By OmegaVerz

119K 4.5K 6.9K

(Inspired by @harrish6 book "Healing What Has Been Broken") (Previously known as I Can't Let Go...) Error i... More

Sarcasm, The Argument and a Plan
Concern, Monster Hunt, and Ambush
The Fight and The Regret
Meeting Everyone Again And Having Issues P1
Revelation and Healing
Meeting Everyone Again And Having Issues P2
Nightmarish Reality
Forced Bonding
Old Friend Old Enemy
The Nineties Parasite
Secrets and Betrayal
The Merge
Confession Time and A War Council
A Plan In Action
A Broken Promise
The Final Chapter

The Prank and Stuff

6.8K 283 608
By OmegaVerz

Error's POV

It's been a while. At least I think it's been a while. The Abyss is exactly like the Anti Void with being able to tell time. I can't. The only reason I knew what time it was in the Anti Void was because of the 'windows' I created to watch AU's. It's not like I had anything better to do. After getting used to everyone here (and keeping an eye on Reverie), they decided to do a house tour and show me around. I originally wondered why everyone here hadn't killed each other over space because of its size. But I guess my shock from entering the place made everyone laugh at my reaction and I blushed from the embarrassment. This reminds me of why I should not assume something from what it looks like.

The house is small on the outside but it is bigger inside. It had everything I could think of including a library and lab. But there is no Science Sans in the code so I didn't understand why it was here until Edge noticed my confusion and told me Swap was in there a lot. The kitchen looked decked out with what I believe was everyone's favorites and the living room seemed to be the place to go to if I would want to chat with anyone in public. I didn't really care about any of this because I don't need to eat or sleep but Radix forces me to eat. Then Paint pointed at the gym and I grew excited from the thought of sparring with everyone here. Ink and the others became predictable over time so sparring with everyone here should be a challenge. I have high expectations for the difficulty of the Sanses who fight more often. Specifically Bane and his little group. I want to see how similar the tactics and attacks will be to my friends from my multiverse. That thought made me feel sad and I think Radix and Paint noticed. They've been around me long enough to tell if I really am happy or if I am faking it. I do feel home sick sometimes, even if it was a living Hell there.

The last place they showed me was the bedrooms, or what I like to call them the only fucking place here that I could be truly alone. Sure I kind of enjoy the company of others but I am used to being alone and the Anti Void gave me that privilege... Except when Ink always followed me when I really pissed him off... Oh yeah and those times when Fresh found ways to enter and tried to kill me... And I can't forget the thought of Creator watching my every movements either. So I am used to being alone and getting attacked from out of nowhere. That sounds more realistic. It is also the reason why I haven't slept in a long time. Being in the coma doesn't count. The bedrooms were located down a very long hallway on the second floor with most of the rooms vacant of any owner. Those rooms had faded or scratched out names on there doors. I already know that the multiverse creates AU's here and that there is no current Creator or Destroyer. But when I looked through the code when Radix or Paint wasn't around, I found traces of tampered code and even empty spots that were supposed to hold code. But it happened years ago. What happened? But besides that everything else is normal.

"You can have one of the empty rooms Error."

Swap knocked me out of my thoughts of this multiverses weird code. I looked around and choose the one next to Paint's and across from Radix's. Just because I might be staying here doesn't mean I am going to trust them so easily. But... I am bored and I want to drop a bomb. I turned around and grinned at everyone, even Radix and Paint were confused. I've never told them about it because they seem to worry about me enough.

"I doN't sleep. Never hAd to. Don't remember the last time I reaLly did fall asleep."

Their reactions were priceless. I just gave them a sad tired smile.

"I don't sleep because iN the past, enemies of mine and Nightmare's iNvaded the Anti Void to try to kill me. So to prevent getting stabbed in my sleEp I go into a trance instead. I cAN still have dreams or nightmares but I am still aware of my surroundings so if someone invaded I could quickly catch them off guard and kill them."

