
By sjizzles

242 24 11

When quirky high schooler, Ava Hill, gets hit in the head by destiny (literally) her whole life is changed. ... More

Chapeter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

49 6 2
By sjizzles

Rory's POV

"I'm breaking up with you" 

I stared in confusion at the blonde bimbo in front of me. I pushed my dark hair away from my forehead and let that sink in.

She must have taken my confusion as shock because she continued.

"I know this is out of the blue but..." she took a deep breath. "I feel like you don't pay enough attention to me and I feel like I'm a second priority and I only see you in the night when you want some action and once you stopped our love making session to call your mom and that kinda scarred me and was borderline creepy and I know  this is gonna hurt but I don't think we should see each other anymore." 

She exhaled. Her face held a look of pity, her long, manicured hands inched their way to mine. 

Seriously, how could she do anything with those nails though? They were like 5 inches long! How in the world was she supposed to scratch her butt?

I tried to stifle my laughs behind a facade of utmost pain.
"It's okay, I understand K-" wait what was her name again? Kassandra? Karen? No, or was it Yolanda? Shit, I quickly diverted her attention.

"Hey look over there," I said, my finger pointing at a random point in the sky, which happened to be a fat seagull. Yes, I know I'm quite slick, don't worry ladies there's enough to go around.

Kassandr-- no--Juanita---no I'll just call her Felicia, turned back to me with a look of utmost concern.
"Are you sure you feel alright? Hang in there buddy, I know you can get through this. I know at times it may feel like the end of the world, but trust me god has a plan for you," she said pityingly.

Was this girl trying to make me laugh on purpose? I put on my best 'my best friend who was a turtle just died and I'm really heartbroken' face. 

She seemed to buy it.

"Yea I'm okay," I replied pouting.

"Well okay, see ya later Rory, I hope we can still be friends," she said.
Yea okayyy Felicia... ugh as IF!

As opened the door to leave, I yelled back "BYE FELICIA!"

The look of concern she gave me was so comical, and I burst into a fit of laughter. Oyyy there was too much humor in this situation.

But my laughter soon died as I realized the extent of the circumstances...She had left her food here!


I looked up into the sky with my hands clasped together, "Oh Jesus thou art the only one who may save her satanic soul" I prayed.

Oh well... more for me, I dumped her fries into my plate but left the disgustingly inhumane dish known throughout the land as a 'salad'. Ewww I just repeatedly hurled in my mouth.

My heavenly blissful eating was suddenly cut off by my ringtone. 'I'm sexy and I know it' blasted throughout the cafe. Ahhh what a classic, the epitome of perfection.

A group of old grannies turned to me with a look of disdain. I picked up my phone.

"Stripper contact services how may I help you?" I answered into my phone.

"Someone's in a good mood I see," answered my best friend Ben.

"Yea, my 'girlfriend' broke up with me." I replied nonchalantly.

"WHAT! That's not possible you don't have one."

"I KNOW! One of my booty calls thought we had a relationship going on! I didn't even know her name," I chuckled.

"Wow dude, wait are you talking about booty call #3? I still can't believe she stuck around even after you stopped your hump session to call your mom."

" times...anyways why'd you call me?" I answered.

"I need a favor," he said, "you know how I work as a score keeper for the volleyball games at the high school? I can't make it so can you pleaaaaasse sub for me? All you need to do is keep score, you don't have to do anything else."

(oh how wrong he was)

"Nahhh man I'm very busy, I gotta eat a lot of ice cream and have a Nicholas Sparks marathon" I paused, "isn't that what people do when they get dumped?"

"Seriously? You know there will be girls in reallly short spandex shorts right?" He replied smugly.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I smirked. I'd definitely be there.

Hi guys,
I hope you liked this first chapter. If someone's actually reading this I will love you. This is my first book, what'd y'all think about Rory? Yay or nay?

Date: February 10 2018

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