Tales of a Triangle and a Pin...

By BlueberryCatXD

78.5K 1.5K 941

(Cover change!) A compilation of BillDip oneshots! A ton of fluff and angst with both happy and sad endings... More

Story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Story 4
Story 5
Story 6
Story 7
Story 8
Story (Stories?) 8.5
Story 9
Story 10 (Technically, Stories 10)
Story 11
Story 12
Story 13
Story 14
Story (Stories) 15
Story (Stories) 16
Story 17
Story 18
Story 19
Story 20
Story 21
Story 22 (Part 1)
Story 22 (Part 2)
Story 24
Story 25
Story 26
Story 26.5
Story 27
Story 28
Story 29 (Part Two Of Story 5)
Story 30
Story 31
Stories 32
The End

Story 23

1.2K 31 31
By BlueberryCatXD

(Happy Valentines Day! I hope you have a great time with your significant other... Or just reading fanfic at home by yourself, which is my master plan :)
Anyways, part 2 of Story 22 should be out soon! I'd say it's maybe two thirds complete and a heck of a lot longer than I anticipated. Enjoy the oneshot!)

Dipper Pines sighed as he removed a large bouquet of flowers from his locker. Valentine's Day was today, and this sort of this happened every single year. As he and Mabel were nearly identical twins, some lovestruck admirer of his sister's always got the twin's lockers mixed up while trying to woo his sister into being theirs.
"Hey Mabes, we've got more flowers for you over here." he called to his sister. That was another problem. His locker was number 618, and hers was number 619, causing more than a fair bit of confusion. Mabel shut her locker and looked over eagerly. She already had a girlfriend, but that sure as heck didn't stop people from trying, and Mabel loved every second of it.
"Ooh, this person actually knows how to pick a bouquet!" she said, voice edged with respect. "Remember that awful newspaper wrapped thing of daisies that one guy tried to give me?"
"My locker stank of damp newspaper and rotting flowers for two weeks afterwards, how could I forget?" Dipper replied dryly, placing the bouquet in his sister's hands. This was probably the biggest one yet, yellow and blue roses wrapped in silky red ribbon and fancy white lace, the whole arrangement edged and filled out by sprinklings of buttercups and Forget-Me-Nots. There was a card too, but Dipper didn't bother giving it a second glance. Mabel held the bouquet delicately to her face and sniffed, giggling as the soft petals tickled her face.
"I could stick my entire face in this thing!" she cheered. "Geez, I don't know if Mom has a big enough vase for this." Dipper shut his locker and leaned against it.
"You'll have to use a bowl." he joked with a smile. Mabel's finger's brushed against the card.
"Alright, let's see what poor sap spent this much money getting me flowers." she said, pulling it off of the side of the bouquet. It was printed on stiff cream colored paper, and a simple red heart was printed on the front. "How much do you bet it was Gideon?"
"Desperate prick." Dipper muttered, shaking his head. "Didn't he buy you a whole chocolate store last year?"
"He tried." Mabel amended. "And don't say "buy" when he just tried to intimidate that poor woman into signing over her store." She flicked open the card with sparkly pink polish covered nails. Mabel squinted for a moment, then broke into a wide grin.
"What?" Dipper asked. "Were they from Pacifica? She of all people should know which locker is yours–" To his surprise, Mabel shook her head and started giggling, thrusting the flowers towards him.
"Nope! Dipper, there wasn't a mistake!" He blinked in confusion as she slid the card into one of his hands.
"There wasn't... What?" he asked dumbly, shifting the flowers around in his arms. Mabel motioned eagerly to the card, bouncing on her toes in excitement as if trying to take flight. Dipper opened the card, and had to squint in order to read the looping cursive letters. The obnoxious, metallic gold pen that had been used to write the letter wasn't helping much either.