"So you have never slept at all? Not even once?"

I just shook my head in Bane's direction. But I did notice Radix and Paint were out of their shock and now were looking at me with a pissed off expression. Uh oh. I think i'm going to teleport and get the fuck out of this house while I still can.

I really don't know the layout of this place so I teleported outside and waited. Sure they may want to kill me, but I know they can't kill me, even if they really wanted to. My magic is still regening but my energy is back. So by the time they finally teleported outside, I was roughly prepared. I gave them a smirk and Radix backed up, probably understanding what I had in mind. But before Paint could back up and leave, I teleported behind him and tangled him up in my strings. The reason why I went after Paint instead of Radix is because Paint's red magic can cut through my strings like butter, unlike Ink who had to use a lot of magic to break them. I teleported to the top of the roof and decided to mess with everyone here, except for Radix who already has a good understanding on why Paint stood in a non threatening way. His eye... well eyes have become white pinpricks from shock. Radix noticed me on the roof and glared at me before teleporting up here and sat down to watch.

"Your so fucking lucky I want to see everyones reactions when they have to fight Paint, who never starts a fight here."

I made the strings invisible, to mess with them further while Paint struggled. I just chuckled at his attempts and forced him to grab his paintbrush off his back and stand in his fighting stance. Not mine. His. The fun thing is that if I am controlling someone with my strings I can look through their soul to find and use their fighting methods instead of mine. Even Ink doesn't know I have a power to control anyone to act like themselves and use their knowledge against them. It was another strategy of mine to figure out what Ink was planning. Though none of the Sanses from the AU's I destroyed had any clue on what Ink was planning when he disappeared. The Sanses talking in confusion broke me out of my thoughts and I prepared for fun. For some reason, Paint was not yelling for help or telling me to let him go. Instead, he was looking down so no one could see his eyes. I have a feeling he is playing along. The clearing became eerily silent. I noticed that Radix took out his phone and is now recording the entire thing. Good timing.

"Paint...? Are you okay?"

Reverie asked him with concern in his voice. Then Paint did something that caught me off guard and I didn't even make him do it. He lifted his head up and his eye sockets were pitch black. They went well with the insane smile he was giving everyone. I felt his soul pulse with adrenaline and I knew he was prepared.

"You guys have pushed me over the edge for the final time. It only took your stupid argument in the house for me to finally realize I can't take this anymore... It took me over a decade to realize I could no longer tolerate your bullshit..."

Wow... Even I felt a chill go down my spine and he wasn't even talking to me. I wonder how freaked out everyone is now. But I have to admit Paint is a great actor. Swap tried to placate him but...

"Paint... Listen I-"

"NO! I am tired of hearing your excuses. It's about time I took care of this... Problem... Welp.

It's a beautiful day today.

The sun is shining, it's a perfect day for painting.

But on a nice day like this... Monsters like you....

ArE gOiNg To FiNd OuT wHaT iT iS lIkE tO bE tHe ViCtIm Of ThE pAiNt FrOm My PaInTbRuSh..."

I took this as a cue to attack them, starting with the Sans that last spoke to Paint. Swap... I noticed that Paint's normal eye was back but it's now a blood red color. Not his normal dark red if he is pissed (it's a long story on how I know this) but a color that even encouraged the Bad Sanses to take a step back.

At first, none of the Sanses were trying to attack back and instead doged Paints attacks. So I made sure to not use take this seriously and Paints attacks were lazy and uncoordinated. I was starting to become bored so I used my strings to let him know that he needs to piss someone off. To him, any pain he would feel would be like a touch on the shoulder if I was trying to get his attention. But he was unprepared and faltered when he was in mid attack so to help him make it seem more realistic, I forced him to stop his attack on Bane. The Sanses stopped and looked at Paint with confusion when he stumbled and almost fell. He used this moment to give everyone an alarmed look in his eyes before it changed back to the blood red insanity. Oh my god Paint is a genius. He is acting like this is against his will before changing back so quickly that I think only Cosmo noticed from the horrified expression he had. I made Paint stop so he could do something with an inane smirk on his face.

