Then by Robert Hilles

By rhilles

1.5K 8 13


Then by Robert Hilles

1.5K 8 13
By rhilles

Here is a poem from my first book published many years ago.

Again there is a YouTube reading on the right

And a link to my website.


poverty teaches no one

it's just dark and small

like a revolver.

always ready to be

the final judge.

I remember dirty walls,

macaroni, television, and

dumping the slop pail.

there was no beauty

you just survived

between paydays.

my father

drank every Friday

and Saturday night

he lived between

the borders of the day shift

and the night shift.

that was the only

structure I knew.

I know now

that he sold

what little of himself

he had so that I could eat.

what kind of change is that?

where one generation sacrifices

itself so that the next one

can walk on its bones

with a new pair of shoes.

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