The BadAss Mate

By MilkyWay27

439K 10.1K 1K

{Book 2} Conan Ludwig. He's a werewolf. But not just any other werewolf, he is the adopted son of Nathan Ludw... More

The BadAss Mate (E)
1: Conan (E)
2: Lena (E)
3: Tired (E)
4: Ditching (E)
5: Information (E)
6: Accepted (E)
7: They're Mates (E)
8.1: First Date (E)
8.2: The First Date (E)
9: Hanging Out With The Royalty (E)
10: Sweet Side of Conan (E)
11: Suspicious
12: The Vampire
13: Fight for a Heart
14: Definition of Love
15: Broken
16: Different
17: Perfectly Puzzled Family
19: Leading Him On
20: Truth's Out
21: Never Leaving
22: Surprise Visit
23: Betrayal
24: Pure Human with Powers
25: Preparation
26: War is the Answer
27: Torture
28: What About Me?
29: Over Again
30: Lena is Dead
31: Scavenger Hunt
Yes or no?
The Bet

18: Heat

9.6K 260 38
By MilkyWay27

The BadAss Mate

18: Heat

~*~*~ Lena Carter's Point of View ~*~*~

"Are you serious? What if we got caught?" I looked around, worriedly.

"I thought you were a bad ass." Parker smirked.

"I am." I said, firmly, "I'm just making sure the cops won't catch us."

"They won't." Gerard chuckled, "They won't be able to catch up with us, we're were-" He cut himself off as he looked at Parker, "I'm we're-we're, uh, we're fast runners."

Parker grinned, "Yeah, man. You're from track, right?"

"Yeah, he is." Violet glared at Gerard, "In fact, we're all from track."

"Woah, seriously? Well, damn." Parker chuckled.

We trespassed inside an abandoned house that Parker, Gerard and Callum saw yesterday, so they decided to have fun in here with the whole gang, and fortunately, the asshole's not invited.

"I swear, Gerard, if we get caught I'm going to kill you." I hissed.

Gerard laughed at me, "Uh-huh. Parker was the one who wanted to come here."

"Don't blame this on me, you wanted to come too." Parker argued.

"Come on, guys. I thought we'll have some fun?" Callum groaned.

"Fine." Deb huffed, "What are we going to do then?"

Chris grinned, as he opened the cabinet and took out three bottles of alcohol, "This."

"No." Violet shook her head, "No way."

"Oh, come on, let loose guys. Let's have some fun." Parker pleaded, grabbed a bottle from Chris and laid it on the table beside the other two bottles.

I sighed and shrugged, "Why not?"

"Lena!" Violet and Deb exclaimed.

"What? It's just a few drinks, guys. You wanted me to act bad and rebel, right?" I said, shrugging again.

Violet sighed, rubbing her hand on her face, "Fine!"

"You don't have to, you know?" Chris added quickly, as he turned to his mate, "I don't want you to feel pressured."

"Too late." Violet smiled sarcastically.

"Damn it, we want to have fun and forget the problems we're having right now. Stop fighting and have a damn break." Gerard exclaimed, trying to hold himself back from cussing repeatedly.

Deb groaned, "Whatever." She grabbed the bottle opening it as she took some cups from the same cabinet Chris opened a while ago.

I grabbed a cup from her gratefully as I poured an alcohol on it. I bit my lip, looking at the drink I'm holding. I felt someone nudge me, I turned and saw Parker smiling, "Try it."

I stared at him for a few minutes before sighing, "This better be worth it." I held the cup on my mouth and took a few sips. I grimaced at the bitter taste, feeling my throat burn as I gulped.

"Don't sip it, gulp it down. If you sip, then it'll taste more awful." He said.

Grumbling, I gulped down the drink feeling it burn down my throat again. But, this time it tasted a little bit better.

He smiled at me.

"It still tastes awful." I scrunched my nose.

"It's your first time that's understanding." He shrugged.

"Let's play something!" Callum exclaimed.