"What are you? Scared?! Hah... Pathetic. Come at me with everything you got or are you guys to much of a coward to hurt me?!"

That did it. The more passive Sanses stared at Paint with anger in their eyes and their hands clenched from his insults, trying not to do what he wanted. But that insult pushed any logic or understanding out of the bad Sanses head and they immediately attacked. Reverie and Bane were the only ones in their groups that let Paints words wash over them. I even caught Bane rolling his eyes at the stupidity of his friends. They seemed to be waiting for the right time to strike but I wasn't going to let them ruin this so soon. I made Paint doge the attacks sent his way while he summoned purple paint onto his paintbrush at the same time. Paint wasted no time and faster than anyone could comprehend he slashed Reverie and Bane with the purple paint. They didn't even have a chance to defend themselves as the blow knocked them to the ground and restrained them in purple chains. They struggled but it was pointless. Reverie tried to use his magic but to his horror, it didn't even leave a scratch. Bane growled out of anger and frustration because his magic wasn't working either. The chains Paint created made sure the victim couldn't escape or use any magic. At least for awhile.

Now everyone attacked Paint. Finally. From the corner of my eye I noticed Radix was using magic to now record the fight, like he had an idea. I just let him. I made Paint teleport to the end of the clearing and summon some yellow paint onto his brush. He slashed multiple times in the direction of the others and the paint drops became solid and sharp so when they hit them it would do damage. I have to make this realistic or they will grow suspicious. They all got hit by at least once by a drop of paint, damaging them 1 HP per drop. I made sure it wouldn't kill them. I could tell Paint didn't like that but I sent my logic down his way and he accepted it. The longer the strings are attached to a soul I am using makes the connection between us stronger as time goes by.

Some of the Sanses cried out in pain while others just tolerated the pain. Any doubt that this was a prank on them is now gone and they are taking this very seriously. I kinda feel bad from their expressions of betrayal but from what Paint told me about their actions in the past encouraged me to continue because I know they deserve this. The bad Sanses shook off their pain and shock and attacked Paint using their strategies this time. Paint dodged the sharp bones and slashes from a knife and an axe and summoned blue paint onto his paintbrush. I used Paint's magic to force the souls of the three attackers out into the open before using the blue paint to completely restrict all movement and do a lot of damage. Paint whacked them in the skull hard and they were knocked out, the blue magic ensuring that they could not rejoin the fight even if they woke up until the paint wore off. They were all under half health but were not in any danger of death. Bane cried out in anger, trying even harder to break free and to Paints and my shock he did. He used his knife to break the chains off of Reverie. The two glared at Paint with a murderous look but before they could attack the rest of the Sanses stood in their way before attacking Paint with renewed effort. I am pretty sure they don't like the bad Sanses but they don't hate them and still see them as allies or maybe even... friends. Friends? Pshhh yeah right.

Reaper growled from anger and swung his scythe, trying to damage Paint but instead had to retreat when he was hit with a lot of yellow paint. His HP is now at 20 which is very low compared to his normal 200 HP. Swap and Cosmo summoned gaster blasters to attack Paint, who dodged their blasts and quickly summoned red paint and slashed his brush at the gaster blasters. They were cut into pieces. They were clean cuts as well and now I understand why he never uses his red paint. It's fatal to the victim if their hit. I watched in fascination as the gaster blaster dissolved into fine dust and completely vanished in a matter of seconds. The others looked horrified. I heard Paint chuckling like their reactions were hilarious.

"You guys finally understand why I have never used the red paint in any fights or spars we had. After all of those years you have pushed, insulted, and peer pressured me, trying to force me to show something that I was not comfortable to show, you finally got your wish to see it. I wonder if any of you know the phrase, 'be careful what you wish for'. I doubt it."

