A Secret Service [NOW PUBLISH...

By joymoment

24.3M 1.1M 716K

Now available in paperback! "I LOVE IT!" - CarniaHolmes "I'm going to break your nose, because I don't like... More

Would you look at that cast?!
An author's note. 🙄 Wow, I'm so surprised.
Chapter 1 - "So enters wonder boy."
Chapter 2 - "You really have no boundaries, do you?"
Chapter 3 - "I'm going to break your nose, because I don't like your face."
Chapter 4 - "Owens, do you ever shut up?"
Chapter 5 - "This won't hurt you one bit."
Chapter 6 - "I convey a moody persona?"
Chapter 7 -"Try to keep up, old man."
Chapter 8 -"I never pegged either of you as the skittish type."
Chapter 9 -"You're kind of cute when you're flirting."
Chapter 10 - "Funny one, Carter."
Chapter 11 - "Why did you lie to me?"
Chapter 12 - "There's nothing to say for now, Carter."
Chapter 13 - "I can't ever lose him."
Chapter 14 - "How did you know?"
Chapter 15 - "Why I do favors for people is beyond me."
Chapter 16 - "I prefer a swift punch."
Chapter 17 - "You look nice, Sarge."
Chapter 18 -"Play nice."
Chapter 19 - "How can he be so clueless?"
Chapter 20 - "Get. The. Hell. Out."
Chapter 21 - "People fail you."
Chapter 22 - "You want to crash here on the couch?"
Chapter 23 -"She can't just show up and do this to us!"
Chapter 24 - "You don't have to talk to her."
Chapter 25 - "Were you waiting for us?"
Chapter 26 - "Don't assume you know everything."
Chapter 27 - "You don't have to say it."
Chapter 28 - "I didn't think I would see you again."
Chapter 29 - "You look hot."
Chapter 30 - "How badly did I screw up?"
Chapter 31 - "I said it was fine."
Chapter 32 - "I know it's not a date, it was a slip of the tongue."
Chapter 33 - "Look, I can't tell you."
Chapter 34 - "Do you ever regret it?"
Chapter 35 - "She knows, Jay."
Chapter 36 - "Does it look like I'm joking?"
Chapter 37 - "Donovan, just talk to me."
Chapter 38 - "Don't punch me if you lose."
Chapter 39 - "I do not want your pity or sympathy."
Chapter 40 - "Let's go find Link."
Chapter 41 - "Split up."
Chapter 42 - "Get out of my way."
Chapter 43 - "You ready?"
Chapter 44 - "Who am I speaking to?"
Chapter 45 - "You got my message."
Chapter 46 - "It doesn't mean it's okay."
Chapter 47 - "Then I can kiss you again."
Just one minute, that's all I ask of you.
A Secret Service Special Surprise
Chapter 1 (Donovan's POV)
Special Scene Snippets
The secrets behind A Secret Service
Don't hate me! It's only a cover gallery.
Duck and cover gallery!
Take cover gallery!
The Story Continues!

A Cross-Over Special

279K 7.6K 3.3K
By joymoment

Quick note: this falls after the epilogue, before the other special
Warning: contains small spoilers for A Second Chance, Every Second, Mr. Write.

And now Five Years of Fame is available to read on murphnturf account! Enjoy!

(For this to really make sense read my other books. Or proceed and discover who the characters are through this, either one 😄)

"I blame you for this," Carter said, looking at Donovan.

Donovan tried to look unconcerned, but the corner of his mouth held a slight grimace that spoke of his guilt.

"I didn't think that mentioning to Maddy the fact that I was related to Reeve Keller would have this type of repercussion," he said.

Carter scowled, "Well, it did."

As if to back up her comment, the sound of the crowd doubled as they walked through the stadium's front entrance. Outside a light snow fall had started and wispy snowflakes twirled in the light of downtown D.C.. The sight was peaceful, a vast contrast to the madhouse they had just entered.

The lobby of the stadium was crammed with more people than Carter had ever encountered. The sound of thousands of voices pummeled their ears. The buildings' high ceiling didn't seem big enough to hold the thundering volume. Around them was a range of people Carter figured only an event such as this JingleBall thing could attract.

