
By sjizzles

242 24 11

When quirky high schooler, Ava Hill, gets hit in the head by destiny (literally) her whole life is changed. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapeter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 4

23 2 1
By sjizzles

At This Moment
Rory's POV

I didn't know if what I was doing was considered illegal...but whatever.

I was currently driving jersey number 16 to the hospital. I mean I could have been some crazy serial killer...they should really increase the security check for volleyball scorers. I mean, what if some perverted dude just walked in and pretended to be a scorekeeper?.....oh wait....that was me. car currently smelled like her. If stores could bottle up this scent and sell it, I would buy every single one. She smelled so good. Wait, why was I smelling her? I'm such a creep.

And what was her name? This was the first time I actually wanted to find out a girl's name. Never in my 19 years of life outside my mother's womb had I made the effort. God....did I accidentally take one of my moms estrogen pill? I was acting like such a romantic wuss. I made a mental note to run over a mailbox later....

I finally arrived at the hospital and carried her inside, greatly appreciating her soft ringlets of hair that brushed against my arms, her innocent and angelic face, and the dusting of freckles. 

I grabbed a random wheel chair from the side wall and gently placed her inside. As I strolled away I heard a crash and then an old lady scold her husband. 

"You're so forgetful Larry I leave you for one minute and you lose your wheelchair, my life ended when I married you!"

Whoopsie daisy.

I arrive at the front desk and quickly tell the nurse what happened.
"Oh yes I just received a call from the high school about this. We know the protocol, you may leave now," she replied.

A small part of me-- no a large part felt sorrow. I would never see this girl again or even find out who she was. Maybe I could just stay until she turned better.

Yea that's a good idea.

Ava's POV

I woke up in a lumpy mattress, the sun shining straight into my face through the blinds, and 4 worried faces staring back at me.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed startled, where was I? Everything was blurry and all the faces in front of me conglomerated into one multicolored beas.

"Bitch I told you she ain't dead."

"Dudes need to chillax bruh."

"I think we need to bitch slap her a few times."

"Okay everyone shut up! She's awake!"

Voices swirled around me.

"Guys what just happened?" I groggily asked.

"Vell dude, you got punched in da head by a volleyball." Answered Rajesh.


Everyone seemed to lose interest in my injury, and started to walk away.

"Wait where are you guys going?" I yelled.

"Well we came came cause we thought you were dying so yea... and we thought we'd leave you with hottie." Liz whispered back. Well what she thought was a whisper...she always sucked at telling secrets.

"Hey designated boyfriend right here! I will punch anyone who you think is hot!" Yelled Cameron to Liz.

"Awww I love you sweetie but you and I both know that's not possible. I'm gonna have to step in for you when you piss your pants," Liz replied

"Ah dah trouble with yun lovers," Rajesh commented.

"Wait back up, what do you mean hottie? Here for me?" I asked.

"Yea he's like a 9/10 and the nurse said he's been sitting in this chair waiting for you to get better." Liz said

"WAIT 9/10, am I THE 10/10 on the scale?" Asked Cam hopefully.

"Of course you are Pooky, you actually have a whole nother scale." She answered

(We didn't tell him that the 10/10 spot was only reserved only for Theo James)

"ehmergadddd hot guy whereeee lemme see, lemme see!" Cried Jayden. Yes as you guessed he bats for the other team.

"WHAT FOR ME!? Oh my god quick everyone under the bed!" I shouted. Everyone immediately lined up to crouch under the bed. I honestly had them wrapped around my little finger. I was surprised they all fit under there considering Cam was like 6 feet.

I buzzed in for the nurse and asked her to bring any visitors in. She smiled and wiggled her eyebrows.

A few minutes later a tall dark haired boy with floppy hair, green eyes and a small smile walked in.

Wowza, Mama Mia, Sweet baby Jesus, lord of heavenly....well you get the point. Liz wasn't lying when she said he was a 9/10, he almost made want to give him a 10, but I didn't want to kick Theo James out of his righteous abode.

(I'm sorry for even thinking about such satanic thoughts Theo...forgive me)

He stopped in front of my bed and I stared into his green eyes. Embedded inside were flecks of gold, dancing around his iris. Wow I'm so cliché right now, I almost wanted to slap myself.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" His voice was deep, manly and so sensually pleasing.

HA! Dont worry guys, Im just messing with you. IM NOT THAT PREDICTABLE.

"Yea I'd say, so who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Rory, what about you gorgeous?"

Was he flirting with it couldn't be.

HA! Don't worry guys, Im not that oblivious. You guys have really little faith in me.

"My name?... Jesus, Jesus Christ" I answered imitating James Bond, "but you can call me Master, no need to be all formal with me."

Someone beneath me pinched my leg. "Dumb bitch" I heard someone mumble, it sounded a lot like it was Jayden.

The hot guy, shit I forgot his name, looked at me confused before he started to laugh. A really deep laugh from within. His eyes crinkled and his lips curved upwards.


Eww why was I like this. I was acting like those catty middle aged women who wore leopard print dresses to church.

Wow... no wonder I bombed my english essay on similes.

"Umm hello?... Master?" Asked hot guy.

"What? Sorry, also wait what's your name again?" I asked. He seemed to be taken back, like everyone would know his name.

He coughed, "uh yea it's Rory, and I asked if you wanted to go out on a date me."

"Hot guy say whaaaaaaa"

 oh shit I said that out loud. Damn I shouldn't have watched Hannah Montana all night yesterday.

"I asked if you wanted to go on a date with me, say yes Master." He looked down at me with the cutest puppy dog eyes I had even seen.

"Eeeeekkkkkkk, say yes" something from below the bed squealed. I'd kill Liz.

His eyes trailed down below the bed, which was luckily covered by a blanket. Shit, think fast.

"Oops sorry my toes make weird noises when they're bored." Phew, that was a close one. Good save, I mentally patted myself.

"Okay, so is that a yes?"

I wanted to squeal yes but Rajesh's advice of being a cool cucumber came to mind. "Yea man that'd be pretty cool I guess, I mean yea."

"Okay great, call me." he got out his pen and scribbled his phone number onto my hand. And then he left, while I was a melted puddle of marshmallows.

"Oyyy thank god Rajesh's socks were stinking up the place." Cam whisper shouted.

"Ermagaddd my lil smol bean is growing into a lady." Gushed Liz.

One by one everyone trailed out from under the cot until the room was stuffed.

"Oh and one more thing-," hot guy said peeking his head back into the room. He stopped when he saw the group of people that magically had appeared into my room. "uh...don't get hit with a ball again" he trailed.

"Okey dokie hot guy."


HI guys! I LOVE HER FRIENDSSSS. Jayden is the sass meister, Liz and Cam are my OTP>>> and Rajesh is inspired by Rajesh Koothrapali from Big Bang...but he has a cool cucumber/ too kool 4 school/ gangsta vibe :)))

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