I was pissed off that they did that and decided I should end this fast before I kill someone. Radix tapped on my shoulder and whispered a plan he came up with to me. Paint is going to hate this plan until he figures it out. Radix is a genius. I had Paint quickly finish everyone off.

Edge was restricted in chains by the purple paint. Swap had to retreat to a safe distance because his HP dropped to 5 by the yellow paints drops. Cosmo wasn't able to doge Paints brush in time and he is now restricted because of the blue paint. Reaper became a victim to turquoise paint which forces the victim to stand still or else take damage. Reverie was restrained in stronger chains this time because of the purple paint. Butcher, Grim, and Scourge were trying to escape the blue magic but they had no choice but to stop when they were slashed with turquoise paint. It was just Bane and Paint now. Bane was at a distance that was close enough to where Paint could not use his yellow paint but far enough to where Paint's paintbrush could not hit him without him noticing it. Paint growled in annoyance while Bane warily watched both Paint and his paintbrush.

"And now there is one. What are you going to do, give me nightmares? Install fear into my soul? What are you going to do?"

"Were is Radix and Error?"

That caught us both by surprise. Radix looked like he was expecting it and I gave him a confused stare. He just nodded back so I guess I will find out later. But for now...

"And this is important because?"

"Oh for the love of... WHERE ARE THEY!?"

Oh Paint knew exactly where we were. He just gave Bane a smirk as his answer. Bane was pissed. He summoned his crossbow and shot multiple bolts at Paint, who barely managed to dodge them. This went on for a while before I became bored and Paint slashed Bane with purple paint when he least expected it. Bane struggled but stopped from either shock or fear when he noticed that Paint had summoned red paint onto his brush. He gave Bane a psychotic smile and the Sanses who were watching suddenly began shouting protests and even some began begging. Paint ignored them and held his brush in a slash attack stance while Bane lowered his head as if he was accepting death. Maybe he was. I gave Radix a nod and he teleported down there to surprise everyone. Paint slashed but before the red paint could meet its target, Radix summoned a wall of bones as a shield and broke the chains off of Bane. It worked and I teleported into the woods while he was distracted. The three of us already mentally discussed Radix's plan while Paint dodged the bolts so we all knew what to do. I let Paint go to let him do his thing.

"Well well well. If it isn't the Sans himself. Where is Error?"

"I couldn't catch him and I felt distress here from my connection from everyone so I abandoned the chase."

"Typical... Looks like I will have to hunt for him after I deal with you."

Radix gave Paint a hateful glare while Paint gave Radix his most insane smirk yet and the two started fighting. Bane was shocked and relieved that he survived but before he could go to Radix's aid, Paint slashed purple paint at him and the chains restrained him. These are supposed to be Paint's strongest out of the rest he summoned today. I was hiding in the woods, acting like I was trying to sneak up on him. Grim was the only one who noticed me and he seemed relieved for some reason. Maybe he can tell i've been through hell and back so this fight would be a piece of cake. He is right because this will definitely not be the hardest fight I have ever been in.

"Just give up Radix. You will never when this."

"Maybe not... But at least I can say I tried."

Finally Paint landed a hit on Radix using blue paint. Radix fell to the ground, HP down at 5. Radix could not move and froze in fear when he noticed the red paint on Paint's paintbrush. The Sanses once again started crying out protests. Paint lifted his paintbrush but before he could slash him, I stepped in. Paint let out a cry of surprise when I used my strings to rip the paintbrush out of his hands.

"Ya knOw man... AttaCking your friends is not very nice so i'm afraid I am going to have to sTop this before you actually kill someone."

He growled and I just used my strings to restrict his movements. Because his paintbrush was no longer in his possession, the paint 'deactivated' causing all of its magic to disappear freeing everyone. Radix just gave me a look and I laughed at him. I dropped Paint and he landed on the ground causing everyone to back up. Paint just gave everyone one last insane look before his eye slowly turned back to its normal vibrant light blue color.

