Serendipity | Jimin x OC

By PeachQRin

10.6K 253 28

Seo Yumi leads a double life as Big Hit Entertainment production assistant and famous producer, SoYou. As an... More

Chapter 1 | Given A Chance
Chapter 2 | Featured Dinner
Chapter 3 | Inner Demons
Chapter 5 | Ugly Wings
Chapter 6 | Positive Message
Chapter 7 | Small Light
Chapter 8 | Presage
Chapter 9 | Nagging Thoughts
Chapter 10 | Selfless
Chapter 11 | Big Brother
Chapter 12 | Prayers
Chapter 13 | Confession
Chapter 14 | Fine

Chapter 4 | Rise

648 17 2
By PeachQRin

"Jimin! Oh my god!!" Yumi rushed to him, dropping to her knees immediately to flip him on his back. When she touched his skin, she gasped. "You're burning up...!" She turned to grab the towel and water bottle on the table beside the music player. Wetting the towel, she gently and swiftly wiped his face. "How long have you been pushing yourself like this? Jimin, what do I do? Please tell me-- I don't know what to do...!"

Yumi's desperate cries beside him got Jimin to focus on his situation a bit. At least, he was able to grab her wrist even though the grip was weak. "SoYou... Call Hobi-hyung, please. Or Sejin-hyung..." He felt weak and so out of breath. His body wasn't listening to him anymore and it took so much effort to keep his eyes open. Distinctly, he felt her shaking him through his hand.

Was she worried about me? Oh no... I'm causing her so much trouble like this. Everyone told me to take care of myself first and foremost but now look at me. I can't even get up. The other members and staff are going to be so angry at me.

Jimin felt like crying as he choked back a sob before fainting soon afterward.

On the other hand, Yumi let out a panicked shriek. She didn't have any of the members' or managers' numbers since as SoYou, email communication was sufficient. Hesitantly, she shook him, hoping he'd wake up but he gave no response. Just when she was about to run of the practice room, a phone rang. Realizing it wasn't her ringtone, she searched for Jimin's cell phone in his bag. Pulling it out, she instantly answered.


"Hoseok-sshi!" Her voice and hands were shaking as she frantically explained. "T-this is Yumi. I-I was checking the practice room since the lights were-- Anyways, Jimin needs help! He fainted just now and I...! I-I don't know what to do now... Please... Please help him...!" While she was close to sobbing, J-Hope's voice was calm over the line--as if his younger brother collapsing was completely usual.

"We will be there soon. So just keep calm, okay?" He gave instructions then that if Jimin's condition got any visibly worse or if he started coughing, call the ambulance and don't wait for them. Yumi paled at the possibility of Jimin being sent to the hospital but managed to promise J-Hope before he hung up.

She kneeled beside Jimin, observing the horrible color on his face but at least he was breathing normally. She couldn't help but cry then.

Can I do nothing but wait?

Unconsciously, she took a hold of his hand and placed it on her forehead in prayer.

Please...please, hurry!


Once Yumi heard footsteps from outside the practice room, she rushed to open the door, promptly getting calmed by J-Hope as RM and Sejin hurried to Jimin.

"I-I'm sorry...! I didn't move him from the floor b-because I was afraid of hurting him even though I should've--"

"Hey, hey. Yumi, right? It's okay, so calm down." J-Hope patted her shoulder then smiled. "We'll take it from here. Thank you for looking after him."

"But--" Yumi perked at the sound from the back. Turning, she saw Sejin carefully lifting Jimin to the couch.

He brushed Jimin's hair lightly before addressing her. "Like Hoseok said, we can take it from here. It's late so head home now."

Though she wanted to stay, she realized at their repeated words that there was nothing she could do to help him. Biting his lips, she nodded reluctantly but pulled out a sticker note from her purse. She noted her number then approached Sejin with a deep bow. "I'll leave now but please keep me updated. I-I know I'm just an employee here but I can't rest easy out of worry." When he didn't move to take it, she pleaded. "Please...all I want to know is that he is well and nothing more."

"Alright. We'll definitely inform you when Jiminie's back to his smiling self." J-Hope took the sticky instead, getting a small frown from Sejin but he didn't protest.