Roses are red
Yet some of these are blue
Poetry is fucking difficult
You're seriously the cutest guy I've ever seen
(Nature really is hella screwy, those roses totally aren't red)

"Well then..." Dipper said, deadpanning as Mabel started laughing. "Oh come on Mabel, this is clearly a joke." That caused his sister to stop laughing.
"What? Why would it be?" she demanded. Dipper rolled his eyes.
"Well for one thing, I wouldn't give me flowers if my life depended on it. And there's no one in this school who actually thinks I'm cute." Mabel contemplated this for a moment, tapping her foot in concentration.
"What about your friend from science class?" she finally asked, brown eyes brightening. "You know, the one you said was funny?"
"Bill?" Dipper said with a slight scoff. "We aren't friends, we were partners for a project once and we occasionally sit next to each other. He knows I exist. I wouldn't really call that a friendship."
"Oh, right, how could I forget that you're friends with the school's most popular hottie?!" Mabel squealed. "Other than Pazzy, of course. But 'Dipper's science class nerd buddy Bill' and 'Bill Cipher' just don't go together in my mind." She seemed to contemplate the thought as she adjusted the bright pink headband that sat in her hair. "Probably because you don't really have any friends, no offense. So the thought of Bill Cipher hanging out with you is weird."
"Hey!" Dipper said in protest. "I do too have friends!" His gaze dropped to the bouquet in his arms. "Just maybe not that many." Mabel patted his shoulder comfortingly.
"Well, you do have a secret admirer!!!" she said excitedly. "Ooh, I hope they confess their undying love for you today! Then you can romantically ride off into the sunset with him on his unicorn!!!"
"...on a unicorn? Really Mabel?" Dipper asked his sister, trying to jam the huge bouquet back in his locker without squishing all of the flowers. A couple of blue and yellow rose petals fluttered to the floor, but he picked them up and stuck them in the back pocket of his jeans.
"Would you prefer a multi-headed dolphin named Aoshima?" Mabel asked. "Because I can work with that too." Dipper blinked at his sister, trying to figure out how the heck her mind worked.
"I... The unicorn is fine." he finally said weakly, as Mabel shrugged her bright pink backpack onto her shoulders. Pointing quickly at the dolphins on her sweater, she cried "ONWARDS, AOSHIMA!!!" and dashed down the hallway towards her first period class. Dipper shook his head at his sister's antics as he walked in the opposite direction towards his first class, math. He subconsciously stuck his hand in his back pocket, and felt the rose petals brush against his fingertips. No one would spend that much money on a prank... Right?
When he reached the classroom, he found that about half of his classmates were already in the room. The majority of them were huddled in small groups, talking about something. Every once in a while, one of them would look over at the chalkboard. When Dipper entered the room, the noise died for a second as everyone stared at him, before the buzz quickly started up again.
"What...?" he asked quietly to himself, before walking over to his favorite spot by the window. It was ideal for daydreaming and looking outside. Dipper put his textbook and binder down on the desk, and placed his backpack on the floor next to his chair. He glanced up briefly, then froze, doing a double take and looking at the chalkboard again. Written in huge, looping letters was his first and name. The handwriting matched the writing on the card. His name was surrounded by hearts drawn in pink chalk, the entire board taken up by the two words. Wordlessly, Dipper pulled out his phone and snapped a picture, sending it to Mabel. She responded mere seconds later.

Alpha Twin: Ooh, bro, someone really likes you!!!! I bet it's from the flower person!!!
Sir Dipping Sauce: The handwriting matches, so I guessed the same thing. Also, did you seriously change my contact names again?
Alpha Twin: YE!!! >:3

Sliding his phone into his pocket with a sigh, Dipper tried to ignore the fact that his name was written in huge letters on the board. He started reviewing his answers for that night's homework, face burning red when he heard his name amongst the whispers. Luckily the teacher walked into the classroom half a minute later, and began erasing the chalk graffiti, thankfully without any sort of comment.
Latin came next, and Dipper made sure that he was the first one into the classroom this time. He had to run through the hallway as fast as humanly possible, and knock several dozen people over in the process, but he succeed in his goal. Nothing was written on the board, walls, ceiling, or floor, so Dipper took his seat, relieved. The class was a small one, as not many people really wanted to learn a dead language, and it didn't take long for the rest of the class to arrive. Second period proceeded as usual. While doing a worksheet, about halfway through class, Dipper's pencil broke. When he returned to his seat after sharpening it, he found a neatly folded origami swan sitting in the middle of his desk. It was made of cream colored paper, the same kind of paper as the note that was attached to the flowers. Underneath the swan was a piece of notebook paper, and Dipper looked at it.