"So what are you guys looking at? Do I have something on my face?"

Me and Radix burst out laughing while everyone looked at Paint with disbelief. Reverie, Bane and Grim began yelling at Paint while everyone else was in shock.

"So are you saying... That was a fucking joke?"

"I actually thought I was going to die and you really were going to kill Radix!"

"You can't normally fight like that. At least from what I watched in the past... How powerful are you?"

Grim was the only one who seemed more curious than pissed.

"I am quite powerful ill admit but i'm not that strong. I had help."

Radix and Paint just smirked and pointed in my direction. Oh so their going to blame me? Yeah right. I summoned my strings and gave them a warning glare. They stepped back with their hands up.

"Fine we were in on it too... Error don't even think about it."

Wow. Paint admitted to it but Radix looked like he needed persuasion so I just tangled up his soul with my strings and made him summon a gaster blaster headed his direction. He panicked.

"Okay okay I helped too just don't kill me!"

Paint seemed more amused then annoyed while the others looked at me with shock and what seemed to be a little fear. Heh... I guess they have never seen this power before... Or maybe they have. I know that in order to have messed up code you need a creator or destroyer in the multiverse or it's a really bad glitch in the system that needs attention. Am I the only destroyer here? Huh... I guess I will have to look into this later but for now I need to make sure no one kills anyone.


A few hours later...

I left Paint and Radix to explain it and went into my room to think. Paint and Radix made sure to keep the Sanses away because they know I like to be alone for a few hours. But being alone and doing nothing was not my goal this time.







"... UnderNovela?"



That's when a portal finally opened but I had a really bad feeling about it so I just closed it and sat on the bed. I wonder why Fresh!Tale Sans was not here with the others or is he to annoying to be around? Can't blame them if that is their reason. Fresh always was the nineties freak in Inks group. I wonder if they ever found out that Fresh was a parasite but Ink and the others aren't that keen so I kind of doubt it. I put myself into a trance to see if I could contact anyone from my multiverse. Nightmare taught me how to do it and at the time, I thought it was one of the dumbest things he taught me or made me do. I think making me eat poison is on the top of the list. Or was it the constant nightmare streak he gave me for over a year. There's to many to count. I was brought out of my trance when I heard knocking on the door.

"Hey Error? It's Bane can we talk?"


Bane walked into the room quickly. He closed the door quietly and then sat down next to me on the bed. I didn't do anything because if he's anything like Nightmare then my earlier stunt with Paint and Radix would convince him that I am dangerous. Being dangerous and destructive were the only things that kept me alive when me and Nightmare originally met. So I just let Bane sit next to me because I honestly could give zero shit if he tried to attack me, which I doubt he would do.

"So. Radix and Paint don't know that I am here and my friends are covering for me so I need to make this quick. How close were you with Nightmare and his gang? Besides your friendship with them."

"WeLl... I do consider thEm as family but I think friends and sometImes even allies is a better term to cAll our friendshiP."

"Well. Me and Reverie need to speak with you in private. Like we're no one will even know where we are. Not Dream!Tale because my friends know my secret spots and Paint knows Reveries. I know this may sound bad to you but... Can you still access the Anti Void?

If I was drinking any beverage, I would of spit it out. The Anti Void? How does he know about it? No one in this multiverse should know of its existence because I never told Reverie or Paint. So how can he know about it? Unless... That explains that. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I hAVe neveR tOLd anYoNE about its exIstence. No one. UnleSs you and REverie have been watChing the niGhtmAres I have bEen having reCentlY."

Bane sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and gave me a somewhat guilty stare.

"Yeah... About that... It's mine and Reverie's job to watch everyones dreams in the multiverse, whether its their turn to have a nightmare or a dream. We never watched your nightmares just because we were curious. Heck! Reverie once tried to give you good dreams but a tar like monster attacked him as well as a monster with a bow. Who ever they are they are preventing us from doing our job and Reverie is really close to killing them in the Dreamscape just because of this. I... We need your help. So can you help us?"