Contradicting the intense, brooding guys that wore all black were high pitched teenage girls that held massive posters. The names of their favorite bands were scrolled across the signs in big bubble letters. The love seemed to be evenly dispersed as Carter caught flashes of Hey Farewell, Reeve Keller, Wild Wallflowers, Sebastian Colfax and Knox Hamilton.

Someone stumbled into Carter and she shoved them back, relieved to have somewhere to put her annoyance. The bald guy looked back, surprised by the girl who had showed such strength. Donovan tugged on Carter's arm before she could find another outlet for her irritation.

"If you're going to punch someone," Donovan said. "Punch me. I won't press charges."

Carter looked at him. "I will gladly take you up on that offer."

Donovan smiled and gave her a quick kiss, successfully defusing the tension in her body, despite Carter's fight to hold onto it.

"I hate that that works," she said.

He took her hand and led her on. "I know."

He sent her back a smirk and she scowled, though the look held no bite. Maddy bounced ahead of them, the only tether to the ground seeming to be Link's fingers wrapped around hers. She pointed to the huge posters that hung down from the ceiling, announcing the evening's acts, and let out squeals of excitement.

Carter gave Donovan a flat look. "I say I kill her and put her out of her misery."

He shook his head. "Too many witness. It's not tactically the best option right now."

Maddy spun back to them. "Which way?"

Donovan pulled Carter forward and directed the group through the hoard of people. They pushed through groups of girls with shirts all wearing faces of their chosen bands, their images all varying in looks based on the wearer. On the far side of the stadium they came upon two bodyguards in black blocking a set of metal double doors. Their impassive faces were as much as a barrier as their bulk.

"Hi," Donovan said, nodding to them.

They gave no response, their faces unreadable. Donovan pulled out a pass and handed it to the men. One of them inspected it and nodded. He handed it back to Donovan and stepped aside, pushing one door open.

"Thank you," Donovan said.

They held their silence and waited for the group to pass through before closing the door again. As the door shut, the noise was muffled but before them was another scene of chaos. Men in workmen's outfits hurried by, lugging speakers and amps. Donovan led the group on, seeming unfazed by the rushed paced of everyone around them.

"This was a terrible idea," Carter whispered to Donovan.

"Again, I'm sorry. I will make it up to you."

"You better. Who goes to concerts anyways?"

"Some would say people who enjoy music."

Carter rolled her eyes. They wound their way through the maze of corridors. Along the walls were framed photos of all the past performers the venue had held. Maddy let out shouts of surprise when they passed singers she knew. Carter glanced at Donovan. His lips curled, seeming to read her thoughts.

"There are rooms along here," she said. "I'm sure they are accustomed to finding bodies in them all the time."

"Carter," he said, his tone warning.

She shrugged. "Only thinking of our options."

Donovan shook his head, chuckling. He looked up and read a sign that said Green Room hanging over a doorway.

"This is it," he said.

They stepped inside.


Lennon shifted on the couch, resting her head on Kade's shoulder. He kissed her forehead, his hand finding hers. He smelled of something woodsy, a scent that made her think of home. They sat on a soft leather couch in the stadium's Green Room.

The room was larger than most of the places she had seen. There was a long, polished bar that ran along the wall on one side. Adjacent to it was a banquet table laden with food. Clusters of people moved about, most of them performers, as well as some assistants and the occasional fan.

"How are you holding up?" Kade asked.

Lennon inspected their joined hands, feeling as if her body weighed a thousand pounds.

"How do you think? We literally just got off of touring. I want to sleep for a month, not perform at some JingleBall concert."

Kade gave an understanding chuckle, the sound rolling over her and making her smile despite her exhaustion.

"It's just one night and then we'll be home," he said, his voice soothing.

She smiled at the word home, imagining his family, the shouts as they played games and the smell of food that never left the air.

"Lenny, you feeling alright?" Noah asked, falling into a chair across from them.

"Besides feeling like I might fall over if I stand up? Yup, I'm totally fine."

Noah laughed and took a drink from his beer. Will walked over and eyed them.

"Why did we sign up for this?" he asked.

"Charity," Lennon said. "Unlike us, Kade apparently has a heart."

"I thought you had possession of that," Noah said, giving her a teasing grin.

"Guys, it's just one night and all the money goes to cancer research," Kade said. "It's worth it."

Noah rolled his eyes, but said nothing. His gaze wandered to a brunette across the way and he stood. "Pardon me."

