a small flash of hate flashed in her eyes. 'Bitch.'

"A mission? Why is she on a mission isn't she still a novice," Tasha questioned. "Where exactly is this mission." Clearly not  being nice.

"Why do you care?"Lissa asked curiously,, standing in between  a quiet Mia and Eddie.

"Well Rose isn't a guardian, does anyone care that a child is playing super hero in a world full of Strigoi." 'The nerve of this bitch ! I'll take her on one handed any day, who the fuck does she think she is!'

"First of all, what my daughter does is none of your business she is more than capable to take care of herself. Second why do you care or need to know where my daughter is?" Mom  up, clearly sizing Tasha up. "She's on a mission from our Queen so it's not your business to know, if you so desperately need to know take it up with our Queen." Everyone was shocked. But holy hell I was shocked.' Oh mom how I love you right now for this !' Showing that bitch who she is messing with.

And with a huffed Tasha marched away.

'Bye bitch.'

"I have no idea what has gotten into my Aunt today?." Christian lookaed at his retreating aunt. "My apologies Guardian Hathaway, I have no idea why she was being so rude?"

"No Lord Ozera, my apologies I shouldn't have yelled at your Aunt

It was wrong for me disrespect a royal," my mother apologized.

"Don't worry about it, she's been really moody lately and shouldn't have been so rude." Christian shrugged, not bothering to worry about my mother defending me.

Staying for a few more minutes before pulling out of Lissa's head, I  check the time on my phone. 'Almost dinner time, better get showered and changes.' Getting up from my bed I swayed feeling a weird feeling in my stomach.

'Shit!' Running to the toilet off to the side of my bedroom. Emptying the contents out. 'What the hell is wrong with me! This happened last week. No more take out.'

Knock. Knock. Someone was at my bedroom door.

"Hello." I called out.

" Hey Rose, just wanted to let you know that dinner's ready."Guardian Jackson knocked.

"Okay, just a second I called out," wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

Silence."Okay, well we will be down stairs, hurry before Brendan eats all of the food." She replied, walking away from my bedroom door.

Brushing my teeth and  freshening up I head down for dinner.

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