The Outsiders (My Version)

By gabby_thesinger1432

295 3 0

This is the same Outsiders, but the main character is a girl. I like you to meet Ponygal, Darry and Soda's ki... More

Chapter 1
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Alterative Ending

21 0 0
By gabby_thesinger1432

(This pick up after the rumble)

The cop left us at the hospital as Dally pretended to help me out of the car. The minute the cop was gone; Dally let go of me so quick I almost fell. "Hurry!"

We ran through the lobby and crowded past people into the elevator. Several people yelled at us, I think because we were pretty racked-up looking, but Dally had nothing on his mind except Johnny, and I was too mixed up to know anything but that I had to follow Dally. When we finally got to Johnny's room, it was empty. Oh no, I thought. He's already dead. I couldn't help it, I start bawling on the floor. Dally punched the wall, then the nurse came. "Clam down. Johnny's in surgery."

"Why? What's going on?" I asked.

"I don't know any details, but you can wait in the waiting room till the doctor is done with the surgery."

Dally and I waited for an hour and half at the hospital, still no news. The rest of the gang showed up. I called earlier Darry where I was and what's going on. Another hour past, the gang were half asleep. Dally and I couldn't sleep. Finally, the doctor came out and walk toward us. Dally and I waken up the guys.

"Johnny..." here it comes, "...will be okay." We all sighed with relief. The doctor continued, "After he pasted out, I called my friend from New York and he believed he had a cure. He came down as fast as he could and we started the surgery. We were worried if he would lose a great amount of blood, until we have a generous donor."


"Me." We all turned to found Johnny's mom standing there.

"You, why?"

"Looked. I know my husband and I are horrible people, but I do care for my son. Maybe not as much as you guys are, his friends." I cannot believe what she's saying. "You're Ponygal, right? Johnny's girlfriend?" I nodded. "This is for Johnny. Can you please give this to him?" I grabbed it out of her hand. It's a letter.

She headed for the door till I spoke, "Thank you." She nodded and left.

"Listen Doc," Darry asked him some questions, "how long will he be in the coma? Will he be able to walk again?"

"He will be awake less than 24 hours. I will have the ability to walk again, but he might take two - three months to recover."

"Thank you so much"

"You are very welcome. Now, go home and rest. You can come back tomorrow at noon."

Once he left, we all gather up and had a big group hug.

THE NEXT DAY, me and Dally and Two-Bit went back to the hospital while Darry, Soda, and Steve had to work. The nurse told us to go ahead to Johnny's room and that he should be awake any minute. He sitting up on the hospital bed. He still looks burned, but much better than yesterday. In the room, I sat on the chair in the right, Two-bit on the left, and Dally leaned up against the window. I slid my hand under his, then he opened his eyes.


"Oh my god," I cried. I stood up and move his hair out of his eyes. "You're okay, Johnny. Everything gonna be okay."

"I was hoping you said that," Johnny slowly laughed.

"Hey Johnnycake," Dally said.

"Hey buddy," said Two-bit.

"Dally. Two-bit. How are you, guys?"

"We're fine, but how are you feeling?" Two-Bit asked.

"I'm great, actually. Still can't move my body yet, but I'm happy to be alive and be with you guys. How was the rumble?"

"We won," Dally said in excitement. "We beat the Socs. We stomped them--- chased them outa our territory."

"Ponygal was a little sick yesterday. She also got a small cut in the back of her head from being kicked to the ground."

"Wow, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am. I made have took a couple of aspirins before the rumble and almost knocked out by the Soc, but Soda landed over him and I felt better after a long rest. I am fine, Johnny."

"Good. I don't want to see my girl getting sick on me now."

I blushed. Two-bit changed the subject, "They're still writing editorials about you in the paper. For being a hero and all. Yeah, they're calling you a hero now and heroizin' all the greasers. We're all proud of you, buddy."

"Yeah, but you had me scared to death, Johnnycake."

"I know, Dally. I know that I almost died, but I honestly think saving those kids was worth it. They are too young to died. Now, I still have a life to look forward with you guys."

"Okay, I'm gonna let this slide once, but if you pull something like that again, I'm gonna kill you."

After a while, Two-Bit and Dally left and I stayed. I called Darry earlier to pick me up after work. I continued and finished reading Gone with the Wind. Johnny liked the ending.

"I've been thinking about that poem, that guy that wrote it. He meant you're gold when you're a kid, like green. When you're a kid everything's new, dawn. It's just when you get used to everything that it's day. Like the way you dig sunsets, Pony. That's gold."

"You thought long and hard about it, have you?"

"Yeah, I couldn't stop thinking about that day, especially when I told I love you."

I smiled. "I love you, too. I almost forgot. Your mom gave me this. It's for you."

"Can you read it?"

