Ed Edd n Eddy x Reader

By ILuvsGenevieve

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Ed Edd n Eddy x Reader
Chapter 1
Assassin au
Lee, Marie, May, and Sarah
May I have this Ed

Valentines Day Special

4.3K 54 55
By ILuvsGenevieve

I'm gonna do things a little differently :P
Sorry if it sucks ;-;

We all walk to our lockers which happen to be close together
Eddy slides down the hall turning the corner
"Let's learn!! Last one to class is a- ..... what am I saying??"

He stops and walks casually

Edd follows behind
"Isn't Valentines day wonderful??"

Ed runs past them and I follow behind turning him to the right direction
"Sure it is, if you're into stuff like that. If you ask me Valentines day is a load of bull"

"Y/n watch your language!!"

While Ed's not looking I shoot Edd a Double bird
(Haha get it??)

"Anyway... as I'm sure you're aware it can be quite unnerving to express ones coming to the feelings of Amour yet this holiday conquers the upchuck(?) occasion and allows one the opportunity to let that special someone know you care"

Ed grabs Edds head squeezing it
"Yuckie squishy mushie girl stuff Double D!! The fish have chips my fine friend"
He whispers the last part letting go and rushing to his locker

As soon as he opens it trash and junk go flying out of his locker Eddy laughs

"Ew Ed! You gotta clean that locker or I might die from the smell"

"Hehe his locker stanks like h-"

"Cottage cheese! Girls do not like stanky breath, camouflage so the girls cannot see you, and a spider. Girls hate them, Sarah said so"

"Ed, are you saying I'm not a girl??"


Ed looks from under the bag on his head to look at me and sees the spider on his shoulder

He splashed fountain water on him to kill it

"Edd do something"
I push him towards Ed

He took the spider from eds shoulder
"Ed you're frightning the poor thing, all better"

Edd lets it crawl out the window

"You two babies got it light. Yeah Valentines day is just the same for this chick magnet"

He opens his locker and a sets up a kissing booth that somehow fit in there along with a disco ball and some terrible music

Ed smiled

Me and Edd were unimpressed and not convinced at all

"25 cents a smooch ladies!"

He ringed the bell
We waited a couple of minutes but nothing

"Man this music's terrible"
I complained opening my locker

A bunch of flowers, cards, boxes, and a chicken fell out

I picked up the chicken
"I don't even have to guess who this came from"

Eddy got nervous seeing as I got Valentine gifts and a chicken meanwhile he can't even get a quarter
"The ladies must be freshening up in the can"

"In the can.. right, while we're waiting I have a little something here for you.
Happy Valentine's day Ed"

"Bath time already??"


"You electrify me? Who the hecks this guy??"

"Nikola Tesla, Eddy, it's part of my great minds of science Valentines card series"

"It has a mind Eddy"
Ed smiled

"Ain't you supposed to give these things to girls?"

"I almost forgot! Happy Valentines day Y/n"
He gave one to me

I kissed his cheek and he blushed hiding in his beanie

"About time Double Dork"

"How about Y/n takes my place, everyone seems to like her"

"Sure Eddy"

The bell rang

Eddy jumped happily

"A customer!"

It was Jay

The Eds screamed in fear of a Kanker
"Happy Valentines day Y/n, will you be my Valentine??"

He held up a card he made by himself
"That's sweet Jay but I don't celebrate Valentines day"

He made a sad face
"Don't be upset Jay, I still made a card for you"

I handed him one out of a bunch of others

He gave me his and a quarter

"What's this for??"

He kissed me on the lips

"For that, bye Y/n!!"
He ran off somewhere

Eddy took the quarter I got from Jay

"I knew this was a good idea!"

The bell rang again and this time it was Kevin
"Yo Y/n, what's with the kissing booh??"

"Eddy's idea"

"I thought so"

Eddy stood infront of me shooing Kevin away
"In your dreams pal"

"Mind your own buisness and get to class!"

