Survive (Vampire Diaries & Pe...

By myprecious123

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If you knew how lonely my life has been And how long I've been so alone And if you knew how I wanted someone... More



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By myprecious123

                                                       I wish somebody would've told me that
                                                    Some day, these will be the good old days
                                                                all the love you wont forget
                                                 and all these reckless nights you wont regret
                                                Someday soon your whole life's gonna change
                                                  you'll miss the magic of these good old days

                                                       Macklemore ft Kesha - Good old days

There is one thing that I love to do now that the wars have finished, and we have stopped having conflict with everyone. I love to just sit down for a moment and watch television. Supernatural was by far, my favourite tv show. I was sitting in the living room catching up season five of the supernatural series.

"Bullshit, utter bullshit! Son of Medusa!" popcorn was bouncing off the screen as it was being launched by yours truly. "Kripke what in the actual Underworld! Who ends a freaking season like that?" 

The sound of the phone ringing in the hall broke my attention from the television and I raced to get it before the dial ended.

"Joe's crematorium " you kill'em, we grill 'em. How may I help you?" I answered with the phone with a cheery voice and mocking tone.

"Leilah, you obviously didn't lose your comedic touch." Elena's soft voice drifted through the phone and I smiled.

"Yeah still as morbid as ever, how's Prank Night going?" I observed the various pictures and walked around the house while on the phone.

"Awesome, just removed some bolts from the teachers chairs and superglued the doors shut. People are currently filling up the cups in the gym and we still got to put mousetraps in some of the classes. How're you doing?"

"Oh, I' just emotionally damaged over the season finale of Supernatural season five."

"Yeah, I had the same reaction too."

Noting that this conversation wasn't going anywhere I decided to stop beating around the bush, "So is there any reason for this call, or are we going to continue this awkward conversation all night?" 

"Hahaha very funny, I left a bag of extra supplies beside my bed and I was wondering if you could come and drop them off at the school now?" 

"Yeah, no problem, be there in ten."

"Thanks Lei, you're a lifesaver. The bag is black by the way."

"Okay see you."

Once in her room, I saw the black bag situated beside her bed and couldn't resist having a peek. Cans of silly string, bags of balloons, washing detergent and bagged artificial feathers were a few of the things in the bag. I locked up the house and drove to the school.

It was almost like another dimension when driving through a town in the middle of the night. Shops closed, pathways and streets abandoned for the few hours of sleep that we get before beginning the day again. Only the street lights lighting up the path every couple feet reassured me that the town wasn't dead.  

The high school was littered with cars that I assumed to be owned by the seniors participating in the Prank Night. The entrance doors were unlocked, and the hallway lights were flicked on, creating shadows of the many senior students wandering around the school with mischievous intentions. I passed one student walking in the hallway and stopped to ask him where Elena was.

"I saw her in the gym with the dude that busted us so Prank Night's over." He walked away from me to the exit. Ignoring his sour attitude, I walked in the direction of the gym and opened the door to find Elena and some other people littered around the gym.

The slam of the door closing was enough to gain the attention of everyone in the gym.

"Leilah run!" Elena screamed at me, I failed to register the tone of her voice being full of panic and fear.

"Um, no thanks, not in the mood." I sassily replied while holding up the bag, "Anyway I have your goodies that you wanted me to get you." Then I saw the two people that were close to her, I could almost smell their fear and not to mention their sweat that mixed in with the natural odour of the gym.

"What's wrong with them?" I gestured to the couple sitting on the floor.

"Sorry sweetheart, that was me." I didn't realise that while I was walking towards Elena that I had missed a person in the area. My eyes slightly widened when I realised that there was a handsome man currently occupying a seat on the bleachers, with a British accent.

"You are certainly not a senior high school student." My eyes assessed his physical form and I had to say that I was impressed. Though he was leaner than most, he had muscles hinting beneath his shirt. He had gorgeous blue eyes, curly light brown hair with hints of honey and a small beard growing on his face that really worked for him. He seemed like one of those people who were guarded and suspicious of everyone. His eyes, though light, seemed alert of those around him. He was leaning forward in his seat, ready for any display of action. 

The handsome stranger coughed which broke my physical assessment, "No, I am not a senior student, and you certainly aren't." his eyes also done a physical assessment of me as well. It seemed like he liked what he saw. I knew that thanks to my genealogy, my physical features were appealing to others. I had fair skin that tanned beautifully under the sun and never burnt. My tiny lithe body allowed me to be more flexible during fights and had a decent amount of muscle. I had the features of my father and brothers; dark, thick hair that fell to just below my shoulders and appealing sea-green eyes. This worked well for me because I had also gained the gift of Charm-speak from the goddess Aphrodite, allowing me to charm others into doing exactly what I wanted them too. His English accent slightly threw me off as his physical features made me think that he was not from England but somewhere within Scandinavia, Norse territory.

"My name is Klaus Mikaelson, and who might you be?"

"She's no one Klaus." Elena broke the heated stare between the two of us and came to stand slightly in front of me, as if like she was a form of protection against him.

"Ghee, thanks cuz." I laughed. She took my hand and dragged me away from Klaus to stand beside the couple on the floor. His eyes remained solely on myself, his interest piqued seemingly at my choice of words Elena.

"Look Leilah, there was some things that I forgot to mention about the town since you left." Her eyes were completely overtaken with fear. "Things have changed, there are new people, dangerous people that live here. Klaus is one of them, he is a vampire."


Yeah this is crap but it's something after my dissapearance fo te face of the earth like usual on this website.
Is anyone else having a problem with the moblie app like I am? where it keeps freezing every damn second? I thought that sadly cleaning out my library would help but noooo. Just hoping that Wattpad fixes this problem soon. 

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