"... Yeah. I wIll help you. I'll try to Open a portAl to the Anti Void bUt i am not goIng to gIve you a guarantee that it'll worK."

"Great! Meet me outside. I'll grab my brother and we will wait for you. Come up with an excuse while your at it. Just in case we run into a Sans.

Bane gave me a smirk before he disappeared into the shadows. His teleportation trick is fucking cool but that's not the point. I am starting to wonder if he is like Nightmare at all. Bane is too nice and friendly. Or is it a facade like Blueberry? I'll figure it out eventually.

I teleported outside to find Reverie and Bane standing near the treeline, chatting with each other while sending their friends glares if they tried to approach them. I walked over to them, ignoring the confused stares from the others. Reverie was the first to notice that I was coming and gave me a sad smile as a greeting. Does he feel guilty? That would be a first from a Dream lookalike. Bane just gave me a nod.

"sO where shoUld we go to do this?"

Reverie shrugged and Bane rolled his eyes at his brother. Heh. The perfect sibling relationship. They hate each other, yet they would give hell to anyone if one of them got hurt. Probably.

"Ignore my bro Error. Change of plans by the way. I think we should go to the Dreamscape for max privacy."

"Wait a minute Bane. Only minor or major gods with our power can go their and not die."

"Fine fine. You have a good point. Error try to make a portal to the Anti Void after we do this."

Do what? I wondered to myself. That's when the Sanses who were outside began to fall asleep and i'm pretty sure the others in the house were experiencing it to.

"They'll be fine. If they start to feel pain or somehow get hurt, they'll wake up."

Bane gave me reassurance and I sighed from annoyance. Seriously they couldn't have done something else? Then again Radix or Paint would try to stop Reverie and Bane if they were conscious so I guess this will have to do until we return. I closed my eyes and concentrated. I began to feel the familiar pull in my soul so I knew it was working. Reverie spoke up.

"Damn Error, your much more powerful then I originally calculated. Did you ever know that you could do this?"

"Actually, yEs. Yes I did. But I wAs told to nevEr do it oR somEone that I cared about woulD die."

I could feel their anger and disgust. I didn't realize that everyone cared about me this much. But do they really care?

"Wait heRe. I'll chEck to see iF it's sAfe."

I entered the portal that was the gateway to my old personal hell. I was expecting to hear insults and voices in my head, but there was nothing. Now that I think about it, I did fall into the Void and I did survive. So did Void bless me like Creator did to Ink? It isn't impossible because their truce was neither of them could alter the multiverse and the Void is it's own thing. It's not connected to the multiverse but it does border it. I felt a little bit of hope. Could Creator no longer control my life here?

"You two cAn come thRough. Its safe. ProbaBly."

Bane and Reverie came through and looked around, keeping an eye out for danger. It is amusing, but I need to hear what they have to say. A tar monster and a monster with a bow sound way to similar to Nightmare and Dream.

"So why aRe we here again?"

That shook them out of their thoughts.

"Do you know the monsters that have been invading your dreams that I told you about? They did only attack us once."

"SoundS like NiGhtmare and DreaM."

"Lovely. Can we go now?"

Reverie seemed unsettled about this place and I don't blame him. This place will make anyone lose their mind.

"No. There's more I need to talk about Reverie so shut up unless you've got something to say that isn't a complaint."

Reverie grumbled and sat down on the ground to see what Bane had to say.

"Thank you. Now Error, how much do you trust Nightmare and Dream?"

"Well, NiGhtmare I trust with my life but Dream... EhhhHhhh. I think you know the answer to that."

"Okay then. So please don't freak out when I tell you this..."

Uh oh. Well... don't crash, don't crash, don't crash, don't crash, don't crash, Error don't fucking crash and don't do a forced reboot please.

"So the Dreamscape is a special place were the two siblings from DreamTale or Dream!Tale and even other versions of them can navigate to different multiverses. I can't sense any super negativity in DreamTale or in any other AU in this multiverse. Reverie what about you?"