Enjoying the gifts yet, Pine Tree? Well, knowing you, you're probably just trying to figure out who I am. Don't worry your pretty little head. You'll know soon enough. Until then, have more of my revolutionary poetry!
Roses are red
So was your face
When you saw the name
Your math teacher had to erase!
(Don't worry, I only stalk you a little bit, and by "a little bit" I mean I'm always watching you! Always watching!!!)

Dipper slowly folded the note up, and stuck it in the back of his Latin binder. He... Really wasn't sure how to react to that. The person couldn't actually be watching him twenty four seven, that was impossible. Despite that fact, Dipper still glanced over his shoulder to make sure that no one was staring at him. The swan was the perfect size to put into the breast pocket of his flannel, and Dipper did his best to spend the rest of class ignoring it.
"Mabel, this is going to drive me crazy!" he complained to his twin during their third period study hall. Mabel had brought her knitting needles and some yarn to school, and was knitting a pale pink sweater. "I have no idea who this person is, and it's actually gotten a bit creepy... Always watching me? Who says that?!" Dipper ranted.
"I think it's sweet!" Mabel interjected between counting stitches. "Chillax, bro-bro! Someone just has a crush on you, is it really that bad?"
"Yes!!!" Dipper exclaimed. "Well... No? Maybe? Sort of? Yeah?" Mabel quirked an eyebrow at him.
"That was decisive."
"Oh be quiet." Dipper grumbled in return. "I'm not sure how I feel about it, okay?" Before Mabel could reply, a girl with short hair that was dyed a shocking shade of magenta walked up to them. She had something balanced in one hand, and Dipper tensed apprehensively as she approached.
"You're Dipper Pines, right?" she asked disinterestedly. Before he could reply, she shoved something into his hands. "I'm supposed to give this to you or something." Mabel stared at the girl's retreating figure.
"Dipper, I'm almost certain that she's one of Bill's friends! I told you it was him!" she whispered enthusiastically. Dipper shook his head at his sister, staring at the red box decorated with blue and yellow hearts and a small white bow that now sat in his mildly sweaty palms.
"Mabel, from the way the girls talk about him, I'm sure he's not even gay, much less so for me."
"HA, SO YOU WOULD BE FINE WITH DATING BILL!!!" Mabel yelled far too loudly for Dipper's taste.
"We're literally just friends!" he hissed at her. Mabel plowed on like she hadn't heard her brother.
"And I know for a fact that he's gay!" she announced triumphantly.
"Okay, how do you know that one?" Dipper asked exasperatedly.
"GSA, bitch!" Mabel exclaimed, untangling some of her yarn.
"Fine, he's gay, but he's not into me, Mabel." Dipper plucked the bow off of the box and stuck it on his sister's headband, before opening the box itself. Inside it sat a red velvet cupcake with swirls of white frosting, coated with a pinch of edible gold glitter and tiny heart shaped sprinkles. Placing the box with the cupcake in it on the table, Dipper leaned back in his chair, puffing air out of his cheeks.
"It's a cupcake." he said, answering Mabel's questioning look. Her brown eyes lit up.
"Red velvet??? Bill has class." she said approvingly. Dipper shut the box's lid, refusing to touch the cupcake, and put the box and the origami swan into his locker.
Fourth period history came next, where they had a test. Although stressed, Dipper felt himself relaxing. There wouldn't be any surprise gifts during a test. He, of course, was wrong. At one point during the test, headphones were slipped over his ears. Dipper jumped and turned around in his seat. A tall, gangly boy that he didn't recognize was standing behind him. He wordlessly handed Dipper an iPod and pressed play, before returning to his seat. As the teacher allowed them to listen to music while they worked, Dipper didn't rip the headphones off, as his first reaction might have been in a different scenario. Music started playing, and Dipper tensed, until he realized that he recognized the song. It was The Calendar, by Panic! At The Disco, one of his favorite bands. Dipper whipped out the iPod, and looked through the rest of the songs. He didn't recognize about half of them, but the other half were all songs that he loved. The playlist was labeled 'Our Songs', and Dipper's cheeks turned pink. He left the headphones on, finishing the test as quickly as possible and rushing out of the classroom. Dipper went to his locker, to put the headphones and iPod inside it, but when he opened his locker, a flood of paper hearts in every shade of pink and red imaginable fluttered out. All of them had his name written on them in curling gold or blue letters. It was a pain to clean up, and he ended up throwing most of them away.
"It's ridiculous!" he told his only two school friends during their lunch period. "My locker was literally filled with paper hearts, not to mention the random things like my name being written on the chalkboard, and the assorted gifts..." Wendy popped a sliced carrot into her mouth and chewed.
"And you have no idea who's doing it?" she asked.
"Well, Mabel has her theory as usual, but..." Dipper looked away uncomfortably, poking at his sandwich.
"Who does she think it is?" Soos asked, finishing his second slice of pizza. "Your sister is pretty intuitive, dude."
"I know, I know." Dipper admitted. "But Bill Cipher? That's the silliest thing I've ever heard!" He gave an awkward laugh. "I mean, we don't even talk that often, and..." He trailed off as Wendy and Soos were staring wide-eyed at him. "Oh no, what did I say?"
"Hold on, you said Bill Cipher, right?" Wendy asked, holding up one hand. "As in... Blonde, charismatic, snarky? The one that goes to our school?"