I am never going to drink ever again, I grabbed my head, groaning as I collapsed back on Violet's bed. I turned and saw that all of us crashed on Violet's room. Violet has the largest room next to Conan's and the Alpha and Luna's, of course.

We were lucky that Violet have an extra single bed on the corner of the room where I crashed. Callum and Deb was sleeping on the couch, Violet and Chris slept on Vi's bed, Parker and Gerard was sleeping messily on the floor.

I sat up, groaning at my pounding head, "Parker and Gerard are dead."

I remember the two of them messing with me and kept on making me lose on a card game purposely so that I would have to drink more alcohol. I plugged on a cotton on both my ears that I found on Vi's nightstand. Don't ask why they're there because I honestly don't know. I grabbed a whistle and my phone as I took a picture of Gerard and Parker sleeping next to each other.

Parker's hand was on Gerard's stomach, close to his you-know-what, Gerard's leg was spread out making it look like that Parker's trying to seduce him. Parker's head was resting on his right, facing Gerard, who's mouth was wide open as he snored. Gerard's hand was behind his head and the other was on Parker's chest. Their legs were intertwined making me try to stifle my laughter harder.

Taking a deep breathe, I checked the cottons on my ears, fixing it properly. I put the whistle on my mouth and leaned in on both of their ears as I blew the whistle.

Their eyes widened as they sat up quickly, making me stumble back at their sudden action. I laughed at their faces, I looked up and saw the others also got woke up. Parker and Gerard grabbed their heads before throwing a death glare at me.

I grinned at them after taking off the cottons in my ear, throwing it somewhere on the floor, "Goodmorning to you too." I stood up and wiped my jeans unconsciously.

Parker groaned as he stood up with Gerard, "Damn it, Lena."

'What? It's you guys fault, you cheated so that I would lose and will have to drink more alcohol. See? Karma's a bitch." I grinned.

"More like revenge." Gerard grumbled, grabbing his head before walking out of Violet's room.

Callum rubbed his eyes, "Let's go to the kitchen, I'm sure auntie Shay made us food and water."

"I thought coffee makes hangovers better?" Violet asked in her raspy voice.

"Water's better." Parker agreed.

We all went out of Violet's room together and walked straight into the kitchen to see mo- I mean, Shay's there already putting the foods on the table with Conan sitting on the counter, texting on his phone. This was the first I saw him since the incident last week.

He looked up and connected eyes with me, I quickly looked away. I glared at Parker who screamed on my ear, "Damn you."

"Reveeeenge." He sang.

I scoffed, and sat down next to Violet who was muttering and grumbling under her breath. Gerard sat next to me and glared as he clutched his head. I sighed and kept my head down on the table.

"Why is Gerard glaring at Lena?" Aunt Rayleen or Shay asked. I think I'll go with Shay.

"She blew a whistle on his and Parker's ears for getting her drunk last night." Deb muttered as she rested her chin on her fist.

"Feisty." She cackled, "Now, eat and drink you all look awful."

"Thanks to these people who got us drunk." I muttered loud enough to hear.

"Hey! Stop blaming us, you wanted it too!" Parker exclaimed before wincing at his own volume.

Chris took a bread and threw it at Parker, "Shut up. You're making my headache worse."

"Why didn't Conan come with you guys?" Aunt Shay asked. We all tensed and looked at her, she seemed to sink in the realization and remembered what happened, she cleared her throat, "Ahh.. Right."

I rubbed my head, "I'm never drinking again."

"Yeah, right." Callum scoffed, "You were so hyper last night."

"I am?" I asked at the same time as Parker said, "She is?"

"You two don't remember anything?" Gerard laughed.

"Shh!" I exclaimed, "My head's pounding."

Aunt Shay smiled at us and went out of the kitchen. At the corner of my eyes, I looked at Conan who was silently eating his food and staring at his phone.

"What the hell happened anyway? All I remember was we played card, I lost every round because the two of you," I pointed at Parker and Gerard with a fork, "Cheated, and then everything's blurry." I shrugged.

Parker scrunched his eyesbrows in concentration and then his eyes widened in surprise, "Oh! Oh, now I remember." He laughed.