He left and Will shook his head.
"I'm going to stop him from doing something stupid."

Will left, leaving Kade and Lennon to their seclusion. Their moment didn't last long when Sebastian Colfax walked over to them, Amelia beside him, their hands locked together.

"Kade," he said, reaching out his free hand.

Kade leaned forward and shook it. "Sebastian, it's good to see you."

Lennon forced herself to sit up and look somewhat alive.

"It's been awhile," she said.

Sebastian settled on the arm of a chair, Amelia leaning against him.

"It has," he said. "I'm surprised you two are here. Didn't you just come off an eight month world tour?"

Lennon looked at Kade with a pretend scowl. His dark brown eyes met hers, teasing.

"Yes," she said. "But Kade decided that it was worth it just the same. I wanted to fall in to bed and never get up."

Amelia laughed. "I know the feeling. We finished our tour a few months back and we slept for whole week."

Amelia smiled at Sebastian, her hazel eyes bright as they met his dark blue. Lennon spotted the gold band on Amelia's finger, a confirmation of the rumors about their disappearance a few months back.

"What is next for you two?" Sebastian asked, looking between Kade and Lennon.

Kade looked at Lennon, as if she was the only answer he could think of. Lennon gave a careless shrug.

"Well," she said, "eventually we would like to make the engagement more permanent, but with touring and life, it's turned out to be more difficult then we thought."

Sebastian chuckled. "We understand that."

Before they could fall into more talk, someone called out for Sebastian and Amelia. They looked over to a brown haired guy that had similar facial features as Amelia. With a quick goodbye to Lennon and Kade, they joined the man.

Lennon slid down and resumed her former position with her head on Kade's shoulder. He rested his cheek on her hair.

"Just a few more hours and then we are done," he said.


Bobbi glanced over to the couch. Lennon had her head on Kade's shoulder and they were quietly talking. She turned back to Theo, her long black hair tumbling over her shoulders. He was watching the couple as well, his brow furrowed as if contemplating something. His thick dark brown hair was roughly pushed back and the first five buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned. It was a signature look that made Bobbi roll her eyes and smile all at the same time.

"Do you think we can say hi?" she asked.

He shifted his attention to her. His green eyes seemed to absorb her, as if every time he looked at her he wanted to recommit her face to memory. The edge of her mouth curled, her blue eyes mirroring his.

"I don't know," he said, running a hand through his hair. The act pulled at his shirt sleeve and three arrow tattoos were revealed. The tattoos were an offset to Bobbi's own tattoos.

They looked back at the couple, seeing them in a light of admiration. Bobbi looked around, wanting to see what Alfie thought, but he was in conversation with a red head who laughed at everything he was saying. She knew there was no breaking her brother away from that.

She glanced around for Sam. She spotted his blonde man bun at the banquet table, calmly filling his plate. When he was done, he turned and she waved him over. Instead of coming to her, he walked over to where Lennon and Kade sat and took a seat on the coffee table before them.

Both Bobbie and Theo stood there in stunned silence, watching as Kade smiled at Sam and they shook hands. They spoke for a second and Sam pointed to Bobbie and Theo. Lennon and Kade glanced over.

Bobbi blinked, seeming to remember where she was and the fact that she was staring at them. She shifted her gaze to Sam and he nodded them over. Pulling on Theo's hand to get him move, they joined Sam.

"Kade, Lennon," he said. "This is Bobbi and Theo. The main part of Wild Wallflowers."

The pair shook hands and sat down.

"Sam never told us that he knew you," Bobbi said.

Kade chuckled while Sam took a bite of his food.

"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," Kade said. "He helped me out a few years back and we stayed in touch."

Theo clapped on a hand on Sam's shoulder. "Way to hold out on us."

Sam shrugged and continued to eat, as if eating in front of one the world's most famous singers was nothing new.

"If we had known he knew you, we probably would have hired him right on the spot," Bobbi said.

Sam looked at her. "You did hire me right on the spot."

"Yes, but we would have been more impressed by you."

Sam looked at her, shrugged and went back to eating.


"I don't even understand why you brought me here!" Elliot said. "Besides to use my money to pay off the bouncer."

Cece waved a flippant hand. "You know I have a fear of going places by myself."

"Why not take Milo? He loves you and would have smooth talked his way in."