"I heard he punched Robbie Valentino in the face once." Soos interjected. "Gotta respect the guy." Dipper snickered slightly, while Wendy just rolled her eyes.
"That was in freshman year, Soos. Old news." She turned her green gaze back to Dipper. "You didn't answer my question. Mabel thinks it's him?!"
"I know, I know, it's stupid–" Dipper said, momentarily relieved that his friends agreed with him, until Wendy slammed both hands down on the table.
"He's gay?! I had no idea!!!"
"Heh, come on Wendy, he sets off every gaydar in the vicinity!" Soos replied, taking a bite of pizza. "Old news."
"Touché, Soos." Wendy said flatly, her own words being used against her. "But he's into Dipper? Oh man, I would've never guessed!"
"I'm not sure if that's a compliment or–" Dipper said, before Soos interrupted him.
"I know dude! Dipp's just so tiny, Cipher seems more into guys with tons of muscle." Soos pretended to flex, and Wendy laughed while Dipper pouted.
"I mean, I can believe it." the redhead said. "But at the same time I really can't, y'know?" Soos nodded.
"I'm right here, you guys." Dipper piped up. "And I do have some muscle!"
"Arm wrestle me." Wendy demanded, nearly upending her juice box as she slammed her elbow onto the table. Dipper stared at her in disbelief.
"You can flip me over your head!"
"If you really have muscle, then you'll beat me!" Dipper finally gave in and grasped Wendy's hand in his own. She had his arm pinned down against the table in less than five seconds.
"Ow..." Dipper complained, rubbing his stinging wrist. Wendy and Soos high fived, and Soos gave Dipper a high five for effort.
"Sorry man, but you're still not macho." Wendy said, leaning across the table and ruffling Dipper's hair.
"This doesn't change anything!" Dipper said, pulling out a notebook and pen. "Whether I'm Bill's supposed type or not, it... Here, I'll make a chart. Points for why it's Bill and why it's not Bill."
"Dude, just accept that it's him, who else would do such dramatic gestures?" Wendy said, poking Dipper with a fork. He ignored her, and proceeded to draw up a simple T chart and fill it with different reasons for why his secret admirer was or wasn't Bill. Lunch was almost over by the time he finished.
"And... It's TIED?!" he yelled in frustration. "How is this possible?!" Soos patted him on the back.
"You'll see, dude. I think I'm with Wendy and Mabel on this one." Wendy just punched him playfully on the arm, before hopping up from their lunch table and walking away.
"You aren't right! You'll both see! This has got to be some elaborate prank!" He didn't even really talk to Bill outside of science, it couldn't be the blonde. Dipper glanced across the cafeteria, and caught sight of Bill talking and laughing with his friends. To his (mild) horror, Dipper realized that the pink haired girl and tall boy from before were indeed part of Bill's friend group.
"Stop it Dipper, it's not Bill!" he chastised himself, exiting the cafeteria with his emotions a mess.
Fifth period, English. They were reading one of Shakespeare's plays currently, but Dipper stopped paying attention approximately two minutes in. His thoughts kept drifting back to the list in his notebook, until finally he couldn't take it and he asked his teacher if he could go get a drink of water. The air seemed to be cooler outside of the classroom, and as he walked down the hallway, Dipper took several deep breaths. Reaching the fountain, he leaned down to get a drink of water. To his horror, someone wolf whistled at him. Dipper jumped, and whirled around, nearly tripping backwards into the water fountain.
"Pfft, careful there, PT." Bill. Of course. "Wouldn't want you hurting your pretty little self." The blonde smirked at him, and Dipper felt a blush rising to his face. Slowly, a realization dawned on the brunette. Bill always called him "PT", a nickname that he had come up with the first time that the two spoke. Bill had always refused to tell Dipper what it stood for. But...
"Pine Tree." Dipper said quietly. Bill blinked at him, still grinning.
"What are you–?"
"It WAS you! The note... Second period class... Pine Tree. You referred to me as Pine Tree in it." Dipper didn't miss the momentary panic that flashed in Bill's blue eyes.
"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about!" Bill replied, laughing. "Note? Psht, you're a riot, PT!" Bill nudged past him to get a drink from the fountain himself.
"My sister's convinced it's you..." Dipper said, though mostly to himself. "I'm glad you think it's as ridiculous a theory as I." Bill stood up and wiped his mouth with the back of one hand.
"Yeah, I don't have time to do stuff like filling your locker with paper hearts!" Bill said with a laugh. "I mean, it sounds fun and probably SUPER obnoxious, but–"
"I never mentioned anything about that to you." Dipper said quietly. Bill froze. "I only told Wendy and Soos, and I know for a fact that they wouldn't have told you." Bill awkwardly pressed against the water fountain as Dipper took a daring step forward, looking him directly in the eye. "So how did you know?" For once, Bill was rendered speechless. Dipper scowled at him. "So it was you! Why would you deny it then?" he demanded. "Stop playing with my feelings! I... Why? I thought we were friends! If you didn't want that anymore, you could have just told me instead of setting this whole joke up!" Dipper turned and fled, ignoring Bill calling after him and the feeling of tears pricking at his eyes.
Dipper spent most of sixth period hiding in the corner. It was his elective, a computer course, but two of Bill's friends were also in his class. He doubted they would try anything, but then again, he hadn't thought that Bill would pull a joke like that either. When the teacher left the room to use the bathroom he pulled out his phone and quickly texted Mabel.