"Dear Johnny,

I know you hate us, for beating you, yelling at you, and kicking you out, but you will always be our son. I'm sorry for causing you all this trouble. I'm writing this letter, because I cannot see you face to face on what I'm about to tell you. Your father and I have decided to leave this town and move somewhere. You don't have to worry about us anymore. We sold the house and already left by the time you get this letter. I'm hoping you have a place to stay considering you hardly come home.

Goodbye hero,


"Well, I don't have a place to stay now."

"Yes, you do." It was Darry. He overheard me reading the letter. "You can stay with us."

"Darry, I couldn't."

"You and Ponygal are a big part of our lives. We are not losing you both again. I'll be okay for you to live with us. You can share a room with Pony."

"Wait, Darry. You are okay with that?" I was shocked.

"Yes, I am. You and Johnny have something special. As long there is no funny business and don't hurt my sister."

"I promise. Thanks, Darry."

"Let's just hope we will be together after the hearing." I totally forgot about it.

THE HEARING WASN'T anything like I thought it would be. Besides Darry and Soda and me, nobody was there except Randy and his parents and Cherry Valance and her parents and a couple of the other guys that had jumped Johnny and me that night. Johnny couldn't make due to his condition, but I defended the both of us. I don't know what I expected the whole thing to be like--- I guess I've been watching too many Perry Mason shows. 

First Randy was questioned. He looked a little nervous, and I wished they'd let him have a cigarette. I wished they'd let me have a cigarette; I was more than a little shaky myself. Darry had told me to keep my mouth shut no matter what Randy and everybody said, that I'd get my turn. All the Socs told the same story and stuck mainly to the truth, except they said Johnny had killed Bob; but I figured I could straighten that point out when I got my turn. Cherry told them what had happened before and after Johnny and I had been jumped--- I think I saw a couple of tears slide down her cheeks, but I'm not sure. Her voice was sure steady even if she was crying. The judge questioned everyone carefully, but nothing real emotional or exciting happened like it does on TV. He asked Darry and Soda a little bit about Dally, I think to check our background and find out what kind of guys we hung out with. Was he a real good buddy of ours? Darry said, "Yes, sir;' looking straight at the judge, not flinching; but Soda looked at me like he was sentencing me to the electric chair before he gave the same answer. The judge also asked about our lifestyle at home. I was real proud of both of them. Dally had been one of our gang and we wouldn't desert him. I thought the judge would never get around to questioning me. Man, I was scared almost stiff by the time he did. The judge ask me about Johnny killing Bob. I was uncomfortable of answering, but I told the truth. "Bob was drowning me. Johnny thought that I was going to die. There was nothing to do, expect of killing Bob. All that Johnny did was self-defense. He saved my life." Then the judge asked me if I liked living with Darry, if I liked school, what kind of grades I made, and stuff like that.

It took a while for the judge to make his decision. He let Johnny off the hook, because it was self-defense and there's nothing on his records. Just as long as he does get to anymore trouble. The Soc and Randy have to do community service for a month. I thought they would get a harder punishment, but I guess they can get a tough break. The judge also decided to let me and Darry and Soda stay together. After the hearing, we went to hospital and told Johnny everything.

(Alterative Epilogue)

THREE MONTHS PAST, I can say life is good. Darry and I have been getting along after the day we agreed to stop fighting. I talk to him about everything, especially about sunsets. One day, the Curtis family watched a sunset and Darry told me every details about it. It turns out that we were a like after all.

Couple weeks after the hearing, Cherry and I started hanging out at school. Some people were weirded out to see a greasy chick and a Socy cheerleader as friends, but we didn't care. All of her friends stop hanging out with her because of me, expect Marica. The three of us became best friends. After a while, Randy started hanging out with us. Him and Marcia were on a break after what happen, but they talked it out and fixed their relationship.

Two-Bit is still the same --- humorous and fun to be around. Steve finally accepted as a friend and a little sister. Dally tried to not get into any trouble, especially now that Cherry is in his life. I kinda helped Dally to get with Cherry. I convinced Cherry to hang with me at the drive-in one weekend and I knew Dally was there. He apologized on how he acted that night and she forgive him. They both thank me ever since.

As for me and Johnny, I visited him every day after school. I told him everything and read him more books. We still get "Thank You" letters from the kids' parents and we kissed every now and then. We hardly do it in front of the guys, it gross them out. He's been doing physical therapy and getting better every day. I'm just waiting to see the day we will be walking out of the hospital. Today was another day to visit Johnny. I was about to go to his room till the nurse stopped. "I'm sorry. Johnny Cade is out."

"Out? What do you mean out?"

"Finally out of the hospital's bed," Johnny said as he walked toward me, "nice jacket."

"Oh my, Johnny. You're walking."

"Yes and I get to do this." He pick me up and spin me around. "It nice to have you in my arms again." He put me down and give me a long passionate kiss.

I giggled. "Let's go home."

***I hope you guys enjoy my version of The Outsiders as much I have fun making it. I also hope you like how I add the Epilogue and the Alterative Ending. See you soon.***

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