"Dearest El, I am about to step into a room that contains Kade Mathews, as well as Theo Harris, as well as many other famous hot guys. I do not want my actions to hinder Milo's view of me."

Elliot frowned. "That makes it sound like you are going to either pee yourself from excitement, try to make out with one of them or faint. If all three happen, then there is no way that's not ending up on YouTube."

Cece gave her a flat look. "I'm not likely to do any of those things. But still, you were the safe choice."

"Fine. But if you faint I plan on not catching you and laughing hysterically."

Cece shrugged. "Fair enough."

They entered the Green Room. It was crowded and most of the people there Elliot vaguely found familiar but not more than that. The air was cool and smelled of spices and sweets. Couches and armchairs formed circles, building natural worlds for the performers to occupy with their friends. Chatter filled the room like the sense of self confidence that spilled from the singers.

Elliot was just debating which good looking face was the reason they were there, when her gaze landed on a familiar countenance. She raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Sky?!" she said.

He cousin looked over, a smile jumping to her round face. Beside her was a tanned, attractive guy with brown hair and dark eyes. Sky stood and moved towards them, followed by her companion.

"Elliot! Cece!" she said. "What in the world are you doing here?"

"I'm pretty sure you stole our question," Elliot said.

Cece pointed to the room at large. "Hey Farewell, Wild Wallflowers and Reeve Keller are all here, why wouldn't we be here?"

Sky nodded. "Makes sense."

"Not to me," Elliot said. "But apparently that makes no difference. Now, care to enlighten us on why you are among the world's musical elite? If you say you've become a famous singer, I, for one, will not be at all surprised."

Sky laughed away the comment. "I'm actually here because of him." She gestured to the guy who had stood politely behind her, but now took the spot by her side. "Knox, these are my cousins: Elliot and Cece. Guys, this is Knox."

Cece blinked twice at Knox, like she couldn't decide whether he was real or not. Elliot easily shook his hand, her face showing no sign of recognition.

"Nice to meet you," she said. "Who are you? Besides an extremely good looking person? And if that's your occupation then you are doing a really good job at it."

Knox chuckled. "I'm actually a singer."

"Knox is one of the biggest solo acts at the moment," Sky said.

Knox smiled down at her, loving the way she bragged for him. Cece was still at a loss for words. Elliot nodded. "Cool. Well, I apologize for not knowing that. I reside under a mineral deposit, and try to avoid the normal world when at all possible."

Knox smiled, but gave Sky a teasing look. "You sure you're related?"

"Not at all," Elliot said, jumping in before Sky could answer. "But we've exchanged Christmas gifts at least three times, so we might as well stick with it."

"Exactly," Sky said. "Pretty much already bonded that way, so there's no going back."

Knox chuckled and wrapped an arm around Sky's waist, his eyes saying it all. Cece regained her thoughts.

"Well, this is something," she said. "Anymore secrets you've been withholding from us, Sky? Like, you owning a multimillion dollar corporation?"

Sky waved her hand. "I sold that off last year."

Elliot shook her head. "And you denied me a loan for $10. You're a shrewd business woman indeed."

Sky just shrugged as Knox looked between the cousins, starting to understand a little more of Sky's world. He was pulled from his thoughts when Sebastian walked by.

"Excuse me," he said to Elliot and Cece.

He walked toward Sebastian and the two singers shook hands. Sky smiled at her cousins.

"Well, I love you both, but my boyfriend is talking to any other famous person. I'm going to go say hi."

"Good," Cece said. "Your boyfriend was distracting me from the real reason we're here."

Sky gave them a sweeping bow. "Then I leave you, dear cousins, to your endeavors."

She joined Knox and Elliot heard as introductions were passed around. She looked to Cece, who was looking towards a handsome guy with tousled dark brown hair, sitting on a couch across the room. Beside him was a girl with long brown hair and a pretty, friendly face. They were positioned so close together, Elliot figured she wasn't just some fan. When the guy shifted his focus to her, she read the story of his affection in his face.

"So, are we really doing this? Or are you going to wimp out?" Elliot asked.

Cece scowled. "I have no plans on wimping out."

"Twenty bucks says you go over there and barely get a word out."

Cece spun on her, a challenging glint in her eyes.

"You're on."