Reverie perked up and closed his eyes, like he was trying to concentrate on something.

"Nope. No positivity in DreamTale and negativity is overpowering positivity in this multiverse. Everyone is feeling negative right now."

Shit! Did Nightmare do the one thing I never thought he would do? Did Nightmare really make a small alliance with Dream to go look for me? I closed my eyes and scanned through the code. If Ink is paying attention to the code then I am fucked.

Ink's POV

That feeling in the code... Why is it so familiar?

Error's POV

I scanned through all of the remaining AU's and found nothing. FUCK! They really did leave. Are they insane?

"Uhhh Error. There's another Sans here."

"Reverie is right. There is another Sans here. Is he a threat and can we kill him?"

 Uh oh. I looked up and it only took one glimpse of the newcomer for me to crash.

Third Person POV

Error. exe has crashed

Rebooting (3%)

Bane and Reverie gave each other a panicked look. It didn't surprise them that Error could crash since it was in one of his nightmares but what the hell made him crash? He was their only way out so they had to stand their ground and attack the newcomer if necessary. What had them on guard was that this stranger looked a lot like Paint. Was this Ink?

"Uhhh. Who are you two? How are you here? How do you know Error?"

"Names Reverie and the negative skeleton is my brother, Bane. Error brought us here to talk."

"The names Ink...  I'm Error's opposite."

Reverie growled when his theory of who the newcomer was confirmed. He summoned his bow but before he could do anything, Bane grabbed him with one of his tentacles. When he heard that the newcomer was Ink, he immediately turned into his half form and restricted Reverie before he could do anything he would regret. Ink meanwhile stepped back from Reverie to avoid possible death and gave Bane a confused stare when he restricted his brother. Bane just rolled his eyes at both Ink and Reverie.

"BANE! Let me the fuck go so I can kill this asshole!"

"Jesus calm down Rev! As much as I want to... kill him, we can't. Remember the nightmare?"

Reverie then remembered one of the nightmares that Error had and unsummoned his bow in defeat. Bane dropped him and went back to his passive form. Reverie just gave Ink a pissed of glare and Ink took a step back, scared and confused. What did Error tell them to make them hate him?

"Uhhhhh. You two do realize he is the destroyer right?"

"We know who he is. And you are the creator right? Also known as the reason why Error destroyed AU's."

 Bane glared at his brother, a little annoyed that he mentioned that he was the reason that Error existed. Ink backed away a little bit more, confused on why Reverie said that he was the reason why Error destroyed. It was way to similar to when Nightmares team confronted him a few weeks ago. Bane just facepalmed.

"Okay Ink. Before Error wakes up or Reverie attacks you again, I have a question for ya. Where are the two DreamTale brothers?"

"I don't know were Dream is as he's been missing and Nightmare is probably in his realm."

"Okay then. My theory is confirmed. Rev this is really bad."

"Really?! I thought it was all terrific! No shit bro, I am not stupid. How long do you think?"

"I give it another week till they reach one of our domains."

"What are you two talking about?"

Rebooting (99%)

Rebooting complete

Error shook his head and almost fell down from how dizzy he was. Bane and Reverie sighed with relief that they could finally leave. Error noticed that Reverie and Bane seemed to be relieved he was awake. Wait. Awake? Error thought to himself. He sighed in annoyance.

"I craShed didn't I?"

Reverie nodded and Error just facepalmed. It was always annoying to him whenever he had to reboot.

"So... WhAt made me crAsh?"

"Before I tell you why, is it possible for you to have two reboots in a row?"

"No... Bane whAt are you trying tO say?"

"Uhhh. Hey Error... When you turn around, can you keep an open mind?"

Error nervously turned around when he heard Reverie's warning and was greeted to a sight he never wanted to see again.

"Heeeey Error... Heh... Long time no see...."

"Oh God fUCking dAmmit." 

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