Eddy crossed his arms
"Don't let your brain go to your head Mr. Hall monitor"

"You just got yourself a detention pal"

Eddy took the slip and stomped away to class mumbling

"That was well deserved"
I laughed

"Come now Kevin, why change the emotional sincerity for Valentine's day with a detention slip??"

He gave one to Edd too
"That's for sticking up for dorky"

"But I've never had a detention!"

"Kevin, don't give Edd his first detention"

"And why not?"

"Because Edd's a good guy and if you do I won't give you a Valentines kiss"

He snatched the slip away from Edd and ripped it to pieces
"You're lucky she was here to protect you"

"Believe me, I am more than greatful"

I kissed him and suddenly I felt a sting of an arrow hit me and I think whatever it was hit Kevin too

We went to class holding hands

Edd is left behind and he someone crying in the Janitors closet


"Y/n doesn't want to be my Valentine!!"
He cries some more

"I'm sure it's nothing like that, she just doesn't like Valentines day is all"

The bell rings and Jay keeps crying

"Oh dear... don't you think we should be getting to class??"

"I have no Valentine for Valentines day!!"

Edd takes out a pen and crosses out Kevins name writing Jay under it giving the card to him
(But Kevedd ;-;)

"I really must get to class, Happy Valentines day Jay"
(It rhymed :D)

He read the card
"Naturally I select you?"

Jay stands outside watching Edd rush to class
"Late late late late late!!"

"Double D??"

Suddenly he was hit by an arrow and started floating with hearts in his eyes

In class the other two Kankers laugh with their faces in a book called 'Anatomy'

Edd is doing sciency things

Ed walks around covered with skeleton bones
"Boy am I parched"

"Man are you gonna get in trouble"

Eddy laughed

"Some of us are here to learn, thank you."

I was sitting in Kevins lap sleeping while the teacher was out secretly not teaching us

Jay appears out of nowhere
"Hiya Double D"

"Ah! Feeling better Jay??"

He notices Jay is floating and questions 'how' in his mind

"Well I'm gonna go back to working now"

"Can I be your partner??"
Jay asks

Edd smiles awkwardly

Suddenly there was a boom that Ed and Eddy created that wake me up

I almost fell backwards but Kevin caught me
"You alright babe??"

"Yeah I'm fine thanks to you"

"They are so getting detention for this"

"Fine by me"
He keeps his arms around me and I decide to kiss him some more

Jay yells smart words at them

"Jay.. I've never seen that side of you"

Edd suddenlly gets strucks by an arrow and falls (or floats >>) for Jay

The tiny cupids nobody can see lifts them up and flies away

After class I meet the Eds at our lockers and Edd has a note
"To my sweet lambchop won't you be my Valentine love Jay"

"Jay's so stupid he put Y/n's Valentine on Double D's locker"

"He's not stupid Eddy! And for the record Kevin's my boyfriend now, he's so dreamy and strong and cute and athletic and-"

Eddy cuts me off taking the note and throwing it away

"Okay I get it! He's everything I'm not, just drop it already"

I stared at him confused as to why he was upset

The bell rings and Edd looks through the trashcan


"Look at him! Not only is he the teachers pet but now he's kissing up to the Janitor, we're gonna be lae for class Double D."

I get on Ed's back and point at Edd
"Ed fetch"

He fetchs Double D and runs straight for the gym where Kevin was helping the coach by being the coach for the day

Johnny does push ups and aparently so does Plank
"Gym assistant sir, watch me!"

It looked like a game of leap frog

I left the Ed's to change and play badmitten(?) with Nazz

Eddy walked by Jonny and Kevin
"What! You again??"

"The things I do for extra credit"

Ed runs by holding a lovesick Edd
"Present! I'm present and ready when you are!! May I be excused??"

"No, today you are going to be climbing rope"

Johnny goes first
"Right on!!"

He easily climbs all the way to the top and rings the bell just as me, Sarah, and Nazz get changed and for some reason the Kankers were on the girls team

Probably because there's more boys at this school than there are girls

"Alright girls, and kankers, let's get our sweat on! Todays class is gonna be like so much fun!!"