Sir Dipping Sauce: We were both right. It was Bill, and it was a joke.
Alpha Twin: Whaaa??? :0
Alpha Twin: You sure, bro bro?
Sir Dipping Sauce: He practically told me so. Accidentally met up at the drinking fountain.
Alpha Twin: I keep a grappling hook and baseball bat in my locker for a reason
Alpha Twin: Stan taught me well

Dipper had to smile at his sister's loyalty. The smile vanished as soon as he realized that he still had science to get through. With his luck, he would end up sitting next to Bill. Dipper put his face down on his keyboard, and groaned. At least after that he would be able to go home and get a grip on everything. Why was he so upset about this? It wasn't like he... Oh shit, shit, shit, no. He lifted his head up slightly, only to smash it back down on the keyboard. Wasn't this the lovely cherry on top of this whole mess? How could he have a crush on Bill? Fuck, when did that even start? No wonder this whole thing was so painful. His heart was aching.
Dipper once again made sure that he was one of the first to the science classroom, to ensure that he had his choice of seats. He sat directly in the front, knowing very well that Bill always sat in the very back. Dipper kept his eyes trained on the blank whiteboard, ignoring his classmates entering the room. Someone plopped their books down next to him, and pulled out the chair, sitting down. Dipper dared to glance over slightly at the seat's new occupant. Bright yellow hoodie, tight black shirt, tan skin– yep, there was no doubt about it. His stomach twisted nastily, and he scooted his chair as far away as possible from Bill.
"Heya..." Bill said awkwardly. Dipper's cheek's burned as he felt Bill's gaze trained on him. He bit the inside of his cheek and ignored it. "Aw, come on Pine Tree, stop ignoring me!" Dipper flinched as a pencil poked his side. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Poke. "Stop ignoring me." Poke. "Pay." Poke. "Attention." Poke. "To." Poke. "Me." Poke. Poke. Poke–
"Would you stop that?!" Dipper snapped, finally breaking. "Jesus Christ, you're driving me insane!" He glared at the blonde, who grinned winningly at him.
"Only if you agree to wait for me by your locker after class!~" Dipper scowled, but Bill just waved the pencil at him in a warning.
"Fine." Dipper replied darkly, putting as much loathing as he could into the single syllable. Bill didn't even look phased, instead leaning back in his chair and propping his feet up on the desk in a casual fashion.