I frowned, "What happened?" Parker shrugged as Violet laughed under her breathe, I punched her arm, "Tell me!"

Chris chuckled, "You almost stripped."

My jaw dropped, "What?!"

They, excluding Conan, winced at me, "We stopped you, but you kept on insisting, and we argued for a while but you finally conceded." Parker said.

I grumbled, "That is so embarassing."

"And you kissed me."

"What?!" I yelled at Parker.

He threw his hands up in surrender, "I pushed you away, don't worry about it. I didn't take advantage of you or anything, But, damn, you're really good at seducing when you're drunk."

"Disgusting, Parker. Ew." I scrunched my face.

Parker scoffed, "Excuse me?"

"Nothing." I shrugged.

Parker crossed his arms and ate his food, glaring at me, "And don't think that I'll let you off with what you did a while ago."

I grinned and took out my phone, "Oh, yeah. Before I forget, look at these. You two are so cute." I gushed.

I showed them the picture of Gerard and Parker making the rest laugh as Gerard and Parker fumed on their seat.

"It's not my fault." I shrugged, "It's your actions and I just took a picture of it, so it'll last longer."


"Violet, why is it so hot?" I exclaimed, pacing around her room as the others were relaxing on Vi's very very soft carpet.

"Lena, what the hell is wrong with you?" Violet asked, looking at me, "My aircon's on and it's almost Winter. Why do you feel hot?"

"I don't know!" I groaned, "It's so hot." I rubbed on my skin, "And, my skin's burning." I collapsed on her bed sweating my body off.

"Oh my god, Lena." Deb sighed, "You're sweating too much."

"Wait.." Chris sniffed the air, "Heat."

Violet's eyes widened, "Shit."

"Well, Lena's going through that because it's the exact two months she met Conan." Deb explained.

"Fortunately, Chris and Callum are our mates, so they won't come lunging on you out of nowhere." Vi muttered.

Parker frowned looking at us confused, "What does Conan have to do with Lena?"

We got lucky that he didn't hear what Violet muttered.

We looked at him Callum opened his mouth to make up an excuse before I felt myself getting pinned on the floor. I squealed in surprise, I looked up and saw Gerard above me, his eyes were black as he stared at me lustfully.

"Guys!" I exclaimed, trying to push him off, his canines were already showing ready to mark me, "Gerard, get off!"

"Shit." I heard someone yell, "Conan!"

"Gerard!" I pushed on his chest, he tried to kiss me, but I pushed his face away, "Get off." I felt my stomach hurting in heat, my wolf was whimpering for her mate.

Before I could even blink, they got Gerard off of me, as Callum and Parker held him, I quickly stood up in hurry, breathing heavily as I stared at Gerard, who's trying to get away from Callum and Parker.

Someone grabbed me and dragged me out of Violet's room to another room. I looked up and saw Conan breathing heavily, "Lena."

"What?" I sighed, running my hand through my hair, "Shit."

"You're in heat."

"Don't you think I knew that? My friend just lunged at me!" I exclaimed, huffing a breath, putting my hand on my forehead, "And not to mention, I'm sweating my ass off."

Conan pinned me on the wall, staring in my eyes, I noticed his eyes were pure black, "I know how to let them back off."

I frowned, "How?"

"I'll have to mark you."

"What? But-"

He nuzzled his head on my neck, making my breath hitch, I felt him peck on my neck. I ran my hand through his dirty blonde locks, tangling on it as I pushed him closer on my neck. He left open mouthed kisses on it, before I felt his canines where my neck and shoulder meets. He licked in that spot before biting on it.

I gasped in pain as I felt his canines sink in, I groaned feeling him suck on it, "Conan."

He pulled away, licking his lips before planting his lips on mine.

~Hi. :)

I'm not sure if you love me for making Conan mark Lena or hate me because of that. Because most of you are voting on Lucas. Lol.

So.. Hello. :)

I got nothing to say. So, that's it and maybe I'll update next chapter earlier if you vote and comment.

Now, I'll go back watching Sam & Cat. <3 Byeee. :))


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