They crossed the room, passing by two couples near the doorway talking to a striking girl. They stopped in front of the couple on the couch, who looked up at them. Cece opened her mouth but nothing came out. Elliot shook her head.

"Hi," she said. "I'm Elliot McKenzie. This statue here used to be my sister, Cece, but she is currently starstruck and has lost all form of speech."

The girl laughed as the guy smiled, amused. The girl reached out a hand.

"Lennon Kayhill," she said. "You said Elliot McKenzie?"

Elliot nodded. "I believe so, since that is my given name, but I've been know to forget my identity on occasion."

"That confirms it," Lennon said. "You're Elliot McKenzie, the author of It Started with a Bet. I couldn't stop laughing when I read it. Kade thought I was losing my mind."

Kade shrugged. "What was I suppose to think when I come into the tour bus and you are curled up on the couch, shaking with silent laughter?"

"Clearly," Elliot said, "that she had lost her sanity and it was time to have her committed."

Kade smiled back at Elliot. "If they locked her up I would have to be locked up too."

"It's good that your sanity is gone as well," Elliot said. "I can see why you make such a great couple."

Lennon looked at her, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I never thought you would turn out as fun as your book."

"Shocking to me as well," Elliot said.

"I love your music," Cece blurted out.

Elliot clapped, the sound slow and dramatic. "Astounding turning of phrase, Cece. Truly, our family's sharp minds know no bounds."

Kade smiled encouragingly to Cece, the smile seeming to be one he used often.

"Thank you," he said, his tone warm and welcoming. "That means a lot."

Elliot turned on Cece. "Seriously, Cece? We come all this way and that's all you'v got? I love your music?" She twisted back to Kade and Lennon. "I must apologize for my sister. Usually she is more eloquent."

"Your wit is beautifully blunt," Cece said, crossing her arms and staring at Elliot.

Elliot shrugged. "I was planning to experience a diatribe of your admiration for Kade's music. Not a stereotypical response he clearly he has heard a million times."

Kade shifted forward. "I love to hear that people enjoy my music. There was nothing wrong with her comment."

Elliot made weird, dismissive sound. "Except for the fact that it lacked any sort of originality." She put her hands on Cece shoulders. "Dearest sister, say something that will not make me regret being here."

Cece rolled her eyes. "You and your dramatics. It's a miracle Beck is still with you."

"Almost as much of a miracle that Milo is still with you. Now." She waved a hand to Kade and Lennon, who were trapped between bafflement and amusement at the entire exchange.

"Kade," Cece said, "your lyrics touch on the struggles and inner conflicts of life instead of the mere superficial junk that we hear nowadays. I admire you for having an artistic integrity that appears most musicians lack."

Kade raised his eyebrows. "Thank you." His voice sounded more genuine than before.

Cece nodded and Elliot looked between them. "Wow, if that's true, I should give your music a try."


"Kit! This is so dumb!" Edison called out, sprinting after her.

Her blonde hair trailed behind her as she ducked around workmen.

"Edison, where is your sense of adventure?" she called out, jumping out of the way as men lumbered by.

"I don't call being chased by a pair of bodyguards adventure. Just plain idiocy."

"Then you haven't lived!"

They pelted around a corner, the thundering of heavy footsteps still echoing behind them. Kit smiled as her pulsed raced and her heart banged away inside her chest.

"This is not going to end well," Edison said, his breathing barely changed.

"Probably not, but that's half the fun."

They zig zagged through a group of people who shouted and gave them irritated looks. Kit stumbled to a halt outside an open doorway, then darted inside. The room was filled with more famous people then she saw on the cover of magazines. Her gaze darted about, searching for one person in particular. She was already rushing forward when she spotted the blonde hair pulled into a man bun. Sam stumbled forward as Kit leapt onto his back.

"Hi, Sam!" she said.

Sam tried to twist to see her but wasn't able to. Before Kit could let go, she was pulled from his back and thrown over a broad shoulder. There was shout of protest as Edison received the same treatment. Sam turned in time to see Kit being carried away.

"Kit!" he called after her. "Do you ever stay out of trouble?"

She tossed her hands up. "I don't know! I haven't found out yet."

Sam laughed and shook his head as he watched her disappear. Edison glared at Kit as they were hauled back down the corridors. She rested her chin in hands and smiled at him.

"Are you happy?" he asked.