Dipper had to wait twenty minutes for Bill to finally show up. He had told Mabel that he would walk home, as their house thankfully wasn't too far away. Most of the halls had emptied, and Dipper was just about to give up and go home, warm tears springing to his eyes as he figured that Bill had played him once again. But just as he picked up his backpack, the blonde came running around the corner.
"Okay, I'm here, stupid legs wouldn't run faster!" he panted, doubled over and out of breath. Dipper raised an eyebrow at him, as Bill held up one finger to signal him to wait. "Phew, okay! So... I'm guessing you kinda want an explanation, huh?" Bill asked awkwardly, while Dipper gave him a look that clearly read "obviously".
"I really wasn't trying to make you upset, you know." Bill began, but when he glanced over at Dipper, the brunette couldn't help but to interject.
"Actually, I don't know that." he said dryly. "You've done an amazing job of proving otherwise." Bill sighed.
"I suck at having crushes, okay Pine Tree? I honestly don't understand love." he said, running a hand through his hair. "So I asked the person closest to you what you'd like me to do to woo you." Hold on, the person closest to him?
"Mabel actually KNEW?!" Dipper exclaimed. Bill smirked, and casually examined his nails.
"Shooting Star can... Sort of keep a secret. Sometimes." he commented. "Anyways, your sister was only kinda helpful, she mostly just kept blabbering on about how you secretly like watching rom-coms with her, but she finally informed me that you would want some sort of grand gesture." Bill batted his long lashes at Dipper. "Of course, no one does grand gesture better than I, but then I also took into account that you probably wouldn't like me spray painting messages of my devotion all over the walls, or giving you actual human hearts. Nothing too public or too gory."
"You technically wrote my name on the chalkboard." Dipper pointed out. "And real human hearts? Why would you even think that's remotely romantic?" His own heart was thudding, mind trying to fully grasp at the implications of what Bill was saying.
"I actually find it to be quite romantic, Pine Tree." Bill leaned one arm against the locker by Dipper's head, effectively caging the boy in with his body. "To show your desired one that you love them enough to kill for them?" He leaned closer, lips nearly brushing against the shell of Dipper's ear. The brunette shivered, as Bill whispered to him. "That you would rip away another's life, even give up your own life, just to love them?" Dipper placed both of his hands on Bill's chest and shoved him backwards.
"Okay, okay, give me space!" he said, blush brightening.
"As you can tell I didn't do either of my original ideas, so instead I decided to go overboard with showering you with gifts of my affection. And, of course, killer poetry."
"That poetry made me cringe like never before." Dipper informed Bill. The blonde sighed dramatically.
"You wound me so, my dear Pine Tree, as that was pure artistic talent."
"Oh sure it was." Dipper replied sarcastically. Bill laughed, but then he took another step forward. Dipper gulped as Bill's gaze dropped briefly to his lips, before returning to clash with his own mocha colored eyes.
"When you figured it out at the water fountain, I... I chickened out, Pine Tree." Bill said quietly. "I wanted you so badly, but I didn't think I would be confessing until last period, and you were there, and so beautiful as always, I wasn't mentally ready, and so I denied it. And I really am sorry. I mean it." Dipper nodded slowly.
"You're forgiven, I guess." he replied. "I, however, never thought you to be the type to back down before making a move. Breaking news, folks. Bill Cipher is actually a big softie who gets scared at the thought of flirting." Dipper poked Bill's shoulder, emphasizing his sarcastic words.
"Hardy har, Pine Tree." Bill rebuked, rolling his eyes, before moving even closer. "You know, you've been dodging around my central question, you sneaky little Pine Tree." Bill said, tone lowering. Dipper felt the cold metal of his locker brush against his fingertips, as he forced himself to look Bill in the eye.
"You haven't directly asked me anything." he countered, voice just as breathless as the blonde pressed himself up against him. Their foreheads touched, then Bill's nose brushed against his, before the blonde finally leaned all the way forward, locking their lips together. Dipper's hands automatically reached up and gripped the front of Bill's hoodie, while Bill rested one of his hands on Dipper's face, the other hand settling protectively on Dipper's waist. Bill's lips were soft, and they brushed oh so gently against Dipper's chapped ones. Dipper's eyes fluttered shut blissfully, while Bill pressed himself closer to the shorter, brunette boy. Finally, Bill pulled back slightly, the two still locked in an embrace. Dipper's arms were wrapped around Bill's neck, and Bill's hands were gripping Dipper's hips.
"Would you do me the honor of being mine, my dearest Pine Tree?" Bill asked quietly. Dipper smiled, before reaching up on his tiptoes to press a kiss to Bill's forehead.
"Has the mighty Bill Cipher actually fallen for me?" he asked teasingly with a laugh. "Of course I will." Bill smiled back at him, before pressing their lips together once more. In between soft kisses, Bill gazed at Dipper lovingly and replied.
"It seems that I have, and I've fallen farther than I've ever gone before." He pressed feather soft kisses to both of Dipper's cheeks and the tip of his button nose. "I think I'm hopelessly lost in the gorgeous galaxy that is Dipper Pines." Dipper blushed a deep shade of red.
"Oh be quiet, you sappy idiot." He effectively silenced Bill's probably snarky reply with another kiss. When the two finally disentangled themselves, Bill caught Dipper's hand in his and pressed a kiss to the back of it.
"Would you do me the honor of joining me on a date, this Valentine's Day evening?" he practically purred smoothly.
"I'd love to, I just need to tell my sister where I'm going." Dipper answered, refusing to pull his hand out of Bill's grasp as he took his phone out of his back pocket with his free hand and gasped. "How is it nearly five already?!" Bill shrugged.
"Time passes when you have an extremely cute boy pinned up against the lockers to kiss...?"
"Mabel's blowing up my phone with texts– I was not murdered!" Dipper said indignantly to his phone. Bill started laughing, and before Dipper could say anything, he had plucked the phone from the brunette's hands and was replying to the many texts.
"What are you– wait how do you know my password???"
"I did say I mildly stalked you." Bill replied cheerfully. He clicked the phone off and tucked it back into Dipper's back pocket, causing him to turn a delightful shade of pink at the action.
"What did you tell Mabel?" Dipper asked hastily.
"Oh, I texted her a ransom note for your safe return." Bill said, grinning widely as Dipper's eyes widened.
"You WHAT?!"
"I properly butchered the words to make it look sloppy."
"She's probably going to call the police!!!"
"Oh... Right, fuck, let's run."