Tee laughs
"Sounds like a challenge huh, Jay??"

Edd turns around amiling at the sound of Jays name

He waves lovingly

"Hey Tee, Larie! Ungard!!"
I hold my racket towards them like a sword and start sword fighting them

"Okay guys, that is so like not cool"
Nazz complains

"Not cool but lots of fun"

Jay chews on his racket until it looks like a heart and holds it up to Edd

Edd blows multiple kisses at Jay and Eddy notices

"Hey no neck!!"
Eddy turns to Kevin

"You're up"
He throws the rope at Eddy letting it hit him straight in the face

"I ain't climbing no stupid rope"

"Oh you're climbing it or I'm telling the teacher"

Eddy stomps ober to the mat

He almost reaches the bell but fails miserably and slides down face first into the mat

"My turn!!"
Ed yells

"Double D"

Ed helps
"Wakey wakey!!"

"You're up"

Edd skips around Kevin and instead of climbing the rope he uses and invention of his ringing the bell

"I wanna wear his beanie"
We hear Jays words

"What the heck is he talking about??"

"Jay are you okay??"

"Look at his face he's probably constipated again"

Nazz blows on the whistle scaring us

"A little less talk and a little more badmitten please"

She throws the bird at Larie only for him to knock her out when he hit it

Kevin goes over the list
"So who's next.."

"It's Planks turns!"

"Zip it cactus head"

Ed somehow got up a basket ball net with no pole
"Look at me! I'm as helpless as a kitten in a tree"

He pulls the paper ober his head and starts swinging on a rope

"Go lumpy go!!"
Eddy cheers

"He shoots"
He stood edd on the mat so ed would hit him

"He scores"

Edd goes through the basket ball net

Jay gets worried

Ed lands on Kevin
"You just got yourself a detention"

Ed smiles not even caring

I run over to Kevin pulling him out from under Ed
"Kevin are you alright?!"

Usually I wouldn't care but for some odd reason I do

"It's okay babe I'm fine"

I wraps my arms around his neck and kiss him

He kisses back turning it into a make out session

The bell rang but we didn't care

Jay holds Edd worriedly
"Speak to me lambchop!"

Edd opens his eyes and smiles
"Your kiss alone can heal any wound"

Jay picks him up
"You are so cute!"

Jay lays Edd on one of the mats and they sit there staring lovingly

"Yo Larie, looks like Jay got himself a man"

"Jay's gay??"
(More rhyming words >>)


"I knew this day would come someday"

"And not only that, look who's making out with our girl"

Larie and Tee stare at me and Kevin angrily

I hear their scream and made a run for it holding Kevins hand so he follows

"Get back here with our girl, woman stealer!!"
They runs after us

"Dude she was never yours to begin with!"
He screams behind us

They only get angrier but we somehow out ran them and went straight to art class

I don't know or care what the Ed's were doing as long as I have my Kevin
(This makes me sick to my stomach cause my big sisters boyfriends name is Kevin and I despise him😑)

"Psst Y/n!"
I hear Eddy's voice but I ignore it

Jay and Edd write letters to eachother making Johnny go back and forth

Ink gets everywhere cause of the two Ed's
"Sick guys!"

"Sorry Y/n"
Ed yells back

First the Eds broke into Y/n locker and found a bunch of nothing and a basketball that belongs to Kevin

"Y/n was supposed to love me and only me but instead she falls for Kevin!! Can you believe it Ed?!"

"I can Eddy"

Next they break into Kevins locker to see if he had any of her belongings and they did

"Why would Kevin have
Y/n's favorite plushie?? She loves that thing!! She never lets me touch it!!"

They then break into Edds locker afterwards finding a bunch of neat stuff and lovey dovey books to find anything that relates to Jay

"Look Eddy a prize"

Eddy took whatever was in Eds.......hair? It was a hat but it was not Edds beanie

"It's Jays hat Double D's been poisoned by Kanker love, lumpy"

"Yuckie evil mushy, Eddy!"