Smiling in relief, she bowed then left the practice room, getting one last glance at Jimin.


"Jiminie." Jimin woke to J-Hope's voice, noticing he was laid on the couch as he turned to J-Hope, RM, and Sejin surrounding him.

Sejin spoke. "Luckily, it was only fatigue. Seriously, I thought you guys would stop overworking yourself like this once you got famous but I see habits are hard to break. We'll go to the hospital tomorrow if you still feel sick. For now, let's get you back to the dorm. Can you walk by yourself, Jimin?"

Jimin tried to sit up but the scene kept spinning. He shut his eyes before he hurled and shook his head.

"Okay. Don't push yourself. I've got you." Jimin felt J-Hope's hands on his wrist as J-Hope positioned himself to piggyback him.

Sejin stopped him, though. "No way. You know how far we are from the car? I won't let you hurt yourself too. I'll take him. Hoseok and Namjoon, pack his stuff into the car and we'll follow you guys." Sejin shifted his arms beneath Jimin's legs and lifted him carefully. Jimin let his head rest on his manager's chest and kept his eyes closed as was bridal carried out. Jimin heard footsteps in the distance, assuming that J-Hope and RM had left the room already.

"Hyung, I'm sorry."

Sejin gave a huff and tightened his hold on Jimin's arm. "If you're really sorry, don't ever do something like this again. Hoseok was freaking out when he called me. And apologize to Yumi-ah as well. She was in an even more hysterical state when she met us. Though, I already sent her home so tell her tomorrow or whenever you get better."


"The one who found you. She was crying her eyes out when we got here. Don't scare a girl like that, Jimin."

Oh. So I was mistaking her for SoYou? Of course. I wasn't in my right mind anyways and why would SoYou be here?

Jimin managed a small nod and fell asleep right afterward. Sejin sent Jimin and the others back to the dorm, instructing them to make sure Jimin will rest the entire day.


The next morning, Jimin woke up on his bed with the sun halfway in the sky. He sat up carefully and was relieved when he didn't feel any sickness creeping up. It really was only fatigue and a good rest helped tremendously. He headed to the kitchen, surprised to find J-Hope there. It was late in the afternoon and they would typically be in the office at this time.

His face instantly brightened. "Jiminie! You alright to be up already?"

Jimin gave a smile and nodded. "Yes. Thanks for coming to pick me up last night."

"No worries. Though, you'll probably get a lecture from Namjoon and Sejin-hyung later. But you kinda deserve it. We've told you countless times to stop pushing yourself."

Jimin stepped back from his firm words. "I-I know that. Sorry, hyung. Really, I'm sorry."

J-Hope glared silently at Jimin to make sure he wasn't just smooth talking. After a moment, he backed off. "Well, alright...I guess. I'm heading back to the office since my turn to get out of practice to check on you is over. I'll tell Taehyungie he doesn't need to come later. But just so you know, you're banned from the office today. Manager hyung's orders. Just eat, sleep, and watch some movies. We'll be back around 8. Absolutely no dance practice or crazy stunts in here, got it?"

Jimin nodded. Since he troubled them terribly last night, he would've followed whatever he said as an apology.

J-Hope pulled Jimin into a tight hug. "Jin-hyung left some food in the fridge so eat that. Also, I left someone's number for you to contact. Yumi...I think was her name? She was the one who found you last night and I think it'd be good if she hears from you directly that you're better." He left the dorm then.

Jimin heated up the food and as he ate, he messaged Yumi. "Hello, Yumi. This is Jimin. I am really sorry and thankful for your help last night. Please don't worry. I have recovered and will return to the office tomorrow. If possible, could I take you out to dinner? I'd like to thank you."


Since she woke up, Yumi's eyes were puffy and swollen from crying through the night. She definitely startled her coworkers but she managed to excuse it to binging a Korean drama which was far from the truth. She couldn't stop thinking about Jimin, constantly checking her phone for any messages about his condition. J-Hope had promised her but she was starting to get doubtful after checking her phone once again during lunch break.