Dipper hadn't expected to end what was usually just a normal day for him like this. Curled up in his new boyfriend's lap as the two stared up at the stars together.
"This is really nice." he commented, snuggling closer to Bill's chest. In turn, the blonde wrapped his arms tighter around Dipper's waist.
"Not nearly as nice as you." he cooed. Dipper flicked Bill's nose.
"It's also really sappy and cheesy, and you sir are not helping with your flirtations."
"Aw, Pine Tree, but I thought I'm supposed to tell the truth." Bill whined, nuzzling his face into the soft tresses of Dipper's curly hair.
"You never tell the truth unless it's beneficial to you."
"I try." Bill said loftily. The corner of Dipper's mouth quirked upwards.
"To never tell the truth unless it's beneficial? Or to just tell the truth?"
"Let's be honest here Pine Tree, which one do you really think is more like me?" Bill asked, and Dipper giggled. Bill shifted Dipper in his lap, and the brunette felt the blonde's breath tickling against his neck. His breath hitched slightly.
"The second one." he replied, mouth going dry as soft kisses were pressed against the side of his neck.
"Mm, you think too highly of me." Bill said back, pressing a kiss against Dipper's jaw. Finally, Dipper gave in and turned his head to the side, capturing Bill's lips in a kiss.
"I'm glad I'm spending today with you." he said a few minutes later, after he had gotten his breath back. Dipper knew that his neck sported a couple new bruises, but he would deal with that fact later. He now sat in Bill's lap so that he was straddling the blonde, who still had his back pressed against the tree trunk.
"There's no one I'd rather be with on a holiday for lovers." Bill's blue eyes were practically glowing in the inky night. Dipper rested his forehead against Bill's clavicle.
"Even if you end up getting arrested for a fake ransom note to my sister."
"You'll have to come break me out, Pine Tree."
"After I sit and laugh at you, of course."
"What pure dedication to your poor boyfriend."

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