"How am I supposed to steal his answers if he's all May happy"
They leave for lunch

The Kankers Jays stuff and found everything Y/n related was replaced with Edd stuff

They found a heart box with Jays name on it
"What's this??"

Tee picked up the item
"That's the Double Dorks sock!! That creep"

"Gross dude!"

They put the locker back and checked Kevins locker
"I don't see anything Tee"

"Wait! Larie look"

They stare at the plush and get pissed knowing it was hers
"Flirt with our girl, we get angry"

"But when you have our dolls favorite plush, you get the beating of a lifetime"

They angrily rush to the gym

I'm sitting in Kevins lap chatting away about random subjects whhen Rolf sits infront of us

"Yo Rolf, Happy Valentines day"

He picks up a mallet and beats a tentacle that somehow got in his bread

"Okaay then"

"So Y/n, after school you wanna hang out at the playground??"

"Alright sounds fun"

Rolf gave us lemons and walked away

At the same time the Eds and Kankers walked in

"Well well well, if it isn't the brothers of the friend stealer!!"

"Where's our Jay?!"

"Where's our Double D?!"

Larie raised his fist ready to punch Eddy
"You got 3 seconds to tell us where he's at 1.... 2...."

"Hey! Is that an abandoned car axle??"

Larie turned to look for it only to be hit in the face with a sandwich

"Nice shot"

"Tell your stupid brother to stay away from our friend"

"Tell your stupid friend to stay away from our brother!"
They started a food fight and I got in on it

I threw stuff and Kevin did too

I got hit with a heart shaped jello
"Get em Ed! Avenge me!!"

Ed was about to throw something until he got hit with something hard

Rolf hid in the trash can

They finally started fist fighting and I backed out

Edd and Jay finally showed up holding hands
"Greetings everyone! Our Valentines has come true, has yours?"

They were suddenly pulled apart
"Get a grip Romeo that's a Kanker you're falling for!"

"Forget the bum Jay"

Jay struggled to get to Edd

Edd tried to reach Jay

Jay finally got away from Tee only to have Larie stop him

"He's trouble with a capital 'R' Jay"

Eddy was losing his grip so Ed sat on Edd

Out of nowhere heart shaped arrows hit everyone  except Rolf

Rolf lifted the trash can and saw:
Tee and Kevin dancing
Johnny and Nazz with roses
Ed kissing a sandwich
Eddy with Plank
Edd and Jay holding hands
Larie and the chicken that Y/n got from Rolf

Rolf squeezes lemons in his eyes and captures the tiny cupids and threw them out the window returning to the cafeteria with dirty mop water

He splashed everyone with the gross water

Edd and Jay finally realized they were holding hands and immediately let go

"Jay! .... oh um parden me but I think I belong over there"
Edd stood between his friends and Jay stood between his brothers

"The harsh realities of your miserable lives have been restored!"

Suddenly he was glomped by a lovesick Y/n
"Oh Rolf, I love your blue hair! We should get married and live happily ever after!"

She kissed him all over his face as he blushed holding her around the waist
"This one Rolf can live with"

He looked up and there stood Kevin, Johnny, Plank, Eddy, Kankers, Sarah, and Nazz with some more gross mop water

"Hand over the girl Rolf"

"Yeah it's like for her own good"

"And if we can't have her neither can you"

Rolf jumped to his feet carrying Y/n with him as she cuddled to his chest lovingly he ran away from the others

"You will never take Rolf and his bride alive!!"

They chased after him, all except the Eds who had to stay behind

"Love is like an onion Double D, the more layers you peel off the more it stinks"

"I hate when he does that"
Eddy passed out over the smell


Edd covered his nose with his beanie and found a love letter Jay wrote him staring at it lovingly


Edd folded the letter hiding it in his beanie

"Do something Double D!"

"Perhaps a little first aid Ed?"

"Oh, I got it! Mouth to mouth for Eddy!!"


"Inhale Ed"

He did what Edd said

"And blow Ed"

Eddy never lived to see another day
(Jk he's fine)

RIP Eddy


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