Ah... Yumi, you idiot. They're idols... They don't even have time to contact their families. Why would they with you?

She was saddened but not surprised. Just before she placed her phone away, it dinged, indicating an unknown message. Gasping in surprise at Jimin's message, she replied back without hesitation. "Thank goodness you are okay. You sure that you will be fine by tomorrow? I mean, you should just rest at home as much as possible. Please don't ever push yourself like that again. It really hurt to see you do that.

And it's okay. I didn't do much so there is not a need to trouble you for a meal. It was just coincidence I was leaving at that time. I'm sorry that I busted in yesterday to stop you so rudely. Hope you didn't mind."

Reading the response, Jimin paused a bit. He felt some similarity in Yumi to how SoYou cared so much about his well being. Everytime ARMYs told them to stay healthy, he never really put much thought into it because they weren't present in their daily lives. So it's different when his members and staffs tell them to be careful since their condition could affect others and apparently cause people to cry if it deteriorates. That was the last thing Jimin wanted--people worried or crying over him. It didn't matter whether they were friends, family, coworkers, or strangers. He didn't want any of that.

Because it was burdensome.

Jimin replied then. "That's alright. I'm thankful you stopped me and I'm sorry for making you cry yesterday. Also, this is my personal phone. If you think of anything you want, please tell me so I can repay you."

"Personal?!" Yumi exclaimed as she jerked back, startling everyone around her. At their curious stares, she felt a cold splash of water as she lowered in her seat. "Uh...! Sorry...sorry..."

But how can I not be surprised?! I just got my ultimate bias' personal phone number...!

She shut her eyes tightly and breathed in and out to calm herself. The last thing she wanted was to respond like some crazed fangirl and unnerve him. After a moment, she typed a controlled message. "It's really fine. Still, I don't know what's bothering you so just please take care of yourself as that will be the best repayment. And I will be sure to keep your personal number safe." Yumi was determined to add more since she didn't want to end her first texts with Jimin yet. She wanted to tell him to not push himself like that ever again. She wanted to tell him that though his condition may not be important to him, it was critical to others. But every plea sounded creepy in her head so she just typed. "And please drink more water."

Practically banging her head on her desk, she let out a deep sigh as she put her phone away.

If I keep going, I'll definitely embarrass myself...


Jimin chuckled when he saw her message since it came right as he was drinking water. Aside from that, he felt her promise was unnecessary. After all, he didn't mind her getting his personal phone number because she's one of the staff and any BigHit employee was family to BTS.

It's been a long time since he was able to be so lazy and though he wanted to practice for the upcoming year-end performances, he didn't want to get even more scoldings if anyone found out. Somehow, his members and managers always did. So he spent the rest of the day in his bed, listening to music and taking occasional naps.

A thought occurred to him then just as he got a message from another member, reminding him to take this opportunity to catch up on sleep.

I'm really surrounded by people who care about me. ...maybe to the point of being annoying but have I truly thanked them like I just did with Yumi who I barely knew?

In one motion, Jimin grabbed his notebook and scribbled some lyrics down. His hand moved without much thought as words seemed to seep out easily--expressive words of thanks to everyone in his life that gave him his self-confidence. To everyone that encouraged him and scolded him whenever he doubted was a blessing to have them and he wanted to express that here.

When he finished, he laid back down and dozed off to another nap.

Jimin woke to the noise coming from the living room, notifying him that his members had returned. It was exactly 8 PM when J-Hope entered their room.

He ruffled Jimin's hair. "Are you alright?"

"Yup. A bit drowsy from too much sleep, though."

Satisfied at his immediate answer, J-Hope nodded. His eyes focused on the open notebook then, and Jimin realized that he was looking at his lyrics. Jimin let him go over it, feeling slightly tensed.

After a moment, J-Hope smiled proudly. "It's beautiful and really embarrassing--like, were you intent on making us cry with words of thanks again, Jiminie? That concert wasn't enough?" Jimin shrugged mischievously, earning a smack on the shoulder. As he handed Jimin back the notebook, he asked. "You have a title for it?"

Jimin nodded and smiled. "Rise."

-End of Chapter-

<Word count: 2366 words>

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