Edison shook his head, grumbling something about a seven hour drive for nothing. Kit only smiled. She pushed herself up and twisted towards her holder.

"You are extremely strong," she said. "And your shoulder is quite comfortable, I applaud your choice in occupation, it is very fitting."


Reeve stared at the assistant with a look that was both polite and completely unimpressed.

"Ms. Keller," the frowning guy said, "this is not a matter that we can overlook."

Reeve held up a hand, successfully shutting the man up.

"I am performing last, correct?"

The man nodded, though he looked as if he didn't want to agree with anything she said.

"I arrived before the concert has started, correct?"

Again, he begrudgingly nodded.

"Then there is no issue I can see. If you don't want me to perform, then say the word and I will leave."

Reeve was fine making good on her suggestion, but she knew they would never ask her to leave. A majority of the reason ticket sales had been what they were was because she was performing. After being in hiding for the last year, it was a show no one wanted to miss.

Reeve's calm face challenged the assistant, as if daring him to correct her again. He gulped and forced a placating smile onto his face.

"Of course we would never ask you to leave," he said.

"Great. Then I don't believe we have more to discuss." The conversation had already taken a toll on her and she felt herself losing patience, wanting only to perform and leave. Kelly stepped forward, her blonde hair and business suit immaculate.

"Please inform us when Ms. Keller's dressing room is ready," she said.

The assistant nodded, knowing he had lost. "Of course. It should be ready in a moment."

"Excellent," Kelly said, with a bright smile that seemed to soften her appearance.

The man left and Reeve let out a breath, feeling the crowded space of the room, as if it were a physical weight. She rubbed a hand along her forehead, trying to combat the headache that was forming.

"Is Noah here yet?" she asked, dropping her hand and looking up at Kelly.

"Not yet."

Kelly's attention was diverted by someone whispering into her ear. She gave a nod and looked at Reeve with an encouraging and sympathetic smile.

"Your guests are here," she said.

Reeve nodded and straightened, pulling up a bright smile. Kelly led her to the door where two couples were waiting. Her cousin looked much older than she remembered. She laughed at herself. Of course he did, they hadn't seen each other in years.

Beside him was a girl with an unimpressed expression. It wasn't harsh, but said the big named performers in this room didn't faze her. Reeve took an instant liking to the girl, knowing she wouldn't have to hide a grimace at her high pitched tone of speech.

The girl next to her was the complete opposite. Already tears of happiness and excitement were filling her eyes. She also seemed as if she was trying to hold back a flood of noise with her wide smile. The boy beside her with glasses had a quiet smile on his face, though she saw there was no recognition there.

Knowing how to deal with an overeager fan more than a relation she hadn't seen in years, Reeve smiled at the blonde haired girl.

"Hi," she said, her voice rising to a register it only took with fans. "I'm Reeve."

"Oh my gosh, I know!" the girl said. "I'm a huge fan of your music. It's beautiful and soulful. It has a depth that I don't feel like anyone else has and it's just amazing. I seriously love your music."

Reeve adjusted her estimation of the girl, approving of her review of her music, even if it was said in a way that made everyone in the room look over.

"Thank you. I'm always happy when my songs mean something to someone."

"They do!" the girl said. "I was so happy when Donovan said that he knew you. I couldn't believe it actually. Thank you for letting us come say hi."

Reeve's smile shifted into something more genuine and less taxing.

"I'm glad he contacted me," she said. She finally shifted her attention to the tall guy with good looks and the same blue eyes as her father's family held. "It's been a long time."

Donovan nodded. "Ten years, I believe. Thank you for doing this."

"Of course."

Though the words were natural, the years and the memories of the past held them from being meaningful. Kelly stepped up and leaned close to Reeve.

"Noah is here," she whispered.

Reeve's gaze instantly jumped to the doorway, where a man with curly brown hair and warm, understanding eyes stood. He sent her a small smile. The gesture eased her and her shoulder's relaxed. She looked back to Donovan and his companions.

"I'm sorry to cut this short," she said. "I hope you all enjoy the show and I am happy I got see you."

"Thank you again," Donovan said.

"Yeah, thank you so much!" the blonde haired girl said.

Reeve smiled and left, walking to the only reason her smile could be so wide.


