By femininehearts

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2.2K 74 30
By femininehearts

this  is a fifteen-day writing challenge, but you don’t have to do it in fifteen days. do it whenever you feel like it; it doesn’t matter. also, this was made to encourage both feminism and LGBT couples/people on wattpad – we need more of them! please tell me if you’re going to participate – I’d love to read your feminism/LGBT stories! one more thing: please don’t mix up the prompts, do them in order! p.s all prompts are inspired by the LGBT (@taygetsthegay) and a study in feminity (@kingelsa) challenges!

Day 1: write a scene in which a girl stands up in front of her whole class and talks about feminism.

Day 2: write a scene in which two non-heterosexual people are paired up for a school project (i.e a science project, an assessment, etc).

Day 3: write a scene in which a male character says something negative to a girl character, regarding the meaning behind the word ‘feminism.’

Day 4: write a scene in which a boy/girl comes out and openly tells their family that they’re bisexual/gay/lesbian.

Day 5: write a scene in which a girl character’s period accidently soaks through her pants/shorts and she laughs it off.

Day 6: write a scene in which a male character changers their ‘interested in’ status on Facebook from women to men.

Day 7: write a scene in which a girl character does a boy-ish sport/activity (i.e football, boxing, soccer, motorbike riding) and gets told she should “stick to girl sports.”

Day 8: write a scene in which a perfectly straight boy/girl experiments sexually with the opposite sex.

Day 9: write a scene in which a girl is slut-shamed for having sex for the first time.

Day 10: write a scene in which a character is teased/bashed because of their sexuality.

Day 11: write a scene in which a girl character goes to school/work without putting makeup on, brushing her teeth and dressing ‘appropriately.’

Day 12: write a scene in which a character totally slays a bitch/jerk who teases them for being bisexual/lesbian/gay.

Day 13: write a scene in which a character stumbles upon this account/challenge.

Day 14: write a scene in which a homosexual finds themselves in a gay club at 2 o’ clock in the morning.

Day 15: write a scene in which a feminist meet a gay/lesbian/bisexual person while at shopping for their favourite food.

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