Carter watched as Reeve stopped in front of the man in the doorway. He said something to her and they left. A second later, a blonde haired girl darted through the door, a dark haired boy right behind her. The girl raced across the room and leapt onto the back of a man, greeting him. The boy hung back, looking over the room's occupants, seeming to be stunned by all the famous people. Two bodyguards appeared and picked up the girl and boy, hoisting them over their shoulders and leaving. Maddy giggled.

"What was that?" she asked.

"Clearly, two fans that snuck in," Carter said. "The girl was the instigator. The boy was merely tagging along."

Maddy smiled but already was moving on. "Should we go get our seats?"

Donovan nodded. They left the Green Room, the noise dimming as they moved back along the corridors, Link and Maddy leading. Donovan looked at Carter, studying her pensive expression.

"Are you going to tell me your thoughts, or do I have to guess them?" he asked.

Carter couldn't help the smile. "There are a lot of them."

His gaze held hers. "I will always want to know your thoughts."

She tightened her hold on his hand, not able to voice how much his words meant to her.

"It was a very interesting place," she said.


"The two girls talking with the lead singer of Hey Farewell and his fiancé-"

"You know the leader singer of Hey Farewell?"

She gave him a flat look. "We passed 49 posters with his face on the front, with the other two members off to the side. I deduced that he was the lead singer."

Donovan smiled. "Continue."

"The two girls were related, one a fan while the other had no clue who she was talking to. Oddly enough they were related to another girl in the room." Donovan raised an eyebrow. "They had the same nose, eye shape and jaw. The man that girl was with is head over heels for her." Carter paused as if thinking over something. "Though she feels the same, her emotions are less obvious than his."

"Anything else?" Donovan asked, simply because he wanted to hear her voice.

"The leader singer of Hey Farewell and his fiancé clearly just came off a big tour or event; though alert, there was an exhausted look about them. The singer from Wild Wallflowers and the guitarist are in love, but trying to hide it. And your cousin is in love with the man that was in the doorway and has issues with her father." Carter shrugged. "That's all. It was a lot of people and we were only there for five minutes."

Donovan stopped walking and looked at her. His eyes held a look of amazement that made Carter's heart flip.

"You are something else, Carter Owens."

"I know."

Donovan laughed and kissed her. Carter wanted to stay in the moment, but Donovan pulled away. They continued on, following Maddy and Link. As they walked, her thoughts turned back to the Green Room.

"The strange thing about the whole room," she said, "was I got the sense that they all seemed to know each other."

"I guess it's true what they say, then," Donovan said. "It's a small world after all."


Whadda up buttercup!

Okay, so to explain what this special was this will be a longish author's note, so buckle in or you know...skip it.

My sisters and I decided to create this universe called the Girl Power Galaxy, or GPG for short. It's where our characters make appearances in each other's books, like hidden easter eggs. You might have experienced this already. Like Lennon and Kade showing up in Sebastian and Amelia's book, as well as Elliot's book. Elliot and Cece were mentioned in Sky and Knox's story as well was as Kade. The Wild Wallflowers made an appearance in Kit's story! It's our way of having fun and connecting all the different stories!

So since there was a lot of characters I'll explain who goes with what book:

Lennon and Kade are from A Second Chance, the first book I posted on here.

Amelia and Sebastian are from Every Second, the first book to have the cross over.

Bobbi, Theo and Sam are from Someday, Maybe by my amazing sister murphnturf. You should most definitely check it out, because I am in love with it!

Elliot and Cece are from Mr. Write, my first truly humorous book. (Currently unavailable)

Sky and Knox are from Celebrity Cruise, posted on my profile but written by my wonderful sister JoymomentsSISTER. I love that one as well!

Kit and Edison are from Three Weeks, a book cowritten with JoymomentsSISTER.

Reeve is from Five Years of Fame, which my sister murphnturf wrote and it's brilliant! 

Then back to Carter and Donovan, who you already know and love!

So there you have it! The ultimate cross over!

What did you think of it?

For you guys who actually have read all the other books, how did you like it?

And I know I gave away some spoilers to the other books, but you have to remember something: it's not about the ending but the journey!

So if you haven't already met those wonderful characters, go check them out! Thank you for reading, laughing, dancing and jumping around! (I'm not sure if you did those last things, but who knows? Maybe you did!)

If you want to show some love, I take ice cream, votes, comments and follows, but the first one is preferred!

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